ITT: post the coolest faggots in vidya

ITT: post the coolest faggots in vidya

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lmao wrecked

Hard to beat Sylv, that's for sure.
I dont even use him in my party. Should I? Usually do Hero, Erik, Veronica, Serena

He’s not gay he’s just eccentric and based

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>tricked into getting *puff puff* by chicks dad in Gollapolis

I don't know if Sylv is the gay one in this game.

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He's really good as an all-purpose once he has Oomph and whatever his party heal ability is, I can't remember. Really you should be hotswapping people whenever convenient, bringing him in to replace Serena or Erik if you don't have time for a resurrect, etc

He is 100% essential on the hard mode since he gets that AoE heal so early

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He can be good to buff your damage dealers with MultiOomph, to heal decently, and to dish out some additional damage. Late game, he also gets Ladies First, allowing Veronica to act twice.
I enjoy having him in my team sometimes (especially if I'm using Rab or Jade), but I'd rather roll with 8th, Erik, Hero and Veronica.


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Do you mean like gay characters, or only the super flaming ones?

Attached: FE_Echoes_Leon.png (2067x3199, 2.65M)

I'm flattered, user

user, I...

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He eventually gets very useful but I found him difficult to use until he gets this crazy powerful ability to just give a female party member another turn.

Well, he is a bi-slut, so that changes nothing

>Getting married and locking yourself down to one gender
He's a stupid bi-slut

Scerazard is a smart and progressive woman, she won't lock her man up, they'll just start fornicating together.


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But he's not gay?
Did you even play the game.