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Other urls found in this thread:

>trash game is unsurprisingly trash


Wow just like The Force Unleashed from a decade ago.
What else is new?

Disney buying Star Wars is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars

please clap

Think of the children

Mouse gloves meddle again.

Probably because if you could you'd 1hit K.O every enemy.



>not wanting a hardcore game where you can one shot the enemies if you land a hit but enemies can also one shot you

Yeah man, all those limbs that went flying everywhere was the only thing that made KotoR good. Certainly the Jedi Knight series would have been shit if you could cut off arms right out of the disk... Oh wait.
This game will be shit because it will be shit. That is very separate from DiSmEmBeRmEnT

Strange, a small indy company made Mordhau which has tons of limb chopping. Pretty pathetic that a multi million dollar star wars licensed game can't even do that.

how do they keep fucking up the star wars license? why isnt the Mouse doing anything?

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rent free seething

The normalfag (AKA star wars fan) audience doesn't want anything resembling a challenge. That's why sekiro has so quickly lost relevance, you can't just get carried by summon.

have kids

That would be pretty sweet but you'll never get that from a Star Wars game, you can barely get that from a normal game.

Much like every other Star Wars game then.

Apparently someones making a Star Wars game.

why use a lightsaber then if you are not going to do what a fucking lightsaber does

True. But I have a dream.

Because they are also fucking it up
It's getting double penetrated


They're too busy fucking it up themselves.

look at that, they fixed the light saber.

I like how they use a doctored screenshot with a very bright lightsaber.

rent free

They've made few enough games so far to be countable on one hand

All the gems we got in the past were the result of dozens of Star Wars games being pumped out each year and the odds demanding that at least a few of them turn out to be winners. Sometimes quantity produces quality.

Seemed to work with the Jedi Knight games

Thread should have ended here.

it's really funny how they had to use an edited thumbnail. They fucking know their lightsaber looks wrong, but they don't put in the effort to fix it.

Children will be playing, please understand

>stop discussing videogames
Go back to your smash roster threads.

it's the Youtube thumbnail, which was literally photoshopped to have a fixed lightsaber

Even in all the quantity of before other then the straight out childrens shovelware ones they were at least competent for their genre.

>Could've been a new JK game
>Instead it's another fucking Force Unleashed but even worse
What are Raven even doing these days?

Went right over your head did it? That first post said the obvious, anything after it is pure fluff. EA and their games aren't worth discussion not when the nail was hit right on the head straight away.

No dismemberment for humanoid enemies but droids will have parts you can chop off

The second one did

>no character creation
what the fuck is the point of this shit

>can cut metal but can't cut flesh
what the fuck are they doing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>"Oh boy I can only imagine all the cool stuff Star Wars games will have in the future!"

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suits think people will buy a game because a D-list celebrity is in it, I guess

>a Star Wars video game that lets you use a lightsaber but prohibits dismemberment
So Dark Forces 1, Dark Forces 2, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Clone Wars, The Force Unleashed, The Force Unleashed 2, Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars 2, Lego Star Wars 3, Lego Star Wars TFA, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, SWTOR, Battlefront 2, Battlefront 2015, and Battlefront 2 2017?

Christ. If we only knew how good we had it back then.

Someone was dismembered by a lightsaber in all six Star Wars movies. How do they justify this?

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Game looks pretty shit even if you could chop off limbs. Starwars has gone downhill.

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>Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy

Whats the point of the fucking Lightsaber if you cant cut people into pieces? What a shit game, metal gear rising did it better.

and that's just 6 years
it isn't even counting other great star wars games like Galactic Battlegrounds, the X-Wing/Tie Fighter games, the earlier JK games, Rogue Squadron games

Because now what matters is keeping Star Wars family-and-China-friendly

Lightsaber in gameplay also only looks blue. They have managed to fuck up the single easiest aspect of star wars, a simple tube from which erupts a white line surrounded by a blue border. I am amazed.

You could do this in jedi knight, why do games develoo backwards for fuck sake

TORtanic is good. Not great, but good.

You forgot Galaxies, the TCW cartoon video games, and the Episode III movie tie in game.
Also there's the rts games with lightsabers. But none of these games had dismemberment.

There are only three star wars video games with dismemberment:
1. The Phantom Menace for PS1
2. Star Wars Bounty Hunter (only appears in a secret game over cutscene if you lose against the final boss)
3. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, where it can only occur if you activate saberrealisticcombat_1 in the console, and in the cutscene where you kill Rosh Penin

I feel sorry for Hamill.

>i-it's just an early b-build r-r-right
>see this
FFFFUUUCKKKKK did all the good Respawn devs go back to Infinity Ward or something?

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>why isnt the Mouse doing anything?
They are helping

Yeah and the second one sucks.

Fucking Okami had dismemberment, for crying out loud.

He will have his revenge

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>Dark Forces 1

>Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy
>implying it doesn't regularly happen and that you can't crank up that shit up to eleven

>The Force Unleashed
Play the 7th gen version.

There has been a limb chopped off in every single movie except for the new ones. Make of that what you will.

Hey said it. Not me...

It's just the dingleberry cherry on top of the shit sundae.

>we want the Sony audience

You need to activate a "cheat code" in those games to get dismemberment

Can't. They are already dead.

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it really fucking isn't. Even just for storyfags, the stories are by and large bumblefuck retarded with a few notable exceptions. And those exceptions are still dragged down by godawful gameplay, even for the genre.

no you didn't dumbass. The cheats just made it always happen.

I'd feel worse for him if he wasn't presumably being paid embarrassingly large sums of money.
That said, I still feel bad for him.

>And those exceptions are still dragged down by godawful gameplay, even for the genre.
TOR pvp is unironically the only MMO pvp I can stand. Even with the shit balance.

Show me one decapitation in unmodded JKA without sabberrealisticcombat set to 1

Because the Mouse is one of the reasons why Star Wars is getting worse to begin with. They hand off the movies to people who don't get Star Wars, what makes you think they'd hand off the games to people who get it?

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You literally don't, it's just not always guaranteed. I never even activated the code and got it semi-regularly in both.

>Yea Forums won't get it because it's a western AAA game
>resetERA won't get it because you play as a FUCKING WHITE MALE
>Star Wars fans won't get it because it's nuWars shit and the franchise is dead
>boomers won't get it because it's not muh Jedi Knight games
>zoomers won't get it because it's not a ADHD cash shop skinner box
Who is this game meant for?

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still unironically more soul than this new one tho

I have a feeling he'd throw that money away if it meant he could save Luke's character. Hamill seems like a guy who realized he's inextricably associated with one of the most famous characters in pop culture history. That's a legacy a lot of actors would kill for.

>lightsaber with no dismemberment
Why? Kids aren't the fucking source of revenue you kike faggots.

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it sucks because it was 2 hours long but those were some danm good 2 hours

Here is the options screen. Notice anything?

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chop off your dick with lightsaber then dilate yourself with it

1. They were 1 hit KO'ing every enemy in the demo they showed anyway, outside of the special trooper and miniboss

2. TFU2 did this by just making dismemberment apply once you'd depleted their health. It's not rocket surgery.

me, the star wars fan that likes anything pre-ANH. too bad I don't play games anymore.

The Mouse revived Lucas Arts because EA isn't getting the license renewed

You're right, but Disney always has kids on their mind.

It's really funny to see retardera complain about "WHITE MALE IS BORING" but they'd clap their hands bloody if it were a woman poc. The galaxy brain opinion is realizing that any human protagonist in Star Wars is boring. Give me Trandoshan or Wookie protag.

There's nothing the Chinks won't ruin.

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>Think of the children
More like think of the Chinks.
I guarantee this is only being censored because of China.

Legacy is more important than most things, I suppose.

Star Wars under Lucas was "for kids" and it didn't stop dismemberment from being shown in films or games. But yeah, I see what you mean. Disney kid friendly is the most sanitized shit.

The closest thing we have to immortality is being remembered for what you did.

I'll probably end up buying it tbqh. I genuinely unironically thought EA Battlefront 1 & 2 weren't bad.

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>Trandoshan protag
>Whole game is just republic commando but as the lizards, doing operator blackops shit for the confederacy
>Training level is hunting wookies alone to gather pelts and trophies and shit to prove yourself to your squad
>Last level is capturing sev

Yes please.

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Having listened to Hamill's feelings about star wars and his role as Luke, i get the feeling that money isn't really the main draw for him, especially not with how old he is now

It's EA and Disney, what could possibly go wrong?

Interested in seeing how the levels are designs in this game

>I genuinely unironically thought EA Battlefront 1 & 2 weren't bad.
I got them both in a 2-pack for $10 on Xbox a couple months ago and I feel like they were worth about that much.

Didn't even realize I wanted to do that, but now that I know I can't, I'm furious

Pretty much this.

Game and movie budgets alike have ballooned to obscene levels and the only way to have a reliable chance at ROI, corporations make their products as safe and palatable as possible.

This will not end anytime soon.

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There is so much stuff to choose from in Star Wars, that I'll be disappointed we'll never get to be able to play as any of the cool races any more because most studios are too lazy to animate stuff that isn't human.

God, I miss pre-2010 Bioware because they'd be willing to do it.

any species that isn't human with tentacle or human with horn would be great

And one spaceship battle where you fight the final boss

play mordhau with star wars mod once mod support comes out

Mouse is making too much money.

g_saberRealisticCombat 1

>nothing in the distance or blocked due to sand dunes
>can't see shit because dense jungle
>nothing in the distance or blocked due to ice fog
oh boy sounds like a low visibility game

It was still a really violent game though.

>when you kill someone his corpse turns into a giant loaf of bread

We need to go to Twitter hashtag NolimbsNobuy

Under donald "im the worlds biggest kike by far" trump,disney has been allowed to buy up basically all entertainment
Same as under the nigger
Im telling you people
If you need escapism start pirating shit buying old games
Old consoles
Non tech hobbies etc
Cuz 5 corps control all the media outside of indie shit
And its gonna get worse
Much worse

>same desert since 1973
>new place but is almost always done to death
>same tundra since 1973
For a Galaxy far far away the scenery almost never changes, why don't they do Felucia? Or Mustafar? Why the same exact bullshit?

Maybe partially china but it can't help that Disney owns the ip now
the fucking lego star wars remake will probably censor slave leia

>Disney and Google becoming the biggest corporations in modern history
>Both have scummy business practices
>Trump can break them up with the stroke of a pen
>Would rather whine on Twitter all day

I'll buy it if it has a dificulty setting like that or some based guy mods it in.

they didn't censor Slave Leia in the animation shorts retelling scenes from the OT, surprisingly

Star war was always family friendly, it's kids franchise. Nobody ever watched a star wars as a full grown adult and went "wow this is the best movie cinema as ever produced"

Hillary probably wouldn't have done anything either

To be honest, I couldn't name a single president or mainstream presidential candidate that would be interested in actually enforcing our monopoly and trust laws in the past 50 years.

My legit boomer dad likes the films mainly because of the sound effects
He hated TFA and decided to never watch anything Disney puts out

huh, that is surprising, gives me a little hope she may survive in the remake as well.
also is that narrator the guy that played prince zukko in the last airbender

Elizabeth Warren seems pretty into breaking up big tech companies

lord knows if she can actually get past Biden, though

If I wasn't a horror nut, I'd say it'd be up there. Lord of the Rings is still better overall.

If that Ghoul Hillary won we'd be on our first year through World War 3 with Iran and Russia.

The standards for family friendly have changed. Obi-Wan cutting a dude's arm off would not be in if the OT were made today.

Fuck the children

And how old do you think he was when he watched the first one?

Have they given a reason? I just want a reason thats not "muh violence" kids should not be playing these games and adults can handle fictional violence


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ha ha yeah, Trump would never go to war with Iran!

He didn't watch films as a kid so probably in the 20's or 30's

Force unleashed allowed dismemberments you lying fuck

I'd rather have a difficult game than one with one hit kills. Especially since you are supposed to be playing as an inexperienced padawan

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Don't fuck kids

14 year olds

then don't give him a lightsaber at all

>we could have had another dynamic Jedi Knight game instead we have this slow ass static garbage
Consoles should have died 20 years ago.

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Lightsabers kill in one hit though. Go play your shitty Korean MMO with damage black holes and having numbers flood the screen.

I would think you'd like the ability to cut things off in a game seeing as your a tranny

Baseball bat lightsaber is cancer
They could balance it by making the elite dudes hard to hit or something

>Lightsabers kill in one hit
As would a regular zweihander fuck your shit up pretty bad if it hit. Or a bullet from pretty much any gun.

Literally no one mentioned trannies up to your post. Dilate.

The vast majority of Star wars games don't have limb removal. It's only a problem now because EA is making it

It's still a fucking video game faggots. You need to take liberties to make it as enjoyable as possible
>WhY dO tHiNgS gLoW BlUe iN fOrCe UnLeAsHeD??? iTs NoT liKe ThAt In Da MoViEs!!
That's what you retards sound like

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So do bullets retard

it's only a problem now because the rest of the game looks like actual garbage and he's still killing enemies in one hit ANYWAY

Warren is a joke. Not in the "ha ha Pocahontas" way. She's at 12% in the most recent poll.

that pcgamer article is so fucking terrible and clickbait.

you idiots realize that dismemberment had no impact on gameplay in any of the previous jedi games, right? and that it only happened rarely?

>not wanting a Star Wars game where the lightsaber is high risk high reward in a world where everyone has a gun forcing the player to deflect effectively but is rewarded with a blade that can cut enemies to pieces
Have you tried not being a casual?

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Everyone responding to this post has fallen for the most obvious bait I have seen in my life

TFU is a gem you swine, never post your shit opinion again.

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Okay sure, that wouldn't be bad, but that also wouldnt be this kind of game where single enemies are supposed to be a challenge in themselves

lightsabers kill stormtroopers in one hit in jedi knight you clueless tard. The challenge comes from approaching them and disabling/kill them without getting riddled with blaster shots.

Star Wars is a normalfag franchise aimed at kids, what did you expect?

Is that what vidya is about? if there isn't that type of game then invent it. Hell that's what Kojima is doing right now.

Are we talking about Jedi Knight? Is this a Jedi Knight game?

I said the vast majority. I wasn't referring to your specific example

I'm surprised she's doing that well, actually. I thought Beto and Bootyjej would be above her.

You forgot to mention reddit so no you don't fit in.

Are you fucking retarded or something? I'm not mentioning dismemberment but the damage of the lightsaber already one shoting in multiple video game and it's working perfectly fine.

storm troopers are the poster boys for weak deadmeat enemies, they're only supposed to be a threat when they come in large numbers. canonically they have dog shit cheap equipment. force unleashed also had bosses similar to the electro-staff guys that filled the same mini boss role.

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that's not even a complete list
where's rogue squadron 3

This isn't a Jedi Knight game. What are you not fucking understanding, smoothbrain?

Just because instakills work in one type of game doesn't mean it will work in all of them. Especially a game like this where single enemies are supposed to be a challenge.

Holy fuck it's so fucking simple. Aren't you retards supposed to be video game enthusiests or something? This is such an easy game design concept to grasp

>Especially a game like this where single enemies are supposed to be a challenge.
where the fuck was that shown in the demo, he was mowing through stormtroopers casually

This. Pretty much every single enemy was cut down with one hit.

The black stormtrooper that he fights 1 on 1 is supposed to be a generic enemy yet it's treated like a miniboss. Same as the Droid at the very end of the demo.

>how do we implement a laser sword that can cut off limbs in a single swing into a video game?
>turn it into a nerf bat that slowly chips away enemy health because dark souls is like that right
Jedi Knight is the definitive lightsaber combat series that all other games will have to live up to. Like the Spider-Man 2 game that did the swinging so well that pretty much every game afterwards was a disappointment because they didn't live up to its mechanics.

I'm not saying it's not preferable. I'm saying you can't just throw dismemberment and insta kills into any random game and have it work fine

>attacking enemies with the lightsaber was like attacking them with a glowing baseball bat

yea, no thanks

CERTAIN single enemies being a challenge does not mean EVERY enemy is supposed to be a challenge.

>this isn't a third person action game!
>just because it works in another third person star wars action game where you play a jedi doesn't mean it'll work in this one!
You're just outing yourself as a clueless zoomer who's never played any of the Jedi Knight games.

He did a lot of instakills in the trailer but instead of doing it in normal combat it was a stupid execution animation.

The only thing you're saying is that you have no idea what you're talking about and just making wild guesses.


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As it stands, it looks like every single enemy save for white stormtroopers are, and if you have dismemberment for one type of enemy, you need to have it for all of them

You might be the most stupid poster on Yea Forums and I genuinely mean that. I seriously thing you are real life retarded, special ed class and all.

Nice argument

TFU not only let you dismember, but it also let you
>electrocute people and use them as a living grenade
>hurl people into space, grab them at the last second and let them flail pathetically trying to grab a hold before letting go
>freeze enemies in carbonite and shatter them against their allies
>disintegrate them
>hold enemies in the path of fire and lasers
>feed enemies to local carnivores
>throw enemies into the path of ships
>hurl enemies into their air and catch them repeatedly before finally letting them hit the ground and die
>throw enemies so hard against walls they shattered ever bone in their body on impact

better than uncharted 5 meets dark souls in star wars

it's possible to have dismemberment on kill without having instant kills. It would just take some fucking effort animating deflections and dodges over just thwacking away at a health bar

Dark souls is a third person action game too. Should that have dismemberment and one hit kills?

Enemies would also try to hang on to each other and objects when you lifted them, it had a lot of cool gimmicks.

All they have to do is not show blood and they can have dismemberment and retain the T rating. That is the same thing the fucking Star Wars movies do to stay PG-13. The light saber conveniently cauterizes the wound.

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It's actually Disney's fault
They can't make silly games like racers or sports games because Disney is trying to be serious with it.
They can only make limited story games because they have to be OKd by the story group and sanctioned writers, who are all fucking retards
The one only on EA is that they can't make many whale exploiting multiplayer games because they already pissed off normalfags with that.

You're comparing a game about knights in big medieval armor with big fuck off weapons to space wizard ninjas with laser swords that weigh nothing and super powers.

It was nice feeling resistance and realising that someone you'd grabbed was holding on for dear life to a railing.

You could fuck around with force powers a lot
Shit was fun

>figure out that the doors bend not only to force push but also to any object thrown against them
>open a door by smashing live storm troopers into it

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>Souls game structure
>Metroid exploration
>can travel between planets at anytime
>can obtain new light sabers and outfits for free by exploring
>Rebels setting with the inquisition
>Rogue One refs
>can chill with your crew in you own ship
I think it's gonna be alright.

Well except for Anakin's hand, severed limbs really never was a thing in Star Wars

>>Metroid exploration
fucking lol

It literally has one hit kills for a shit ton of weapons and there are multiple mechanics dedicated entirely to one shoting most mobs and it's not even a star wars game you absolute mongoloid.

If you don't want to be called a clueless zoomer don't make make retarded comments that are literally contradicted by an entire series of games. Zoom zoom away.

and Luke's hand, you dingbat

>made by EA
I don't even feel contempt for any dumb motherfucker who falls for this shit anymore.

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the first time you see obi-wan whip his lightsaber out for a fight he cuts someone's arm off.

There's literally one severed limb front and center in a scene in every non-onions star wars movie

>Respawn’s vision for the adventure has classic gaming roots and is inspired heavily by the Metroid series, pushing players to freely explore worlds, and come back to them later with new powers that can be used to reach different areas. Never once do players see a waypoint on the screen telling them where their next objective is. Respawn doesn’t want to hold your hand, and instead hopes you plot your own path through dangerous worlds that are teeming with just as much hostile wildlife as heavily armed Imperial Forces.
>The map is a critical component that helps players explore. Jedi: Fallen Order is one of the few games out there that doesn’t use a waypoint system.
>Greez willfully transports this small group of characters to any planet at any time – both to progress the story and for freeform backtracking
Yeah "lol"

now if only that had shown that instead of an Uncharted corridor

so until they do, fucking lol

>Guy who started shit with Obi-Wan
>Wampa's arm
>Luke's Hand
>Vader's Hand
>Maul's lower body
>Anakin's Arm
>Anakin's other Arm and both legs
Literally every Lucas movie has one, you absolute sped.

>Respawn doesn’t want to hold your hand
>press x to pull storm trooper directly into your lightsaber for an instant kill

sorry, should it have been in meme words that your brainlet mind will understand?
ahem, "eff pee bee pee!"

I am not jaded like most people here but even I thought this was the most generic shit when I watched the trailer

Meanwhile people are losing their minds over it, I don't get it

don't forget the classic

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>Never once do players see a waypoint on the screen telling them where their next objective is. Respawn doesn’t want to hold your hand
Would you be interested in a bridge I have for sale? Only slightly used

>Meanwhile people are losing their minds over it, I don't get it
This might help

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Blow it out your ass

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What you seriously didnt work this out when Disney bought Star Wars? It's all for kids now, you are never ever seeing a lightsaber function as anything other than a baton ever again in any medium. Disney does not roll like that. Name one disney movie, game or any other disney property from the last 20 years where someone loses a limb. You can't. Star Wars is deader than dead.

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Please provide evidence that it was marketing and not just an autist convincing naive retards like yourself that it was marketing in order to live in your head rent free. Oh wait you can't.

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Oh, and can't forget Disney's own contributions

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>just now notice the shadow of Jango's head flying out of the helmet
Say what you will about the prequels, they deserve most of it, they had some neat attention to detail.

So if I post the same thread about a hated game on here a bunch of times you will obsess over me too? Good to know it's so easy to bait retards like you,

Ask for a pay rise, fren

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what the fuck

Are they doing that for Fallen Order as well?

That's not Yea Forums retard

>Doku's hands and head
>jango fett's arm and head
>a shit ton of droids' limbs
>The shapeshifter assassin's hand
>the big spider's legs in the arena
>mace windu's hand
>yoda also cuts some clone troopers

And I'm probably forgetting some

What, would it have been good if you could chop off limbs? Is it that big a deal?

they did it for Battlefront and Battlefront 2, so they probably will starting in a few months

EA and Disney are the companies that most shamelessly pay off critics and use sockpuppets/bot for astroturfings, so it's a fair bet. The only defence they have is
>it's just people doing it on their own guise, you can trust us ;^)

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>Much like every other Star Wars game then.

But that's not true like, at all.

No, it would have been better. But it's just a showing symptom. It basically tells us the devs don't care or known what is a good star wars game.

To be fair a good deal of the decapitations happen off-camera

It's always been for kids, this has nothing to do with age you brainwashed american.

No they don't. Only count doku beheading is partially hidden.

You don't see the full decapitation, but you see Dooku's head roll on the floor towards the background.

I would bet they wanted to include it but big daddy EA and the mouse said no. They're worried about ratings, probably going for teen and scared dismemberment might get an M.

It's dumb because no one is going to care about ratings when it's fucking Star Wars.

yeah but does Disney even have IPs with M rated games? They're whole brand shtick is 'family friendly' and M rated games don't exactly scream that.

>will never be able to have a civil discussion about this game

If we get into TCW there's a fuckton more, too.

I think they'd be able to pressure the ESRB into getting it a T rating.

TCW had troopers burning Geonosians alive with flamethrowers.
>kiddie shit they said

But clearly video games with one-hit lightsabers can be fun. Jedi Knight has the best lightsaber gameplay out of all Star Wars vidya

Mouse is just as bad

What the fuck does one have to do with the other

again they have the whole family friendly band image to consider. Cartoonish violence is fine, but fully cutting off arms/legs/people in half would probably be verboten. It only takes one soccer mom complaining on facebook that her son's game is too violent.

The funny thing is that kids love that type of shit

They've long since moved past caring what anyone actually thinks. Not when they can buy a social media campaign in the blink of an eye and not even care when they get caught


Well that's a no buy.

there has to be some reason then, from the e3 footage we saw stormtroops almost getting cut in half, couldn't be that much harder to code for it to be a full cut.

>The vast majority of Star wars games don't have limb removal
the vast majority of star wars games suck dick.

>the vast majority of star wars games suck dick.
It's time to go to bed zoom zoom.

Trump tried to stop the time warner at&t merger and some judge threw out the lawsuit.

>maul comes back from the dead
kiddie shit indeed

LOL! That being said, fuck trannies.

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Why did menu sounds go out of fashion? The menu in JK is instant immersion

Maul was brought back from the dead in the comics long before Clone Wars.

I feel bad for the droids. Isn't there a long running (chronologically) subplot of them constantly emerging into sapience only to be ignored and dismantled?

>Uncharted: Star Wars Edition

Being support devs on COD, unfortunately.

Which says a lot about the quality of the writing.

>absurdly quiet lightsaber humming sound
>no gibs / slicing of bodyparts
>no alignment choices

I've never lost my hype so fast.
I was legit thinking we'd get a jedi academy-esque RPG

Was sure myself, but I checked it for ya, my dude.
It really is Dante Basco.


The world would be much, much better off without you. Please join the 48% club ASAP

>tfw no Jedi Knight 4
>tfw no Knights of the Old Republic 3

Attached: Dark Messiah.webm (640x512, 2.9M)

>>Yea Forums won't get it because it's a western AAA game
Yea Forums is not one person
>boomers won't get it because it's not muh Jedi Knight games
>zoomers won't get it because it's not a ADHD cash shop skinner box
boomer/zoomer meme. Die

It's not like I'm surprised they're fucking up the game this hard considering it's published by EA

So basically there is no dismemberment outside of canned cutscene moments where NPCs die for the sake of drama.

>Especially a game like this where single enemies are supposed to be a challenge.
Ah yes, that's why the shots travel at the speed of a brisk trot, the trash enemies die in a single hit, and only attack once every 3 seconds instead of sustained fire.

Is Force Unleashed any good? I loved Jedi Knight and Academy but FU from what i have seen looks like a souless version of those. Is the combat system even the same?

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reminder both dark forces games and jedi academy and outcast are on sale on gog right now
buy good games and not this trash

>"We'll use it in select cases," senior designer Justin Perez told me, before clarifying what he meant. Basically, droids and spiders and the like can have their legs and arms (if applicable) lopped off, but not humanoids.
wow it's fucking nothing. force unleashed 2 had human dismemberment that wasn't locked behind cheats like jedi outcast and it still got a t rating.

its funny cause there is literally a canon reason why they dont even need to make the limbs bleed

Its a diznee franchise now, the only thing you are allowed to see chopped off are your expectations.

It's nothing like the Jedi Knight games, it's more of a typical console action game. Lightsaber combat is pretty bland but the powers are 10/10.

Actually never mind, just 30 seconds of looking at footage was enough to answer my own question. It's no.

What the FUCK. That's literally all I do in Jedi Knight. Its so fucking awesome bros, you don't know what you're missing


Mouse is fucking the SW corpse and is also fine with what EA is doing.

The menu option only allows for hand/limb dismemberment. Head and body are restricted to console commands only.

It is a pretty cool tech demo for the Euphoria engine (AI behavioral animation) and DMM (a physics engine that approximates real world material destruction, most commonly used in movies). Worth playing for that I think.

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Maybe they're the ones making COD great again.


have sex

>that picture

literally soul the menu

>Name one disney movie, game or any other disney property from the last 20 years where someone loses a limb
Snoke gets cut in half like Maul and when his upper body and arms are separated from the rest, everything falls to the ground while his ass is still sitting on his throne.

But I'm merely proving you wrong, by no means am I defending this shitty movie. Fuck Disney and fuck modern Star Wars.

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>brainlets need a twitter to know this

I mean, I saw this the first minute of the demo shown. just noticed it, figured 'oh, disney, yeah' and moved on with my life.
Now you faggots are getting mad over this?

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The mouse is fucking up the films even worse than the games.

can you still play the clone wars game anywher without an old xbox? fucking loved that game. had that cool co op battle mode shit was cash

Nah, does not seem worth it at all, was just wishful thinking on my part. I liked the force powers in those games but the lightsaber stuff was the meat of the experience and in FU it's just generic low tier action game stuff.

Making Star Wars PG friendly killed the worldly feel of its universe.

Believe it or not they actually had a LOT of jobs. Video games are complex pieces of software.

Woah a bit homophobic huh?
But since you said it then sure why not

[/spoiler] Gamecube [/spoiler]