307 days until Cyberpunk 2077

>307 days until Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: 84F4555D-AC53-4F35-9ED6-2602F06E614D.gif (750x750, 1.87M)

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more like trannypunk 2077, i hope no one will buy this pile of garbage

i hope i see this in the game


Attached: 1529283995103.jpg (437x431, 14K)

Jokes on you, its best selling on every platform on PC now

boy, you know good taste

Stop counting and go do something productive you faggot, like your bodily hygiene.


Attached: 1560169909985.png (593x369, 48K)

Bros, I stand before you genuinely excited at the prospect of playing this videogame

Attached: 1557412897906.png (112x112, 16K)

you should pre order it like the rest of us

Attached: 1560257344264.jpg (788x8187, 2.12M)


Attached: 1520104669551.png (640x640, 750K)

I would preorder for PS4 but I might buy a new desktop & 4k montior just to experience the game at max settings

based thread

Go dilate tranny.

now the wait hurts even more

Attached: Untitled.png (536x206, 20K)

>Buying on steam when there's a DRM free version available on GOG
why do people do this

Maybe they dont trust gog servers to stay up as reliably to be able to login to their launcher.

>Not buying it on GoG and giving all the money to CDPR

Yeah but you get an installer which you can store on disk and have forever

any user got a high res version of that image? yandex is being a faggot for me and google is as useless as ever. I would love a large version for a wallpaper

Attached: 1543822441919.jpg (400x400, 41K)

Not sure but here's a 2077 wallpaper

Attached: 1560114330275.png (1920x1080, 3.26M)

ah that works too, thanks

I want to play this game, but I don't have anything to play it on, the money to buy it, or the time to play it
I guess I'll be watching other people play