Is it important that I play this before kiwami 2?

is it important that I play this before kiwami 2?

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No, it does an alright job at showing a recap near the start of the game. I would still recommend it though.

play the games in release order. going from kiwami to kiwami 2 to yakuza 3 would be really jarring because of the technical differences.

Skip all of them and just play Yakuza 6. It's kino without even knowing any of the story.

play 0.

The bomb being a fake sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.

i am right now, currently chapter 8 but just doing cabaret stuff

It has a lot of closure for a lot of characters from 0. But skipping it isn't bad, it's really just a bunch of reused assets from 0.

I'd say no. Kiwami is 0 without the soul, good substories or kino bossfights and will only serve to burn you out before Kiwami 2

>The bomb being a fake
Stopped reading there
The bomb wasn't fake. The trigger was removed.

What's the difference? The point is it was never going to go off

The bomb bullshit ruined a kino ending, they could've continued on the franchise with a new character Akyiama for example but no they had to fucking blew it

nah, Zero might be the only medium where you should really start with the prequel
makes you appreciate the things that happen in Kiwami lot more

guys please
i want to get this haircut
but i dont want to show my barber a video game
also i cant tell if its a nice haircut or if kryu is gorgous, you think it would look good on an uggo
do you have a picture of some guy with this hair?

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Akyiama isn't a Yakuza tho

The only issue I've heard from people playing zero as their first is that they dislike how Majima is acting in the "later" games

Be completely honest, user. Are you autistic?


>Akyiama isn't a Yakuza tho
Neither is Kiryu in most games, he gets involved in mob bullshit all the time anyways.

Everything about Yakuza's design, from the VN "gameplay" to the repetitive unchallenging routine brawls to the melodramatic over the top storytelling is designed to appeal to autists.
It's a power fantasy for autistic people who would love to be able to beat up a bunch of guys with ease and have every single beautiful woman melt at the sight of you no matter how little interest you show them.

user you are not a artist designed idealized character, that's like being one of those people who dress like anime characters.

You're going to be a bit lost with some of the things they talk about in K2, but K2 does have a reminisce function of sorts. K1 also functioned as a way to give Nishiki some fleshing out and it ends several stories 0 brought to the table. At the end of the day you're still skipping a full game in a story and character-heavy series.

There's also the upcoming dilemma of someone jumping back to 3 HD after K2. May or may not pose an issue since people will most likely be expecting more Dragon Engine or even something like 0 or K1 rather than understand that they're jumping to an older game. That's still more of a hypothetical situation though.

It would look pretty normal without the sideburns

I have been mocked in the past for not getting emotional during some of "the great" films and tv shows out there. (I'm a little autistic) But Yakuza and anime can make me emotional because the writing is melodramatic and it's always very clear what I should be feeling. The music helps, but mostly I like that the characters all say clearly how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This helps me understand them and I can feel myself getting emotional from the sad parts.

Play 0 and drop the series there. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.

the sudden expansion in level of detail in 2 is amazing. i always wanted to walk around inside don qujiote and read all the stuff for sale, and you can do just that. bring a fight inside of a poppo and absolutely fuck it all up. there's new shortcuts and alleyways that can be explored. some buildings you can walk around in.

the drastic change in combat & engine feels awful and left me feeling like this was not yakuza anymore especially after realizing that kicking bikes at people becomes a more effective strategy than actually trying to take on groups of thugs with your firsts alone. heat actions require very specific timing and levels of git gud. k2 lacks that feeling of control over spontaneity for what feels like a really long time. i'm on ch5 and the lack of good unarmed heat actions makes kiryu feel like a total pussy imo.

im not gonna comment on the story at all as these games are really hard to take seriously after 0.

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Sorry user, going to borrow your thread.

I just finished Kiwami, how's Kiwami 2 in comparison?

>boring substories
>main plot often goes on the backburner for unrelated shit like "oh let's help Date reconcile with his daughter" or "hey let's help The Florist's son hook up with a mobster's daughter" or "let's run around town hitting up hostess clubs for a Shangri-La pass"
>all game spent on making Nishikiyama look like a little bitch in flashbacks and he's just an afterthought after some literal who politician takes over as main villain 2 chapters before the end
>introduce the Kiwami system as some superawesome combat finisher but in the end it's just a measure to keep bosses from regenerating half an HP bar thrice per battle
>bosses with guns and superarmor? No, wait, bosses with guns, superarmor, grenades and flunkies with guns that revive as flunkies with knives!

I liked Kiwami as a whole but these things really killed my buzz. Are they fixed in Kiwami 2?

lol. tell them you want a generic short haircut.

Same for me
I like that at all times there is never any question how I am supposed to be feeling or thinking during a scene

I'm just glad with more and more studios trying to make money from normies Yakuza stays true to the autistic audience. I mean, why wouldn't you? Look at how much Minecraft makes.

Kiryu still isn't in Tekken, or Smash Bros.

The Kiwami 2 substories are on the same level and a lot of them were simplified or outright removed in comparison to OG 2, story is a lot better, no boss regen system, no bosses with guns and super armor that are bullshit besides the side ones with the Amon brothers.

Yakuza still isn't that popular outside the dedicated fanbase. 0 was the biggest seller but a lot of people dropped it after that because they were bored before it ended. Those who continued played Kiwami which killed the remaining enthusiasm. The games aren't great and will never be big as long as they continue to be so repetitive and feature such weak gameplay and writing. They are timesinks and that's not what the average player wants. For every weeb who claps and bounces up and down in their seats at the sight of anything japanese there are a hundred players who don't care and just want a good game.
Does the average player give a shit about the big crab shop logo from osaka being in the game? Does the average player give a shit about some jap actor they've never heard of before having their face in game? Does the average player give a shit about REAL LIFE BRANDED DRINKS being in the game? No.

Substories are still like in 1 but they added a lot more new ones so they have the humor and story structure the newer games do. Keep in mind these are the first games they ever made. It took until roughly around Kenzan and 3 before they started getting to the substories you start to see more from around Ishin onward, and even then there's still filler ones all the time. 6 had lots of humorous ones as did Ishin while 5 had some good ones here and there but a lot of them were short or weren't too memorable.
Nah, it's not like that here. 1 and 3 are the only games where it has you just doing superfluous stuff to pass the time, though in 3's it's more to pass the time with the kids and sell them as characters Kiryu cares about so it makes sense for how the story is meant to be taken in the first place which is a relaxed beach episode. You do spend some time with Kaoru though later on
Nishiki was barely in the first one to begin with, the scenes showing his downfall are all new and needed to get people coming from 0 to understand why he's such a cunt. In the original 1 he was just an absolute cunt you didn't give a shit about and he was barely in the story at all. It was more about Yumi.
>Kiwami system.
Yeah, it's an annoying problem everyone has with K1. It's a K1 thing, don't worry about later games having it.
>Last point.
Super armor is more of an Ishin, 0, and K1 thing. Kiryu and Saejima can do it with certain moves in 4, 5, and 6, but overall that's not usually an issue. 4's the only time you'll see something less fun than him and it's only Tanimura's boss which everyone agrees is just garbage even if you're wearing the Sacred Tree Armor set.

TL;DR, yes, it's much better, but go into it understanding it's still a remake of 2 at the end of the day.

To be fair, Amon is fair game for being bullshit because that's their entire point. It's a super boss but he's usually done fairly so that you don't need to cheese.

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Normally when you get into a physical fight IRL with more than 2 people, you're usually the one that lands in the hospital bed, not the other way around.

Are you me?
This is probably why I also watch a lot of children's entertainment (anime, cartoons, comic book movies) instead of all the normie shit other people my age do
Children's media is just easier to understand emotionally
I'm also a big fan of Yakuza and Persona

this is the amount of locker keys you can find just walking around being autistic enjoying the level of detail in kamurocho. they're all laying exactly where you'd expect them to be. i didn't even go inside of every building, or purgatory.

the locker keys in sotenbori are a complete joke. they aren't hidden at all. you will find all of them. you don't even need the key finder.

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wtf? Yes.

This. I know a bunch of people who got Yakuza 0 and couldn't believe how boring it was. Or they liked it up until a certain point and then found it repetitive. Very few of them showed interest in buying another.

>go into it understanding it's still a remake of 2 at the end of the day
That's fair. Thanks for the elaborate reply, user.

I didn't ask for a novel. Kiryu would fit very well into both Tekken and Smash Bros.

>Yakuza still isn't that popular outside the dedicated fanbase.

Yeah because you heard of Fire Emblem before Melee. You were a big fan, you loved Marth and Roy.

play every single one and when you finish 6 come back and thank me personally :^)

Oh sorry, I didn't realise you didn't want to discuss it, you just wanted to stamp your feet and demand Kiryu gets into smash like a big autistic baby

does judgment have any of those stupid digital exclusive preorder bonuses like they did with kiwami 2?

>more than 5 words
I hate fags who think Yea Forums is just for shitposting. The only good posts are the ones where people actually explain their thoughts. Literally every other post is worthless.

A ps4 theme

Everything that you have said in this post is wrong. So, congrats.

Yeah but the people who explain their thoughts either get cyclical arguments or get met with "Tranny" when the other guy is foaming at the mouth

>after realizing that kicking bikes at people becomes a more effective strategy than actually trying to take on groups of thugs with your firsts alone
Street weapons in general have always been a more effective strategy than using your fists in every single game. Hell, bikes in 1 do a third of an enemy's entire health bar and once you get to about 3 or 4 you can literally hit an enemy multiple times as they're falling to the ground with the ending combo spin. Saejima can even one-shot groups of enemies with stop signs in 5 which are everywhere in Tsukimino and Kiryu and Saejima can both lift motorcycles and electronic substations which are on virtually every street corner to one-shot any mook and do chunks of boss health in damage.
I get what you're saying though, the thing with the new engine is that enemies now bounce you with their blocks which they never did before which leads to the fighting feeling way less fun due to combos being stopped mid-attack. You can continue the combo afterwards but it just sucks the feeling of having punched someone right out of you. They're slowly fixing it but it's still there in Judgment, it's just more for bosses, and in 6 you dropkick or grab everyone anyway. Keep in mind once you get to like 200 in every stat and get the attack speed and bounce delay later on it gets much better.

>heat actions require very specific timing
Examples? Almost everything he has has super long proc times barring taunt stuff, even the Komaki Fist Reversal has a way longer window than usual. Keep in mind that it's just like in every other game where an enemy has to not be in an attack animation to perform a Heat Action on them.

It has an exclusive theme, but it does have a bunch of other DLC. Stuff like clothes for your dates (If I understood it right), the magic orbs, and a few other things. The pre-order stuff went up for sale like two weeks later if you actually wanted it since it was a bonus in the JP version as well.

Yes, people reply with worthless shitposts. Exactly my point.
If you could specifically filter out every post on Yea Forums that was shorter than 2 sentences the quality would be about 1000% better instantly.

What's the ultimate autistic fantasy? Walking down a street and guys starting fights with you (you don't start fights with them because you're the good guy at the end of the day) and then they form a big group and you beat the shit out of all of them effortlessly. They barely get a punch in. You even do cinematic takedowns that make you look cool. Then they thank you for it, they bow down and WORSHIP you and give you gifts as an apology for what they've done.
Then you go to a hotel where 20 women, who all look like the most beautiful famous women there are, incidentally, all really want you to spend time with them. Why? Because you're just so great.

Yakuza isn't a huge seller because the only good one is 0 and most of the people who bought it got tired of it before the end because they found out Yakuza games aren't actually that good no matter how many ecelebs celebrate how cuuuhraaaayzee they are by making montages of silly moments.

No, fuck off. Play the games in the release order, start with Zero and you're just going to go "B-b-but how can I go back and play Yakuza 3? It's sooooo old!"

>Yakuza games aren't actually that good
why aren't they?
give some proper reasons that aren't surface level shit like "the combat is repetitive" or "the storylines are shit". actually give me a detailed, and well thought out response.

Oh so now you want a novel? Fuck off faggot


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so you were a shitposter the whole time?
good to know.

no them but do you really think the combat ISN'T repetitive? there are 7 games where you spent most of the time fighting the same two types of enemies a million times over. and they don't even pose a threat.

I'm an extremely lonely guy who has issues and hasn't spoken to a girl in person for more than 5 minutes in years, so things like this really appeal to me. I don't care about any flaws in the Yakuza games because I really, really need experiences like this in games.

yakuza 1s story is improved if you've played zero beforehand and actually have some ties to nishikiyama so you can understand why kiryu gives a shit about the faggot at all.

How is the gameplay itself AND the writing in Yakuza games being subpar "surface level shit"? The gameplay being bad is a CORE problem, not a surface level one. A surface level complaint would be that the graphics aren't great.

>tell me why the yakuza games aren't good but don't even think about criticizing them while you do so!

Iunno man, I played Zero and then Kiwami and still thought Nishikiyama was an unlikable cunt in the latter.

i don't think so, since as you level up, you gain more techniques you can use at your disposal, and there's also a bunch of weapon types you can utilise as well.
there's also more than two types of enemies, since a lot of the mooks you encounter have different movesets.
>and they don't even pose a threat.
that's an issue with the lower difficulties more than anything, though i do admit that 0 in particular is poorly balanced so you can pretty much plow your way through anything with certain styles.

most definitely

>reddit zoomers trying to shit on yakuza combat
git gud

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it's surface level shit since you're just saying "they're subpar" without actually explaining why they are.
why are they subpar, why is the combat/story shit?
you need to actually fucking explain why.

This is how you play them

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 0 > Kiwami > 6 > Kiwami 2

I guess one of the enemies sorta tried to attack? Sorta

Nishiki still isn't in Mortal Kombat.

>enemies can be unhittable, cancelling a dodge into another fucking dodge multiple times
>your dodge, on the other hand, has no i-frames at all
>enemies can break out of combos if they want to
The game's just bullshit when the devs want to have a difficult battle.

The combat is sub par though. I say that as a fan. Most fans agree.
And while the story is fun, it's not exactly well written. Too many nonsensical twists out of nowhere and things that happen just to have a big dramatic scene but don't have any lasting impact.
Plus you spend 90% of the games walking from one conversation to the next and practically none of it even matters in the long run. The last hour of storyline tends to be its own thing and almost nothing that happened during the game matters.

at least you kind of get that they have a shared past and why kiryu would stick up for him. If you had none of that and just got thrown into kiwami 1 you'd be really annoyed with why anyone gives a shit about this piss ant at all.

This. Yakuza games have some of the best combat out there. Nobody can prove otherwise, which I think is really telling.

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>press the button to swing
You really didn't make much of a case for yourself here, outside of the kick it really doesn't look very good.

This is the only play order.

Not if you have played the OG Yakuza 1

sadly yes.

I'm glad Judgment brought over some juggling from north star

Why aren't the enemies doing anything
I'd call this subpar combat but I don't want to trigger anyone

If you can't be arsed to play from the first game on, then you have nothing to say on this board. No hugs and kisses for anyone too retarded to bother emulating 1 and 2.

i really enjoy PS2 1's combat and seeing how the combat style evolves and you can style with insane moves on everyone, even the more annoying bosses

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>The combat is sub par though. I say that as a fan. Most fans agree.
HOW is it subpar?
at least points out the poor shit certain bosses have a habit of of doing.
>Plus you spend 90% of the games walking from one conversation to the next
this is wrong, considering the fact that there's tons of side content you can do.
have you even played these games?

Dumb zoomer

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The only part that appeals to me personally is waifu dressup, but I'm glad there is something for you to enjoy, user!

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>pretends he's hardcore
>doesn't even include the PSP ones

You gotta be quick with the style switch if you want to actually juggle though. I think you can also potentially do it if you block on your launching finisher and then attempt to attack again but it definitely feels like you need to style change in order to have enough time to actually pull it out. It's very satisfying to pull it off though.

when I used the cutscene move that removed half their health I clapped

Is this a joke? This looks like dogshit. You don't even see this in bad western games these days.
But I guess he hit a button and did a cool animation at the end so suddenly the combat is really good? Get the fuck out of here

Story falls off a damn cliff towards the end please dont spread lies and have this man waste 20 dollars. I only say this cause i ordered zero and they sent me six.

Spot on

>Just finished the Amon fight after rushing to get Full dragon + sidequests
Fuck Mesuking
Fuck Majima everywhere
Fuck Hostesses
And thank fuck for tiger drop

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People shit on the goon fights for being cakewalks, which is fair. But the real fights are against the bosses, which are also easy. But sometimes they're really difficult, in which case you should just spam the same attack over and over until you win.

yakuza kiwami is just a video player application for cutscenes

And that's why I find the games an enjoyable time waster in the end

hey that's not fair
you get to look at character models stare at each other blankly while you read boring conversations too

>in which case you should just spam the same attack over and over until you win.
I only really fot this feeling in YK1 when I unlocked dragon drop
Maybe I'm too retarded even for Yakuza games but I still found a few bosses hard in early-mid game (namely sword guys, especially the dude in Serena's backlot)

Oh wait, sorry, I misread your post there

Ignore the shitposters user. We all know the combat in Yakuza is great no matter how many reddit zoomers try to say otherwise.

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It's a falseflagger playing like shit to make people hate Yakuza because he has autism. Pay him no mind.

five enemies and none of them even try attack you

Oh okay. Got any examples of good Yakuza gameplay?

I thought the conversations were the only reason to play sidestories though

No, I don't. But you just have to believe me when I say the gameplay is excellent, and ignore anyone who is posting actual examples that show otherwise.

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wow just like my favorite cinematic experience games

just uninstalled kiwami

thinking of you lads

Did you like it? Hate it?

This is QTE shit. Why does Yea Forums praise these games?
Better question, why does the guy in this clip put the ashtray in front of his face? I know they want the KEWL TAKEDOWN animation but it makes no sense at all.

No, but it's not really something you should get based on the combat. The story, characters, and detail are what make the game so good. All it has is simple beat em' up gameplay although it's still pretty fun.

He was talking to me, nigger.

Oh, okay then

bored by it. i was expecting a lot more gameplay but i just felt like i was doing errands in between longwinded cutscenes.

>it's not really something you should get based on the combat
For the millionth time, WHY is the combat subpar? EXPLAIN

Playing 0 first makes you realize what a barebones mod of it that Kiwami is. By contrast playing release order makes everything about Nishikiyama being a total bro in 0 all the more bittersweet.

Just from a gameplay perspective 0 straight to Kiwami is tedious, I played them a year apart and the whole time in Kiwami I felt like I was playing 0 with half the cool shit cut out rather than a separate game.

>The point is it was never going to go off
The point is that it was going to go off, but without the trigger it couldn't.
It doesn't make the bomb any more fake.
It wasn't hooked to a potato.

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Understandable. I get how you feel in regards to that.
Honestly I want to try out the original 1 just to see the comparisons now without the Y0 reuse

You're off on the woman thing, you have to spend five hours on the least entertaining autistic minigame ever just for the implication that one woman fucks you.

there's no challenge. it's bamham-tier

this isn't a very good counterargument to someone saying the yakuza games are for autists

It's way better than 2. The combat in 2 is shit. The story is also better. 2 is good but I liked 0 and 1 way more than 2.

>why does the guy in this clip put the ashtray in front of his face?

Because most people wouldn't actually punch through a glass ashtray for a fistful of broken glass shards. Which is what ould happen in real life.

Why bother replying if you don't read the rest of my post?

I'm not saying it's supbar. It's style over substance which is perfect for the kind of game it is, but I'm not going to say it's amazing or the reason you should get the game.

>the combat is bad but there are cool animations at the end so it's good

What a coincidence, the whole time I was playing 0 felt like I was playing 5 with half the cool shit cut out.

Just make a pocket racer spinofff

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It's those kinds of games where I don't have to sit down for a couple of hours straight and grind to really enjoy it, but when I pick it up I do find myself playing for a long time because it's so _________fun_________

I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that Yakuza isn't just about the goddamn combat.

Wow an enemy tried to hit you in this one, I'm impressed
>the main guy is killed with the press of one button and a coOoOoOoOol animation

stop replying to him.
just let him reply to himself since that's what he's been doing for a while now.

1's always worth a play just so you can see the point the franchise started from and what changed over the years. Side content's bare bones and most of the substories are shit, plot's okay and the music is absolutely fantastic. Combat's just fucking awful, it's amazing how much 2 improved on it by tweaking a few things to make it more responsive and arcadey, as well as really emphasizing heat actions.

Oh it is autistic, just not in the way you critiqued it. The power fantasy thing is spot on, Kiryu being super virginal in the story mode and having to jump through hoops for hours and hours of side content just for a virtual kiss on the cheek doesn't match up with your take.

You'd be better off pointing out the emphasis on Haruka and how it appeals to autists who want a pure and beautiful daughterfu, as people who are never going to reproduce and who have a very romantic notion of fatherhood.

But they're beat 'em ups though.

then how did he trigger the counter heat action at the end?

I simply asked if the combat in Yakuza games are good, and you've already told me that it isn't. So I'm not interested in playing them. What's the problem? Yes I understand there is a storyline and characters as well, but I need good gameplay if I'm going to be spending 100 hours playing one of these games, let alone 7.

Since when is wanting good gameplay a problem? If I didn't care about gameplay I'd "play" a VN.

>Combat design is just "How aggressive da enemy"
Guess MGR is the best since Revengeance ramps up A.I. aggressiveness by 1000%

The irony is the writing in the games is terrible as well, so it's funny when people say "who CARES if the combat sucks... you play for the story!!"

Both games have a taunt mechanic that increases enemy aggression and damage, the difference is it's way better implemented in Revengeance than Yakuza.

well yes COMBAT generally involves enemies that actually try hurt you, retard
yakuza feels like you're playing a street fighter bonus round, punching and kicking a car that can't hurt you. that's not good combat.

This. Yakuza enemies stand around like punchingbags approaching you slowly one by one just to be taken down and make the player feel cool. It's not challenging or even interesting.

>Both games have a taunt mechanic that increases enemy aggression and damage
Only in the DLC for revengeance, don't attempt to lie by omission, I've played the dogshit out of revengeance so spitting out half truths will make you look like a retard.
Because Yakuza doesn't emphasize trying to make mooks feel strong, they emphasize bosses and side bosses being really strong and kicking your shit in, you'd know this if you weren't just hanging around to shitpost and actually played any of the games you attempt to discuss, child

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Well, I never said it was bad combat, just passable for the type of game it is. I'm sorry for getting aggressive and calling your skull thick, but it's just that Yakuza threads ALWAYS devolve into combat shitposting and it gets frustrating to see it everytime.


Yeah I'm a huge Yakuza fag but after more than a decade the combat needs some major polish and reworking. It's fine as a basic beat 'em up but there's room for a ton of improvement there. More enemy types, better AI and the like.

>sarcastic shitposter is still here
How do you keep this up for over a year?

He does it from a place of love.

Okay so the combat for 95% of the fights you do are MEANT to be shit, got it.
And then the other 5% you're just meant to spam whatever you can until you win and then you tell yourself you're good and that the combat is challenging and rewarding.

Nice bait. stop shitposting any time

>MEANT to be shit
More like meant to make you feel like you're a badass.
Why the fuck would the Dragon of Dojima struggle with street punks?

What a fucking dogshit board. I'm actually done with this place now.

you fags keep saying this just to throw newfriends off since "release order" means playing Yakuza 1 and 2 first lmao. they are practically identical to their Kiwami versions except much worse. and anyway Y1/K1 is a poor start to the series, which the devs attempted to reconcile by making Y0. which everyone new to the series should play first so that the events in K1 don't seem like a rushed mess and it gives the characters involved more than just a passing glance.

It's funny how there are all these yakuza fans who seethe about 0 being a success when it's the sole reason they're getting rereleases at all. What a bunch of bitter, shortsighted faggots. They don't deserve jack shit.

This. Zero is a great place to start, knew many people who got really into the series from 0. If any yakuza fag gives shit for not starting at zero, they’re just a pretentious asshole who thinks nothing can be enjoyed unless it’s their way.
Not everyone is like you and shuns games because they’re old. Stop sounding like an autist, you’re the worst kind of yakuza fan.

ask for a low fade medium on top

specifically ask for the sides to be done with #3 blade

>ignore the webms, yakuza games have great combat!
cool can you post some?


>uhm, calm down m'lady. 'Tis only a videogame.

Reply to me next time if you really want to throw hands

dude I don't even hate yakuza I just thought it was funny that someone asked to see good gameplay and the guy defending it literally said no and couldn't

None of the old fanbase asked for rereleases. None of the old fanbase asked for threads filled with people who have no idea what they are talking about. Buy a PS3 it's not that expensive.

I get that you're mad, but there's no need to respond to me.

lol jesus christ

nigga, people have been asking for rereleases and PC ports to play the games at 60fps for ages.

imagine being THIS upset that new people might play a game you liked ten years ago and point out flaws in it

If you want to get into the series then buy a PS3 or stop making a fool of yourself until the remasters are out. Either one is fine.

At least I don't remember anyone asking for remaster in the old Yakuza threads. Must have not been that many people.

There are a few yakuza fans who want to stay in a bubble where nobody ever criticizes them and they just circlejerk the games until the end of time. Each yakuza game has flaws. There's nothing wrong with talking about them. Unfortunately some fags see these discussions as "attacks" and try shut discussion down instantly. It's really pathetic. The yakuza fanbase is pretty good overall but there are definite shitheels in there too.

I don't care about criticism when it comes for someone who is informed, and no people who only played 3 Yakuza games are not informed.

what a load of horseshit
I bet a million dollars the moment you see a yakuza opinion you don't like you dismiss it by imagining a "0fag PCfag secondary" or whatever even if the reality is they've 100% every single fucking yakuza game ever made

I have seen many of the posts in this thread before, verbatim. The real autistic one is you user

Now THIS is autism

He lived though.

People have wanted a version of 3 with the cut content put back in since release in 2007.

Except you know the fact that the only games being discussed in these threads 99% of the time are the shitty new games.
That's also the sign of a clear Yakuza newfag.

Well bring up a discussion point about one of the older games you unbearable sperg
The other games get discussed plenty. You crying about the new games isn't improving threads or contributing anything.

I've been on Yea Forums for ten years, this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen
Everything about this post is so wrong on so many levels

Yeah only for 3 and only because it was butchered. Not many people wanted or cared for a rerelease of 4 and 5.

Be honest with me Yea Forums, is Kiwami really THAT bad? I'm really tempted to buy it since it's pretty cheap. Last Yakuza I played was 0 two years ago

>newer games in a yearly franchise are more discussed than the old ones
>2 is still held up as one of the best games in the franchise even after it finally got reprints and the remake came out
>3 and 4 still get more meme discussion than newer games get actual discussion

Believe me I have many times in the past only for it to get drowned out. I've given up at this point and am begging new people to just play the other games.

Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.

It's not that it's bad, just lackluster compared to 0 with it being a PS2 remaster and all

Those bikinis are in the game?

Z00merfags stay z00ming.
You're the reason why nu-Yakuza fans can't play anything that isn't Yakuza 0, K1, K2, or 6.

Zerofags are the worst thing to happen to Yakuza threads on Yea Forums.

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>forgetting all the people bitching about no physical release for 5

I was one of them.

It's just a worse version of 0 with 1's story copy and pasted onto the engine. The only outright bad thing is the remixes, people hated Majima Everywhere and it is very tedious but it's still optional and a great source of EXP. It's fine.

stay mad faggot and stop shitting up every Yakuza thread with your shitty opinion.

These threads always make me wonder if people remember 3,4 and 5 exist

I've never seen people complaining about the other yakuza games being too old, they just criticize them for being shit or underwhelming.
People have called 3 shit since it came out.
It's not players fault if they started with the only one that is worth playing.

0 is the best Yakuza game, and you know it, too. But you HATE that that's true because you think everyone needs to have playing Yakuza "your" way because you have autism.

This. They're not even THAT old of games.
Playing them in release order is the intended order, and is the one that makes the most sense in terms of gameplay progression.

It literally makes no sense to go from Zero to Kiwami to Kiwami and then all the way back to 3.
And then nu-age "fans" whine that Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 feel too different when they're the ones who chose to play the games out of order.
They also have a tendency to bitch about any game that doesn't have multiple styles you can switch to on the fly, so they can't even enjoy Kiwami 2 or Yakuza 6 despite being newer games.

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It's got issues with regards to pacing (There's an entire chapter just dedicated to solving family issues completely separate from the actual story going on, but this existed in 1 itself), the Majima Everywhere system is fun at first but gets progressively more irritating as you play, DoD is ruined because of Majima Everywhere and requires roughly 30-40 fights to actually become usable, the Kiwami system is really dumb but it's pretty easy to circumvent (It's more annoying than anything), the bosses aren't unique anymore and are just reusuing movesets from different games outside of Arase (They gave Shimano Shakedown's moveset and Nishiki's guy Tennin Rishin), and there's this really annoying thing they added where enemies can knock you down to the ground during multiple portions of their combos which leads to frustrating fights until you get used to it.

It's a remake of 1, it has some of the weaknesses of 1 and feels a bit like an expansion pack to 0, but at the same time it does some nice things with regards to the style switching, DoD fully upgraded feels alright, the new content is fun, and it's just fine. Nothing spectacular, nothing terrible, just fine.


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Cry moar z00merfag.

In other words they cry because they're not piss-easy like Zero.
The biggest criticism of Zero the moment it came out was how much of a fucking push-over it was compared to any Yakuza game to that point. Now nu-Yakuza fans cry and ragequit Yakuza 1 because enemies don't die in 3 hits and you're not allowed to just quickstep mid-combo to avoid getting punished for overcommitting.

Like I said, nu-age z00mer Yakuza fans are the worst thing to happen to these threads.

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The cabaret mini game is the only reason I still play 0 from time to time. It's time to order Kiwami 2 I guess

But all this is bullshit when the fucking facts are you spend 99% of fights pushing the same two buttons in the same way against the same two types of enemies

Anyone getting Judgment day one? Anything to worry about other than snoy rays? Enemies don't seem to be too aggresive.

>the combat is actually good because if you do enough boring side content you unlock a back kick
Is this a joke?

It's also in Fist of the North Star but it's a different take on it.

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The basic problem is that despite all the moves you get fighting enemies is still not fun, and the game rewards cheap tactics instead of complex ones. All enemies act in pretty much the same way, and either they are easy to react against or nearly impossible to react against.

>you spend 99% of fights pushing the same two buttons
Ah, so you are one of those guys who literally just mashes square, triangle and then bitches when the game doesn't let you do that without punishment.
Once again, proving Zerofags literally have no ground to stand on when talking about Yakuza's combat.

>"Waaaaaaah! You can't have me do side content to increase my arsenal! GIVE ME EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW FOR FREE! WAAAAH WAAAAAAAAH"

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It is not "punishing" when the enemy AI is asleep 90% of the time and do considerably less damage than you do at all times to boot though? Does he even believe the shit he's saying?

Play Kiwami or emulate the original, OP. It's the first game and it's great.

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but the game gives you absolutely no incentive to go "deeper"
if you can just mash the same buttons to beat braindead bad guys then that is shit combat, and the game doesn't have good combat just because I can potentially spend a lot of time unlocking moves that make it EVEN EASIER to beat the same braindead punching bags

I just got into the series.
Do you guys have to deal with that shitposter in every Yakuza thread?

Then why do all the nu-age fans bitch about Yakuza 1 being punishing?
I agree, it's not a super punishing game. It's not a hard game at any point. But it's still more challenging than Yakuza Zero, which is probably why newfags bitch so hard about it.

That's what he's addressing there, the newfags who whine and whine and whine about how frustratingly hard the original game is.

If you're just mashing the same buttons then chances are you're one of those faggots who always come into this thread crying about how some boss spanked your ass because you kept spamming and the game won't let you do that.

Yes, but don't worry we're all well aware of him. He calls every post he doesn't like bait and shitposting. Constantly tries to shut down discussion. Even the mods know about him. He tried to report people for criticizing Yakuza games and got btfo. He announced he was leaving Yea Forums forever but over a year later he's still in every single thread.

Great, how different is it?

how badly does your life have to be going to be on Yea Forums every single day to monitor yakuza threads for posts you don't like?

You're either talking about someone else, or you've got the wrong poster.

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Nah, he's sucking the dick of 1's terrible combat engine. 2 made most of these moves obtained via regular leveling up or some training with Komaki ten hours in. For the last seven years or so they've all been default moves for Kiryu.

1's issues are the terrible camera, heat gauge depleting like Kiryu has a leaky bladder so you have to taunt every five seconds to keep it full, and enemies dogpiling you from all sides with a very limited number of ways to deal with them, since dodging sucks, lock on's terrible and late game you just Tiger Drop everything. It's just frustrating more than actually punishing because they do shit damage. All you end up effectively doing is back and turn attacks, where you'll still take minor damage from the guy surrounding you until you've only got one enemy left, then you start slaughtering him with basic combos.

2 fixed the camera, improved the lock on and the dodges and made heat deplete slower at the cost of more abilities depending on you keeping it topped up.

What poster are you talking about?

He's falseflagging, user. He's the shitposter.
I 100% assure you he's going to claim that the "real shitposter" is any post saying anything critical about any yakuza game. He has mental issues. Just ignore him.

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I'm wondering what poster you're talking about. Because I have a feeling you're confusing me with him just because i'm against the z00merfags.

After playing the PS4 version at some event I'm definitely waiting for the PC port since it runs bad

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You have six hostesses. There are four tables and each table has two spots for hostesses to be assigned to. Fever Time functions like in 0/K2 but can also be used to kill a mook if he gets angry. Time is always flowing even when assigning the hostesses so you need to be fairly quick, and enemies tend to drain your HP incredibly fast even if you double-team the enemy. Ruffians (Like bandits) consume more HP and don't pay as much (Usually only appear if you're doing bad or the level is specifically a challenge with them) while you have rich dudes and other guys come in with the big bucks like usual.

Basically it's just slightly faster and a bit harder, your women get tired way faster and it's much more expensive to level them up so its a bit more tactical. Eventually you outlevel it all though and the women can solo tables on their own no problem.

Been following this series since the start and yes, Zero is actually an OK place to jump in. Only it's also the best game so rest of the series will suffer for it.

Oh, and people are a lot pickier which is a pain in the ass. You basically always need to have one of each type and then just bruteforce everything else with Fever Time because you can't please everyone, and people get angrier much quicker than in the other two games.

I think you're the one with mental issues. Not everyone who dislikes your play order is some boogeyman you've created.

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Why the fuck did they invite this bitch to the Monster Hunter panel? She didn't even enter Demon Mode once after claiming she mains DBs.

Way more grinding. Hostesses go up to 99 and you have to feed them items to speed it up. Hand signals are out, instead you have to deal with rowdy customers who deplete their health much faster and drive off peaceful high paying customers. If they start making a scene you can use Hokuto Shinken to kill them which makes regular patrons give extra tips but it costs meter to use which you need for hostess skills.

They all have unique skills which you'll be using a lot more of, and there's a ton of scenarios with different pass conditions (use all power type hostesses, use skills five times to pass, use Hokuto Shinken three times and still meet your quota). The worst part is you'll be doing it more than a hundred times to finish the worst substory in the game. It's okay but they really tapped the well, of ideas dry with his one, I'm fine with the minigame not coming back for a while after this.

Don't be a pussy, I brought a picture of Naked Snake to by barber in anticipation for MGS4.

Because little kids love rasslin and grinding games

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You only need to do it 50 times for the substory, 100 if you want the completion point which isn't required unless you're on JP. It definitely got a bit frustrating though, those asshole bandit leaders and their aura that did ridiculous damage was insane at times. I never had hostesses die before in the games and one alone could take out two if I wasn't careful. Once had all the tables filled with pissed off bandits and all my women were recovering their health, it was nightmarish.

If you're playing Yakuza for the story and not the ambiance, the cool factor and seeing buff grown men dance and sing karaoke, you're doing it wrong.

brb, just went to watch all the women wrestling competitions in the world.

It's complete shit compared to 0 and Kiwami 2.

stay mad

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I like Yakuza 5 the most :)

They're all equally shit with 6 being slightly worse and 0 being slightly better so really there's no controversial favorite. I mean hell it's basically the exact same game 7 times. Anyone who gets worked up over anyone else's most/least liked entry is a sperg.

Play all the games in release order.

Any actual good reason to do this other than "that's how I did it so that's how everyone should do it"?

stay trite

god i wish they add kiryu in tekken

There's a lot of callbacks to the previous games but it's mostly all in the optional side content. There's a bunch of stuff referenced in the PS3 games that gets retconned by Kiwami 1 and 2. Kenzan and IShin are both built on references to the rest of the franchise. Not to mention it becomes even more apparent how many assets they recycle between games if you start from the beginning.

3 has a trainer who trained under Granny White from 2, 4 has a bunch of substories for Kiryu that reference the first and second game, cabaret girl dialogue references the movies Kiryu starred in substories, Kamurocho Lullaby in karaoke comes from a substory in 2. The dine and dash guy from 3 comes back as a random crime for Tanimura in 4, the Artful Dodger keeps cropping up. 3 has a secret boss from the first game. Being a prequel half the pathos in 0 comes from knowing what the next twenty years entail for Kiryu and Majima.

No one is madder than you boi.

Harada doesn't give a shit about him so never ever. Shame too, his fighting style would be a great fit. Basic street brawling with some boxing and wrestling moves thrown in and a few proper Komaki martial arts moves when he gets fancy.

maybe if yakuza games sold better. oh well.

>Not to mention it becomes even more apparent how many assets they recycle between games if you start from the beginning.
So you should play them all and in release order so you notice even faster that the series is garbage?
I agree completely.

Glad we came to a mutual agreement friend :^)

Why do Zerofags have such a contempt for the Yakuza series?

ask he's the one who said it

The more I see of these threads the more I'm inclined to agree.
From the autists who admit they love it because of autism, to the utter spergs who clearly have mental issues but would never dare admit to the autism, there's a pattern here.