GOG sale

Sale on GOG comes to an end as well as flash deals. Anything interesting you got?

I bought Spellforce 3 and Pathfinder Kimgmaker and think about buying Aven Colony too but Im not sure.

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>buying GOG games

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Go away epic shill

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And what's the problem? Are you one of those retards that think that drm free equal to pirate free?

It's actually deeper problem, indicating that your actions are controlled outside, not inside aka you would happily do anything if nobody would watch.

>Anything interesting you got?
I got ToonStruck for free i also preordered cyberpunk and bought voidbastards.


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games on GoG and Games made by CD-Project_Red doesent deserve to be pirated. DOnt pirate them to encourage other game companies for pro-consumer politics.

>"I sure do hate DRM. I wonder why they keep putting DRM in games. Oh well, time to go and specifically pirate only the DRM-free games...."

>Games made by CD-Project_Red doesent deserve to be pirated

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>Denuvo cracked

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You're right retard, we should just let the game industry to become even shittier, the only ones who should pay are the silent minority who'll eat up all that lovely drm shit.

And then buy it again because they don't actually own the game.

is there any managemen/rts hybrid that isn't old as fuck in this store?

>you're right
Thanks. The industry is already shitty, let it burn

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>silent minority who'll eat up all that lovely drm shit.
can't tell if sarcastic or that you unironically think anti drm fags are anything but the minority

Surviving Mars and the Tropico series i guess.

YES, and it's all thanks to (you)!

Congratulations, you've ruined another thing you liked.


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Oh no, based retard, before games were mostly shitty. It didn't happen overnight.
You did this, you suffer for it.

Bbbbbbased & redpilled ГOГ

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>you suffer for it
Not really, Ive got enough good games that i could easily go the rest of my life without getting a new one. Keep seething moralfag

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wait surviving mars has combat?

Yet here you are.
Can't hide the pain retard you're fucking fuming over this and you'll keep crying blaming this shit one everyone else.

Aven Colony?

Commands ammo pack
Ultima Underworld 1+2
Call of Cthulhu: Dark corners of the earth
Heroes of Might and Magic III
It's the first time I buy anything on gog. How did I do?

>Baldur's Gate EE
>Baldur's Gate 2 EE
>La Mulana
>La Mulana 2
>Pillars Of Eternity DE
>Pillars Of Eternity 2 OE
>Divinity 2 DE
>Deus Ex GOTY
>Legacy Of Kain Soul Reaver
>Legacy Of Kain Soul Reaver 2
>Legacy Of Kain Defiance
>Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen 2
>Spec Ops The Line
>Door Kickers Action Squad
>Katana Zero

That's all i got. Pretty good overall.

>moralfag reaching THIS hard to try and make it seem like I care
>in reality nothing he can say will ever stop me from getting all my games for free while he pays for it like a cuck
>he will try to call me "seething" or "coping" for posting this
>but deep down he knows that I only came in to this thread to piss off buyfags and laugh at them
Every time I pirate a game I will think of you and laugh

>Imagine being this poor

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unreal tournament goty
star wars battlefront 2

>come in to thread to laugh at buyfags and make them mad with my superiority
>summerfags swarm to my post
>completely disrupts the thread
>one hour later and only 3 intelligent people have actually ignored my posts
>one buyfag is STILL seething
I will continue to laugh at you forever. After the universe dies my laughter will still echo throughout the nothingness that remains

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>unreal tournament goty
Shame on you.
