What's your opinion on the artstyle of newest tales game?
What's your opinion on the artstyle of newest tales game?
Good balance between not moe shit and moe shit.
I don't like how... over-textured it is.
I wish it was a pure call-shading, like they did with Three Houses.
very westernized
I like it.
I don't recall any western game having this artstyle.
It's shooped right? Her chin is a sharp 90 degree angle.
I like that too, but I wish her design was less of Lailah2.0
Characters have noses. Feels refreshing
Refreshing. I can't wait to see what they can do with UE4. Previous games looked too much like PS3 games to claim to be PS4 gen calibre games.
could be better
the game seems decent though
i'm willing to give the game a chance though
Well, that's it.
non-moe =/= westernized
I think it looks fine.
How in the fuck does that look western to you?
It got me interested in the series again. Last one I played was Symphonia on the cube.
Close. With Baba gone, they basically merged Velvet and Lailah.
>Posts one of the most overrated console games of all time, that is hideous.
It's neat to know that they're willing to make changes this drastic, but the artstyle they went for is like when newfag devs put models of pokemon in UE4, use the default lighting and shaders and post it on youtube.
The last few tales of games were starting to look really stale.
much better than the xillia style, but not better than vesperia and earlier
>Anime: the Video Game Franchise just doesn't do anything for me anymore
Eh, mixed feelings, it reminds me of when Japan fell for the Unreal meme at the start of Seventh Gen.
you literally have to be white to like it
Honestly it reminds me more of Xenoblade but in UE4 with more realistic shaders and with decent hardware behind it.
Sadly I doubt it's gonna have world design or scenery half as cool as XC, despite already btfo'ing the rest of the Tales series.
Hey I really like her face.
Is that what you want it to look like ? looks like shit.