Hey Yea Forums! It's me...


Hey Yea Forums! It's me, Goku! And I'm here to remind you that we're another day closer to me joing this crazy new tournament called Super Smash Brothers Ultimate!

>"But Kakarot, Sakurai already said we can't join because we're from an anime!"

Aww, cmon Vegeta! Sakurai had to work with Toriyama to get all of the Dragon Quest characters! And we've been on Nintendo consoles for decades! Just look at Fighter Z, Xenoverse 2, and Super DragonBall Heroes! There are thousands of people who want us in so we can fight all of these crazy powerful fighters!

>"urgh... Fine. But if you're joining I'm going too! I won't let you surpass me!"

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Other urls found in this thread:


I miss gokuposting to be honest, can we bring it back?

dragon ball is for gay weeaboos and niggers

Stop roleplaying you faggot. This is why smash players are all autistic slime people and should be culled

including the entire rooster of DBZ would be very easy because they all have the same moves and look the same except for the hair

Hooo, I wonder what those monkeys are talking about. Wherever they go, I will be keeping a watchful eye. OHOHOHOHOHO

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>l-little mac is too strong

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I hope you two don't think you can leave me behind and miss out on your daily doses

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We need a woman fighter so people don't say Toriyama is a sexist cunt

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Leave banjo to me!

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Everyone already knows Toriyama is a gay shotacon

18 can beat me up all she wants.

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>Sakurai had to work with Toriyama to get all of the Dragon Quest characters!

18 ain't that flat, that's a shitty drawing.

Weird how Toriyama can make some terrible character designs while at the same time make some godlike character designs. Last good one was Android 21. Jiren and Luminary are bland as sin.

Jiren the goddamn Gray. This guy... God, he's just such an amazing fucking character. Not only did he establish himself as the strongest character in the franchise WITHOUT asspulls and "muh friendship" powerups, but his mere existence and the observation of his actions and personality can teach deep lessons of philosophy and ethical nuance if one has the proper intellectual capacity and mental fortitude to embrace such lessons.

No lie: since becoming a Jiren fanatic, my IQ has gone up an unprecedented 20 points. My friend is an English professor at an esteemed institute of wisdom and knowledge, and he deemed my incredible lexicon and masterful grasp of the English language astute enough for me to come in and guest lecture on a subject I could relate to the importance of the written word. Naturally, I chose Jiren the Gray. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see all the heretofore unenlightened individuals and the looks of pure, innocent understand that came over their faces as I elucidated the truth about the single greatest and most important character in all of fiction. A philosophy professor happened to overhear my musings and invited me to guest lecture in his class next week, so I'll probably spend the next few days preparing a lengthy expose on how Jiren's characterization espouses themes heavily present in esotericism and dichotomism, as well as the more subtle but no less evident influences stemming from ancient religious codes such as Zoroastrianism and Confucianism.

None of this would have been possible without Jiren the GREAT'S influence. I humbly thank him from bended knee, and encourage you all to do the same. Rise to my intellectual heights by accepting Jiren into your hearts. Ascend, brothers and sisters.

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It's art from dokkan, also 18 isn't as big breasted like the doujins make her out to be.

Fuck no, the meme is dead, get over it you fuckin piece of shit

because he hate design human, and only like to design monster

but Vegeta's too short

Unfortunately Vegeta wouldn't work he doesn't do kamehameha

Oh shit is this what the cult of Steve has moved on to?

He did a great job with the broly redesign.

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just make it a galick gun instead

I don't think toriya is sexist but it is kind of interesting how all 3 female fighters that got married stopped doing any fighting after their marriage.

All the nintendo characters are manlets so is ok.
Galick gun is basically the same but with a different pose and color.

I would love DBZ in Smash, but my one gripe is that they can fly. It kinda ruins everything.

funny though, I autism their trailer a lot in my head and I can imagine it being done entirely animated like an episode and it start with Goku using the Dragon Balls to wish to fight in a new and interesting tournament.

How could they dodge the flying issue though?

>They do ANOTHER fakeout joke where it's Hero pretending to be Goku
>Hero then gets Kamehameha'd by Goku

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Banjo! Are you brave enough to take THIS one!

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Videl and chi chi are human so they were useless from the start. 18 was kind of just forgotten about.

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>How could they dodge the flying issue though?
Pre-Radditz Goku couldn't fly consistently, only Piccolo and Tien

they dont fly in half of their own games

“Sword Gohan, let it go. It is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those who words alone will not reach. Banjo and Kazooie are such beings. I know how you feel, Sword Gohan. You are gentle, you do not like to hurt. I know because I too have learned these feelings. But it is because you cherish life, that you must protect it.”

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>tell the DB characters that flying is against the rules of the smash tournament
>they stop flying
Alternatively just have Whis/Beerus forcing them to not fly and stay in base form as part of their training.

Fucking kino.
>wishes to be in a new tournament and fight the strongest from across universes
>cuts to him landing on stage in smash bros

Esto es el fin, Maestro de mano!

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They only really fly if their enemy is flying, right?

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That was an impressive attack, Dr. Mario, but now prepare to witness perfection.

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Kirby holds back too

In his games he can fly uninterruptedly, buy in Smash he pretends to get tired after 4 doble jumps

Multiple characters already in smash are capable of infinite flight, they just pretend they aren't for smash.

Chichi would have been great for showing some low power level fights to break things up, I still want a videogame where she saves the day.

Ness! I must have your body!

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Too busy taking care of goten.

Goku knows Mario.

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My son...Goku... you can do it...do it for us, the Saiyans...do it for the pride of your people...do it for me, your father...defeat King K. Rool once and for all

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Why are smash shitposters still here? They already got their characters. Fuck off already.

Heh heh...you almost got me with that attack. And I'm guessing you are fighting at your full power, Piranha Plant. Well, I've been holding back too.

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Jirenchads?? Assemble?

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Wait till the pokemon roster-fagging starts.

Didn't this guy lose to Goku though?

The powerlevel scale of DB is fucking broken beyond repair even shitty low level generic enemies would be impossible to beat for them.

>oh no broly look! what a tragedy, your father was killed by a stray blast from samus' beam canon!

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It was an asspull, Jiren should have won the tournament.

I will take it. I will take the triforce to Koopa Keep

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Luigi, just like my brother... your movements are too slow, too weak.

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Nope. He lost to Android 17. He stopped Goku's shit in

He won the 1v1 and that's all that matters

Yes he got the beat down of a lifetime to the point where he started crying like a little bitch in front of goku. What a shitty character.

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None of that shit matters, Sakurai has said Smash is only video games, no SpongeBob, no Iron Man and no fucking Goku.

he lost to goku and his pesky lizard friend

Only 1 copy of Doon: Eternal, Mr. Game and Watch? Now I'm really angry!

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Pikachu is in.

>Fighter Z


So basically, if Goku Frieza and Android 17 teamed up they can defeat the Gods of Destruction since Jiren is confirmed to be stronger than them?

>Android 21

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Since when was R.O.B a video game?

I’m not going to lie to you, Minecraft Steve, although the answer may be difficult for you to hear. This is the truth. Banjo devoted his life to protecting the dreams of rosterfags. Because of his selflessness, when he died, he was allowed to keep his body and travel to Smash. You, on the other hand, have spent your life in pursuit of your own selfish desires. You’ve caused too much pain. When you die, you will not receive the same reward.

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No because the win condition against a GoD wouldn't be to push someone out of a ring

Yep, goku bitch slapped him with ui.

Possibly, it's already been implied that Goku + Vegeta teaming up could take down Beerus, so this isn't unthinkable.

Having said that the whole ending was bullshit, they randomly made Jiren struggle with Goku in base form to justify him losing. There's being exhausted and then there's this bullshit.

Gogeta/Vegito blue can kick Beerus shit in and Jiren's as well but they were too retarded to use it.

Post ToP yes, pre ToP just barely.

And Pikachu is from a video game that has an anime
ROB is a video game accessory retard
>uhhh well Lucario first appeared in a Pokemon movie
Don't try to act like shit like that even compares to Goku who is from a fucking manga.

Why isn't Abel playable? Is it because he doesn't have a sword?

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fucking kek

>Peripherals are video games even though they arent!

I've never understood why Goku couldn't beat the shit out of Beerus alone, It's shown in the first arc he had some trouble against SSG Goku (If not much), but with SSB + Kaioken shouldn't he be, like, hundreds of times stronger?

Can anyone even touch El Hermano de Mario?

We don't know how strong vegetto would have been during ToP. And it was too risky to use him. A post ToP fusion could definitely do the job.

Nigga, everyone is holding back in this show

Even Roshi was stronger than Tien all along, so I'm sure Beerus is = whateverpowerlevel Goku has at the moment + 1

HOHOHOHO! I have the smash ball Jigglypuff, the stage will explode in 5 minutes.

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He jobbed to GOLDza

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The entire Dragon Ball Super series just further solidifies the notion that yu yu hakusho > dragon ball z

Nice false equivalence faggot, R.O.B. is actually important and related to video games, Smash isn't even its only playable appearance.
It's not even half comparable to Goku.

You mario, I choose you to be the first of my victims.

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This is it son, if we defeat Sonic it means we're stronger than Kakarot!!

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Not pictured:
Jobbing to Kirby moments later

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cope and dilate


>You're right, he's only related to at best to video games but isnt based on a video game at all!
Kay thanks for admitting you're wrong and stupid.

So Goku still isn't video games then?

Just like, R.O.B, yes, correct.

The Virtual Boy and the LABO guy still have a bigger chance than Goku.

>A video game accessory that basically saved Nintendo
>A manga and anime character
Again, it's not comparable at all

>saved Nintendo

So you admit R.O.B isnt a video game character then?

He is video game related and has appeared as a character in video games.
So you tell me.

Say Lucas... wanna come to my house?

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>made the money for bing bing wahoo

Doesn't 18 fight in the tournament of power?

So that's a no.

Whatever helps you cope at night.

Videl is for Gohan, and Gohan alone
They have the most pure relationship in Dragonball

It would be better than Steve posting, but that a very low bar

You too


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What's wrong with your face, Goku? It's like someone was too lazy to draw properly.

You had better delete this image right now

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Vegeta > Goku

>Implying Videl can resist Shota.

But yamamuro didn't work on movie.

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>Chi-Chi fought once in Dragonball-- against Goku; so that they could get married
>Videl was never powerful enough to be in a class with the others
>18 was never a Z Fighter to begin with and usually fought for monetary gain; for her family
Really makes you think.

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I was referencing the fact that Dragon Ball Super looked bad.

Say Megaman... why don't you show me how "mega" you really are..

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Very impressive King K Rool, why don't we team up?

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>18 is a slut
What else is new?

in the tournament of power there was a rule against flying.

I want 18 to bully me.

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Maeda > Sintani > Naketsuru > All versions of Yamamuro

Based Toriyama
Not Toriyama and not canon

Ridley. I'm giving you the chance to end this without violence. I really don't want to kill you. Even if you are evil, you can still walk away. I'm not interested in fighting you just for the challenge, my Dad's the one who cares about that stuff...

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So this is the power... of Super Smash Bros

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GT Goku for me

that bottom one isn't a scream of pain idiot.

Little brother and King K Rool? What a humble couple you make. Now little brother let me introduce to my new form...and new lieutenant, Captain Olimar

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It's just a compilation of open mouths user

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Oh I'm sorry. And I was such a hostile faggot for no reason too. I'm sorry user.

I like the mouth beams, reminds me of kaiju kino.

i hope op enjoys an very painful death. Cuz these false flag losers who fucking spam the same fucking nonsense with a different character each year wont fucking stop. I hope your autism gets you killed one day.

Oh this shit triggers me so bad. It is Freeza motherfucker.

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but user

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It looks more like he's losing control and just vomiting power everywhere.

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Captain Olimar? Your liteutenant? Oh my dear brother you make such poor jokes, its no wonder father skipped over you to pick me as the successor.

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I'm about to watch Resurrection F
What am I in for?

Wario, I will destroy you here.

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Golden Cooler? The fuck did I miss?

>get to beat the shit out of frieza

One of the most mediocore Dragon Ball films. Honestly, the only parts of Super worth watching are universe 6 arc, ToP arc, Broly Movie, and the Baseball episode

Its from dragon ball Heroes, which also brings Zamasu back into the mix.

cringe db heroes garbage

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>Wario final fart explosion

Based Chadku

>how could they dodge the flying issue
the same way super had goku fight against wimp opponents
>hey these guys cant fly so it would be unfair to fly
gokus that kinda lad

I remember this shit now goku posting was genuinely funny

As long as Vegeta came with him as an Echo I would not give a fuck.


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>yu yu hakusho > dragon ball z
one good arc and it's the Dark Tournament. Chapter Black just goes full retard after Elder Toguro is dealt with.

>b-burori-sama I'll let you kiss my I wife I swear!

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>weaker than broly

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why is goku such a fucking jobber even though he trains every day of his life

Cause that's how shonen works, mc gets his beat, mc discovers asspull, mc wins.

beerus was holding back
holding back has been a staple of the dragon ball series since frieza revealed he can transform

>not ending it with "I'm so excited"

that was not based or waku waku pilled

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Why the fuck did they need to use shitty cgi in such a beautiful movie?

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It's time Vegeta, Joker is going down!

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new movie is coming out soon, goku posting should be back

18 wasn't a fighter she was forced into by Gero.
Videl got the humanity struck into her when she got raped by Spopovich
Chi-Chi was a terrible fighter anyway. She got fucking one shotted by Goku in the 23rd WMAT.

i don't get why they were being so confusing with the transformations in this movie.

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probably ran out of money because Toei are jews.

>dude colors lmao
Was this shit really necessary?

i wonder what its gonna be about, toriyama said he won't really be as part of it, as he was with other DB Super shit.

>tfw you notice Munchie

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It was just to make the transformations look more dynamic, retard.

>Is it because he doesn't have a sword?

literally yes. but at least he shows up in the final smash and you can alt color as him with Chadrick

every transformation past SS2 looks gay anyways, so what's your point?

Thanks doc

Zamasu and broly were the only good parts of super

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FighterZ info when??

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MZ was trash and black arc went to shit once trunks got his asspull.

the only villains that were worse than zamasu/black are super 17 and copy vegeta

>grinch ruined banjo's chances
>then he came through anyway

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Broly and gogeta are next aren't they?

Just have “flight” be their up+b, and let them be able to change directions, like Ridley.
>trailer starts of with Beerus, Whis and Goku
>Goku: ”Wait, so there’s an extra universe out there!?”
>Whis: “Yes, but it appears that they don’t take to kindly to outsiders like yourself.”
>Goku: “Ahh, c’mon, Whis! I gotta check it out! Maybe you and Beerus can talk to that universe’s God of Destruction!?”
>Beerus: “Hmm, that could be entertaining, Whis, go bring their God of Destruction here so we can discuss things.”
>Whis: *sigh* “Alright, I will see what I can do, Lord Beerus.”
*cuts to Smash cinematic*
>Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong and Hero fighting
>Sonic is about to grab the Smash Ball
>It suddenly breaks
>”Huh, my power just skyrocketed! Oh and hey, (camera pans up to Goku’s face) I’m Goku!”
*cuts to gameplay*
*returns to Smash cinematic*
>*Goku walks up to Kirby* “Hey, you’re Kirby, right!? I hear you’re the strongest around here! So, what do you say? Wanna go a couple rounds!?”

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zamasu's arc really had the potential to be good. then they fucked it all up like Toei/Toriyama always does since Buu.

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Let Trunks and Goten grow up already, you decrepit hack

As well as Vegeta, the ToP, Future Trunks, Beerus, Whis, Champa, really why do people hate Super so much? It just feels like more DB.

Copy Vegeta was great though because they got the DiC voice actor to do him. I'd have not really cared much about it otherwise but that alone made it great.

>toriyama letting the hybrids EVER do anything again even fucking growing up

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Nobody gives a shit.

>"My form is justice. My form is the world. Revere me. Praise me. This noble and beautiful… immortal and most powerful God… Zamasu!"

Zamasu/ Black are pretty based desu.

>Goku looks at Donkey Kong, “hey wait a minute, are you an Oozaru!?”
>Goku lands near Mewtwo, “Frieza!? What’re you doing here!?”

its like when Gohan's arm got blown up, fuckin kino.

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See anything that'd hint at Goku would be obvious and ruined because of one simple fact:


This fucking line completely makes any goddamn surprise that it's for Smash way too obvious. Goddamn retarded they slap this on everything.

Broly it seems we're being sent to train in this "Smash Bros" world. Frieza was so kind to give us this envelope from this Steve fellow.

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it was fucked from the start by having Future Trunks rehash his original arc of needing to overcome something he doesn't believe he is capable of doing. Killing Future Mai should have been the catalyst for him to receive his SAVE THE FUTURE powerup but no he just gets it just because.


Thee faggots fucking sucked

Cause beerus turned out to be a disappointment, rof was horribly animated, jello vegeta was boring filler and ToP was an OC donut steel wankfest.

Golden Cooler's from Super Dragon Ball Heroes, it's a card-battle game by Dimps.

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it kinda ruined Future Trunks for me a bit, but at least Z Trunks will always be there

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Maybe next time Goku

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Is this that doujin where they all have super saiyan dicks with power auras and everything? I saw this shit when I was 12 years old

I hate that heroes still hasn't got any new updates.

it's not gay if it's yourself from another timeline in another body. Also our fellow ningen hater only comes off as trite if you played more than a few JRPGs in your life. And even then his Goku Black double alone save the arc but they still dive bomb on the ending after they fuse.

nah its a yamamoto doujin, he does a lot of cuck shit

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nothing new since the Broly cards? Lame. Now I got like several dozen golden tickets for nothing.

Janemba's next, THEN it's Broly and Gogeta.

I would let broly fuck my boipussy desu.

We'll have to wait till v-jump comes out.

If they do introduce someone from DBZ. It has to be piccolo on Yea Forums standard alone.

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Pretty sure Dimps doesn't want the game to catch up with the arcade updates. There is a World Mission tournament happening next month, so we should get some news then.

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Just show the Smash fighters first and then ambiguously hint that a certain fighter's been training to show up in the Smash tournament, and then abruptly show Goku with the splash screen immediately following after. It's gotta be done without any indication that it's Goku at first glance for the shock factor, you see.

Yeah that's what I figured.

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>american soundtrack

Is this the comfy DB thread?

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>not old Paragus

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>Zenos destroy future trunks universe completely
>future bulma gets btfo prior to this too
>because of zenos power, there is no longer a heaven or hell, meaning not only is everyone dead but they no longer exist anywhere
T-thanks for giving us more dragon ball

so how DOES Trunks get his sword if this isn't canonical?

god i hate super

I guess being obvious it's for Smash would work. Perhaps have a scene where you hear punches and such in Lil Mac's training area while some random characters are fighting in the ring. You get the training idea you brought up while making it obvious it's for Smash.

Anything in Dragon Ball Super is canon as dictated by the company that owns it.
Akira Toriyama has been supplanted and his work is no longer his own. He will die someday and Dragon Ball will go on without him. You can spout "Not canon" all you want, but the license holders dictate what is and what isn't, no matter how much of a purist you wish to be. This goes for all franchises, not just Dragon Ball.

This movie was great up until goku showed up, then it just becomes "goku wins lol" all over again.

almost all of the movies were goku wins for no reason, Trunks should've been the one to beat the redneck cowboy.

so like all things dragon ball ever

People can shit on Super all they want but I love it far more than I did GT.

You can thank toei for that

>Toriyama giving up his last source of official shota pandering
Only if you want him to reverse age Goku or something.

>Gohan could have beaten Bojack

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Zamasu was the worst part of super though

Yes and that's why everyone is sick and tired of goku.

i still loved it, the beginning part of it was really fun.

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Bad choice since now every transformation has a different hair color

Vocaroo this now

Teenhan in the orange gi is nice. It's a neat little acknowledgement that Gohan finally started to appreciate Goku as a parent.

someone should make a fused model of Steven and Zamasu


I get that Goku is a main character but why does it have to be him who gets to be the victor? They sort of subverted this with him and Frieza ko'ing Jiren, but even that was more of a "I'm better so I'll go ko myself with him." instead of someone else coming out on top. I knew it wasn't going to happen but I was really hoping Vegeta would have been able to be the one to wish for the universes back, since he made it his goal and even a promise to do just that. It would have been such a big step from his original personality who just wanted power for himself and to control others to want his power to save others.

As I always say, EVENTUALLY!!

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Gohan used to be so cute.

someone in the production room had a boner for 17.

he wasn't around half the time in Z, but i'm pretty sure Toei said something along the lines of "Goku will never not be in a DBS episode/movie ever again." Goku used to be one of my favorites too, Super really ruined him for me.

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UMV9 leaks just came out on twitter.

easiest way to tell if a character got worse? Did they cut their hair recently?

i like this design, minus the trunks outfit

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Cos toryiama is an artist and not a writer and dragon ball is fucking old, like lupin and astro boy old. It's like tintin or something, the old comic book hero always does everything

>Look it up, interested in some casual game to play in my spare time
>60 fucking dollarydoos
The fuck? This shit looks mobile game tier
Is it worth it?

just pirate it on PC The physical version is only that much because it has promo cards that offset the inflated price.

Goku didn't even harm Bojack and Gohan murdered his ass with ease the moment he turned Super Saiyan 2, what are you talking about?

>toriyam tries to move goku to the sidelines for gohan
>fans get angry with death threats.


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That was just nips being retarded.


Post best movie songs
Only american OST's allowed

>Goku didn't even harm Bojack and Gohan murdered his ass with ease the moment he turned Super Saiyan 2, what are you talking about?

that's the point user why did he even fucking show up just let Gohan have the straight W for once.

I want it on my switch for portability
And it's still $60 digitally on both Steam and Nintendo store

Since the most obvious DB stage would probably be the World Tournament arena, my best bet would be showing certain characters (namely Ryu, Ken, Little Mac, Donkey Kong, etc...) training in one of the preliminary buildings. It then cuts to a shot of the sky, with what looks like a yellow cloud zooming by in a split-second. It then cuts back to the fighters training, until you hear footsteps walking up to the building. The fighters then look at the doorway...

>GOKU Gonna Show You!

you could argue that Vegeta didn't hurt Perfect Cell at all during the Kamehameha struggle when he distracted him (fuck the anime for letting everyone help) but at the end of the day it still contributed even briefly.

Yeah, but that's the arcade game. Lot of GT stuff coming in UM9, though.

Based Coolerbro

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>american only

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I miss when we used to get butt rock OST's, they gave the movie's so much soul

>Anything in Dragon Ball Super is canon as dictated by the company that owns it.
Eh, the word "Canon" doesn't mean jack shit, I don't have to recognize Super as anything more than fan fiction and Toei can go fuck themselves

It's pretty fun if you like digital card games. Over 1100 cards, plus a creation mode where you can make your own missions and cards. You can make some pretty broken and OP cards with it, but you can't use them online for obvious reasons.

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>fuck the anime for letting everyone help
i actually really loved that, they gave Piccolo and the rest one final moment before they're turned into permanent garbage.

Are you guys ready for 4th anniversary and best girls banner?

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Broly is getting stronger as the fight goes on, when vegeta punches him is literally at his weakest point in the fight

by the end he's fighting gogeta

I do

>final reveal at VGA’s
>they go through each fighter
>dramatic pause between DLC Fighter 4 and the last fighter
>it slides over to Goku
What would happen to the internet?

it's not canon in the manga though. everyone was still winded from the baby cells and getes had a reason to want to help since Gohan saved his sorry ass and possibly doomed the planet as a result.

Not like it matters most of that shit he posted is toei filler anyway.

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I think their SA looks pretty bad when they're combination rushing the foe. Looks really janky especially compared to how smooth some of the SA's like Gogeta and Movie Broly(s) and Paragus are.

yeah i know, but its one of the few moments in the entire fucking series that Toei added something I liked.

Lol no.

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Still a good unit though.

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I'd unironically say, the internet would most definitely break. Banjo already broke the rival-console rule, Goku would theoretically break the non-gaming rule.

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Bruh look at this dude.

Stop trying, user. DBfags at Yea Forums sperg out over this shit literally every single day.

those Yea Forums threads are so fucking bad.

Making the Smash roster is the only thing that matters in this world. Everything else is just a delusion for the weak.

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They're the best in my opinion actually, funny shit. Truly the CHADs of Yea Forums

lol cope more grannie

Any Android 17/Luminary edits?

*jobbing to a mere SS Gogeta

Attached: JOBBING TO SS FUSION OH NONONONO.webm (852x480, 2.89M)

Super Kirby? Is that your official new name? Don't make me laugh. We have such great titles now don't we? Super Buu -- Super Kirby... We might as well just say we're invincible! But let's not forget the stats, you've absorbed two smash characters and I've absorbed three!

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>yu yu hakusho
never heard of it, damn it feels good to be a normie

>not youtube.com/watch?v=ij_rYpao9oM

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God that looks like garbage.

>cringe Kai shit
fucking zoomer

I knew I'd find you here Banjo.
Ah please, I don't care how highly ranked these smash characters are. I'm not here for them, I'm here for you Banjo.
As soon as I heard the worlds strongest characters were gathering in super smash bros ultimate I hopped onto my Blue Eyes White Jet and came straight here.
Because we're going to duel Banjo, you've defeated me before and I want a rematch! By winning here a now I will prove to everyone that *I* am the superior duelist...

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>not posting the best version

Wrong : Android 18.

That's your brain when it's fed with fanservice & fanart all day...

Just finished the movie. I never watched Super but I like frieza it was pretty sick

Nah, it was on toonami alongside db, you just a zoomer


Foolish amerimutt

I unironically think Goku would be an amazing addition to the roster and probably could have been more interesting to play as then the actual DLC fighters

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It was on YTV retard what the hell is a Toonami?
YTV was the only channel that played anime and the Fox Box on Saturdays

ISABELLE! Dodge this next attack if you can but know that if you do, YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE TOWN WILL BE GONE!

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Reminder that Goku being in Smash makes way more sense than Cloud

Based and jirenpilled

How the heck do you get back muscles? I keep doing last pull downs and rows and all I got were lats.

Zamasu was literally one of the reasons why Super was so fucking awful.
You being a homosexual and wanting to fuck a green skinned fruit doesn't make the character good.

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Lift things from the ground

>american soundtrack

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We live in different countries user, yu yu hakusho and db both aired on toonami in both merica and Australia

What's that saying..."like father, like son"...yes...you are as headstrong as Pikachu, but soon you'll be wishing your head was stronger when I'm crushing it Pichu.

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PLEASE tell me Stevefags aren't converting into Gokufags. Anyways Goku would be legit KINO....IF they only stick to DBZ. No Super or Beyond. Just DBZ.

>pockets it

My spy in the server told me they turned into cult of noob, but now he's said they have changed into another character, he hasn't said what character yet.

Low body fat, deadlift variations and high volume.

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So... you're the one known as "Doomslayer" Its over.

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Honestly this Goku roleplay is fucking hilarious holy shit

Piccolo?! When did you get a FS?!

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Power level were retconned to hell. Goku can be hurt by laser guns and carillon by mere bullets. They are not as powerful as they were in early dB but mere martial artists now

Would be amazing to have a dB game with Gohan as protag and c16 severed head rolling into the game to give wisdom and tips

What does Piccolo's FS do?

When will games look as good as the porn people make of them?


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Gives you a triple dose

So do you think part 1 Roshi is stronger than Goku in DBS?


Yes, mere martial artists who can level a whole universe with one blast and shatter dimensions with their punches then tank the same blows in return. Retard.

>in the manga gohan wore his piccolo gi
now this is based


Then you have bad taste

This needs to be his lvl3 in Fighterz.

Speaking of which, we should be getting Vjump scans soon.