Those Cybperunk screenshots are looking good huh?
Those Cybperunk screenshots are looking good huh?
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But muh trannies are mad! You must be one yourself...Dilate!
witcher 3 looked amazing regardless, but the main draw for me were the characters and stories. So in short have sex.
based CDPR will truly save gaming
I don't see any real difference in graphical detail here, maybe try using higher resolution images at least. Pretty sure it's a different location too.
So the difference is amount of NPCs and lighting?
You think it's a different location because that's how heavily overhauled the scene was. Look at the buildings in the background, it's the same place.
Those are pretty significant differences user, lol
>You think it's a different location because that's how heavily overhauled the scene was. Look at the buildings in the background, it's the same place.
What buildings? There's no buildings in the background.
sorry I was referring to the OP, didn't know you replied to a dif post. Those are absolutely different locations but the shadow quality is as noticeable as ever
>shadow quality
Impossible to tell on a postal stamp sized image. Why are all of these at dogshit resolution?
Even if this was half the resolution you could clearly make out the top being darker and the bottom looking like BOTW
are you literally blind
So darker = better? Better graphics means more brown?
Point out where the shadows actually look different. Comparing the fence shadow of the lower image to Geralt's shadow the resolution appears to be the same. If you mean the larger shadow on the left side of the upper image, there's no similar large object casting a large shadow in the bottom image to make a fair comparison.
Feel free to point out other differences. The creator of the .gif was too incompetent to even attempt at replicating the angle of the shot. To me it looks like lighting, NPC count and some horrible sharpening filter.
Here's an actual legitimate comparison. The seas looked like dogshit in the release build.
They're called shills, they are just delusional people who have a soft spot for the game and don't like seeing other people point out its flaws, so they dismiss anything wrong with the game to keep themselves comfortable.
Dude you have to be genuinely actively avoiding the picture if you can't notice the daker shadows and more prevalent AO
CDPR games seem to attract a disproportionate amount of them
The sun is to geralt's back in both screenshots, just look at the detail on him first if you're looking for every excuse possible
Can you link me to the gameplay clip so I can just make the comparison myself?
I want to try to replicate the the screenshot as closely as possible to get an actually genuine comparison. None of this 1995-tier resolution shit.
What we got looks better. More color and vibrancy.
Do you need glasses? You should have no issues seeing this on your 4K ultrawide monitor!
Do you have trouble providing evidence for better comparisons?
>I want washed out colors
I will give you that the swamp in the trailers looked infinitely better than in relese
>the downvote ratio
What the fuck? He is even respectful and praises CDPR. He could have lashed out much harder than that
There are several posts with evidence in this thread, user. If you need more then it's up to you.
The images are clearly altered bullshots. The last glimpses of gameplay looked nothing like them
top: Switch version
bottom: PC with all settings at max
We're still waiting for your own comparison pic
I suppose I'll have to go and find the prerelease footage myself. I hope it's in a decent quality.
based nintendie
>Here's an actual legitimate comparison. The seas looked like dogshit in the release build.
true but then again the seas weren't important at all
the top image seems to have no shadows beyond a certain range and almost no trees either
>pc exclusive vs multiplat.gif
what the fuck are you talking about?
He's just a fellow r/pcmasterrace subscriber!
oh nvm, I thought you meant TW3 is an exclusive
Game was downgraded thanks to console poorfags.