>time travel no longer possible
>save scumming no longer possible
How do you feel about the game being confirmed garbage? Does anyone actually play this game on a day by day basis? God forbid you’re busy during a holiday event, fuck you try again next year.
Time travel no longer possible
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You're retarded, but I do wish they'd add an optional mode like Harvest Moon where you manually advance the days by sleeping in game.
I used to love AC but I just don't have time to keep up with it anymore.
>save scumming
>on any game ever
Git gud
It looks better than every previous AC tbqh
>he time travels
Never did either of those things.
>time travel no longer possible
let me guess, the source is your ass?
Get fucked, that's objectively a good thing
Those are good things.
Fuck time travellers
Tell them how you feel. twitter.com
Pic related: one job.
>cheating in a casual life simulator
Is this the state of sub 80 IQ zoomers?
Honestly, I'll enjoy it more if it doesn't let me time travel. The moment I start TTing in any game, whether it's due to impatience or to go back to something I missed or to scum for villagers, the game becomes a chore and loses its magic. The only way to enjoy AC long-term is organically.
>He savescums in an Animal Crossing game
>He time travels in an Animal Crossing game
>He UNIRONICALLY tries to minmax a fucking Animal Crossing game
Source on that screenshot?
>time travel no longer possible
Where was this confirmed? Auto saving doesn't mean there's no in-game clock.
what did they do to make these things not possible?
If it doesn't run on a real time clock anymore I'm going to be horribly disappointed
what was the purpose of these changes?
What a throwback.
The game uses Auto-Saves now. So you can't just reset when something shit happens to you.
The min-maxers are the whole reason the game is now minecraft.
But literally nothing that can actually permanently harm you happens. The worst that can happen is maybe a neighbor moving or something. The game is casual to the next level.
>time traveling
>save scumming
you're garbarge, not the game. go play Harvest Moon
Man, it's meant to be a game about relaxing and just living a comfy life in an animal town. It's meant to get you AWAY from the hustle and stress of real life. Why let that sort of darkness into a game that's essentially about a healing escapism?
It's like complaining that Harvest Moon doesn't let you run a Monsanto mega factory farm. It defeats the point.
The only reason I like to TT is to skip back a day or two to participate in seasonal events, since I'd otherwise be busy. This is kind of lame...
Don’t blame the game for your inability to play it properly.
Wtf! I opened this at work and now my manager wants me in his office at the end of the day...
hahahahahaha get fucked nigger
>Don’t blame the game because you have a social life to live and you can't afford to revolve your life around a game
>be mayor
>have a nice house and neighbourhood full of ducks, birds, and ganon
>well planned to keep them around and have my own fruit orchard
>some bitch named Cherry moves in
>this actual bitch moves 3cm from my house, ruining my garden plans and lowers my property values
Great news bros! The boss just promised that I'd have a promotion by the end of the day!
Time travel is probably still possible OP
Shut up, Vinny. I love Cherry.
Can u finally date villagers?
If you can’t play AC during a holiday you’re a confirmed normie, so lick my ass faggot
>"Pardon me Mr. user, you have been summoned for jury duty."
>"Can't do it bro, today's the Fishing Tourney in Animal Crossing."
Of course. I always make time for Animal Crossing.
Are you saying you DON'T play on a day by day basis?
I don't think you really like Animal Crossing.
What, is it always online? How can it prevent time travel?
>I can't find 45 minutes
Fuck right off. Even I you are some normalfag that's bullshit.
The reason we will never get a game that looks like that is because every Nintendo IP at its inception gets a 'design bible' that all staff obey forever afterwards.
This is why, as an example, Other M was such a massive hassle for everyone because Sakamoto refused to obey his own 'design bible' set in stone for Metroid decades prior. He refused to let Samus be purple while she had Gravity Suit upgrade, and they were so religiously adherent to it that they had to bargain with him to get **some shade of purple** onto the suit (they settled for a purple aura around her suit while the effect is active).
This is why if they can't get everyone on the same page about obeying arbitrary old rules they wrote in the 90s to the letter. This is why Nintendo IPs never seem to grow, or evolve, unless they are Zelda or Mario.
>wtf I can't cheat??????? shit game
lmao @ your life
source your ass?
>Morisawa:At first it’s yellow, then the typical orange, then finally it becomes the Gravity Suit, so that Samus is purple. That is Nintendo’s official specification, so naturally we started making the final Power Suit in purple. Towards the end of the game, however, there are some serious dramatic scenes. As Sakamoto-san was watching one of these cinematics, where Samus appeared in purple, he said ‘why is Samus wearing purple?’
>Iwata:He said that, even though it had been the specification from the very beginning! (laughs)
>Morisawa:Yes! (laughs) So I told him ‘she’s wearing the Gravity Suit, that’s why she’s purple’. His response, however, was ‘but it looks strange to have this purple person popping up during such a serious conversation’. It would then become an exchange along the lines of me saying ‘But this is the specification!’ and him responding ‘No, no, definitely strange’.
Jury duty doesn't last that long
The fuck does this have anything to do with Animal Crossing?
>the color of a power suit is the same as the art style and gameplay of a game series
t. ADHD zoomer with no patience.
>or Mario
Even he was suffering HARD from this until MK8 and Odyssey broke the conditioning. There was a point in time where every Mario game had to look like NSMBWii.
Its called reusing assets retard
How about just not being a cheating faggot OP
Which they didn't do in the GCN era where every Mario spin-off looked distinct.
RIP Ressetti
>trying to 100% Animal Crossing
>being so bad at games you need to cheat at fucking animal crossing
LMAO do you work for IGN?
Of all the games to cheat in, fucking animal crossing, seriously?
Hopefully he sees some implementation, maybe he gets a new job since this change would put him out of work.
So Resetti was fired?
They asked for a source so I cited the Iwata Asks in question where I got this information from
you're being a dumbfuck on purpose, don't do that. the point is that each Nintendo IP has "official specifications" which are adhered to religiously for all their games, and it's taken decades for some IPs to be permitted to bend these specifications or even dismiss them. Most IPs (F-Zero, Golden Sun, etc) without a clear leader figure inside Nintendo championing them, just wallow in obscurity because nobody has the drive to break away from its "official specifications" and do something new with it.
This is why you constantly hear them saying "well we need some kind of new controller if we made a new X or Y". the innovation would be from the tech it runs on, not changing the game's formula or violating its "official specifications".
Which is ironic when you consider that they've been changing AC's art style for the worse since New Leaf. Gone are the blue-green tones of summer foilage and the swirly dirt. Fuck, New Horizons doesn't even have the triangle/circle/square pattern all over the grass anymore, just in patches.
is that why AC moved from a village to a deserted island? retard
I'm still hype as fuck but the new visuals could be so much better with so little effort
Nice fucking retarded conspiracy headcanon. No shit each game has a specific "plan" that they follow, thats how game development fucking works. They could deviate from that plan at any time, they just choose not to cause thats what works for the time being.
>looks exactly the same as always
>plays exactly the same as always
>still have to rotate your character 90 degrees at a time while sitting on a chair
it's the same fucking game as the prior entries you chode. the series has never had any adherence to staying in exactly one kind of location. they've had islands before
>No source
How do you feel about being confirmed retarded?
Its nearly an entire year from release. It'll undoubtedly look better when the full game comes out.
>>looks exactly the same as always
>>plays exactly the same as always
the fucking thread is about not being able to time travel. ow is this the same as the previous games you fucking retard
>no cheating fuckers
Thank god.
>No shit each game has a specific "plan" that they follow, thats how game development fucking works.
i'm pretty fucking sure halo devs don't bargain with their lead designers to make him look as close to the 'design document' of halo 1 as possible in every single sequel, that's a Nintendo thing
why are you just dismissing what i'm saying as "conspiracy headcanon", nothing i said is made up you fucking fag.
Where in the world did you get the idea that specifications are written once for every IP and applicable to all games? Do you not know what specifications are?
When you are tasked to create a product, the one who tasked you to do so gives you specifications for that product. It just means that the Other M specifications included "Purple Gravity Suit", not that every single Metroid game must have it.
He’s not talking about game plans, he’s talking about series specifications/bibles. There’s a difference.
This game is for fags and women anyway. Doesn't make sense to complain about something that was shitty to begin with.
They confirmed autosaving while mentioning that Resetti has a new job now and I'm pretty sure the Switch clock is automatic
It already got delayed its stuck looking like a stock asset mess
Why not Animal Crossing?
no doubt, I just wish we could get some sort of ACGC "resource pack" of sorts that changed the visuals, and music. I'm not ashamed to say I would pay extra to have the original music in game.
Abusing the game isn't a feature.
You can still play the original, it still exists.
He’s not saying that specifications are written once for every IP and applicable to all games. He’s saying that specifications are written once for every Nintendo IP and applicable to Nintendo games.
Well I don't really care about the save scumming. These things don't inherently imply that there won't be a setting in game for setting the time just like always though. The game's clock has always been tied to the system clock since the inception of the series and we could still change the time in game.
a Metroid suit being a certain color isn't a feature
I was a shameless time traveler in past games, but that's because waiting for new furniture and other daily shit got boring. Now that you can craft your own stuff, I'll probably have less reason to do it. The only thing left that will make me totally okay with this is having more valuable bugs and fish available outside of summer.
heh im going to pretend to be contrarian
don't cheat :^)
I'm glad I won't have the option to cave in and fast forward, but also it sucks for people who do enjoy playing that way, or for people who just want to change their town to a different month for whatever reason and play normally
How does the clock know what time it is if the user has never connected the system to the internet?
Which is moot anyway considering that Samus Returns has the normal Gravity Suit back. I still fail to see the point you're trying to make.
I just don't see how "deserted island" is the big thing about the new game. Why does every new Nintendo game outside of LoZ feel like a side-grade from previous games? Just fucking expand on what you already had, make it better, and add more options. They never try to make a new game the best one in their series and it's getting old
And where's the source for this?
see literally the only example the faggot has for "design bibles" that apparently Nintendo forces devs to follow. Obviously made up by him.
I'm not looking for the gameplay of the original, I want to play New Horizons and be able to have the original music playing. Patterned grass everywhere, swirl dirt, and bushes would be nice too.
I’m not him. I just wanted to correct you because you said something incorrectly. Word things correctly next time.
>grinding this much in animal crossing
The game auto-saves constantly, to the point that resetti is out of work because resetting isn't possible anymore. Time travel isn't confermed dead though.
Why? Because save scumming in Animal Crossing is contrary to the both the intent and the appeal of the series.
but he didn't use that word retard can you read?
Speedruns aren't possible now, but otherwise I'm fine with it. It's a shame if you're ever busy with work though like I've been for a bunch of Splatfests in the past year
You can control where villagers put their house in this game. They'll pick a spot themselves and ask you if they can take it.
>everyone carries around their switch 24/7
>Was hoping for a big change in animal crossing
>Gets different starting conditions and a patch that lets me move things around outdoors
I mean
you could
it's fucking portable
>having to wait a whole year for a holiday because you missed it
>speedrunning Animal Crossing
What the fuck
>he wants to wait a full day having fucking nothing to do at the beginning when the shops aren’t even open
Especially in new leaf with that “villager satisfaction” whatever the fuck you had to do at the beginning, usually I just time travel until I have a fishing rod, net and shovel or if nook decides to upgrade his shop
Same wtf I wanted AC to become an FPS battle royale with racing and RPG elements. fucking nintendo and their rehashes
Yeah just carry your bingbingwahoo machine and play in public, that won't look autistic at all
Yes. He's apparently looking for a new job in the new game.
Oh no!!!! I look autistic!!!! what will those strangers think about me???? omg just the thought makes me want to die, I'm so insecure and gay, I can't live without hoping that other people thing good things about me!!!!
I just started a new town and the approval thing took literally 2 days
goalposts: moved
So, how is Resetti out of a job if you can time travel though?
Clearly if your game thinks it's March, but you set your Switch clock back to February, the game is going to notice something is wrong.
What's the point of celebrating a holiday on a day that isn't that holiday?
I just want resetti to still be angry and for the dialogue to be better.
Time travel isn't confermed in, either. Also, the game has never cared if it's clock was set different than the system's clock, Resetti's only ever cared about save scumming.
I doubt they'll let you change the clock from in-game anymore
>Get clear examples from 2 of Nintendo's biggest series just this console alone how you can accomplish this