


Attached: shower thoughts.jpg (602x761, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I just fap in the shower.

fucking kek



Kek, what is that ranbow pic?

here's what i think of

women are barely human

Thinking about naked kids and things that look like dicks in the shower?

That's pretty sus, bro.


>that fucking one about that chick
>that one where you just walk in your house, click an item and end the game
>"One Night Stand"
fucking "games"
how the fuck did this show in a main presentation too

>women think about improving their own life through their personal image and finding an attractive mate to produce an offspring with

>males think about the past which is useless and the fate of the universe which is useless since they as present humans do not have that big of an effect of the scope of the future nor can they change the past.

Why do you all hate women for having good lives when that is what they focus on rather than thinking about space dust and tragedies which have long since past?

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who hates them? they are like little cats


>not learning from the past mistakes of your ancestors and seeking out ancient knowledge passed down through the ages
>not dreaming about the future world you could help create and actively working to build and mentor the next generation of your people
>only living for present-day hedonistic pleasures in a shallow reactionary lifestyle
Weird flex but okay


>think like woman
>end up like africa
>think like men
>end up with SJWs that throw your country away
There's simply no winning in life, is there?
I would rather believe that this is hell and we are punished to live through hell in a reincarnation cycle until we redeem ourselves.

I find funny that you think you're smart user.

To be fair, space engine is objectively superior to gay clicky game from 00's era newgrounds.

lets go boys

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>I would rather believe that this is hell and we are punished to live through hell in a reincarnation cycle until we redeem ourselves.
thats exactly what it is, we got thrown out of Paradise together with Satan to learn good from bad
its all just a simulation, and fuck am I ready to go home

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>men think about having a long lasting impact on the world outside of their own lives
>women are preoccupied with improving their own lives in the present or foreseeable future

neither outlook is inherently better than the other

In, water on, shave for five minures - neck, face, pits, balls, or back as needed. Lather my hair, apply body wash, turn water off and brush teeth for three minutes. Last I turn the water back on, rinse down, scrape feet with pumice and sponge groin+pits to endure they're scrubbed, and use conditioner. Apply aftershave and deep cleansing facial gel after and peel the latter off when it hardens into film fifteen minutes later. Dry hair+body and apply cologne plus anti-persperant while waiting for that.

Done in under 30 minutes and set for the day, every day. Basic hygiene is a must for men too.

That's literally Hinduism

I find it funny how easy it is to manipulate opinion
If I hadn't used le ebin wojak, which posters would have reacted differently?
This way is far more divisive because no one wants to side with pic related so now they feel the need to defend One Night Stand, because that's how tribalism works

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lower panel also needs a starbucks coffee and some ultranormie tv show still

you sound like a giant pussy
a man that needs more than 5 minutes to shower isnt a man at all

>I want to believe X
>Therefore X is true
This is why we can't repair telomeres yet you shits

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All is vanity anyway.

ok Bateman

>wanting to live forever in this cursed existence
now THIS is true hell

Yeah but men make all of the anime tiddy games so...kinda evens out

That's just like, your opinion man

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A picture of Earth from the Voyager probe. The line is the galaxy I think, the Earth is a white pixel

no shit, thats what free will is all about

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Why the fuck does female wojak look like Jessica from DQ8?

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god I wish that were me

I think about whether I should clean my ass first or last, and how I hate the feeling of hot water jets prickling my skin.

That is you

>da univars... SO BIIIIIIIG

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free will is a meme

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I only have one monitor and no technodiaper

thats what happens when you sell your kids to the jews

Big Big Big! WAhOO!

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The nazis from the greatest generation enabled picture 2

This image also leaves out all of the old people that fucked up the world allowing for millennials to happen

>contemplating vietnam and tiananmen in the shower
no one ever


>think about why anything exists at all
>even if there's a god, why should a god exist in the first place
>if there isn't a god, what started it and why
>there is no answer, only more layers of why
>realize I can only ask that question because the universe exists

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>le free will is a meme
Convenient belief you have there.

Here's the deal, you 2deep4u faggots. Assuming you're alive, here are your only 2 options:
>Don't die
If you're mortal and will die someday there's literally 0 difference between dying this instant or in a billion years. Your actions while being alive will mean nothing to you when you're dead because nothing will. Thus, life has no meaning and you're free to do whatever you want.
If you're actually immortal due to some religious bullshit or quantum physics mumbo jumbo the results of your actions will fade with time, your memories of them will be lost and within an infinite time period those actions will be repeated an infinite amount of times. And again, life has no fucking meaning and you should feel free to do whatever you want. Being afraid of death is dumb as fuck.

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brainlet's first attempt at thinking

Cause and effect is pretty important.


whats dis

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god these threads are always so cringe

Has anyone played the one night stand game?
Looks either comfy or funny.

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>wow cool space :-DDDDD
>thinking about how they can strategically gain capital in the form of men

>le not believing in free will means you musn't try in life and accept responsibility meme
Prove you have free will right now
Perform an action that would not simply repeat if we rewound time and offered you the opportunity again

Attached: galaxy scales.jpg (564x564, 70K)


Honestly the "dude space is so poetic we're made of stardust" shit is getting tiresome.

Das a picture of the earth.
Remember that everything do or care about is contained on that spec of dust.

Never mind, it's really cheap. I have nothing to lose here.
I'm going to tear this virtual roastie apart.

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you are not a faggot

It's an existential crisis. He's having an existential crisis in the shower. Why are you people so brainlet?

The man in the image is feeling the weight of his unimportance and how he's really just a tiny speck at the whim of a cruel uncaring universe. The woman is concerned with vanity and thinks the universe revolves around her.

It has nothing to do with "i fucking love science" or any meme shit like that. It's got everything to do with ego.

Who is this even supposed to fool?

Imagine not having seen Cosmos

>ywn wake up next to a stranger with emotional issues

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>the past which is useless
>the fate of the universe which is useless
woman detected

Based jewis- I mean atheist.

he wont
most people accept free will is a meme and insanely hard to defend against determinism
the real question is how should one live if we accept determinism as truth?


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>Perform an action that would not simply repeat if we rewound time and offered you the opportunity again
What does this prove?

I thought it was a futuristic fleshlight

>le cringe
you're the guy that everyone secretly hates and only pretends to tolerate because they're afraid you'll either kill yourself or shoot up the school/office first

What does a one night stand feel like bros? Do you experience that brief spark of vulnerable humanity?

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>not realizing God is everything including exploding stars
I once respected these scientists in my edgy youth but they are just brainlets like everyone else

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Life becomes an adventure and a laugh once you start believing in quantum immortality

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>incels think this

And that's why you're all sad little losers.

Not video games by the way.

What prompted this realization?

Hollow unless you are a degenerate roastie in which case its the closest you can get to simulating the love of your absent father

Because she is the ideal female form

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To all the existential nihilist hedonic faggots like

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>people are finding some way of compartmentalizing their tiny place in the vastness of existence?
>god so annoying
check out mr. hipster over here

Come on, user. At least try to understand what's being discussed here.

studying STEM

>the real question is how should one live if we accept determinism as truth?
No differently, as a living paradox

I'm asking you

Anyone else here legit terrified about space? Just imagine if there are actual life forms far bigger than any planet in our solar system. Just imagine how spooky that shit would be to fathom.


this is directly videogames though
notice the 2 videos in the OP

The top picture is the symptom of a lost soul searching for faith.

i used to fap. then realized my whole family can hear it. lol.
There were some guests in the living room talking to my parents and I went to shower. Started fapping and mid fap someone knocks on my door. Get scared, then hear my dad saying how I recently started taking long showers and everyone chuckled. Was 13 years old btw.

>t. "I read Alan Watts once and realized I'm actually a genius"

That's the point. You should ask yourself.

If you're studying STEM you should realise that god doesn't exist. period,

>sees images of the cosmos, death, and war
>think's its a leddit dude we're stardust meme

Fuck off you subhuman.

>dude just believe in magical bullshit when you cant explain stuff due to lack of available information

literally and unironically nihilistic semantics

Because every famous scientist and engineer was an athetist oh wait.

I'd imagine any life advanced enough (lmfao our ~10k years of civilization compared to potentially millions/billions) would edit themselves to the point of being robots to us
Seems kind of doable that they could be massive for whatever reason

nah, I did it on my own, I read alot of other opinions but in the end I reject anything anyone says as bullshit
either you find the truth by yourself or dont at all, letting other people tell you what reality is is just retarded and lazy

lmao, watch this gif you can apply the same scale from a molecule to DNA to the human body
and people want to tell me its because some random chemicals bonded together by chance and evolved into what is shitposting here today
its such a simple way to look at things, you dont realize how perfectly everything was designed

Yes, the beliefs of scientists hundreds of years ago when we also were unaware that handwashing before surgery was a smart move should be used to determine the veracity of religion

>Appealing to authority
I lol


There are multiple, multiple times I should have died due to my own incompetence and lack of awareness, yet I am still alive. Through those circumstances I’ve come to the conclusion that I am simply incapable of dying due to my own actions

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>God is everything including exploding stars
That doesn't mean anything. There is no actual meaning encoded in that sentence.

Absence of an all-encompassing theory is not proof of god. Try again.

>and people want to tell me its because some random chemicals

>implying we live in a society
Get a load of this guy

Enjoy wandering those dark and empty plains forever, fedora boy.
Meanwhile Chad Thunderchrist will have 6 kids and a faithful wife, surrounded by a supportive community of likeminded charitable and optimistic individuals.

>Intelligent design
Yet niggers exist.

why are Yea Forums's philosophy threads always so full of obviously insecure people

>implying "dude stem lmao" isn't

I love the we live in a society meme. Mostly because it tricked brainlets like yourself to stop talking about broader issues in order to "fit in".

It was one of the best signal to noise corrections we've seen on the internet in the past few years.

None of those things are restricted to religious people

The universe gives and takes.

Okay so I assume you're referring to a "christian" god. What about all other religious scientists, do you just ignore their existance?

nothing to do with nihilism. everything you do, think and say is so significant you cant even imagine. most people just live primitive existences reacting to the stimuli from the material plain without ever realizing what power they really have or who they really are

>people want to tell me its because some random chemicals bonded together by chance
The idea is not outlandish if you understand the scale of the universe. If an event has an outcome with a one-in-ten-trillion probability, that outcome will likely occur if you repeat the event ten trillion times

Jewish man say god no real. I hate Jesus now!
Also happy ramadan to all.

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Every christian guy I know is fathering children that arent his because while he was in church his "born again virgin" wife was getting railed in a van

I tried to several times, water makes for pisspoor lube and does not mix well with precum at all, making for a heavily awkward stroking feeling, let alone the cum itself sticking to the ground so you have to awkwardly guide it down the drain.
Not worth it.

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I'm not that user.
Not like it makes your post any less bullshit.

>being a religious backwater redneck with six kids is a utopia

that's okay cletus, you leave the thinking to the heathens.

Have you ever been with a woman? Are you retarded? nothing about them ever self improves, most women nowadays can't cook and can't keep a boyfriend for more than a few weeks and blame him

Jesus was a Jew.

Literally 90% of fedoras I know are like this.

I just think of things I should've said/done in events that happened to me years ago while I'm taking a shower.

Then I masturbate after drying myself off.

god is the laws of the physics that determine the DNA as same as the spirals of galaxies
god is everything

thats the thing, I studied it for the last 10 years and thats the conclusion I came to

you may get reincarnated as a nigger as form of gods punishment, karma is a bitch

thats avoiding the question tho

Hi Shlomo.

I know that feel, there just isn't enough grip to have a proper wank.

this but with my lil bro doing this
nobody ever told him we knew lol

I can't fap standing up.

I don't think I'll ever understand the female obsession with their nails, it always just looks stupid to me.

The religion I was raised with is of course the right one!

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Like this?

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I just think of video game concepts I have no capacity to make real then get depressed and towel off

>you may get reincarnated as a nigger as form of gods punishment, karma is a bitch
Those are from different religions, you double nigger.

>"born again virgin"
user, you've just opened up a can of worms. Now sluts are going to push this "born again virgin" shit to stop themselves from being slutshamed.
Gender, Race and Sexuality are all choices, why not virgin status?

pick one, you larping faggot

yes there is
god is everything

you are to spiteful for a religious person
they are just ignorant or were lied to all their lives, there is no pleasure in losing a soul to the void

Religion is necessary because not everyone is smart enough to to wrap their heads around nihilistic altruism. For the sake of order and minimizing suffering, we must compel moral behavior out of those who are unable to use reason to arrive at the conclusion that moral behavior is desirable and results in the best outcome for everyone. It's equally important that the unintelligent believe in God as it is that the intelligent understand that the heavens are empty.

The goatfucking mudhut child-mutilation poo river religions are the same as the religion that developed the greatest civilisations in history.

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Jew and muslims.What they have in common? They believe in God

I didnt open up shit. They were already doing this. Half the women from the church I used to go to were massive sluts that decided they should get "reformed' before they hit 30 so they could get married. It's a fucking joke.

>a few hundred years from now AI will be developing games with detail and scale that a team of hundreds of humans would take decades to match
>we will be the big dead

Attached: death sad cat.jpg (379x720, 15K)

Jews believe they are god.


So you're saying you believe in the Greek and Roman pantheons

this is the kinda vibe im getting from you right now

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They aren't doing it for you. 95% of what women do for their appearance is to compete for dominance among themselves.

you shave your armpits? Fucking lol

The foreskin?

>Self proclaimed intelligent

Imagine being a greco-romaboo.

I am not christian, hindu, muslim or anything, all are inventions by men
I am just a man of God

ok thats fine, I may come across as an would be enlightened fedorafag but thats more because of the language barrier I am confronted with

I was referring to FGM, but sure that counts too.

Imagine his stroking his tiny cock haha

>look for a Space Engine thread
>get this


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god fucking almighty

I'm a man and it feels awful, you're probably too drunk to enjoy it, you regret it at the next morning and feel dirty, you will worry about STDs and shit. I don't understand how roasties can do this so much, it's the worst feeling.

It's for dominance over other women but it's also for winning the chad sperm competition that we refer to as natural selection.

>Jews believe that they were chosen by God

>I am not christian, hindu, muslim or anything, all are inventions by men
>I am just a man of God
What if God is a creation of man?

Imagine hating western culture while reaping the benefits of it

All you need to do in a shower is use shampoo and wash your hair, and body. Everything else is for flaming fags.

This image is just an extension of fat women thinking being unattractive automatically makes their personalities desirable. You're an unattractive male and you cope the same way except you're even more delusional because you think you're a intellectual or fucking something.

At that point I'd just not fuck those chicks. Easiest way to see their dedication to the lord is if no-one marries them and we see if they quit the religion or not.


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haha who cares let's destroy everything good our ancestors sculpted because NOTHING MATTERS BRO WE'RE JUST STARDUST WOOOOOOOOOO

No man ever got hard over painted nails.

that would mean man created the universe which isnt possible by our laws of physics

It goes with the rest of the look


But he might have got soft over a manky nail.


You delete but that one works too

Would you say a woman with fucked up nails is more attractive?

Tfw the truth, just like drawed eyebrows.

>start believing
More like become aware of, but OK

You say that scathingly and sarcastically now but you're not wrong.

That's what it's all about

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I was always the fastest in and out of the shower in my family even though I made sure to wash thoroughly...
I understand why now

Why don't you just kill yourself then?

>projecting your pedophilia
This place really is a safespace for sjws on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Wait, sjws defend pedophiles so what the fuck am I talking about. This place is just a safe space for sjws with different views

Switch to cold water, hot water will just turn your cummies into jelly

Imagine never having somebody say they love you as you cuddle after sex
what have you kids even been spending your time doing

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Wow you're so smart it's like a horeshoe bro.

Our current understanding of them at the very least.
Let's go with your idea. Perhaps in the future men will find a way to create a new universe or a simulation of the universe. Perhaps it already happened and we are living in a manufactured reality.
Can you prove we are not living in a manufactured reality? Humans already have an important interest to simulate reality, through video games for example, I think it would fit human psychology.

Did you mean to reply to my post? Because it's alright if you didn't.

>the people that believe they get to go somewhere else treasure things more than the people who believe this earth/universe is all we get
haha it doesn't matter if they die you'll see them when you die xD

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Yes, I think you should kill yourself if you only wish to destroy and defile humanity's accomplishments.

if it bothers you so much then why are you here?

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Based, i want to fuck Suika


I have with 3 different girls and I still hate women.

Is that a granny in the second panel?

(You) must learn to accept the world and identify with it all, abandon that concept of (You) altogether to finally be free.

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we liked pedophilia before it was a social justice thing, it's a blessing in disguise.

>take really long showers
>just scrub for like 5 minutes and stand in hot water for the other 25 thinking about stuff
>sometimes sit or lay down, but not for too long because our tub is small and it hurts my legs to do it .
>family probably thinks I'm masturbating, don't give a shit, hot water feels too nice.

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The proof is in the pudding. Atheists hate all beauty born from human inspiration.

I believe you

>bothers me
If I speak out against pedophilia I get 15+ yous half the time. It bothers you faggots alot more than it bothers me. I don't mind being an outlier because I'm not a little emotional bitch who looks for safe spaces. I'll never meet you in person but at least I can bully your mentally ill ass online.

my girlfriend hates women too

Please go to reddit where you absolutely fucking belong

>Can you prove we are not living in a manufactured reality?
I actually believe that, I just call it god. but its just the one side of god we are able to see and feel with our senses. so humans are too a part of this god "machine" if you will. most people still think about god as some dude in the clouds, god is more like the energy that drives this whole machine which is our reality. its very difficult to put into words since english isnt my native language.
bottom line is, we as humans and part of god can manipulate this reality into anything we desire, but we also must realize that good aswell as evil exists which arent separate but more like the ends of a spectrum.

I take it even further and say we can leave this simulation, but we have to come to some realization first.
I view this reality more like a VR prison or better put, like an education program for something that comes afterwards.
its a really complex topic

Nigger, I can only imagine how I could convey the breadth and scope of my influence on reality. You are both God and dunce in my universe, the walking dildo of a dead race, the female. As we enter into this new realm called the future your behavior can only delightfully continue until you muh duck'ed half the entire fucking universe and cucked the other half to the delight of all.
Some little nigger stepped on my foot. While I was sitting on muh steps the other day because that bastard maker of penis swinging from your legs makes the most ridiculous shit colored suicidal sodomites. And he was a pigeon toed! Reminded me of a Muslim curse! Nigger Nigger, sick gets bigger, had a wife but couldn't figgur, went to court to put it in, but rushed a police officer to put an end. Pow, rhyme that slime friend.

-The Cat in the hat

What pudding? A strawman?

Imagine cheerypicking
Everyone thinks of sex AND deep thoughts in the shower
I call it fapping then philosophy


you sound bothered

>I'm not a little emotional bitch

yeah that sounds like you faggot

I'm glad you know more about me now.

the closest normalfags get to philosophy is quoting capeshit villains

I don't believe you have a real girlfriend though

What an odd place to hide pictures of cute girls.
Do you share the PC with your sister or dad or something?

>feeling small and insignificant because the universe is so big
>not feeling humble and grateful that you even have the capability to consciously comprehend the scale of the universe and yours and humanity's place within it as best as possible

Wow imagine how far it would have to zoom out to show your mother

>no u

What terrifies me more is that lack of life. Where is everyone? If there'd be advanced aliens with galaxy spanning empires we'd see them by now but there's nothing out there.

STEM does not disprove God, only shows how the universe that God created works.

>I'm not a little emotional bitch who looks for safe spaces
Welp, you found your hurtbox. Have at you, user.

oh no, why is that?

Fucking this. Fuck fapping in the shower, I just turn on the shower so nobody can hear any noises, blow my load into the toilet and flush, ez

I post society memes all the time and you're reading too hard into it. Societal decay is beyond discussed even more on the internet. Societyposting only helped it.

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It was at the time of creation yeah
I guess I could move it but a shortcut is fine too


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>Guy thinks about naked little girls while showering


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so i was right


lmao so many fucking redditors in here arguing about religion

hahaha funny and original comment

there is nothing based about having to hide your own masturbation
you either live at home or with people who you fear

little bitch

stop talking about philosophy

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don't worry you will grow out of it


That's not really scary when you realize that we would all be dead the fucking INSTANT it broke out of the suns surface. We would never see it

we can only see distant stars as small dots, it is possible that there is life that we cannot detect

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hidden masturbation is my fetish

fuck you

how do you get that from what I said? now I'm a little less interested in your deductions seeing how they work

>vore fetishits

you just KNOW


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oh no this faggot is less interested in why I think he's a faggot

holy shit BASED

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Lol not him but getting a girl isn't hard you know

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The line is just glare from the sun, not the galaxy


Funny how these never make the girl the reject

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I didn't say it was hard
i said I don't believe he did it

Did this men live a happy life?

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The Fermi Paradox. What sounds most plausible to me is that at some point every lifeform becomes so advanced that they discover something that wipes them out. Dead Space explored that concept.

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extremely based

I want to go to space.

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life is so incredibly rare that there is none of it in our vicinity besides us
and we will probably never meet an alien lifeform before the entire family tree of our planet is extinct

>omg he mentioned the fermi perodox I never heard of THAT before

It's not that unbelievable, honestly. Unless he looks like this.

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they inevitably evolve the idea of meaning like us but then discover that it's not real and lose all ambition to exist

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>tfw you will never fuck a qt space babe from beyond infinite black sea

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but that's what he looks like

>ugly incels develop bitter and toxic personalities
wow imagine my surprise

they are all around us and even are on earth, they just dont want to be seen
protip, you are an alien yourself

For as short of a time we've existed and how old the universe is there's bound to have been some aliens conquering the stars. If we can come up with the concept of sending self replicating drones to planets that in turn replicate and send more drones to other planets until they've visited every planet and star system in the galaxy then surely the same thought must have occured some alien. If there were aliens surely we'd pick up on something, radio signal.. anything but there is silence. No star ships out there. No trace of life wherever we look.
It terrifies me that we might be all alone.

I know that feel bro. Tried fapping in the shower once. Felt awkward as hell and uncomfortable. Not to mention hot/warm water actually lowers your erection rather than keeping it up.

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why even call it "god" when you clearly dont share the same definition as actually religious people.

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What the hell is going in this thread?

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lets him sound deep and pretend that he's not an atheist

you couldn't even fuck a starfish plucked fresh from the ocean
literally kill yourself

The correct people are discussing showers and masturbation techniques.
The fedoralords are talking about women and space.

>19 and visiting Japan and Vietnam
He can still make it if he stops being a cunt

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Nothing, friend.

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People are getting redpilled. The truth is being revealed. Also video games.

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Male cringe

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I haven't watched Precure in forever but I remember Erika being the cunt, not Tsubomi.

You take body wash and lather up your junk and thighs and rub it against the thighs
Feels better then sex

body aint gonna save that fucked up steroid face and spray on tan

who says their definition is right? who says Im right?
fact of the matter is no one is right because god is so all encompassing that we will never comprehend him in his entirety, we just take glimpses at him and try to understand it thought science, religion, philosophy etc

as if I would be allowed near a female

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You spit on your dick for lube, not water. Also in order to avoid what you're describing I just get started in my room beforehand and just go to the shower when I'm getting ready to let it loose.

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Babys first philosophy discussions featuring the 12 year olds on Yea Forums

Imagine being seething enough to make this post lmao

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>the past which is useless and the fate of the universe which is useless

Shit we got an actual female in the thread

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oof, takes me back

>roiding for this
Large yikes

"God, what the fuck is your problem?"

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stop being such a fucking pseud and say what you actually mean. chances are whatever you are actually trying to express has expressed a thousand times better by an actual philosopher, so go read some books before spreading your bullshit

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she's still making eye contact
I have a way in

sweety? you are not a woman. you are a man that takes pills. now have sex

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Body wash makes it hurt to pee as it gets in your uethra

It's only a fantasy in the land of 3d.
I'm a citizen of the 2d world, so those rules don't apply.

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Okay Yea Forums tell me, what is going happen to us after our death? And why?

>user posts his tranny obsession/fetish again

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What the fuck are you doing that makes so much noise? Are you blasting porn through your phone speakers or something?

>standing in the shower thinking about the past and future without the means to apply it to your life is more useful than thinking about self care

you get to be with your perfect waifu forever and ever amen

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I WILL be with my waifu.

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Why would anything happen?
If you break a computer does it boot up in some ethereal cloudspace?

God only knows why it attracts people like you.

dilate, have suicide

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water getting in between my hand and dick might have been making wet noises.

>tfw no cute petite asuka gf

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Literally start lifting. Don't cope and take roids.
SS for a few months to start off.

You get trapped in the last game you played

The particles that make up your body will disperse and become part of the earth and other lifeforms on it.

trannies and incels should both an hero

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You start reliving your life in reverse, then once you hit your conception you relive it again normally, this keeps on repeating forever.

>There are people on Yea Forums that still thirst for 3D
Face it, there are no good women
What you yearn for is a concept, which can only exist in 2D

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>t. Never gave a girl headpats

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Your memes fall to the backdrop of human history, supporting it unseen and obscure. You're as meaningful as the microbe living in the rhizosphere of the soil that grew the crop that sustained some distant ancestor long enough to give birth. Nothing smaller, nothing bigger.

You don't have a choice; live and be meaningful.

trannies are incels tho

dilate, have sex, and suicide please

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I already did, reality is a simulation for us to fuck around with. but we are at the bottom of a hierarchy and our actions are watched. only thought good deeds and in resonance with the universe are we able to "level" up our souls and advance in the hierarchy until we are able to create our own reality/simulation.
this whole shit ties in with infinite universe theory bullshit and gets really weird with timetravel and so forth, but thats probably too /x/ for you.

No shit retarded election tourist, trannies are just shit tier males looking for an escape

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you're thinking like a female retard

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Is this the fate of every thread now? To turn into a war over trannies?

I'm just waiting for moth girls to get invented.

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depends on you

so do us all a favor. rope yourself hun

>Okay Yea Forums tell me, what is going happen to us after our death?
I don't know.
>And why?
I don't know.

Hopefully that answers your questions.

those moths are too fat!

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You can also talk about jacking off in the shower if you want.


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>Moth Girls
>Not Genetically Engineered Cat Girls


Anyways are the Nekopara games any good?

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it's gonna be like this for a few more months until even the most autistic of retards has posted it enough times, it will then be phased out in favor of a new set of phrases and memes
if you really don't wanna see anymore of this you can either filter all their keywords or go on a hiatus until next year. But even if you do that there is a chance that the replacement meme will be even worse than what we have now

When you die you become a random anons cat
You then can enjoy glaring at him and messing up his computer and things randomly, also sleep on anything like a bed

imagine all the moth dust during sex

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Think differently then

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"why" isn't the cause
"how" is the cause

They're cute, censored on steam, but not at all hard to get the patch to undo that for free. But I really just like them for the cute cat girls you can pet whenever you like.

Yep especially if you want a loli mommy gf
Real little girls can't ara ara therefore are shit

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I actually love space, sure it being huge and us being very small is intimidating but the scenery is just too damn beautiful to me. Probably the only scary things are supergiant water planets that have water all the way down to their core with little to no islands. Take for example Gliese 1214 B

Attached: Planet_GJ_1214_b.png (1280x730, 173K)

Alan Watts is fine tbhfam, just don't consider his idea of a god a literal one

Imagine being this lonely and bitter.

Well, it doesn't come from the sun in Hellstar Remina.

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Imagine you could just download an entire database of information about any subject or game into your brain. That would be nice.

Why would a moth need breasts?

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Soon. Some chick used gene therapy on herself to become younger

Have sex

have sex

have sex

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Nailed it

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Gotta rest your head somewhere might as well be between a big pair of tiddies

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including you

femwojak should actually have the showerhead pointing towards her pussy

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Best manga
Only people with lolicon soul should be able to post on Yea Forums

>boomers are raised by the war-fatigued greatest generation
>boomers raise the millenials
>millenials raise the current generation

im a girl and usually, in the shower, I think about
>what im gonna do today
>loved ones
>mistakes I have made
>what im gonna do with my life
>what I should stop procrastinating
>how good i smell

What about gen X?

The only way to be happy is to be hooked up to a machine which constantly feeds you drugs and stimulants

Post penis and please don't cut it off

Raised by both silent and boomers.

>he still has existential crises
If nothing is going matter in the grand scheme of things, just kill yourself
Worrying about the cosmic irrelevance of our actions is frankly irrelevant considering our actions have always been in regard to their relevance to us and to others around us. Moping about existence's ephimerility and doing nothing because its ephemeral is like killing yourself now so you dont have to die at the end of your life, its pathetic

Attached: youre here forever.jpg (640x480, 34K)

>No man ever got hard over painted nails.
y-yeah, that would be degenerate, l-like those f-footfags amirite?

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they either ascend to a higher dimension or upload their consciousnesses into their own personal heavens

And here we all are

>He needs lube
God I feel so bad for you fags. The shower is the only place I get to fap without having to aim. Free cumming is absolutely the best feeling out there.

No it doesn't, fuck u.


It time to shut down the machine, please enjoy the rest of your days

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>that pic
>implying the guy wouldnt be thinking of bingbing wahoo and anime

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It feels pointless. You usually dont remember it.

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hahahahaha, simple simple humans

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And start to destroy, hide and delete everything they ever made in doing so?

i see /rbmk/ has arrived

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I can't wait till pedophillia becomes a reddit thing so this site can start hating it

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