Past a certain age, a man who still plays video games can be a bad thing

>Past a certain age, a man who still plays video games can be a bad thing.

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So? I'm a 28 year old virgin. Since I'm a fucking failure I might as well just keep playing vidya

What was he shooting at?

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playing too much videogames is a symptom of other unresolved bad things

Past the age of 15 no man should ever play video games. You will be exponentially happier if you are fit, have a good career and social contacts.

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as if you dont know

Being a wagie is suffering. You wake, go to work, eat and sleep in a never-ending cycle until death. No time for anything else.

Video games were one of mankind's greatest mistakes.

I dunno about that, my dad is a wreck and he doesn't have a hobby outside of working out. He spends hours on end just picking shit up in the apartment and passing time looking at social media and he's 60. If he played games or had a hobby that he just dedicated himself to when he got home I think he'd be happier.

What? I work 40hr a week and have plenty of time to do the things I want. Stop working shit jobs for high school and college dropouts and maybe you'll have time to do shit.

Tfw I am basically a fucking slave

Being a wagie is hell. You're either working, about to work or tired from work.

playing video games is the 8th deadly sin

I got business degree and work in recruitment.

you say this yet here you are

Reminder that trading your time for money is literally the worst method of getting money.

And you still don't have time to do shit? I work as a apartment maintenance tech and I've never had an issue with lack of time to do things. Even when I'm on call.

Once you get to a certain age, you don't care what anyone thinks. I'm 41 and still play vidya. Girlfriend doesn't mind, either.

I am not a man, I identify as a parasitic NEET.
My pronouns are lazy fuck/lazy fucker's.
I am proud of my lack of contributions to the shitty country I had the misfortune of being born into.

Fuck wagies

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Why does woody harrelson do that thing with his mouth where he looks like he's constantly eating a lemon

fuck you LEECH

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Are you me? Except I stopped playing anything but cs.

No one on Yea Forums plays games.



>Having these things and playing video games are mutually exclusive

Only an autist would think this way. If you spend 15 hours a day on vidya as an escapist fantasy then yeah you are going to be miserable. You can play video games as a hobby and also not be a miserable sperglord it's called self control.

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Are you actually taking the piss?

Don't be a wagie then. Go to university, get a viable degree in 3-5 years. Depending on what you picked you should be set for life with branching paths that could lead to self employment.

Who /badthing/ here?

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I havent played games in about 4-5 years and still come here. I just use this place as a social board. I make off topic threads all the time and just post some video game picture to not get locked

Only nerd stuff in college gets you a good job like engineering or computers. I have two degrees, one in Business and one in Biology and I'm extremely unsuccessful.

dem keedz

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Business degrees are for people who are going to inherit an actual business from their daddies.