have audience with bloodborne thread
Have audience with bloodborne thread
Its simply the GOAT what else can i say?
post you're weaponfu, zonefu and bossfu
for me, it's logarius' wheel, hemwick charnel lane and can't decide between amygdala and gehrman
central yharnam
ludwig, my favorite boss in any video game ever
in fact, bb is my fav of all time
Ludwig's Holy Blade (im a shitter)
Castle Cainhurst
come on now. it only teaches you stagnation. you have to come out of your comfort zone
idk man i just love the weapon. i usually just stick to the saw cleaver for a playthrough
Amy arm, research hall, orphan
Fishing Hamlet
Father Gascoigne
opinion discarded
the basic bitch of bloodborne players
playing through the old hunters for the first time, its tremendous. I just got to the research hall which I am not looking forward to navigating through.
4 years later I'm still considering buying a PS4 just to play this game, somebody convince me to or not to
saif, pick
Beast Claw (without the rune)
Fishing Hamlet
Orphan of Kos
I likes wot I likes. Got a problem with that, nigger?
I did just that and haven't regretted it. Don't even have any other games on it.
You definitely should. I bought a PS4 and got this bundled with it, half expecting it to be just another alright game since I was never all that into the Souls game. It turned out to be a masterpiece. Better get playing m8
I looked it up on ebay, I could get a used PS4 for $250 and the game is only $10. Might just buy it, play the shit out of the game for a month, then try to sell it back on ebay for at least $200. Anybody have experience doing something like this?
do NOT forget the dlc if you plan on going through with this
I plan on getting the game of the year edition, so yeah I definitely will play the Old Hunters. I also plan on getting as much content out of it as possible so I don't regret selling the system
Kirkhammer, Fishing Hamlet, Orphan of Kos
> I alternate between Kirkhammer, Pizza Cutter, Ludwigs, HMB and Kos Parasite
>Forbidden woods
> Maria, Gehrman and Ludwig are all tied
I drew this in MS Paint, is it good?
The axe is the basic bitch of bloodborne I know because I use it.
Don't, this "game" is a bad joke
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 day, never having played a Souls game before.
Pic related
i did this 2 years ago, it was good decision
> "It was so bad I platinumed it!"
central yharnam
orphan of kosm
>burial blade
>hunters nightmare
>logarius, orphan
Sekiro is better and doesnt look/perform like a PS3 game
>t. xcuck
kek, cope
Who says I dont own both?
BB is good but Sekiro is better and this is a fact
Yes, you are annoying me with your preferences.
ya, it's good.
Burial Blade
Central Yharnam
Father Gascoigne
Finished my first ever run of the game two days ago, really liked it but personally it's probably still DS3 > BB right now. I chose the refuse ending and things turned out as you know, but I've heard that there's a way to fight Moon presence too. Any hints what I should do?
consume 3 one third of umbilicial cords
Eat three umbilical cords
Got it, thank you.
get 1 coord from mergo's nurse
get another from the hidden workshop
and get the final one by doing the questline for iosefka
i think theres another questline that lets you get one but i forgot how to do it