Why is everyone slamming this shit when they all slurped Spider Man right up, Yea Forums? Including some of you.
Why is everyone slamming this shit when they all slurped Spider Man right up, Yea Forums? Including some of you
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Spider-Man showed fun movement even in the first trailer, this shit had nothing
Tell me about Spider-Man
Why does he wear the mask?
1.It's Square Enix 2. People are having a hard time adjusting since it is presented like an MCU film but the faces they are familiar with are not there 3. The gameplay will be shallow because of the amount of playable characters instead of one game dedicated to each character and their history and supporting cast. 4. It just looks bland, there's nothing special about it. Bonus. Captain America's costume looks fucking terrible
To protect his loved ones.
He's VERY hated by powerful mob bosses.
this looks awful
marvel ultimate alliance 3 looks great
every single one of them looks like Prince Charming
WoW, when did riker played Iron man?
Spiderman looked good, this doesn't
If you take a young Bob Saget and squish his face a little so it isn't as long it looks like that Banner
Gameplay doesn’t look as fun as Spider-Man.
Its not ps4 exclusive so all the snoy's are shitting on it because they're not special
Personally I think you can make a much more interesting game if you focus on one hero in-depth. If the Avengers game was an Iron Man game instead I'd probably play it. Because there's not a lot of games that let you play around in a style like you could potentially do with an Iron Man game
Instead because they have to focus on all Avengers, it's pretty much a factual assumption that each one will be shallow compared to if they had focus. Additionally, it's a matter of overexposure too. Over the past like 3 years the Avengers have had such an obscene amount of exposure from the Infinity War duology, taking up a huge percentage of popular media, meme influence, etc.
This is also something Spider Man has in its favor, because the Spider Man game is its own separate iteration of the universe, not tied to any of the movie series or even really influenced by them. One look at the Avengers game can tell you it's very heavily influenced by the movies.
>that fucking man jawed black widow
>These Z list literally who actors
>Instead of gameplay they chat with said actors for 10 minutes
Western games are fucking embarassing. Ultimate Alliance 3 absolutely tore this game a new asshole and it likely has 10x less of a budget to boot.
manfaced Black Widow
People who play games need to see gameplay; marvel fatties don't like it because it doesn't use the actors from the movies even though that's unreasonable.
>those faces
Because Spiderman isnt in it. People just like Spiderman, user.
The little snippets of gameplay they showed just raise a million little red flags. Also Black Widow needs bigger tits and a hotter face.
Insomniac is in charge of Spider-Man (2019)Square Enix is in charge of the Avengers. Who do you think will have the better game?
no PS4 exclusive, no care.
I swear to god, Yea Forums is so full of idiots. Literally everyone that hasn't literally got chiseled chin/cheekbones through surgery has a manface. Your k-pop idols aren't real anons, get a grip on reality.
I don't get the outrage, is it just movie autists that can't handle them not resembling the actors?
Why do any of you even care about what Black Widow looks like? The worst part of the game is that she's in it at all. I don't really care about the whole girl power thing Marvel has going on, there's no way she's keeping up with any single one of the others.
But thanks to the utter retardation that appears to be going into the game, she'll probably end up being the template for all the other characters. They'll build the control scheme around relatively normal human Black Widow, and then Iron Man will just control like Black Widow but with the ability to do press a button to do a jet boost or press another button to do one of the pulse blast things. Thor will control like Black Widow but with a button that throws his hammer and clears the screen of enemies. Cap will control like Black Widow but with a button that does a multi hit ranged attack.
I can do with the designs but at least change Captain America's outfit or something. He looks more like he has an average mercenary armor that coincidentally has a star and stripes on his chest than a superhero costume.
>Why is everyone slamming this shit when they all slurped Spider Man right up
Because the normies don't like anything that isn't movie synergy. Seriously most of the gripes are how Black Widow doesn't look like Scarjo and Tony doesn't look like RDJ despite the push for this game trying to be it's own thing.
I agree with there being no reason to include Black Widow. At least include a fun female avenger like She-Hulk or Scarlet Witch. Hell even Hawkeye would be a more fun playable character than Black Widow.
Because it's just more evidence that sex appeal is being completely stripped from Western media. There's a mandate to make all women as ugly and man faced as possible.
Meanwhile the Japs are slapping thick tits and thighs and ass on every woman.
>show someone that knows the character black widow in this game
>"looks like a drag queen"
Oh nonono.
>MvCI is ugl--
>all these disney plants commenting that the faces are shitty because CD did the sane thing and didn't pay trillions of dollars for the original cast to quip for five minutes a day in a mocap suit
they look fine, geez
reminder that her name is BLACK WIDOW aka she used her looks to get close to her targets to get them to lower their guard
how is that possible when she looks like some sort of gorilla in a wig?????
To start with every fucking character has the same exact face.
Yea Forums everyone. Can't tell the difference between cutscenes and gameplay
Acne. Very much.
aka fallout 4
Nu-Lara was fucking hot. Why is Black Widow so scuffed?
my god it literally looks like a tranny
I sort of zoned out after the first trailer so I am just guessing about what happens but it seems to me like the avengers really are to blame if the disaster was because of the dangerous experimental engine they thought was a good idea to put in the middle of a city
Why does it look like a Bethesda game?
Iron Man looks like he was cropped out of Fallout 4 and placed into this scene.
This was my thought as well. A Hulk Prototype style game game sounds good. An Iron Man game where you fly around like a jet and shit sounds good. A Black Widow espionage game sounds good. A Captain America mixture of MGS and Arkham sounds good. A Thor Darksiders game sounds good.
A single game that doesn't let any specific aspect of the characters shine just doesn't sound fun.
>A Hulk Prototype style game game sounds good. An Iron Man game where you fly around like a jet and shit sounds good
These exist already
Iron Man looks like DSP
You guys are shit and this just confirms it
because the game was authentic in capturing it's own take on spider man, in between cinematic and comic universes.
Peter was already out of high school. He was working. His outfits clearly took a balance between the two.
But this game is OBVIOUSLY trying to get the movie crowd. The roster lineup, the aesthetics (look at hulk/banner. Straight up Marc Ruffalo) - but it's clear square wasnt, or couldn't, get the likeness rights and we got this.
People got use to the Chris Evan's version of Cap. Fit, Olympian, but not looking or sounding like a linebacker who's trying to intimidate his way out of an argument by using his tough guy voice.
Same thing for black widow, clearly going for scarjos aesthetic in the costume- without using her body.
Didn't the guy behind the game say they were listening and were gonna change the designs? Today I saw an article saying they weren't changing anything despite fan complaints.
I personally don't care, but it seems pretty scummy to lie to relieve tensions and then keep doing what you're doing when everybody has accepted your lie and is no longer worried
Why are the Avengers so fat and schlubby in this game?
the issue is how closesly they made them resemble the actors, while deliberately making it not them.
Its like some kind of half fucked up china bootleg of them.
Because Spider-Man looked really fun and the debut showed off tons of emergent gameplay and scenarios where Spidey could do Spidey shit, whereas Avengers looks like boring cinematic garbage and 90% of the debut is cinematics?
this isn't rocket science
You edited the Hulk buster suit in?
None of the in game models really look anything like any of the actors. I think you might be face blind user.
You guys know that the gameplay leaked right ?
And it looks good right ?
They just need to polish it more and they have the time for it.
The Hulk game was like 15 years ago user.
Is there an actual decent Iron Man game? I was under the impression that they all sucked, but I haven't played any personally.
No, I see what he's saying. The characters' faces and outfits are clearly supposed to evoke the screen actors' faces without being close enough to risk being mistaken for them. It creates this weird effect where your brain wants to see their likeness even though that isn't the intent, so you think it looks way worse than it does.
A Captain America ww2 game could be cool.
>Hey, goys, wanna punch Nazis AGAIN?!!?!?
>It's $59.99+tip plus $6000 for all skins and perks
Are you retarded? It looks ugly and it's obviously synergy. The only one they're missing is hawkeye.
They modelled her after her VA
Stop it please
No gameplay and the costume designs are crap.
Capcom's worst looks better than the west's 2020 garbage.
If you can't see/understand why, then you're even more stupid than I thought, and I really doubt that you play games.
>Captain America's costume looks fucking terrible
Oh no, he's actually accounting for the fact he's not bullet proof like the rest of his team (Widow is just a dumbass)
>Litterally getting upset at Captain America killing ww2 nazis during ww2 because muh jews
Kys manbaby and have sex
That's a trend in video games I really wish would stop. You can make characters look how ever you'd like and attach the most god-tier voice to it, you can create perfect actors, yet you do this shit.
It's not synergy enough. They have the costumes but not the faces. They won't be happy unless they can play as Black Widow.
DSP as iron man. Day one buy
it's very whelming
kek. looks like a man in a drag
good thing I stopped buying AAA trash
Even Her Future Fight version looks better than the Eidos trash
>Arguing practicality in a game about Super Heroes
Literally just say his costume is made out of vibranium(That's what they did with Black Panther) or adamantium and design it how ever you want. I'm not opposed to Cap wearing body armor but the kind he's wearing and the washed out colors don't separate him much from your typical riot gear guy.
Jokes on you, I was only pretending
I thought about ww2 cap game too, but rated R, whole his story (from New York virgin to Iceberg crash) and with his love arc.
Also Captain Marvel in Space game could be okay.
Square Enix should make less "graphics" and hire better writers.
>(look at hulk/banner. Straight up Marc Ruffalo)
Thor's a better example because it's pretty much discount Chris Hemsworth.
All those models look awful. They don't need to look like the MCU actors obviously, but you can tell they took a little from them and then tried to do their own thing, because none of them look like that in the comics either. And the result of mixing their own "style" and MCU likeness looks fucking awful. It's not just fucking Black Widow, everyone looks terrible.
Why do Banner and Cap have less jaw than widow?
Well if that was their intention they did a terrible job. Scar Jo doesn't have a fucking manjaw. The hairstyle is about the only thing they got right
>unironically announcing that you are casting...
>Travis Willingham
>Laura bailey
>Nolan North
>Troy Baker
>...all at the same time and being proud of it for some fucking reason
>then proceeding to take up time showing off their overexposed smarmy cunt faces
What were they thinking?
It's pretty disappointing that they all have great range yet devs hire them to just talk normally 90% of the time.
Cap's armor looks horrible and Iron Man's helmet is bizarre compared to just about any design from the comics or movies. Black Widow looks irish for some reason which doesn't make a damn bit of sense when she's supposed to be a russian with hair dye. This is on top of how we didn't really learn anything about what kind of game it's going to be.
Because they look like fucking custom wrestlers I made as a kid in Smackdown.
>they all slurped Spider Man right up
Nigga, there were countless shitposting threads before Spider-man was released were people were slamming the gameplay and character models, M.J.'s in particular.
I feel like I used up a monkeys paw wish when I wished troy baker was in more stuff back when tales of vesperia was new.
I think most of us had a similar experience.
I bet you also wished for more Star Wars movies in 2010
Because Captain America looks like FUCKING DOGSHIT
Learn english.
Wasn't that pretty much his MCU movie game?
Who's that character with the red headgear?
We didn't see Spiderman's face.
why the fuck is the colour so muted in this game
also the trailer was genuinely awful, too many quick cuts, very little gameplay (there is gameplay but those moments last like 2-3 seconds so you can blink and miss it)
I've heard people say it looks better when they saw it outside of the trailer, only problem is there's QTEs
I would love to buy Marvel Alliance 3 (with all of its DLC bundled), but I don't own a Switch nor will I for many years. I somehow doubt this will ever come to PS4 (PS5). Oh well.
they look like chinese bootlegs of the avengers
i get they cant use the actors likeness because faggots like RDJ are greedy pieces of shit but they could have atleast made them hot
>They're both marvel, why did you like Spiderman and not this???
You have autism
Mad Max managed to pull it off
AFAIK it's a Nintendo published game so its not another NMH: TSA situation where it's a timed exclusive.
the issue is that the characters don't look good. you retarded faggot
Is that some Society of Virtue?
What a shame. Hopefully it does well and is successful. I think it would do even better on the PS4 though. The frame rate in the video looks pretty choppy at parts too
Why is Riker playing Iron Man?
Didn't know they did transgender surgeries in the Red Room.
I wonder how Huey Emmerich ends up betraying them.
Looks more like young stamos desu
no it is me who is the man of iron
She-Hulk instead of regular Hulk would have been a great move: add another female (or also replace BW with another Avenger) and also stamp this as SqEnix's game, its its own thing and not just a copy of the MCU.
Its been 7 years since the original Avengers film, this game deal was struck after I think. They couldnt have come up with any roster of the dozens of Avengers over the decades that didnt exactly map with the MCU one and make it look like a knockoff.
Deus Ex died for capeshit.
I imagine She-Hulk would look like regular Hulk in a wig in this game.