You work out when you're not playing vidya, right Yea Forums?

You work out when you're not playing vidya, right Yea Forums?

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Yes. I also have a number if other hobbies. I make sure videogames and other media hobbies take last place over active shit like playing instruments and writing.

of course

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This guy took roids

Yes actually. Up at 6, 30 minute jog with my dog, then at work by 8 on my bike. Stay till 4 and bike home, another 30 minute jog, and in for the night.

Two nights a week I go to the gym instead and stay for an hour to swim.

Don't have huge jacked gains but got stamina for days and I'm nicely toned all over according to my boyfriend.

Yes even if it's for the most stupid reason, getting fit and big as possible so I can wear a shirt with a Lopunny in it in after 3 years of suffering

You wouldn't be half as big even if you took double the roids. Arnold worked his ass off to achieve that body

I started taking long walks every day about a month ago, since I gained a lot weight in the last year after going through a course of neuroleptics. At first I thought I was at 110kg, but then it turned out that my scales simply max out at that number, I only just dipped below that last week. So I'm kinda working on it. Even with simple walking my feet and legs were absolutely exploding the first two weeks, now it's more or less ok.
Thanks for reading my blog. Don't get fat.

Good luck user, was a nice blog

Listen, I have a good physique (albeit no Arnold) but this is horse shit what he's saying. You absolutely can buy it. There are shittons of celebrities who just spend some money on a steroid doctor and personal trainer and nutritionist and they expend 2% of the effort it takes to get in shape the real way.

Steroid users without exercise gained more muscle than non-steroid users with regular exercise.

>At first I thought I was at 110kg, but then it turned out that my scales simply max out at that number

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Yep. My butt is sore right now but at the same time it also feels good.

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post natural transformations with NO drugs just clen eating and lots of trening

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I ended up destroying my wrists and shoulders doing push ups before sleep so not as much lately.

>tfw 6'1 and 135lbs
what do

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Eating less will do far, far, far more for weight loss than exercise. It's like 95% diet 5% exercise.

I have too much actual work to do to waste energy on working out.

How badly were you doing them to accomplish that

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My form was fine, I just weigh twenty four stone.

I'd like to get rid of my belly, but I don't know how. I don't even drink beer or eat much.

I have a thyroid problem and its hard to keep the weight off. im constantly exhausted

Is it possible to build muscle without going to an actual gym? Like just by lifting weights, pull-ups and pushups at home?

I wanna workout but I'm scared of the gym atmosphere


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I'm a lanky pasty faggot with a very weak jaw
kill me

bodyweight exercises. just get a pullup bar and a dipstation

Yes? There is no magical spell on a gym that makes you gain muscle. Working out at home works just as well.

Dunno, I was following instructions I got from /fit/
It was more probably not giving myself enough rest and shit nutrition
I wish I weighed that much, I weigh as much as a photograph of me

Stop drinking soda and start exercising.


no. keeping that type of body is a job itself and no one does that except narcissists. there is simply no reason to. you can keep good health and a good body without working out every day to obtain it.

Jokes on you dipshit I'm self-employed and wake no earlier than 8.

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Yes, but I'm just recovering from a stomach infection or something like that, I don't take medicines so it takes longer.

Almost no soda too. What exercises will be useful exactly?

went running yesterday, did some push-ups, some sit-ups
not much but better than nothing
gonna do the same today

>eats grugs immediately

I try to swim or work out 2 to 3 times a week.
Been struggling with a serious lack of motivation for everything including schoolwork these days though.

Vanity exercises are completely pointless and reduce your lifespan and the health of your joints. Do cardio if you want to live longer and be healthier.

I haven't eaten franchise fast food or pizza for about half a year by this point. I don't even put sugar in my tea. I mostly eat boiled eggs, buckwheat and chicken. Only cheat meal I allow myself is one kebab every saturday. Kebab is the food of gods. I'm considering getting into working out more seriously just to allow myself to eat more of them without getting fat.
The jump in weight was tied almost entirely to two things:
the fact that I'm a neet that never walks further than the nearest store
and the neuroleptic I was perscribed (also known as anti-psychotic) giving me an absurd, intolerable craving for sweets

>you cannot inherit it

Hold on, I'll go get some better genetics here bro lmao

I do cardio and some bodyweight exercises.

I work out while Im playing vidya, afk runescape training while lifting, cant waste xp in game or irl

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show tummy

I do lots of squats and other lower body exercises to keep my ass and thighs nice and thick.

Too much workout is dangerous too

I got an arthritic spinal disc thanks to too much heavy lifting

If it's not soda, then it's probably something to do with not enough fibers.
To lose bellyfat, you want cardio exercices. Either do silly aerobics/stretching exercises at home (like touching your toes), run, or bike everyday.

That's cruel.

Im poor so ive started saving in public transport by not using the bus and the subway in my way to my classes, this means walking/running at least 5 km from Monday to Friday, does that count?. I also try to everyday do 100 burpees and grab a pair of dumbells and practice 100 hundred punches with each hand, but I do that like twice a week.

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You didn't get it from too much lifting, you got it from bad technique

I do 30 push ups and 30 squats a day, six days a week, and 5km jogs twice a week. I should really swap those push ups/squats for some proper lifting, or at least up the number, but I just haven't bothered looking into what I could do instead and never think about doing more at the time.

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>tfw 6'6

Is it even worth working out at this point?

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post butt

Muscles were considered unattractive until the last 40 years when the feminists took over. They are trying to shift the burden of being physically attractive to men, hence why all the "fat acceptance movements" are centered around women. The only truly attractive qualities for men are money/power.

Or using roids without caution.
I like cardio exercises because you feel so light afterwards.

requirements for a man to get love: Eat right, lieft heavy objects daily, well paid job, somehow still has free time to spend with her

requirements for a woman to get love: exist

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Why do people glorify working out so much? I have a much easier time regularly attending the gym when I think about it as a hobby rather than reading some dumb shit about being the marble and the sculptor.

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too lazy

Yeah, I googled a bit and it seems I'm getting not enough fibers. What should I eat then, more vegetables?

I wouldn't say the issue is so much what you eat, but how MUCH you eat. I eat crap food but I'm still super skinny, because I don't eat that much

You sound cute user, your boyfriend is a lucky guy!

Using roids in any context is awful for you. Your testicles permanently shrink and you lose sperm count, becoming infertile if you do enough. Your body stops producing testosterone naturally. Your heart disease incidence skyrockets.

muscles are power tho
whos gonna win in a fight some skinny nerd or /fit/

I did 8 years of Krav Maga, I'm doing Judo now.
>You can't buy it
What are roids?

I love you regardless of any of that, user.

I work out while I'm playing vidya. Tf you mean?

I eat anything I want, pizza, bread, soda, and I have an athletic physique, I practice taichi and yoga in every single thing I do, it helps a lot.

People are literally addicted to the idea of transformations. Did you know bookstores are sustained almost entirely on the sale of self-help books? It's nearly 95% of the profits.

This culture seems to make people extremely insecure about what kind of person they are, and they're always trying to become something else.

>No money can buy it
It makes it easier and faster to achieve tho. See personal trainers and supplements.

thanks user

fix your posture as soon as possible user

OFC mate, I wanna be big

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The only thing it shows is that you are full or roids.

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Crab mentality

I do but despite achieving 5pl diddly, 4pl squat (with oats) and a 1.5pl OHP I still look like shit. I don't do benchpress because I almost killed myself doing it.

It's going to take longer to build up your lower body without any sort of weights but I've been doing bodyweight exercises for almost 4 months, 3 days a week and I have slightly developed pecs now.
Also actual gyms are a lot less social than you'd think. People are too busy trying to improve themselves to pay attention to you

>To lose bellyfat, you want cardio exercices. Either do silly aerobics/stretching exercises at home (like touching your toes), run, or bike everyday.
What the fuck are you talking about? Stretching burns maybe 5% more calories than sitting down. You don't need cardio specifically to lose fat (and you can't just lose bellyfat without losing fat generally), you just need to eat less than what you use.


Why do people come on here and post shit like this? stop living with so much negativity

The most important thing about going to the gym is the access to your roid seller.

Ok lardass

>Newborn infants prefer attractive faces

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Love at first sight is real

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Height is extremely important

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>When surveys are done, men place attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

I too remember Michelangelo's David as a lanky skinnyfat guy.

Tell that to ancient Greece

Muscles are very attractive, up to a point. A lean, defined body, much like sporty teenagers tend to easily get without lifting anything, is peak attractiveness and easy to get as an adult. Too much muscle is not attractive. But too much muscle is still more attractive than your fat greasy ass.

go wallow in your own pity somewhere else


Incels will find any excuse to not try. Wallow in your pity if you wish, but don't try and bring others down with you.

The guy who can afford an armed bodyguard wins the fight. Muscles are for servants and laborers.
You mean the pederasts? That's who you want to emulate?

I try but my depression often makes it difficult. still making progress but not nearly as fast as I could be

Planks, exercise ball crunches

I force myself to do 20 sit-ups and pushups whenever I lose in street fighter. It doesn’t work though, because I never lose.

This guy has no idea how steroids work

I actually do lift and exercise when I'm not doing wagie shit and vidya. Start lifting, sort yourself out.

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Spinach, broccoli, bananas, nuts, wholegrain bread

Yeah but what reason would you have to fight in the first place

>90 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.

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can you spare us this vegan-tier evangelizing please. lifting did not save your life nor is it necessary to live a good life.

Ok faggot how about having money and muscles?

> I hate racists but I hate short men even more

LOL the irony of this tweet.


It's already too late.

The thing is that your face looks noticably better if you're fit in general. Fat distribution and such.

Just exercise, groom your facial hair and take care of your hair. You'll almost definitely be at least a 5/10, if not better. I used to think I was ugly until several women hit on me and said they found me attractive.

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I generally eat shitty food though. Pizza, burgers etc

I have no idea why I'm still so skinny

It's not necessary, but it definitely helps you stop feeling like a piece of shit loser.
Nobody wants an awkward fatass, but they can put up with someone who's awkward and good looking.

How I achieve this body type?

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>5'2 girls complaining about short guys
What the fuck

lmao, all he said was "start lifting, sort yourself out". Seems to be a touchy subject for you

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Thanks guys.

but user, playing videogames stimulates the same parts of your brain as music as long as you arent playing brain dead shit.

Consult your local nutritionist. They will come up with a diet and exercise plan for you.

Lighter weights are alright for me. I didn't realize my body literally can't do deadlifts without snapping my spine

God i want to be a little girl, or have little girl atleast

>take care of your hair
I just use whatever shampoo is in the shower and my hair is godlike.

Yes, in hopes I can stay young and feminine looking for a while longer and maybe find a boyfriend.

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>You'll almost definitely be at least a 5/10
If you're lucky.

If you're like me and have a recessed chin, bald and can't grow a beard you can lift all you want but you'll never be a 5/10.

Being 5'3 doesn't help either.

I stopped working out when I realized that it barely affects my life at all. Getting the occassional mirin and flexing in the mirror was nice, but it didn't attract girls nor did it give me confidence.

Out of the billions of women on this Earth I imagine it wasn't hard to find some dumb bitch's opinions on Twitter.

Yes, i've been working out for the last 2 years, pretty good result as far as strenght and size, now i'm working on doing a lot of dumbell stuff since I noticed i'm stronger on one side.

But eh, I simply play vidya, go to the gym for 2/3 hours, small talk with the big guys, go back home eat and play vidya. At least it keeps me going on and i'm not that depressed, I don't want to go back to the old lifestyle which was just vidya and lonely, now i'm lonely but bigger

tits or gtfo

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testosterone alone can mean fat loss + up to 16pounds of clean muscle from just sitting on your ass
With todays roids somebody can put 40+ pounds of muscle in a single year

I'm a man.

Good morning, Meowie.

pecs or gtfo

No, you are a faggot

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Skellymode here, picking up a doorway pullup bar and some hand weights to put on some basic muscle before going back to the gym again. Any other small form factor equipment I should grab?
You look skinny but you’re just as unhealthy as those fat fucks on the inside. You eat shit food, but not a lot of it so you never gain any visible weight.
t. in almost the same situation

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>You can't buy it.

>What's the weight comrade?
>110kg, but that's the limit, we don't know if it's hig-
>110kg....not great but not terrible

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Did you have a tumor on your pituitary gland or are you just a third worlder?
Either way just chemically castrate yourself or some shit and go full monkmode and single man dev a god tier vidya or some shit.

>likes exercising
>looking better by the week
>but can't feel too excited since I don't really admire the Male silhouette

Nah, I fucked up when I went to the gym and did carti damage to my knee due to poor form, had to keep paying for that membership till the end of the year too, no ones fault but mine really but
>paying for gym membership
>paying for pre workout and protein
>paying for a personal trainer so you don't do what I did
It's an expensive hobby
The gym will help you no matter who you are meme is 100% toxic positivity bullshit, I just don't eat much so I don't get fat

Good morning.
I don't share pictures of my body any longer.
They're not mutually exclusive.

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used to, before arthritis started to fuck my shit up

Because you don't eat as many calories as you think you do.
The fact that you think just eating less healthy food instead of the amount should put on weight shows this.
Unless you are blasting undigested food and blood out of your ass you are not eating enough to gain weight, and if you are I would hope you would have sought medical help already.

ab roller
also I would suggest going to /fit/ for the homegym threads

Go eat some breakfast.

>Not wanting to be the ultimate mogger, making every single midget(aka everyone since you are 6,6) feel insecure


Absolutely this, I used to live off of soda, candy, and dairy queen fries but was at my lowest weight ever (110lbs at 5’10”) because i would literally only eat like three or four times a week.
Not like i’m fit now still, but I eat better, weigh a healthy-ish weight, and run a couple miles everyday. Gotta actually start lifting and gaining more weight though.
We can all make it, skellies and fatties alike.

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My boyfriend doesn't have any of those and I love him

>The gym will help you no matter who you are meme is 100% toxic positivity bullshit

Depends on the gym and it's people. I got most guidance for free and from other members

Bitch I even work out during playing video games. Sometimes.

Will never fucking make it

>tfw 6'8
i swear the amount of times women come up to me and say "wow you're really tall" is astonishing

try not being a retard

I just take after my father, he's quite similar to me, short, went bald early and can't really grow a beard, although he still has more facial hair than me, he also has a better chin.

I can't. My cat is asleep on me.

I do but I got a terrible ear infection from the gym I go to.

So this is the blessed welcoming nature of the gym bras I've heard so much about

There's no excuse for poor form between the internet showing your proper form. Hell, you can even ask an employee at the gym to check your form. They don't charge for that.

Eating correctly*

Holy shit dude, you could probably get a standing tit fuck from a chick who is like 5 feet tall.

Post proof, I don't believe you.

I wish the Wii Fit board is still a thing

The most strenuous vidya by far. Even above rhythm games

Dude, minmax. Lift and make us manlets feel like subhumans.

GOMAD unironically

>wanting to be a disappointing final boss

In the year 2019 there's so much shit you can take while doing the bare minimum that a sculpted physique means nothing to anyone. In fact most people will assume you're a fraud by default. I wish this wasn't the case but it's true. Why do you think people are now glorifying facial aesthetics, shoulder-to-waist ratio, etc.?

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Message me on Discord, I'm too lazy to resize the image to post here.

>been exercising for almost 2 years on a regular basis
>6ft and 200lbs
I can't tell if I'm overweight or if that weight's from muscle mass at this point, but I definitely know I'm not a spooky skeleton anymore.

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>watching a video is the same as working out and figuring out form in real time
I don't think your points are unreasonable other than the greentext but it was after hours at a 24 hour gym

GOMAD just gives you liquid shits and makes you feel weak as fuck.

4th month in now, gained about ~5kg.
>68kg 180cm
>65kgx5 bench,squats at 70kg(ATG at 50)
>DL 65x5,OHP at 30kg since i just started it 2 weeks ago
Going 4 days weekly, considering taking up a day of swimming on the weekend.

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>have to eat the right food
>have to get the right amount of sleep
>have to do the right amount of exercise
>if one of these isn't there, you won't make any progress

I'm good

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I know right? Their thought process is probably
>racism is bad because it's insulting people over something they have no control over
>lmao I'm gonna insult people over their bad genes

>cripple gang

Pirating Starting Strength helped me most with my form, Rippletits is recommended on /fit/ for a reason.

My dude just go. You might think people will stare at you but literally no one cares and everybody is there to do their workout. Fuck I was there yesterday and some boomer was curling DBs and singing along with his music and still nobody gave a fuck. Just realize unless you are doing retarded shit, nobody will care what you do. Have a plan and just do the exercises.

Oh and watch out for the gym clown

Yes I have sex.

But the first two are piss easy

Look up any of these profiles and it’s all either niggers or some other type of subspecies. I actually just sent a screenshot to the employer of one of them, they’re ‘starting a new job’ kek not anymore.

You have no right to post one punch man reaction images if this is your mindset

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Thats not true. You dont have to be a food autist. Does it help? Yes, but do you NEED to do it to make gains? No. As long as you are hitting your protons and being aware of your calorie count you can make gains.

I box, which is much better

The physical world is the invention of the Demiurge. Why devote energy to support a fake body that is designed to imprison you?

Dude it's not that bad. So long as you don't act like a huge sperg, no one will care.

Non-stop lifting is great for if you want to be everyone's first choice when they move home and need help shifting their furniture, but for actual day-to-day life cardio is king.

How do I get over getting a panic attack when going to the gym?
I used to go with a buddy, but buddy bailed on me and going to the gym alone causes my anxiety to go off the charts.

>have to get the right amount of sleep

The only thing stopping me.

What's there to be scared of?

What are the other guys gonna say?
>"oh no, that guy actually got off his ass and wants to improve his body!"

it's better than getting called a retard on a chinese wheel of time forum

Not that user but eating proper food is way easier if you enjoy cooking and the right mindset. You're right that it's piss easy since if you have enough discipline to have routine lifts, it should be easier for the other 2.

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>Work out
>Have beak nose
>Went from being that guy with the big nose to that fit guy with the big nose

Then why did the fat loser deadbeat bookseller I used to know have a girlfriend?

Thanks for the recommendation user, Ill "pay" for it and check it out

Does doing 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups, and running 10 km daily really work?

who was in the wrong here?

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You should cover yourself in feathers and squawk at everyone.

I haven't stood up in 24h.

Not him but I can't be assed to ever count calories or keep track of that shit.

>used to be 307 pounds
>294 now and body developing a v shape

I want to cut 100 pounds now

>you cannot inherit it
>you cannot buy it
yeah genetics and roids definitely don't exist

>Did you know bookstores are sustained almost entirely on the sale of self-help books? It's nearly 95% of the profits.

Do you have a source for that? That's really interesting to me especially considering my local bookstores have maybe a couple bookcases of self-help books and much more in terms of novels.

Because its probably a girl that nobody else would want. Lifting helps you appreciate yourself more, at least you'll be a fit deadbeat loser instead of a fat one.

>martial artist for 13 years
>lost 67 pounds during that period
>constantly worried about bulking up too much, leading to poor stamina in fights
>also worried about not bulking up enough for power purposes
Fuck, I don't even know where I'm at right now or what I should be focusing on more, cardio or muscle training

Post body we'll be the judge of that

Not Arnold. He's right, scorning other people's efforts is a losers way of living.

I was at peak last year 1/2/-/-
but I slacked off and now im paying for it
oh well


Ah shit I’ve been hitting my electrons, whoops

Just finished a 1 hour jog, why do I always feel like throwing up after exercising? I'm a fat fuck so I only do cardio and some short reps of push ups, sit ups, etc

Theres also something called
>Ego Lifting

>See muscular black BULL with huge BBC
>"Wow he has great body, according to arnold he has discipline, patience, and work ethics"
>Hire him to do yard work
>He ends up raping my gf, bashes me to death, and steals my tv

Wtf arnold

>muh genetics
fatty cope

please spare him thrombosis-chan

based af

You're preaching to the choir dude, I've been seriously lifting for 5 years now after I realized halfway through college I wanted to get stronger. I'm glad my parents forcing me to play football in high school set the foundation for it.

good job

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pls respond I want to better myself

lanklet cope, actually. i'm a 6'6 hungry skeleton

Post maxes and body weight you faggots

185/285/415/515 @169 pounds

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Haha no. I shitpost in offtopic threads instead! Here, have a political meme for more shitposting power!

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>I do 30 pushups a day
>I do 30 squats a day
>anime poster

You are probably dehydrated. Drink more water

Arnie is based and correct faggot, haven't you seen Conan the barbarian? He knocks out a camel in one hit, he knows exactly what he's talking about and what a winner mentality really is

Based Arnold

I’m slim but my arms hurt for days after 10 press-ups and a few pull ups. I do a 20 minute jog and my legs ache terribly and I feel worn out

I keep trying but I’m just not getting any stronger. I’m pretty sure my genetics are trash. I’m not fat either so it shouldn’t be this way

A tard who gets into weight training is terrifying. They've already got that tard strength. They'd be unstoppable.

I always get sick after exercising. And not even exercising overly hard.

so there is nothing I can do

Bench 205, Squat 345, Deadlift 300, at 170 lbs

I've been a DYEL for six months now.

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You need to handle your anxiety in real time, if it's bad enough that you can't go somewhere you need to either get medication or take proactive steps to address it in a positive way, don't reach out on v much if you can help it someone will fuck with you

Are you progressively adding more reps to your exercises? You're never going to get stronger if you stay in the same place for 6 months

Make CAW CAW noises in the gym when you're working out.

I'm agreeing with you, user. Ahnold is right.

>Can't inherit it

Arnie has like 5 kids and is over 70 years old. There's no way you don't become impotent let alone live that long if you take that shit.

Then eat more, imagine being a 260lb+ 6'6 beast

How much water though? Last time I drank water while exercising I got that sharp pain you get in your lower torso (don't know the exact term in English)

are you doing warms ups + static stretching afterwards?

juicefags out
if not mirin

100/165/-/- @ 135

Does anyone else hate seeing women at the gym? I legit wish there was a men-only gym franchise as I don't think women should even be allowed in the gym. Women don't lift, they're always on their phones or doing some dumbshit quarter squat exercise for attention. Not to mention they ALWAYS wear their ass-tight yoga pants, also for attention.

>doesn't matter if you don't want to be shredded
>minimal sleep kind of matters but off days are more important
>enough to exert yourself which is about 30min to an hour

The real hard thing is to actually collectively convince yourself into the psychology of exercising for self improvement.

not him but it really helps to just keep water on you constantly. You shouldn't hold off drinking water until you're actually thirsty/dehydrated.

ironic to post something like this on a board full of people crying about the size of a video game characters tits.

Oh my bad user I misread the post you were responding to as "who was in the right"

>caring about what society and your peers think of you
>doing ANYTHING for something as vapid and empty as social status or acceptance
I just work out since I get headaches and feel like shit if I don't

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you should bring that up to 30/30 in the morning and at night. That few a day is gonna take a long time for any meaningful change. Push yourself user, i believe in you

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>original persona player
>skinny but wants to get buff
>destroys skinnyfatfags
Checkity Check

How can someone be absolutely based

>took roids
>is still alive and kicking at the age of 70

I thought roids made you die in your 50's?

If I add more I tend to need 4 days to recover rather than 2. That isn’t right, surely? I can’t do anything with my arms during those days or they get very painful and I can’t sleep

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Yes, I started last august and moved up to 6 days a week at the gym this month. I've lost 150 pounds and am no longer a ham planet. Just trying to build strength and flatten out the stomach now. Only 20 pounds till I hit 180 now.

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Yeah, they should stop cutting off video game characters' legs to make them shorter so manlets can feel better.

I'm fat, have a half ass job, and not a lot of time, still married, about attitude and not being a mopey nigger.

Skinnyfat sucks how do I stop this

you got this fatty

Obligatory congratulations

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There is nothing wrong with placing value in the opinions of people you respect. As long as you dont blindly accept what the majority of ignorant people think about you, you'll be fine.

probably had an enormous benis

How hard is it to obtain ottermode if you're skinny? This would be my ideal physique

>not freakishly huge, but still visibly muscular

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you need to cut out that greasy shit and eat whole grains and MEAT. Lot's of vegetables for vitamins. LET'S GO!!

For a certain time, and for a shorter span definitely, but its a very stupid idea to not have regeneration days. After a while you'll definitely overtrain, you'll have no time to heal and you'll see less and less results. Not to mention doing the same exact workout every day and week definitely halts progress, there is a reason why most people have a week A then week B type of schedule.
Also its boring as shit.

>being such a loser with no qualities you have to "work out" to compensate

fuck off
lanklets get the rope

Will bring a bottle with me for tomorrow's jog, thanks for the tips anons

i understood this reference

you could apply that logic to vidya too, shit like getting below 40 seconds in tetris sprint or 80% wr on ladder in rts games

I would exercise more if my body didn't need 2 days of rest for each exercise day.

if your only motivation for doing something is the expectation of peer acceptance then you're a fucking idiot and nothing positive awaits you in life, not now nor in the future

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Why are you on Yea Forums?

Get some 'perfect pushup' things. You don't need to do the twist motion. I mostly use them for the benefit of keeping my wrists straight.

>normal working hours, video games, at least one other hobby, cooking your own food
>visiting this website to respond to this post
>add 1 hour of exercise every other day onto this
How do you do it?

That goes away after you exercise for a while.

based and improvepilled

me on the right

I have no idea to be quite honest. When I do pull ups I do a few stretches, rotate my arms and simulate the pulling motion

I have no idea what a static stretch is. I wish fitness websites would actually tell you this shit but instead it’s all piecemeal and bad info

healthy doses and bull testicles

Nevermind. I suck cocks.

>the ideal male body

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Maybe but my body is frail even after exercising for years. I would pull a muscle like every other day

If you take in a sensible and controlled manner they're probably a good tool to enhance a bodybuilding regimen. If you're getting them from shady sources and using them to turn your body into a fucking freak show of muscles then you're probably doing harm to yourself. Nothing's stopping anyone from finding the steroid dealer in their gym so they should just make them legal so people can get them from knowledgeable doctors who can help them make a reasonable plan for their use.

>be lazy fuck who hasn't done physical activity since gym class in high school years ago
>do an hour of very basic cardio and some deadlifting
>felt sore the next morning and for two days after that even though my workout wasn't that intensive at all

this is totally not good

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yeah pretty much
I'm just too lazy and helpless to sort out my life and survive, really

>Girls don't care about your effort but only your genes (tall, good face, not balding etc.)
>People in general think you're weird for "obsessing" over your training, not eating like shit and not drinking literal poison (alcohol)

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205 pounds
Fucking hell I'm weak

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I think that just happens when you don't exercise fora while.

same, but for me it lasts a week. can't get anything done working out only once a week so i just have to do it with the pain.

no. nothing can save me from being 5'7. i've been disqualified.
and before any retard says it, yes, height isn't everything- but if you don't have it, you're fucked.

what do you do user? I wish I could be self-employed, I don't wanna suffer no more.

How does it feel knowing you will never be this guy?

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It's just not worth the time and effort if you are either
>small dicked
if you are all four just consider suicide

That's because you're mildly telepathic and can feel the unmet status and acceptance weighing down on you when you don't, silly

>That pic

The path to transcendence

>tfw balding, small dick, poor but I am tall
Should I go for half suicide?

Might be best to ask in the /fit/ qtddtot thread.

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>he has a successful job to compensate
>he lifts and has a nice body to compensate
>he studies and excels in academics to compensate
I will never understand this """compensate""" mentality, compensate is a word the envious use against those that are successful.

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I'm exhausted as fuck from work, and while I would love to lift I simply cannot. Also most of my muscle goes away, but on the bright side I can eat the most disgustin calorie ridden food imaginable, because it just simply goes away. The only downside is my fat goes away with muscle too. I also noticed manual work gives you more endurance than weight training, that muscluar guys tend to exhaust a lot quicker under pressure when you have manual work in a long span, also they have food carvings between the major 3 meals.

Thats just my take on it, here's the original

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he's "roids" are nowhere close to the juice people do today, just to never ever touch that physique.

wallow in your pity somewhere else

You're fine. That always happens when you don't work out for a while. Just stick with it.

Roids are used commonly in medical practices to restore damaged muscles, they are only horrible when you go full retard on dosages.

Like the other guy asked, are you warming up and stretching? Warming up lets me do 2 or 3 extra pullup reps per set and reduces soreness during the exercise.

Based on this post, you do warm up, but I don't think you're preparing yourself enough. To warm up for a pullup I do a dead hang on the pull up bar for 10 seconds, and for pushups I do wrist exercises and shoulder stretches.

true, all short men should be removed from the gene pool pre-emptively
unfortunate, but you can still work it
>small dicked
you can still get laid at least
easily fixable

Imagine being this pathetic.

How often should you work out if you want to see results somewhat quickly?

I've heard three times a week but that just doesn't seem like enough

>don't have X so have Y to compensate
>this is somehow absurd logic

>fellow pilotfag
based as fuck. UPS is the goal

I started fasting + lifting a week ago my body is slowly slimming down, already went from 113kg to 105kg and once I survived my sugar addiction resistance I startes feeling amazing

now I need only 5 hours of sleep a day and I can go full ham for the whole day, god damn wish I did this shit sooner in life

I prefer to call it: ironic enlightenment

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Everyone should lift.

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it's just being realists

Anything that leads to a 777 cockpit makes me a happy man

I can't wait for the anime

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That's because your body needs to rest after a workout.

Fuck this gay shit. Also working out at the gym is boring as fuck, it's much better to start a course in something fun and useful, like Muay Thai or MMA.

Go roast.

t. thot

try that for 10 more years

see how it works out for you


Thats your body breaking down and remaking itself stronger, if you give it the proper fuel and ingredients to recover. This is the good pain of self improvement. This is where you sleep to level up and then continue grinding.

What does he not have? What is X in this scenario? You're implying that anyone that lifts is compensating for something, which is retarded.

I don't know how to work out
Aside from like running on a treadmill

Have sex.
Oh wait, you can't.

>true, all short men should be removed from the gene pool pre-emptively
What are the disadvantages for short men that are so significant in modern society that we shouldn't be allowed to exist?

>almost no


cut your fucking calories by 500 and drink 2L of water daily, compensate energy loss with protein intake, fish is your friend especially if you catch it yourself

retard samefag whose life revolves around women

but you're not being realistic. You're hyperfixated on living like a chad and having sex and not feeling anxious; life doesn't work that way. The people that are inspirations for my work I don't even know what they look like.

Can I swim instead of lifting weights?

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Lost my virginity at 15. Still regret it to this day.

mad cuz fat

Is occasionally eating junk food really THAT terrible for you if you're looking to get in shape?

I've heard "cut it from your diet entirely", but will one can of soda or a few cookies per week really stop your muscle cultivation?

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he can have all those and still be a shitbag

>normalfags think simply lifting will save people from mental illness or shit genes
world isn't that simple

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Whats the source on that mango?

>people make fun of you because you are short
>people make fun of you because of your hair
>people make fun of you for other things outside of your control

yup, feels like leveling with the numbers going up and all

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Why not both?

1975 is way different than 2020.
People are way fatter than back then, i mean people are hitting fat levels that would make John Candy seem average.

Ottermode only works at certain heights.

What perks have you gained?

Soda yes, cookies no.
There is way more sugar in a can of soda than in 10 cookies.

Swimming is great exercise. It trains most mustles and is good for your joints.

I work yor mom

the 747 is what makes me a happy motherfucker. spending several hours tens of thousands of feet in the air going from one side of the world to another in the comfort of a massive aircraft with a coffee in my hand is the only way to live.

I'm 5'3 and 121 lbs

you sound really unhappy in life, I hope you get better soon user. Maybe take a break from Yea Forums, you're taking shitposting as reality.

>graduated in may
>move out of a roomate situation
>start working out after my new job
>bought a bike and some hand weights
>feeling better each day
>still have time for an hour or 2 of vidya a day
Life is good anons

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Yes I do, OP. I'm however on a forced pause now, because I fucked up tendons in my arm.

No, it is not. Especially if you are not cutting. You should however aim to drop out soda completely, there is not a single good thing about it.

>mental illness
Depends. If it is "mental illness" as of "depression" or any civilization illnesses, then yes, it can save you.
>shit genes
If you are not horribly malformed this is just a cope.

Have you ever spotted an alien up there?

but it appears that women are living in your head rent free all the time. You can improve yourself without the goal being to bang some roastie.
Nobody thinks that. A problem tons of people on /fit/ have is that they think their mental state will improve through lifting, and it obviously won't. But trying to improve yourself is better than talking about video games you don't even like online.
Your life isn't over because people make fun of you, absolute retard. There's no excuse for giving up entirely.

That's actually pretty based, Boogie btfo

This is so helpful, thank you. Even in /fit/'s guides and stickies I can never find this simple info. They just assume you're already most of the way there and its all arguing about best ways to progress if you're already kind of strong

I've just done 5 reps of slow pull-ups after your tips, which usually feels impossible. I didn't even know the dead hang was a thing but it looks like it will help me a lot as a beginner

yes, you wont be swole but it's great for stamina, can easily trim fat, and you might make some gains

Yes, I started lifting a few months ago.

>drop out soda
I can probably do this, but what else can I drink?
Am i supposed to have nothing but water for the rest of my life?

Makes me a happy man

aye she's a beauty too, the United battleship gray 744s are among my most beloved planes right along the UA battleship 777s and the Iberia A346s with the old colors

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Remove the Soda from your life. If you really like the cookies that much learn to make them so you can reduce the sugar or use something else like Stevia.

water, black coffee/tea

you'll learn to like it

Green Tea is great for you.

>he thinks only roasties make life shit for short guys

Irish Cream
literally anything else. Alcohol at least has been around with humanity for a long time

i'm pretty sure the point of cutting junk food completely is to not make excuses to keep stuffing yourself with empty calories

Water, tea, coffee (with limits), natural juice (not the crap with metric ton of sugar), herbal shit (tea basically). If you are addicted to sips, buy guarana powder and make your own with just little water or tea again. Plenty of choices, negro.

He's working on it, not to find love but to be able to have a stable life. And even uf he doesn't get any of those I would still love him, so it's irrelevant.

>Alcohol at least has been around with humanity for a long time
Alcohol has been humanity's friend for thousands of years, I can't just abandon a friend now can I?


Alcohol is way worse for you than soda

>He doesn't lift for cute little girls around the world

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Yes. I run off my fat so I can convince unsuspecting men to have sex with me.

Of course, nigga. I need to look good for myself so I can fit in and look well in my Gundam shirts.

That series is shit. The plot armour on the FPA side is ridiculous

>Your life isn't over because people make fun of you, absolute retard. There's no excuse for giving up entirely.
>being ostracized by society doesn't pretty much destroys your life and any chance at it

well its literally my only friend.

Bros is there like a beginners guide to dieting or something I can follow?

The working out part seems easy enough, I just don't know what to eat, when to eat it, and how much of it to eat

i mean, this isn't me giving you advice

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Beer brings cheers
Wine is sublime
Whisky is risky but it makes a man out of you
I have no rhymes for Irish Cream but that shit is good for the soul

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t. BeNantoka

Irish cream goes down like a dream?

I wake up at 4 in the morning to catch a bus at 6:30, be at the gym by 8:00, and then be home by 12 and enjoy video games. Its a start.

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Read the fuckin' sticky

I don't understand your point

>tfw you lift to look like a jojo character

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We all know that dwarves are the worst race. Mer over man over dwarf. One century at a time. They're good for nuffin'

yeah thanks man

Well you probably won't, ever. And if you did you'd look silly.

>plot armor on the FPA side is ridiculous
>lot of chain of command dies on the FPA side
>FPA eventually gets completely conquered
>Yang Wenli fucking dies

How much heavy dumbbells can you lift?

You can't be fabulous without being silly. It's part of the charm.

Yeah working out is easy as shit and feels great but I'm the pickiest eater in existence and it's such a god damn chore to fucking EAT, I just can't be bothered.

I want (probably going to fucking do it) to get a gym membership at my neighboorhood gym after I'm done with my exams but I am worried my form will be shit.

Gone through retarded experiences at the gym previously when doing deadlifts, everyone's a fucking expert with different opinions.

it's really not that complicated

you can't possibly maintain a relationship without a stable job and time for your SO. i don't know wtf you mean by 'love'

nobody gives a shit about you at the gym
i say this as a complete social recluse who only leaves the house to wageslave and go to the gym
i'm the weakest person there too im pretty sure and nobody has even bat an eye at me

go to the fucking gym

>FPA just casually invades command ships and finds zero resistance at all
>Everyone who fights against Yang magically gets dumber
>zero melee specialists in the entire Empire except that one big guy who dies early on
>no pilot aces in entire Empire

Ok I have some more
>Gin is full of win
>Rum brings in the fun
>Mead is a need

Do you mean soda for the sugar or Coke Zero is good?

Fruit juice, milk, homemade lemonade(easy on the sugar), coffee, tea

All you basically got to know with deadlifts is that keep your back straight, lift with legs.

the Empire already has too much plot armor

>imagine being so negative you post this shit online
It's not even hard to look like a Part 5+ Jojo they're so much more skinny

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nah money = power

bill gates is not gonna be scared of some buff thug on the street

I'm not a fit bra but when you truly learn to like yourself it won't matter what people say to you anymore, and you will 100% look better and be more confident too

>Empire shows incompetence and the FPA takes advantage of it
>every win Wenli has is due to his enemies underestimating his half-circle strategy
>Despite all of this Empire still wins in the end
plot armor

This, Giorno mode doesn't seem that hard to obtain

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You are a social animal, you can't weasel out of this. You can delude yourself with escapism as much you want its not gonna change facts. You are hardwired to starve for acceptance in the tribe. Those who are outcasts and different are shunned, they'll always have a miserable life, because they still want to be a part of the tribe even if the tribe actively tries to destroy them.

The only way you can actually dodge this is when you enter lunatic mode. Then when your brain stops working "correctly" you also stop caring about things like these. But as long as you DO give a fuck it still means you still want to be a part of them.
Have this pic because I wanted to post it.

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how can you learn to like yourself if no one likes you?

what does it feel like for a girl to feel your muscles?

god that colour scheme is atrocious

>empire still wins
Except that Julian MarySue actually wins and forces Reinhard to install democracy which will kill the Empire and make it shitty like the FPA

Depends on the gym, you're probably talking about big fitness clubs laid over a large room or something, in that case I fully agree that nobody will care, probably.

I used to go to a gym that was essentially in an old basement corridor that hasn't seen any renovation since the Soviet 1980s, it was a rough time and mainly fucking everyone knew each other there. Manlets were always unpredictable (I honestly do not mind short people and know plenty who are cool and get laid, but it's true nonetheless) and the quickest to laugh at some people, no fucking idea if it's just envy or whatever.

No, I play vidya when I'm not working out.

Took this pic just for (you). That's right, if you start lifting you might one day look as ripped as a Jojo character, just like me some day.

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The problem is that 90% of you faggots always exaggerate and usually just look normal or average (or would look like that if you bothered to work on yourself) and yet you act like you were born with five eyes and have only pubes instead of normal hair.

Dieting isn't about using magic ingredients, you can still eat pretty much whatever you want. Just don't eat until you're completely bloated if you want to lose weight, or until you are if you want to gain. The only thing I changed in my meals during a few months bulking was adding some cream.
Soups or stews are a perfect way to just adding a lot of different veggies like celery, spinach, green kale(?), carrots, parsnip or whatever you feel like with minimal preparation.
Flour that isn't bread is your biggest enemy really and most cheap food contains a lot of it, usually these foods contain more carbs than protons. So if you're buying this, it's better to stay clear and find something else.

I replaced most of my snacks like chips, cookies or ice cream with peanuts or peanut butter and tried out some intermittent fasting which is basically just don't eat breakfast and have some water instead. Kind of sucks shortly before lunchtime but you get used to it after a week.

Trying to use a professional athlete's diet or exercise methods when just starting out lifting or working out in general is a setup for failure because it takes a shitload of discipline to keep up with both the physical and psychological fatigue. Since you aren't a professional athlete you also have a job, studies or vidya that takes up a lot of energy and it simply doesn't work.

Be yourself and step up your game little by little, and you'll get to where you want eventually.

I want to believe this is not a real post

cute hair

is this the e3 normalfaggot immigrant thread?

please be my gf (male)

e3's practically over tard