ITT: Canon non-virgins
ITT: Canon non-virgins
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Can’t he sleep with 2 girls at once or is that a different Hero
This guy was Chrisposting incarnated before it was popular, no joke.
>goes to Termina and probably commits suicide after the end of the game, still a virgin
Yeah, no
i don't like it.
Is Chrom the only canon rapist in a Nintendo franchise?
the hero's shade in TP is canonically a descendant of OoT link
i really doubt it honestly
Come on, Chrom. Think about the stats & the royal bloodline.
The Hero’s shade IS OoT/Majora’s Mask Link, TP Link is his descendant
There's no way to refute thid
Clearly they just danced for hours and they got tired so they went to bed after
Did TP Link knot Midna or did he died a virgin?
best girl won im so happy for her
she got the twink dick
any shoujo's dream
she did it
congratulations tifa im so proud of you aaaaaaaaaa
He married his horse girl
Tifa was used as a prostitute to raise funds for Avalanche after she failed to make it in the big city. She serviced men in the back of 7th Heaven while she made Marlene serve customers drinks and get molested by them. When she saw Cloud it reminded her of her simple life in the boonies, and snapped her out of her heroin fueled misery of a life.
He totally gave Elly the Fei Fong Wang.
Prochad did nothing wrong.
nice fanfic you fucking retard
Did he even try to find a way to the Twili Realm, or did he just instantly give up?
Its not rape if the feeling is mutual.
100% canon
Read the LN
>Cordelia has to watch as the man she adores rapes a woman he barely knows into royalty
Get a hearty chuckle every time.
twitter tier post
Amazing how people think it's not canon 22 years after
I didn't remember it being this obvious. I was a kid when I played it and I guess it went over my head.
based as fuck
Yeah sure thing, buddy
They totally did it there
>Wario fucked his money
>he’s broke in WarioWare Gold
Based lol
>After Wario molested his money, it filed for divorce
>She took half of everything, including itself then left as the other half of the mony.
doesn't matter still fucked cloud
Why does he rape?
probably fucks Red's mom too
He has fucked at least TWICE
he is virgin and cute
It was with cloud.
Oak is for Agatha
He NTR’d his son, and is Blue’s dad not granddad
>gets stuck in Alefgard for the rest of his days
what did Horii mean by this?
The player
Right after beating Don Corneo in Wutai.
>Not the Fei Fong Dong
So you're forced into marriage if you bond with him too much?
Shame the sequel was utter retread garbage.
Her competition was dead. Big whoops. Bitch didn't do anything until Aerith was dead.
For all we know, she called Sephiroth (actually Jenova), and revealed Aerith location.
Doesn't this take place AFTER FFVII? Cite your source. Otherwise BASED retard have sex etc.
Chrom auto marries someone at the end of a chapter so he can make Lucina and there’s a priority list of like 5 candidates based on bond ranking and because you have to force deploy Robin and Chrom you’re basically guaranteed to have the highest bond ranking with Chrom unintentionally and Chrom will auto marry (you). Although some people manipulate this and have Chrom propose to the hot Dancer he literally meets the day before.
After a certain point in the story, Chrom needs to marry someone for a specific character to be born. It auto-picks whoever has the highest bonding level with him, even if it's only been a couple interactions.
that was Ninten and Ana, lol
>characters never reflect on their past
Based retard
Pic related for Dancer
Damn that's hilarious. Really makes that gender choice at the beginning of the game mean a lot.
Not seeing a source. Takes a retard to know a retard.
Well he has to make sure that his tactician never leaves or becomes infatuated with anoter lord. That would spell doom for his kingdom.
It also helps that the gender choice will make your Lucina basically become extra good because Robin is laughably busted in Awakening and so is their offspring.
Nero: Dad, do my mother told you where she would spent the rest of her life and where currently is?, we should visit her so we can reunite the family and make her happy.
Vergil: Nero i...
Someone post the image, I need to save it this time
he got meme'd into a open relationship, this chinless piece of shit did everything wrong
Man, I can't wait to see this with full CG models
Don't forget Shion, who took at least one ride on the Kevin Winicott Express.
Too bad /feg/ only talks about that shit powercreep gacha that is Heroes anymore.
shut the fuck up
Gatcha games ruined /vg/.
no /vg/ ruined /vg/
Thats DQ1 Hero
DQ3 Hero can sleep with three girls at once. Just bring three female party members and go talk to your mom. You'll sleep in your room, which only has one bed.
I dont get it. What is cid saying?
His son is fucking Doomguy