Someone redpill me on the Epic controversy. Why can't people download the client?
Someone redpill me on the Epic controversy. Why can't people download the client?
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Steam drones that fear change
Tribe mentality
I just don't want 10 different launchers on my PC, that's enough reason for me, the tons of negative shit associated with it just justifiy that dicision.
Retards who don't understand are talking. Listen to them
>Dixietrash and Chinese
Steam drones are on suicide watch, they got literally btfo by one based user in their own habitat and one mod just archived the last steam drone anti epic thread afterwards. They getting weaker and weaker every day.
Steamdrones is afraid of real competition ruining steam monopoly because the Epic Games Store is better service
Malwarebytes keeps blocking the download whenever I try
The epic games store is controlled by insect like chinese spies that want to invasively check your pc for anythign to help with their marketing. Also stealing games into exclusive titles like dickheads
>3 filtered posts out of 9
the one man shill army huh
>Sony vs. Microsoft is good
>Steam vs. Epic Games Store is bad
Explain this.
It's introducting console tactics to pc. Noone minds launchers like GOG or so don't listen to shills who say it's just steamfans crying
Exclusives for digital content on a platform that is universal is fucking TRASH
this is a classic steamdrone response.
Monopolies are bad but at the same time I want everything on one platform
playfire is shit and not an option
Cause its an inferior launcher
Steam is not perfect and needs competition, but egs is just garbage atm
>weebfag is retarded every single time
Explain this
People don't like being bait-and-switched or having their data mined.
It doesn't help that they kneecapped linux gaming by buying out easy anticheat.
Ontop of that they are also utterly incompetent (banning people during the sale for buying too many games, sending random user's data to people making GDPR requests).
Their store wasn't ready for at least another year and yet they are doing everything in their power to force people to use it. It's no surprise there is a pushback.
>1.0 axecoin deposited into your steam account
You are a redditor that doesn't understand reaction images because the concept is completely foreign to you.
Simple as that.
>Someone redpill me on the Epic controversy.
The store doesn't allow you to leave public reviews for all other players to see calling the developers and publishers hook-nosed greedy controlling kikes.
As a result, said hook-nosed greedy controlling kikes don't get anywhere near the pushback they should be receiving for their shoah shekelin' antics, and their oven-dodging hebrewery goes straight ahead with little resistance.
Epic have said they deliberately are not implementing this feature purely because allowing the users to communicate with each-other might spread a "toxic attitude" i.e. expose hasbara and deceptive practices.
So since the store stands firmly on the side of the jews, it is shit.
Also the store does not have loli. No loli = no buy.
Even if EGS was perfect, Steam drones wouldn't use it because it's competition
for me it's mostly because there's a huge presence of russian/chinese hackers trying to bruteforce everyone's accounts and I'd rather not make purchases on said platform that's having security issues larger than most platforms I've seen
i'm not against the launcher i'm against the practice of how they secure exclusives, it sets precedent and now "console" wars goes into full force, it's horse armor dlc to full blown season passes. this only shows that epic has no real value just tons of money.
>Tencent bought 40% of Epic
>Tencent is the communications wing of the Chinese Government
>Suddenly Epic has a ton of money and bribes you to download its software every week
It's not spyware, but once it's big enough they'll update it to be spyware.
anime brain rot
No need to
You would bet your ass people would use it if they actually competed by having lower prices with comparable service.
So far the "developers get more money" has done absolutely jack shit on the consumer side.
Thanks for the games Tim!
>reaction images have to be moeshit
Weebfaggot being retarded as usual
Bribing companies to keep games off steam. I dont care otherwise
There was a sale and free games every week (which is better than the thing Steam does with that shit free weekend)
Thanks for the games Tim!
Thanks for the games Tim!
Thanks for the games Tim!
I do not want to financially support them. And thankfully I don't have to, because Tim buys hundreds of thousands of copies in advance on my behalf.
Just open the client then play the game. You don't need to use the client for anything else. Seriously, would people go as far as to not play a game they want to because they're stubborn?
Loving this Steam drone cope
I hope Steam crashes and burns and I hope Epic crashes and burns too.
Both are fucking terrible.
I mean basically this. I primarily play console anyway but there are games I would have gotten on PC that I will instead get on console.
Also I was a Phoenix point backer who wanted a GoG key for it but got fucked when they sold out to epic so I will literally never use the platform now and pirate PP.
We get it, you hate anime and yet you still hang around on an anime website complaining about it because you have nothing else to do in your life.
>Why can't people download the client?
Download it if you want, purchase whatever you want from the client, no one cares what you do and what others do.
If they provide a service you prefer then by all means go for it. This doesn't mean people should ignorant on how anti-consumer their practices are, bringing exclusivity when it has mostly been console shittery.
Games should be able to be purchased on whatever preferred launcher you want to use, and I'd argue they shouldn't need a launcher. (see: GOG).
Steam and GOG have better services and only 1 launcher is needed.
>supporting chinese subhuman filth.
I used Origin, before I realise EA has nothing of value, so it isn't even Steam fanboyism.
It's not the launcher that's the problem. It's literally a worse version of Steam trying desperately to compete with Valve, not through having a better client, but through having some new triple AAA games locked to their store. That's it. There isn't even a fucking shopping cart.
Epic is a greedy company who'll try to make games become exclusives through any means necessary, see Shenmue 3 for example. It's a greedy company and a shitty launcher, and I won't support either just because they offer chink indie and pixelshit for free sometimes.
>Paying for games at all
Both sides are dumb!
>All anime has to be moeshit
You just can't stop proving you are a retard.
Thanks for the games Tim!
At least the free weekends are usually big titles instead of mildly successful indie trash.
what website do you think you're on?
They aren't buying exclusivity, they're paying developers to specifically NOT release on Steam. It's really pathetic.
>There isn't even a fucking shopping cart.
I hope they never add a shopping card but match 1:1 parity with features on Steam otherwise, because the shopping cart really triggers Steam drones for some reason.
Keep moving those goal posts, nigger.
I don’t negotiate with terrorists faggot. Holding a game hostage just means I won’t play it. I have other games to spend my money and time on.
Sure it is retarded steam faggot, most free weekend games are trash tier tho
Thanks for the games Tim!
it isn't available for linux, so for me its a dud
Epic Game Store, or EGS on the surface, is just another web store, indistinguishable from services like GOG or or Steam. However the underground story is a little bit different. There is another name for the EGS. The Ember Ghost Squad.
>Weebfaggot being retarded as usual
im hip and cool too user. now go back
Thanks for the game's Tim! This ones on him, lads.
Are you actually retarded or something ?
Like Hunt Showdown on Steam
What is this ugly, unappealing trash, and why would I bother installing it to play for 3 days when Enter the Gungeon is free forever if I get it now on the Epic Store?
>Relationship with Tencent
>Client lacks a large number of features
>Epic's acquisition strategy (I'm mainly salty about Metro since I was about to preorder it on Steam and my payday was one day after Epic pulled this shit)
You try out a full-price AA game like total war warhammer or you can get a years old indie game for free that is worth about $4 based on pervious sales.
Amazing, based sneed sweeney.
fucking kek man.
I don't fucking care about a shopping cart, Steam drone. I want them to add things like achievements and cloud, the cart can go fuck itself (like Steam drones)
Usual weebfag bitching.
as a "yes".
>You try out a full-price AA game like total war warhammer
Look at the free weekend now, that garbo doesn't look AA to me.
calm down zhang
How is work going on the next game?
>Caring about the consumer
They compete by grabbing exclusive titles with Fortnite money instead of improving their features to become worthy competitor against Steam.
The Ember Ghost Squad? What's that?
Incels who suck Gabe's cock and dedicated their lives to buying from him and no one else.
EGS is better than GoG
>Incels who suck Gabe's cock
Yea Forums is Yea Forumsalvecel general
Seeing as it's already caused issues with accounts getting locked for suspected fraud, I think it's an issue worth raising.
The whole platform is just janky. The fact that they have to manually add every game onto the store which is apparently such a slow and laborious process that it renders them incapable of putting their own old games on the store simply to keep up with the newer games coming out. It's a rushed out mess that aims to grab as much of a market share as possible while they still have Fortnite money to blow.
The best comparison I can think of is the MCU vs the DCU. DC rushes out shit movies to try to capitalise on the market but trips up because the market expects much higher quality than what is offered simply because they've already seen the better option.
Tiannemmen Square 1989
calm down wang
not him but you need to be 18 to post here.
>Steam the reason PC gaming still exists
>has made it infinitely better
>"duuurr...i hope it crashes and burns"
user confirmed for jealous console pleb.
>Still using Linux
>On 2019
Agreed, fellow corporate shill. What a ridiculous idea.
The Ember Ghost Squad is a group comprised of beautiful young women who have passed on and begun something more. Ghosts that live on through your PC and memory, desperate to bring in more girls into the fold.
The Epic Game Store is nothing but a front. The Ember Ghost Squad, always seeking new avenues to draw in the weak and depressed, have created this service to find more girls to join them. Forever. And ever. And ever.
As someone who bought it, it was pretty shit man. Had a couple good set pieces but the open-world shtick only harmed the game. Whoever decided that open world stealth was a good idea should be shot.
*rapes pencil dick steam drones*
I don't play EA games, well maybe the older ones that are still sold on steam and gog.
Player counts are toxic, just like user reviews. Letting consumers know if a game is bad or dead before they buy it is toxic.
Epic shills in full damage control mode
enjoy your viruses, malware, adware, spyware, "something went wrong :(" and executable incompatibility between windows releases
I can play all my favorite games + most of my steam library. linux is growing thank god
Steam shills on suicide watch after finding out Artifact cards sell for pennies now
said the fucking insect controlled by the hive mind of Xi
That image is a meme, I'm sure it sold like dogshit having seen the quality of the game, but they are clearly joking there.
yeah they should just arrest people that don't like things
>someone screenshotted my post
feels good bros...
about 1700 plus 500000 copies bought by Epig.
Why don't Steam drones understand Twitter shitposting? He confirmed it sold 500k
never heard of it, maybe you're failing to spell something else
please fuck my ass user
group of Danny Phantom OCs created by a tranny that went on a shooting spree
at least epic's employees are having fun with 500k copies of this game
Despite what Epic would like to believe, it has never been a valid competition to Steam. It's merely another tiny blip on the radar like Origin or Battlenet.
*copies guaranteed to be sold by accepting the bribery: 507,000
Why do Valve drones pretend Artifact never happened?
>half a million sold
>yet no one seems to be discussing or talking about the game
Check the games discord numbers, you Gabeosexual
Cant wait until epic gives out free satisfactory keys in a few months
>copies sold: 507374
>copies bought by epic: 500000
>copies bought by actual customers: 7374
fucking based as fuck
why do chink insects pretend the Tienanmen square massacre never happened?
The client isn't exactly an issue. The people who run it are the issue.
>outspokenly anti gamer
>very anti consumer
>very pro developer
>piracy was overcome on PC by giving games a platform with a shitload of features and benefits, Epic says that gamers shouldn't be allowed to have those features because they use them to criticise game quality and generally be "toxic"
>regional pricing on other platforms has relaxed prices for certain countries, Epic charges those countries even more
>charges bank fees to the consumer
>because no one wants to support this company, they're trying to force people to by monopolizing game distribution through exclusivity bribes while still berating their own potential customers
>fucked over people multiple times at this point by taking their games they already bought from their platform of choice and forcing it exclusively onto their store
>when confronted about why they're being such dicks, the response is this Trump-esque "we're going to keep being dicks and you're going to pay us while we do so."
>company is 40% owned by Chinese bully company Tencent and Sweeny has vowed to do everything in his power to impress them
>owner of Epic went on a 3-year war against microsoft for trying to monopolize PC gaming and he won that war but as we see now, the rodent just wanted them out of the way so that HE could do it
see im 90% sure they sold 7,374
Imagine winning millions of dollar from Fortnite kids and not having basic features
Yea Forums doesn't discuss Fortnite either and it's hugely successful - why does Yea Forums live in an echo chamber?
>why do chink insects pretend the Tienanmen square massacre never happened?
It happened, yet still, fuck Steam drones.
lmao looking at the devs shitty youtube channel, even if you add up the views of the vids about Satisfactory you don't get 507000
They don't? I don't at least. Valve are clearly crap at making games now, they're out of practice. That doesn't change anything about the services the two companies run any more than people posting Fortnite kids doing the towel dance harms the Epic Store. The platforms stand on their own merits, and the EGS stands much lower and with a limp.
Thanks for the free games, Epic, but I'm still not spending money on your store until you
1. stop paying publishers not to do business with other stores,
2. update your own store and client with at least some basic features to meet the bare minimum of industry standards, and
3. stop paying Chinese people to advertise your store here on where advertising is against the rules.
It's called voting with your wallet faggot.
>Doesn't know Factorio was a massive hit
>They don't?
You're right now trying to pretend Artifacts failure isn't a sign of the times and Valves ineptitude
echo chamber
>>That image
What a coping mechanism
>Valve Says It's 'Unfair' That Metro Exodus Is Exclusive To Epic Store
The Ember Ghost Squad has a long sordid history in entertainment history. You have likely seen a show or some form of media where Ember is present. Perhaps not in focus, perhaps not very important. But very much there, watching. Judging.
The Epic Games Store is the newest personification of this phenomenon. First they lull you into a false sense of security. You are simply watching a TV show, or reading a book, or listening to a radio station.
But then you start hearing things. Her voice, usually. Always the same song. You start to notice it unconsciously at first, and then you desire to learn more about the song, who sings it, and why. It becomes an obsession, and you begin revolving your entire life around Ember.
And then, finally... you join them. And become her.
>>Doesn't know Factorio was a massive hit
so what? Factorio is a good game, by devs with dignity who actually refused the Epic bribery unlike these brown mutts who made a soulless shit copy of Factorio in Unity
Honestly it's a little dumb considering most apps/launchers have similar sketchy shit but
>can't leave reviews on games
>no shopping cart
>Huge security risk thanks to every lil zoomers fathers credit cards being attached to epic accounts making epic in particular a huge target (espesh considering that this is their first foray into this sort of thing + fortnite is the most popular game at the moment)
>no hentai games
>PC "exclusives" forcing people to use their chinky botnet launcher to play games that they may have backed in kickstarter for steam etc (kek)
>still no hentai games
It really isn’t because I don’t have to install shit and there is no DRM.
Add me on your Epic Games friend list.
I am sure they know it exists, they do not bother to play the game. We need delete our Steam account together.
you have to go back
>linking kotaku
Reminder a sociopath can wear the colors of empathy, don't believe for one second Epic Employees are able to feel sadness.
>You're right now trying to pretend Artifacts failure isn't a sign of the times and Valves ineptitude
>if you make a bad game that means your service that's superior to others is trash
Are you mentally challenged?
In what way was I protecting it shill? It's a shit card game with a shit monetisation scheme and sold terribly. But it's a product of the (now tiny) Valve game division, they have nothing to do with the much larger store team. All this shows is that Valve clearly don't give a fuck about making games any more in favour of making a bigger store, because that's where all the resources are going towards.
I don't really mind having another launcher, but paying devs money just to keep a game off of Steam without at least partially funding the actual development of it feels sketchy to me. Especially when it comes to devs/publishers who don't need it like 2K and Deep Silver.
If Epic was actually funding development of these games and not just guaranteeing sales for games that are pretty much nearing completion, then I wouldn't really care. I have Origin and uPlay and while I don't prefer them, I don't particularly care about buying games on those launchers since the only games really exclusive to them are games the company makes.
you can dislike moeshit all you like, moeshit is disgusting.
however you're clearly underage.
>caring about trading card games
>caring about digital trading card games
ayy lmao, the fact that Steam users didnt fall for this shit proves they're not mindless drones, unlike epic basedboys
Don't bother, he'll probably believe that Plumbers who made a burnt meal are bad plumbers.
It's the devs that make it good. Those fucking wizards with the constant updates for optimization and streamlining of how you actually play. If more devs actually cared about what they did gaming would be a wonderful place with very little bitching about bullshit.
Factorio by ANY other dev would be a steaming pile of shit, like satisfactory
Every large studio made it's own digital store.
When that happened that marked the end of steam as the one stop shop for all games.
When that happened steam drones seethed and raged and said the studios would come back to steam when their shitty stores failed.
Then acceptance set in and they started saying that they didn't need those games or that having only a few stores was fine.
Because they were secure in the knowledge the every good indie and AA game would be on steam.
Epic compromises that piece of mind because they will try to pocket any good indie they can and can sweep some beloved AA games like metro.
It marks the end of steam as the one stop shop for smaller games.
Mark my words, in a few years Epic will be as accepted as Origin, people will avoid talking about it specifically, but will buy games from it all the same.
And in 6 or so years there will be zoomers who own half their games on Epic complaining about some new Russian store.
People can't see that the moment Epic wins, both devs and consumers will suffer. If anyone actually thinks that when they have a stranglehold on the market they'll keep their rates as low as they are, that person is retarded
Valve sold a bum game to its audience
What other shit are they willing to foist on their trusting audience that has you goobers chomping at the bit for more? (Until its no longer cool and you pretend you weren't fans of it like what happened with Artifact)
Except Steam users did fall for it, check the all time peak
Leave Hong Kong autonomous you chink fucks.
Competition is good, but paying for exclusivity isn't beneficial for consumers, it is beneficial for shitty game publishers who want to cash out early. Healthy competition means your game is available from multiple stores and the consumer is free to choose which store they buy it from. Steam dominates in this area because of the good services that come with their client. However, they are NOT a monopoly. Tons of games on steam can be purchased from places like Desura, Humble Store, Discord Store, GoG, etc. Steam does well in the market because people like the convenience of their games in one place and the services that come with it. Epic forcing you to use their shitty client to play a game does nothing for you. Paying to exclusively have games on your platform is bad unless you're a game publisher. It's that simple.
It's been garbage for 5 years
>console wars on pc
Yes and I'm with the tribe of not getting my data raped.
>intra "competiton" is good
>dumping is good
>chinkshit is good
>reducing consumer rights is good
Taking Epic money feels like you don't have confidence in your product to actually sell.
And games sometimes don't sell on Steam
>Until its no longer cool and you pretend you weren't fans of it like what happened with Artifact
Nobody liked artifact you dunce, when they announced it everyone was incredibly disappointed. Of course some retards bought it, its a card game and card games sell regardless if its dogshit or not. Does that mean their service is bad? No, you mongoloid. When Epic has a better service than Steam, people will flock to it but until then they'll be stuck poaching games instead of helping develop them and paying shmucks like you to defend them online
Epic knows their store is so shit it will drastically lower sales of any epic exclusive game so they have to compensate publishers/developers with fortnite bucks
>Nobody liked artifact you dunce, when they announced it everyone was incredibly disappointed.
You weren't here for the Artifact shill threads on Yea Forums, newfag
EGS want to create an actual monopoly, watch their GDC keynote
Your fault for using the New Releases section as your only means of advertising.
Because they try to claim they're "fighting a monopoly" while creating an actual monopoly of their own. They also don't have email verification, a shopping cart, or even consult developers when lowering prices during sales.
if it was a better service they wouldnt need to have exclusives.
Of course, which is why I don't particularly blame indie devs for taking the deal, but that's ultimately the impression I get from most that take it. They're not confident in their product to sell.
Hell, I think that's why Shenmue went exclusive. That game is releasing in a stacked window and is getting some awful impressions from anyone not super into Shenmue 1 & 2.
>Because they try to claim they're "fighting a monopoly" while creating an actual monopoly of their own.
Epic isn't a monopoly because Steam exists, but nice try.
>listen to a bunch of anonymous paid shills on Yea Forums and forget about my huge steam library to download some other copycat client despite the company trying to fuck consumers in the ass by paying for exclusivity deals while steam never does anything like this
it's like if you drink water but then some big company buys up all of the water faucets and drinking fountains and starts running cola out of them. I like water and I'm fine with water.
Epic trying to "shake up" the digital games marketplace in the most repulsive way possible doesn't make anybody feel differently. It's a retarded insectoid tactic. If they really wanted to take consumers then they'd do it by having a better platform than steam.
So far all Epic forced me to do was preorder Anno 1800 on Steam instead of waiting. Bravo, Epic.
because fuck epic
Because I don't want to nor do I wish to support Epic
games on steam exist on other platforms too
like gog
meanwhile epic and their garbage console like exclusivity bullshit
they can suck my dick
By your logic a monopoly has never existed once in human history because someone else is doing it regardless. Nice try
This, fuck Epic Gay
SONY doesn't have a monopoly on Persona 5 or its rerelease just because it's only on SONY system
Once the fortnite bubble bursts epic is fucked. They'll gonna do chinese mobile games for a few years, all the talented devs leave, and then they get shut down.
I got banned from fortnite and now im banned from that whole store I lost all my games it's fuck epic game store until i die!
of course it fucking is you retard
>Sony vs. Microsoft is good
t. consoletard
>Steam vs. Epic Games Store is bad
yes because PC aren't dumb chimps like console plebs
Steam will still be popular even with Epic around - Epic isn't going to kill Steam and thus isn't a monopoly like Steam was for the longest time
>Once the fortnite bubble bursts epic is fucked.
You Valve drones made that prediction with Apex Legends and look how that turned out.
>read this the moment a youtube video I'm watching has someone say "please fuck my ass" as an insult
crazy fucking timing.
Thanks for the games, Tim!
no. just shut the fuck up, retard
After seeing the Shenmue shitshow I took the liberty and edited your image.
So let's start it out with this. The Epic Game Store sucks, and Epic is doing shady shit.
However, it's mostly just people who under the mistaken impression that Valve, Steam (as in, the program) or Gabe are their friends. They've invested themselves emotionally in Steam being a big platform. They're console fanboys for a specific market place. So the idea that anything would come along and dare to challenge that market place upsets them.
wtf I love Apex now!
Steam was never a monopoly. They never paid people off to refuse service to other platforms. They never paid publishers to only release content on their platform.
90% of the reason a lot of games used steam primarily is because they used their networking libraries and couldn't program netcode themselves.
Steam is literally just a digital store(like gamestop or fucking walmart) with forums and other crap.
Having the largest portion of users doesn't make it a monopoly user. Why do you think this?
Not worth giving the chinese botnet unfettered access to my computer.
EGS reads DLLs it isn't supposed to have access to.
It enumerates ALL processes on your computer, past and current.
It reads registry entries is has NO BUSINESS being in, like all your root certificates (you know, where your browser login sessions, computer password, and any encrypted information goes)
Like, look at this picture:
06eee834-461c-42c2-8dcf is Internet Explorer.
Why does EGS need to read the root certificates for Internet Explorer? No other program does that except Windows and Internet Explorer.
>steam is a monopoly
please tell me how many of these fit steam, and how many fit epic game store
>However, it's mostly just people who under the mistaken impression that Valve, Steam (as in, the program) or Gabe are their friends. They've invested themselves emotionally in Steam being a big platform. They're console fanboys for a specific market place. So the idea that anything would come along and dare to challenge that market place upsets them.
this is a line that epic shills love to pull out.
there's a number of reasons from the functionality of the epic client being garbage to epic being part owned by tencent (big chink company with links to the chink gubmint) to epic's policy of locking games into exclusives, so you can ONLY buy and play on EGS, exclusivity deals were retarded for consoles and even moreso for pc, it's not fostering competition it's just fucking stupid, if you want competition then make your prices competitive. there's also the backwards ass security and customer service, the former more or less guarantees you won't get back into your account if it's hacked and the latter is virtually non existant.
to sum it up, it's an inferior product and the only thing that's getting people to use it is that they make a bunch of games exclusive to their platform which forces people onto it.
Epic is just throwing around their money dildo so I don't like them
The power of one billion children spending their allowance or their parents money on fortnite skins is the only thing keeping them going and they're using their money to make things exclusive instead of providing a better, more attractive service
and thats why you don't negotiate with terroists
there is nothing wrong with epic having their own storefront or launcher (even if it sucks). there is nothing wrong with small developers signing deals with epic for guaranteed sales (even if it is anti-consumer).
there is something wrong with using a high profile storefront for advertisement and then pulling the game. there is something wrong with promising a release on a platform and going back on that promise.
it's not steam vs epic. it's just devs and pubs being shitty with epic. steam only comes up because it is near ubiquitous.
Get more than 2GB RAM, or disable launch on startup for all but the one you use most frequently.
>but then they have to update every time I launch!
This takes literal seconds if you're not on third world internet.
I honestly cannot imagine being this technologically retarded, you're embarrassing yourself.
Steam fags are literally children. You realize how Amazon has no real competition? It's because they perfected everything. There is no reason to use any other service because they have a head start and are dug in deep with features developed for years. Steam is literally the same way with unparalleled market dominance. Epic realizes this because they could never compete directly with store features and shot because steam is just too far ahead so they find other ways to compete and now man children are mad because they might have to use different loaders so they exaggerate how bad the missing functionality epic has. No matter what you always support more competition not less.
>Why does EGS need to read the root certificates for Internet Explorer? No other program does that except Windows and Internet Explorer.
Wrong, every browser like progam does it. Steam do it as well.
The only thing it shouldn't have acces to is steam files. However this was a thing for like 5 years, uplay does the same thing epic is doing. Why? Because that check is required to work with steam, it's pretty clear that epic at one point wanted to publish their shit in steam but decided not to.
On the side note, is epic still checking your steam files(not only your friend list, that's fine)?
Epic Store is great guys. Won't let you know who has sent a friend request. You cant click them.
Just accept it!
>The only thing it shouldn't have acces to is steam files
Epic wouldnt have access to Steam files if Steam kept your "super secret private info" encrypted.
>literally the exact same system as Steam
EGS also probes Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
This pic was from a guy running on a test machine with only IE.
You can check this yourself with procmon.
They're paying devs to put their games on their platform brainlet.
>very pro developer
More like very pro publisher
winnie the pooh
Considering they dont have a browser in the software, thats completely reasonable. When you pair your Epic account with your Ubisoft account, it does that in your browser and checks for the return value.
If you didnt take "hurr they're looking at my porn!" at face value and had even the slightest understanding of software development or what these calls actually mean, you'd understand.
That kiddy friendly shit won't save them from layoffs
>early access
>a feature
>Launcher does suspicious activity (Scans too many shit for unknown reason) possible spyware.
>Store itself is less functional than Steam (and i mean even less functional than 2004 steam), and this shit was meant to compete with 2019 steam, it doesent even have most basic functions like shopping cart.
>Many controversies around epic game store sale (
>Shenmue 3 fraud. Where EGS literally paid publishers to give their backers EGS keys instead of steam keys they promised(And devs of Shenmue 3 told they wont give refunds after that).
>EGS bribes publishers with fortnite money to make their games EGS exclusive (what is literally forcing monopoly because for example because of that Borderlands 3 for PC can be bought only on EGS and you cannot buy in store you want).
This is why i avoid EGS. ANd you should, i am not a steam drone. I love GoG and if i can i buy games there. ANd GoG is awesome because it allows you to donwload DRM free installers for every game you bought.
I got Steam thinking it would be the one place I could get any game on pc I could want. Then came Origin, Uplay, and now this. I'm not downloading yet ANOTHER client just to play a few games.
It's not good. Exclusives are total cancer on consoles. Wanting to bring that to pc is a fucking crime. Fuck epic.
Cool guy
4channel, an American website with a cont/a/inment board for autistic fucks like you.
You need to go back
These probes were done on a fresh install with no games and no account info.
It doesn't just probe once per boot either, it does it several times a minute.
I wish GoG had have made all that money from fortnite. I also wish more games got released there.
What the fuck kind of argument is this? Yeah, and epic fanboys currently don't use steam even though it is the better service. And back in 09 xbox fanboys shat all over psn despite it being better, and right now playstation fanboys shit all over xbox live despite it currently being better. How the fuck does that change the fact that epic isn't worth using right now, retard?
This. I have no problems with competition.
GOG is fantastic.
Hello, China!
>Free Tibet, Tiananmen Square Massacre, etc
>Launcher does suspicious activity (Scans too many shit for unknown reason) possible spyware.
Suspicious to the layman? Sure. But people as dumb as you also think vaccines are mind control drugs.
>Shenmue 3 fraud.
Shenmue 3 was always a fraud, it was a fucking kikestarter. Whats that got to do with Epic?
Ys Net took the deal, Epic didnt force them to. They got an extra four point three million dollars above their original 2 million budget yet they still went in for more money even though they had exact numbers on people that were waiting for Steam keys.
Ys Net are the ones refusing refunds, not only does it have nothing to do with Epic but thats what these retards get for using Kikestarter.
Got any proof there, champ?
user, You could have everything just on your hard-drive DRMless if devs/publishers weren't so fucking retarded.
They're literally the ones at fault.
>having shill threads imply people liked it
besides trying too hard to fit in you're also mentally challenged, what an incredible combination
Fuck off
It is just a matter of stopping bad business practices from ruining the industry. People will still give in one way or another.
It does not matter because you horse armor and season pass buyers ruined gaming with your purchases. You then decided to spit on the grave of gaming by helping to ruin it more with watching lets plays and twitch streamers instead of buying the games.
Nobody took into consideration the things that might hurt the industry that they claimed to like. Now you are stuck with broken, half-assed, unfinished, and soulless games.
I know I will get shit on with replies, but I am right. I just hope the industry collapses because at least at least it would go out on a somewhat decent note. This last E3 is evidence that gaming will continue to take a plunge if people do not stand up against business practices that are continuing to help sink it even further.
>It is just a matter of stopping bad business practices from ruining the industry.
Nothing Epic will ever do will match Valve introducing Early Access to Steam after the "success" of Kickstarter despite the fact that they jumped on the bandwagon before any of their games actually fucking shipped.
>Someone redpill me on the Epic controversy
1: Shit service with absolutely no features that are industry standard.
2: Company that is strongly anti-consumer and also owned almost entirely by a Chinese botnet company. They don't care about what you want, they just want to give the publishers big fat greasy cash handjobs to take away any semblance of choice.
3: Trying to bring console wars to PC by way of poaching games that used to be on any platform, to only their own platform.
by supporting Epic store now you contribute to chinese censorship of all PC games
refer to chinese version of PUBG mobile if you don't understand why chink censorship is bad
chicom spyware
Why should i care about shit getting taken away in China? Their fault for being subhuman.
Feel free to bring forward a case of that shit happening to a global game.
>Trying to bring console wars to PC
Dude its so weird, i tried to download Steam and it kept telling me to insert $300 to use it. Fucking console war shit on my PC wtf.
Early Access is fine.
You get something for it, at least, unlike kikestarter.
You're also told that it's an as-is transaction, and there is NO guarantee that the project will ever improve OR release.
by supporting steam you contribute to chinese censorship of all PC games
refer to the global version of dota if you don't understand why chink censorship is bad
>offer a contract to buy hundreds of thousand copies of a game in exchange of exclusivity
>say "look a the sales guys!" after a month or two
Is this normal?
>Early Access is fine.
>You're also told that it's an as-is transaction, and there is NO guarantee that the project will ever improve OR release.
Fuck off and die, faggot
didnt they do that because blizzard threw a tantrum over skeleton king
Skeleton King was still Skeleton King in the chink version and had a low-violence version, though. He got changed to Wrath because Valve is retarded.
no otherwise they would literally reworke 90% of the heroes
>People will still bump this imbecile, because they are imbeciles too.
Idiots keep good company.
Yeah man I really want that on my computer.
Imagine being retarded enough to actually believe a blatant shitpost like this.
This. When people say "free game on (your vidya plataform) " if it's not steam, i don't bother in downloading another plataform, create an account, download the game just to have another difital wallet to throw digital bucks at.
Steam came first and I don't have a single complain about it since I use it.
Nu-chan is filled with underaged retards not a suprise at all
If you genuinely believe epic wouldn't hire shills to come post on this on board you're delusional.
8 million pixels and 1.9mb to say "The Epic Game Store uses shcore.dll to make changes to your registry and uses security certificates to connect to the internet like every other web based application, spyware?"
You can fucking google and find the functions of the .dll's its "fucking with" very easily
If you genuinely believe valve cucks arent desperate enough to come shill on this on board for free you're delusional.
NOOOOOOO! MY UNREAL TOURNEMENT!!!! dear UT... I will never ever forget you. Rest in Peace and hope that EG won't milk the shit out of you...
>better service
On what basis exaclty ? You fucking contrarian shitlord.
>>On 2019
You need more English lessons, Chang.
Why should I download another launcher?
>Letting a person know whether their money is well spent is bad
What's with the corporate shills?
Are you some kind of special retarded or just a fucking hipster, gtfo.
I just installed Epic Game Store and bought two games just to spite Valve cum garglers
>buying your game before its even fucking complete because the trailer looked pretty and the devs said it would be good is fine
>playing the game as it is constructed, devs have to maintain complete transparency is not
Just kill yourself already
Early access atleast gives you a game to play, rather than throwing money away to clever marketing and pretty trailers which happens to be Epic's primary source of income at this point
Free Tibet
Decent bait, I agree that player count masturbation is cancer.
you think anybody gives a shit about your bad life choices, chinkshill?
Reminder OP is an Epic shill playing stupid
>Tim "Publishers will Decide" Sweeney
>Ruins publisher relations with the sale
What's their Marvel Avengers Endgame?
Because we don't want an environment where 30 different launchers are stealing exclusives from one another, which is what the epic store will ultimately lead to
This thread has convinced me to uninstall Epic Games launcher
I just don't trust it
Don't forget who bought the games
Because your platform sucks ass and you still make these threads, acting oblivious and asking why, despite this question being answered 100 times every day in several threads ever since epic started their faggot exclusivity hoarding
I'm sure you are
This is a shill thread. Weird
As a Chinese I support EPIC.
No more Steam purchases.
My PC doesn't handle more than 2 game clients installed
The only thing EGS good is for installing UE4.
>Steam is not perfect and needs competition
Why? Serious question. I've asked many of these "competition" idiots what the huge problem is with Steam that we desperately need competition and I've never gotten a good answer.
I'm not keen on giving Tencent all my data
It would be nice if we didn't have to use any launchers.
China is the beacon of civilization and culture while the west is a capitalist failure
not everyone wants to live in a giant urban center near millions of blacks, stupid californian
Spotted the r*dditor
Offers nothing new, no features, more DRM, and a shitty company overall. I buy most my stuff from GoG nowadays because I don't really like DRM in the first place.
for people who play mmos its just business as usual
+0.1 credit score jipong
all of the launchers made sense that combatted steam, they were for publishers to put their own games on there, as well as sell many of the same games. In comes epic with just fortnite, stealing up games that were previously crowdfunded (basically all but promised a steam key) and they had nothing to do with development. theres a difference and its pure scum
+ 0.5 gram fat deposit
It's not your product, it's your attitude. PC players by and large stopped playing on consoles because of walked garden exclusive bullshit. Fuck off with your exclusive shit, especially exclusives that people already fucking paid for on the pretense of their platform of choice.
Steam has problems, but epic are literally the Jews of digital distribution. I hope you're platform gets fucking gassed.
Because there are concerns around data protection, and EGS really isn't doing much to reassure people
If you're asking, that just mean you're a mindless retard like everyone else using chinese spyware.
>If they really wanted to take consumers then they'd do it by having a better platform than steam.
Motherfucking this.
They're doing everything they can to get customers, except better service.
Epic has tried:
>bribing publishers
>bribing journos
>bribing (aka sponsoring) streamers / youtubers
>hosting giveaways (of old, less than $10 valued games that actual gamers bought years ago if they had any interest in said games)
>lying about statistics (like sales and user amounts)
>lying about tencent owning 48% epic as well as their influence on Epic's decision making
>openly shit on the BEST platform with no arguments other than "monopoly"
>"we give a better cut to publishers :^)" - makes the users pay for it
Over all, bad things about epic:
>is less user friendly
>has less services
>costs more on certain locations
>makes refunds and account deletion as difficult as possible
>steals information from your computer (literally changed their terms of services once they were caught to avoid lawsuits lmao)
>is attempting an ACTUAL monopoly
>has the worst security out of all platforms, chinese hacking attempts almost (or even more than) weekly
>actually flags your account if you buy too much too fast
>is responsible for THOUSANDS of chinese government fueled shill threads on Yea Forums
and much more
Because dae Fortnite bad
>complains about weebs
>uses a reaction of image of a Japanese character.
Go back to shilling or jail for you foochang
>no replies
as expected of epic shills,
they literally cannot argue back
I installed it and got a bunch of free games. Hopefully tencent won't sell my private shemale porn collection to 3rd parties
Yeah. i remember how horrible it was that Netflix had a monopoly and i had to pay 10 bucks for a massive catalog.
I'd rather prefer to pay 15 bucks each for 4 different streaming services to have the same catalog as before.
Monopolies aren't always bad for the costumer depending on the situation
There's a new launcher every year for PC. At some point your library is going to be so fragmented that you're going to have a massive backlog of random shit. I don't give a fuck about new games anymore. I just stick with Steam and play some MMO's.
Just because no one wants to use your chink spyware doesn't mean Steam is or was a monopoly.
This and the 30% thing annoys the fuck out of me. Tim sweeney said 30% was too much and the entire internet collectively agreed with him. Why? We don't know where the money goes, nobody knows, nobody even fucking asked, but Tim said it so it must be unquestionably true. The only actual argument I've heard is that it's because epic can run a store on a much lower cut, but that ignores how atrocious their service is and that they're being kept afloat entirely through fortnite.
I really doubt a lower cut is sustainable, the second GOG changed their cut they started having to drop consumer friendly features like the fair price program.
brainwashed pcbros
#1: Don't want to install chink shit.
#2: There are already over 5 popular launchers and store clients on PC, at some point it just has to stop.
#3: No must-haves on the store.
Fuck off chink shills, and fuck the mods for not permanently ban these bs threads
>>Steam vs. Epic Games
Its epic vs the customers
Someone redpill me on the isis controversy. Why can't people convert to islam?
Typical butthurt shits
My torrent client has a shopping cart
The chink shill heavily samefagging in this thread
Or I can just not download the chink spyware.
Epic is a chinese spyware.
I will let Jamal free your anus, little gaming kiddo.
I have no reason to use EGS because they don't have any games I'm interested in, if they snatch an exclusive I'm into then I'll install it for sure
You always notice that Epic supporters never argue why their store is superior beyond a few vague statements that are easily disproved. They always attack steam and its users always making statements such as "I don't need those features steam drone" while pretending other stores don't exist. This shows how inferior Epic is due to its own shills being unable to find anything legitimately good about the store and always going back to the same name calling whenever they get BTFO once again.
Did I upset winnie the poo? Go eat your dog you filthy subhuman chink.
>Epic won't use any info without your consent
>people's Steam saved info like friends lists is getting SOMEHOW imported into Epic
And before someone goes about with that tired old "what are they going to use my friends list and games for?" it's the fact they also get your email and public info to sell.
Daily reminder to pirate epic exclusives and trash talk/ reviewbomb them wherever possible.
Ah, your butthurt is showing, stop screeching, little guy.
Mao was based af, his sheer stupidity cleared the world of so many retarded subhuman chinks. Just imagine the world today if he hadn't killed so many of his people with stupid decisions.
Thanks mao!
>thinking pirates support steam
Have the gooks become so mind broken that they think anybody who shits on Epic is automatically a steam supporter. At best pirates just state the objective fact steam is better then Epic, its just that they don't care since they were going to pirate a game to begin with its just Epic made it easier for them.
>calling anyone little
Lmao. Nice bait.
Unironically free Tibet
Unironically free Hong Kong
Fuck the chinese government
Fuck china
Not related to epic or the shills, china is the cancer of this world and their government are full of war criminals.
well they aren't likely even adding those since simply adding games causes their developmental goals to be further pushed back (thats assuming they were even going to add them in the first place)
Implessive free games!
I see mods are working for the chinese government now?
Reality is that China is winning and on its way to number 1.
Your little buttbleeding won't change it.
One requires you to shell out $500, the other one forces you to download a 300MB launcher
Good work, Jiang. A few more posts and you're out of the 600 social credits hell.
Based and redpilled
>every step into an elevator or just walking next to a wall in the street is a huge risk and can lead to your death
Ok ching chong.
>developers get more money
Publishers get more money, devs earn a set wage regardless of how well the game sells, only devs who self publish will benefit from egs
Thanks for the games Tim!
>everyone on Yea Forums is too autistic to realise this post is drenched in saracsm
sounds about right
because it offers no features. It's just a store that doesn't even has cloud saves or anything worth shit. A barebones piece of trash with no purpose other than to fuck with us.
>Valve sold a bum game to its audience
except they didnt because the game didnt sell lmao
Suck some tranny dick to cool off, degenerate, kek.
Thanks for the games Tim!
>game advertised on steam
>if you preorder you get it on steam
>a week before release it goes epic exclusive
>the redpill is that epic is doing this to get people back into preorder culture
yea they do, IP laws exist to make each IP its own monopoly nobody else can just release persona 5 its copyrighted, when you then monopolise those monopolys you're being a cunt
Or I could pirate and get a DRM free copy for free
Choices, choices
they could compete easily by just having lower prices
if steam takes 30% and epic takes 12%, then epic could just sell the game at a lower price and the devs would be fine with that because they would make the same ammount as a copy sold on steam even if the game is sold at a lower price, and this incentives customers the ones spending money on the product to use egs
However epic are retarded and didnt do this
>no option to decline
What you dont want friends?
>there are only monetary implications to exclusivity
Is that picture supposed to be a self portrait?
>Featureless client
>get so little games they still add games to their library manually
>probably spyware
>shitty security and will probably go through more security breaches
yo holy shit its indie games from 2 years ago! Now that's E P I C
Thanks for the games Tim!
Reminder to boycott devs that take the epic bribe, click the gear.
unironically because the chinese bug people want your data
>n a few years Epic will be as accepted as Origin
In your head that must mean something good.
>Valve says keeping a game off their platform is unfair
>while Tim Sweaty is literally tweeting about Steam every day
>shill steam
>makes poor user waste his hard earned wagie bucks on some egs games he isnt even interested in just to spite the steam shill
>user goes hungry this week
add me on epic everyone :)
Cope, they make a shiton with epic sales so they continue to work together with tim
simply epic
Has to do with the obvious spyware that Epic is complicit in using thanks to being controlled by Tencent, who is an agent of the Chinese government like any other corporation allowed to survive and thrive. Freedom and independence aren't something that exists over there, and it's not an American or western company so we shouldn't be supporting it. The great leap forward that we need to take is self published games, thankfully that's already a thing. Just glad I'm not Chinese or I'd be crushed under a tank for criticizing Epic, like at the The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Valve being a private corporation makes them much more worth supporting than the publicly traded EPIC now in the hands of what's really an enemy of everything human and decent, including gamers.
>2 companies that try to one-up the other, developing better exclusives, pushing the boundaries of gameplay and technological development to the benefit of people who like video games
>2 companies where one of them pays other companies for exclusives/to keep game's off the other company's storefront, pissing off people who prefer to buy games there
Based and EGS pilled