Vanilla Dark Souls II is on discounted on Steam for the first time in forever. Is it worth buying?
Vanilla Dark Souls II is on discounted on Steam for the first time in forever. Is it worth buying?
Sure, its not THAT bad that it isnt worth 7 pounds.
But honestly, the DLC areas of DAS2 are the best areas of the entire souls series
I have Scholar of the First Sin, this is just about vanilla.
Why buy the same game twice? You already played the better of the two.
If you think easier enemy placements and a retconned story is worth 7.99, then sure.
I have both. I upgraded to Scholar and it's my preferred way to play Dark Souls 2. I don't think the original version is woth picking up.
Scholar is horrifying and I wouldn't mind dropping $10 to enjoy the DLC without it.
yes, it's the best souls game.
Vanilla is unironically better. It has all the story changes but not the at times retarded enemy placement.
Same reason you would ever play the original rather than a remaster?
the scam they pulled with this shit turned me off from every FROMsoft game since
fuck these kike samurais
also why would you buy a shittier version, retard?
>the DLC areas of DAS2 are the best areas of the entire souls series
Damn straight!
SotFS is the better way to play DS2. These people telling you to buy Standard DS2 are the same people who tell you that Bloodborne is good so you'll waste money on a PS4. Ignore the shills.
At least Dark Souls 2 worked. Dark Souls 1 was a broken port.
This isn't a remaster. Its a fix.
I already own a PS4 because it's 2019 and everyone in the entire fucking world owns a PS4.
more like trying to drive a car wreck when you have a perfectly good 1998 hyundai lantra
It's like driving an Aston Martin DBS when you have an Superleggera just to see the difference in how it rides.
>But honestly, the DLC areas of DAS2 are the best areas of the entire souls serie
You can acces them in vanilla aswell, you know?
how have you not pirated it at least once by now. are you retarded?
I didnt know that
I'm sorry you wasted $400 for one game.
DLC is the only part about dark souls 2 that isn't total dog shit, and I think they are the same in both versions. Different item and enemy placements in the base game doesn't really matter.
They are the same game. Only difference is SoFS was optimized for 64bit
I'm an adult with an income and job. Far less effort to just buy it than to pirate.
>Dark Souls II
>worth buying
Holy fuck NO. Avoid that garbage like the plague.
>the DLC areas of DAS2 are the best areas of the entire souls series
no, they're equal to base game level quality from an actual souls game
how much time did it take for the 3rd party fix to come out for ds1? because even if it's a shit port, it's 100% more enjoyable than ds2 and wasn't as big of a scam
>buying singleplayer games
The "3rd party fix" outright never worked for me.
have sex
>pirating is hard
I can't even tell if it's bait or you're an actual retard.
coping hard
It's a lot more work than entering paypal details and clicking download.
Vanilla is better than SOTFS, so yes.
Keep saying it.
>Say it
Vanilla DS2 is better than Scholar for most things, including _fun_
Scholar is better. Ignore the contrarians. The enemy placements alone make for infintely more interesting scenarios.
>w-why can't I have like 5 estus and 3 bone shards before I even start the game like in vanilla? SOFTS is o-overated crap!
why does Yea Forums still parrot the meme of sotfs being worse than vanilla? it is objectively better in every conceivable eay
Statues in the way making me find the dlc keys yeah that's annoying although moving the dull ember was a good call
They changed a lot of enemy placements in game, so if you're really that curious, I'd recommend looking up a video.
That is assuming you're not looking to burn 7 50.
there is literally never a point in the game where you won't have enough branches and lockstones to get everything you need
Not even worth pirating
Sure. It's the most frustrating Soulsgame, but mostly ok.
Tip: if you like rolling, do not ignore ADP.
Hey resetera/redditor, click the number next to a post to properly reply here. You just look like a complete retard using "@" or just go the fuck away, you faggot.
same reason people parrot the meme that das2 is good