"A handful of popular streamers like Sodapoppin, Asmongold, Dafran, and Esfand are among those who can play...

>"A handful of popular streamers like Sodapoppin, Asmongold, Dafran, and Esfand are among those who can play, and they’re already the most visible presences in the beta. Some prospective players have gone so far as to swear off so-called “streamer servers” entirely. This largely stems from concerns that once WoW Classic is properly live, streamers’ fans will constantly mob them, obliterate everyone else in PVP through sheer numbers, overwhelm in-game economies, and generally make toxic nuisances of themselves."

>"As a result, some are worried that streamers will throw endless armies of fans at PVP, bosses, progression, economies, and more, monopolizing WoW Classic in a way that’s simply not possible in WoW as it is now. The Wild West feeling of early WoW, they fear, will be trampled by streamers immediately grabbing the spotlight and refusing to let go."

>"Sodapoppin proposed a controversial plan to discourage stream-sniping shenanigans in WoW Classic: a Horde and Alliance “blacklist.” He prefaced his idea by saying that he wishes people would just treat him like an anonymous player, but that’s not happening. And while he thinks it’s fine to kill streamers, he said that if somebody is obviously stream sniping—for example, moving exactly where he’s moving while stealthed—then they’ll get added to his list."

>"“I’ll take that person, and I’ll say, ‘OK, blacklist this person,’” he said. “My friends on the Alliance or other streamers don’t play with this person. They are never allowed in anything that the actual good guilds on the Alliance are doing. They are blacklisted. And it’s vice-versa as well. So you won’t get any good raids. You’ll never get any good gear. And eventually, if you want to keep stream sniping, you’ll be doing it while I have double your gear.”"
You peasants better not kill any aristocrats or you'll never raid again.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm rolling on Asmon and Esfand's server and you can't stop me.

mark my words, faggot.
those streamers vastly underestimate how many enemies they made through the beta. it will be impossible for any of those to play on a PvP server.
They will be forced to play on a pve server screencap this, nigger.

If you want to remain anonymous then don't fucking stream you faggot.

These dumb streamer NIGGERS better not stop me from going home.

Based sodapoppin will put all you degenerates into a blacklist and every normal player on the server, (players that don't want to streamsnipe) will complete ignore you.
You will only play with other mentally ill retards and in a fewer days you will be so outleveled and outgeared you won't even be able to touch our great entertainers.

recruiting pvp players

Blacklisting already existed in vanilla. Shit players were known serverwide and barred from endgame content and progression guilds

>just don't get free money lmao

I'll be waiting for this

Being a shit player and killing annoying as fuck streamer once are absolutely not comparable.

I don't know what they will do to impact them game after it's release all I know is that due to their constant streaming hype has actually died down considerably.
Why the fuck did blizz make a 1000pop beta so many months before release?
They actively sabotaged their product.

When did Yea Forums became all about e-celebs, politics, clickbait articles and trying to trigger each other as much as you can (be it with larping as zoomer/boomer/certain type of game/political or just by pretending to be hateful/stupid)?

cope harder fucking zoomer, you will eat my cum out of his wrecked asshole when I am done with him

>screencap my retarded nonsense about a child's game
ok fag *click*

being a shit player and "bullying" a streamer are completely different things

>When did Yea Forums became all about [irrelevant annoyances of the day redacted] trying to trigger each other as much as you can
since day 1, newfag

Since 2004 faggot.

Their investors probably requested solid proof of demand and then some seeing how it's a "you think you do but you don't" scenario

>I just want to be an anonymous player to get my experience
>However I will be running a blacklist if people punish me for not being an anonymous player

Yeah, they totally don't want to be internet divas or anything.

you niggers are glowing

The sad thing is most of the big name streamers would have been one of those people back in the day.
Every time I see them play they are being completely carried by everyone around them despite being fed every advancement, I really don't get it.

I hope some autist private server guilds will rise up and ruin these entitled faggots' experience. Either way you should avoid their realms, this same shit happened back in vanilla when all the zooms zooms of that day wanted to play on same realm as Nihilum.

I'd mobtag the fuck out of them if I didn't know that would 100% get you banned.

He contradicts himself around the midway point of this excerpt. That takes sheer fucking talent. What a bawwwing baby.

Asmongold and sodapoppin are admittedly terrible players that don't know what they are doing. They made a name for themselves through other means, not wow (mainly being retarded on twitch).
There are other streamers with smaller numbers that are much more competent and of course will never match their view count because nobody really cares about WoW, they care about the streamer.

Uh, the logic in this sounds heavily flawed.

I know its pretty much spelled out in OP but aren't the non-fans just going to start blacklisting streamers and becoming more aggressive if these streamers try to blacklist? What I'm looking at seems to be a very pussified way to declare war. They are at war.

Bro that's not how vanilla worked. You and every other fag who follow streamers will have the same gear as the blacklisted players because the streamers will be the only ones getting gear from raids and they will leave you with nothing.

No because blacklisting is a feature that only important streamers can use :)

When the streamers can just wrangle enough tards to carry them then they don't NEED the rest of the community.

I believe Blizzard would be very afraid to punish someone, at least heavily, like a ban, for griefing streamers.
The atmosphere is absolutely volatile in their playerbase right now, concerning streamers.
If someone was banned and decided to make it public everyone would rally to defend him and it would be a massive shitstorm. Blizz really can't afford something like that right now, especially to please a streamer.

>Rolls a Rogue

What now retard?

For sure. Asmongold is actual trash and gets carried by his viewers, plus he scammed people all the time. He'd definitely be blacklisted as a normal player

Will the peasants dare to revolt against their masters? The noblemen will still probably crush the lowly scum, with their armies of servants.


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It was 3,4k.

>he scammed people all the time
Really? Has he been banned?
I never watched him I've seen his snaggletooth staring at me in YouTube thumbnails many times though.

Man it's going to be hilarious farming Warriors as a Survival Hunter.

I told you guys it wouldn't be the same. You can never go back. let it go.

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>He prefaced his idea by saying that he wishes people would just treat him like an anonymous player, but that’s not happening. And while he thinks it’s fine to kill streamers, he said that if somebody is obviously stream sniping—for example, moving exactly where he’s moving while stealthed—then they’ll get added to his list.
i wonder why, could it have something to do with the fact that he won't stop broadcasting himself?

He's been suspended for some stuff and let go for others.

Why would streamers roll on a pvp server anyway? They will either be targeted like crazy, have players to afraid to fight them so theres never a fight, or everytime they try to pick a fight a swarm of thier lackys will drown the target in bodies. Still im gonna wait a day then pick a server without a streamer. Its the only sane option.

>Blizzard can't afford to do [retarded action] to piss off their playerbase
Just fucking watch them

So they feel hardcore about "Muh stranglethorn" while being surrounded by leeches and hangers on.

I watched a few of his vids mainly his guides from when he actually made vids himself of how to do certain content solo he bragged quite a bit about scamming people and the like and how it never came back to him. Long story short hes an asshole.

>endless armies of fans at PVP, bosses, progression
Yeah that does not work. I'll see these faggots at scholo, Garr, major domo, ragnaros, razorgore etc.

This is a good point I hadn't really considered much though it did occur to me.

Why in god's name do people follow streamers again?

as someone who played original wow beta and wow up through wotlk and quit at the panda retardation i've had no inclination to return to the game. until now. i got into wow for the pvp. world pvp ganking pre-cross server play was legit fun. locking down outdoor raid bosses like kazzak and azuregos was my jam. fuck niggers who think they can 'blacklist' me. i will start a whole guild just for blacklisted players to hunt down faggot ass nigger streams 24/7 and force them to quit. i was the first warrior on my server with an arcanite reaper. lionheart helm. stronghold gauntlets. and sulfuras. i was 1 hitting clothies so much threads on the wow forums about me resulted in the weapon speed normalization patch. i fucking shut down lights hope chapel pre-naxx to stop faggots from farming up their rep and 'getting ready'. i am the reason the guards in many neutral towns were buffed to be nearly unkillable, teleporting, insta-gibbing faggots. ganking faggots in wow is the best part of wow and these faggots have made themselves target #1. just gave me a reason to sub to wow again.

> recruiting pvp players

im in

>Blacklisting already existed in vanilla. Shit players were known serverwide and barred from endgame content and progression guilds
>Being a shit player and killing annoying as fuck streamer once are absolutely not comparable.
>The sad thing is most of the big name streamers would have been one of those people back in the day.

all this. will be a top guild and we will be fucking streamer faggots in their boipusys all day long.

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100% Asmongold is going to whine about PvP balance when he can't actually 1v40 as a Warrior like he thinks.

They get to pretend they're playing the real game and winning while their drone fans do all the work and gladly pay for the privilege of being in their group.

Streaming is not a WoW mechanic. If someone wants to watch your stream to know where you are and fuck you up he has every right to do so.
On the other hand you have every right to try to blacklist him.
I believe though trying to name and shame someone for fucking you up as a streamer will only have the opposite result of making him famous and granting him support.
I don't think these streamers realise how many more people exist that loathe them for every one of their followers.

>Why in god's name do people follow streamers again?
They like to imagine they have a friend

Boomers are the biggest bitches in the world
Just play on a different server you retards

>click on another server
>problem solved

They think they already friends with them mostly.
Other people do it for a chance at fame, leech for their own streams.

>Streaming is not a WoW mechanic. If someone wants to watch your stream to know where you are and fuck you up he has every right to do so.

u dont even need to watch someones stream to hunt them down. back in my day you jsut had two accounts, one horde, one alliance and you'd just /who them, find the zones they are in, message other players in that zone, offering gold for anyone to tell you if you see em cause they're a faggot and someone would always oblige.

Home, r-right bros?

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dude 1hour stream for him is liek a gorillion dollars

If you don't like streamers then roll on their opposing faction and gank the shit out of them constantly, it's not like you won't know where they are.
As for the blacklist: cross faction collusion is against the TOS and if streamers participate Blizzard will ban them.

>Nathan Grayson is still writing shitty clickbait
The more things change...

>streamer and his zoomzoom army hop on a server and start tanking everything
>everyone else gets sick of their shit and leaves
>umm guys this server seem dead to you? i'm moving to this other server next week
>when i get there you useless sacks of shit better have at least 10k gold farmed and a premade raiding guild set up for me if you want to see the next foot stream

how about don’t stream if you don’t want people knowing what your doing faggot

Maybe I'm getting too old for this, but back in my day if you were stupid enough to broadcast your position in a multiplayer game, and someone used it to kill you, they weren't at fault for screen watching, you were at fault for being retarded. If you don't want to get screen sniped, just put a 60s offset on your stream.

I may not play wow again in any form but I will definitely enjoy the dreams of these streamers getting btfo on pvp servers.

who the fuck is Dafran lmao

>As for the blacklist: cross faction collusion is against the TOS and if streamers participate Blizzard will ban them.
if you actually think blizzard will ban free advertising, you're delusional.

>giving unskilled, talentless man children who produce NOTHING to society free income to waste away on junk
>Communism rules bro! We just haven't done it right yet!

>making up doomsday scenarios
ok lol

I hope this happens and streamers complain so then blizz starts banning people for being mean

It has already happened multiple times on beta.
Asmongold couldn't get his whirlwind axe on stream due to horde interventions and had to stop broadcasting for two days to complete the quest.

They do it all the time, they banned Swifty for raiding capital cities, they banned Esfand for streaming pservers, they banned Preach for levelling up too fast. They aren't afraid to ban streamers.

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>70 years old
>own a gaming house
>let 20+ year olds live with you, maybe younger
When will he get exposed.

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Free advertising via the losers who sit inside all day. Best part is all the losers streaming it claim to be these Vanilla masterminds/OGs when none of them played until BC+

>they banned Swifty for raiding capital cities
how the fuck is that a bannable offense? i thought city raids were a common thing?

>leveling too fast
lol what

it crashed the server

Soda is so paranoid and full of himself he thinks every single person playing on the opposite faction is planning to stream snipe him 24/7.

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You think if someone has clip of a streamer "blscklisting" someone and sharing the name with the opposite faction, it won't be viral in seconds and blizz will be forced to act?
The most popular threads already on the forums are about streamer hate.
Before they even did anything.
Blizzard can't afford more enmity with their players right now.

Streamer will do the best events stay butthurt Yea Forums.
I will roll on Asmongold's server and have fun with him.

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For what? living the dream? If I had the means I would totally live in a hippie/cult like commune and shag all these (female) youngsters.

abusing potions on stream

>get paid stupid amounts of money for playing video games every day
oh no I feel so bad for you, it really sucks that you can't make money if you want to play the game normally

I hate this soft in the loafers world. Imagine crying on the internet about faceless, nameless people bullying you. Imagine the lack of self confidence one must posses

Ever since WoD the servers have been dogshit held together with superglue. If more than 40 people congregate in the same place the world crashes. If streamers actively incite this they get banned.

I find it funny not a single one of them is a support class.

Fully attentionwhoring

>Soda is so paranoid
that's what smoking pot 24/7 does to your brain.

Isn't that targeted harassment from their side? How about they get permanently banned for trying to pull this shit?

>Zoomzoom follow crackhead friend!

Imagine being a Burgoid

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Esfand is paladin main

Attached: Esfand.webm (1280x720, 1M)

they weren’t because trying to so crashed the server ever time.

Only city that ever got raided successfully was orgrimmar. everything else was a crash

>making up
>already says he has plans to set up a massive blacklist with other streamers to black ball anyone who even looks at them funny
Any server they play on is going to be some nightmare dystopia where you have to constantly watch what you do or get blacklisted from 75% of the servers economy.

Im 99% sure that its considered ok to single out a player and kill them nonstop. Not that I dont doubt blizzard would take action in this case.

Yeah but is he a "Ret Paladin" main?

yes they should be banned, but they won't be banned because blizzard is going to make bank on all the smoothbrain zoomers who pay full price for wow classic at launch to play with their gods.

>so jaded he can't enjoy anything and hates everybody


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You don't main specs in vanilla

Of course he is ret.

>Implying I hate anything

I just find your idea that some rando on the internet makes or breaks your choice of server sad.

Except they'll whine to Blizzard who will proceed to ban anyone "stream sniping". Of course you can't prove someone was stream sniping, which means you better hope you never happen to gank a streamer or it's a permaban for you.

Fuck streamers. I hope people make their life a living hell.

>yfw the second zoomer daycare streamer quits classic the server hes on fucking dies immediately

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Make some good gank videos while you're at it

Classic beta is litral World of Twitchcraft. It's like watching some salt powered reality show.

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He was exploiting

This but unironically
Streamsnipers are massively autistic, and so are WoW players. There will absolutely be enough of them to have a full party for raids, if they managed to coordinate properly.

>Isn't that targeted harassment from their side?
No. If people don't want to play with you then then too bad. If this was real life it would be illegal, but this is fake shit that's been done in the past in this exact same game.

>Streamers start fighting each other for Server daddy positions.

I can't wait for it. I can't wait for Asmongold to get caught account sharing for High Warlord too.

im pretty sure there isnt stated anything in the tos that you cant stream snipe streamers. If they roll on a pvp server its their own fault

>There are boomers in this thread who don't know the joy of seeing your character running around in view of your favorite streamer

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In the past you didn't broadcast it to 100k+ people and ask the whole server to harass a single person.

Really glad I don't play this shitty game.
This post makes me want to play though.

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I'm not a pvp player but if I could I'd raid with the blacklisted players and help them gear up.

no one is ever going to read those "blacklists" or care about them lmao you're fucking delusional

make sure to have linkin park background music

What an unbelievably based post. Godspeed and good luck.

You don't even need max level gear; T1-T2 is already good enough to merc any scrub in Naxx gear in PvP.

It has been done before but this time it will be done publicly, for everyone to see.
There will be hell the moment someone gets blacklisted and complains publicly about it, streamers are hated right now in blizzard's forums and WoW reddit.
Blizz will have a pr disaster in their last hope for wow revival. They can't have that.

A few days ago Asmongold had an argument about this with Staysafe and Mcconnel where they were both telling him "You're on a PvP server" when he kept complaining that people were interrupting his community events.

linkin park
breaking benjamin
escape the fate

streaming does nothing positive for videogames

Yeah I watched a clip of that. In the end he admitted he was being an unreasonable asshole.

>"Sodapoppin proposed a controversial plan to discourage stream-sniping shenanigans in WoW Classic: a Horde and Alliance “blacklist.”

This has got to be the most idiotic sentence ever to exist on Yea Forums. and that includes things like "I liked ME3's ending"

>gear progression locked to multiplayer
sounds like retarded game design

Three days grace
Rise against
Drowning Pool

Didn't he quit wow months ago? I remember him posting several videos with him in his yard or something saying why he doesnt want to play anymore


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It was just funny to see him break down

>We tried duelling but people sat on totems and interfered
>Then duel in a yellow zone so you can kill them
>Yeah but then horde would attack us
>Then kill the horde
>Yeah but I can't



you can't fucking DO THAT on a damn PVP server! faggots, i hope Blizz tells those faggots off.

>wow forums and reddit

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classic shitty frag movie music

Just happened again yesterday when he was trying kill Rexxar and a group of Horde showed up to defend him. He was complaining that it's not technically "world PvP" because they just wanted to kill Rexxar and nothing else.

He took a break from streaming in general, but he's back in full force now with Classic.


he came back to it because people got bored of him calling dark souls bullshit

I don't even give a shit about WoW, but people organising raids against streamers in any game and watching them seethe is fucking hilarious. I hope you utterly annihilate all the faggots you come across and bathe in their tears

I wish I was an Americlap just to dunk on his crackhead looking ass. Warriors were such easy targets in Vanilla and even the healer meme never worked.

is soda a manlet?
he looks like one

To the best of my knowledge he wants to quit but WoW is his life. Like actually his life its his living and its all hes done with his life. Hes to afraid to move on. Dudes gotta be making 5 figures a month doing nothing. Ide be hesitant to leave that job no matter how much I hated it.

Somebody WILL make an addon that auto updates with all the names on the list and automatically ignores those people, don't be stupid. Probably will also let you see the other streamer white knights for easier cooperation and all that shit.

Yeah i.e. the place the majority of the playerbase goes for news and posts.
What are you implying nigger?

He looks like 4 foot tall.

Does he think city raids aren't WPVP too?

Got a link to clip so I can't enjoy him whining like a faggot?

But what if i WONT play on server with streamers?

Attached: 6343467347.png (537x291, 109K)

Head says he's 6'

>I hate Asmongold but can you link to him so I can hear how stupid he sounds
Why is Yea Forums so tsundere for streamers?

The issue is he doesn't actually do anything worthwhile.

He raids Mythic raids but gets carried in like 99% of the fights.

He got carried to gladiator. He's just gotten everything for free and then whines about it.

He honestly can't.
He burns money like a lotto winner and has absolutely no skills in his life. He can't even play WoW well and that's all he has done in his adult life.

No it won't.
No they don't.
>The Wild West feeling of early WoW, they fear, will be trampled by streamers immediately grabbing the spotlight and refusing to let go."
No it doesn't, and it's a pointless unfounded fear.

Dumb fucking thread. Nobody cares about what some 1% faggots of the population is doing, and nobody cares if you think you're being treated unfairly by ebil elitist streamers. Nobody who isn't a streamer fanboy will uphold a "blacklist", it literally will not change anything unless you're trying to join a streamer specific guild. Nobody cares, stop talking about e-celebs, stop pretending like this is going to be some huge problem so you can cry and whine about how the world sucks now because it isn't like the early 2000s and muh streamers killed my favorite nostalgia game :(

Fuck off already.

Streamers won't want to play on the same server as other streams so they can hog all the attention. They will spread out to as many servers as possible.

Streamers are like late state cancer from what E-sports started.

They ALWAYS ruin games.

Im not arguing his quality just the extent of my knowledge. Hes insufferable to hear and look at. Fuck as far as im aware 80% of his stream time these days is watching youtube videos while he AFK has a group clear content for him. I will never understand the appeal of streamers.

literally 0 people with an iq above room temperature care what those people have to say

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The streamers will be 1%of the population but their fanboys will make up another 10%

>just ignore the streemer LMAO

I can ignore a signle player sure but what about the swarm of asslickers that orbit around him? What a fucking halfwit.

>You peasants better not kill any aristocrats or you'll never raid again.
You're absolutely right that this is the attitude these faggots are taking.
God streamers have ruined gaming so much.

Why don't game developers try this route:
>if you broadcast your screen, expect people to use your screen in a way you might not want them to.
Or also known as: stop being entitled faggots.

There will never be anything like Dave the Warchief or Copperfield in Nu-Classic

Between this shit and all the wojak spam I'm not even gonna touch Classic anymore.
Fucking underage reddit niggers.

14 year olds thinking that the streamer is their friend is about 99% of the audiences of these streamers.

What he's basically saying is that he wants all the benefits from being a streamer (like money and the orbiters), but none of the negative things that come with it.

It's funny because his chat is constantly shitting on him and posting about his receding hairline, yet they continue to sub and donate to him.

What's actually funny is that Asmongold literally won't be able to level and he knows it. As soon as he logs in there will be 100+ players orbiting him and he won't be able to tag a single mob or complete any quests at all.
The only method of gaining exp will be map exploration because nobody can tag that.
He realized this himself on stream during a stress test and was freaking out towards the end when he couldn't get to level 2.

Playing Overwatch pre-ranked when basically anyone could show up in anyone's game was awful because if you got even a b-tier streamer in your game the whole game would become retarded unplayable garbage.

some hero could crash twitch

he can just phase to another shard

This is a good post

What streamers don't seem to understand is that they are the poison. Stream snipers are the cure.

My gut tells me streamers will at least get to 60 mostly of stream. Not sure what they are gonna do when they realize that most of the content early vanilla was getting to 60.

>does not see the connection between streaming and getting lots of attention
>someone tells him not to stream while he plays and he says no
>someone tells him not to play on a pvp server and he says FUCK NO
>plans to monopolize whatever server he plays on
>wants the gms to ban anyone who bothers him within 15 minutes
>unironically says that streamers are not privileged
>unironically thinks that the chinese social credit thing is a good system
What an asshole.

Streamers should really learn to stick to single player games like BfA.

>another layer with 600 people in northshire

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Sure I agree, blizzard listens to them though, and wants the forums to not blow up in flames as it is not a good look for the company and the game.
As I said before they can't afford any ore bad looks right now that most of their games have bombed

>reee we want the cakes and we want to eat it too reee

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>>>unironically thinks that the chinese social credit thing is a good system
I can forgive everything else but anyone that supports shit like that should be hanged.

Doesn't work, his chat already figured out a workaround to this.
/requestinvite works in Classic.
You look at [streamer]'s screen, whatever phase he is on. /requestinvite literally any name you see on screen that isn't him. They invite you.
You're now on his shard.
They did this in the stress test and effectively merged 10 shards together in one spot and crashed the world several times.


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Good shit. Hope they suffer

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Pic related.

This is also not something the streamer themselves can prevent from happening, which was why Asmon was freaking out about it, he can't escape them swarming him.

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You have no idea what you're talking about. There's a reason Blizzard gives beta access to streamers. It's free advertising. Blizzard doesn't give a fuck about you, but if you harass asmongold and disrupt his business, that could be a significant dent in their income.

These streamers are asking for it, man I thought I gave up my blackhat days. But it seems Im being called to serve once more. Yea Forums Ill let you in on something, these streamers are humans with internet passwords and standard operating systems. Their "state of the art" internet security aint all that. Things are going to get fun if they go through with this blacklist. 2 can play at this game, "Soda".

It's an mmo dood

The irony is that his own social score would be 0 at all times with his internet access revoked because playing video games let alone as your only occupation is considered bad by China.

Basically this, they could just not stream and use a totally unassuming name.

>They did this in the stress test and effectively merged 10 shards together in one spot and crashed the world several times.
That's actually sort of emulating the first week of the game where you were lucky if you could get out of the human starting area.

The moment he gets camped by a player will be the moment he calls them a sniper.
Whether it's true or not.
I used to camp high level gankers with my char until they left a zone, if I saw them killing lowbies in my faction.
I'd do this endlessly. Sometimes even their friends would show up to try and help take me out. But I'd simply bee line for the original target and kill him, even if his friends killed me, and I'd do it over and over, because it was funny to watch them get so angry after picking on such easy targets a minute before.

Now imagine if I did this to a streamer, not even knowing who I was killing.
It wasn't hard to track these guys down, to hunt them mercilessly, and yet I could see a streamer begin to bitch that I was sniping if what happened then, happened today.

Lol this industry is so fucking cancer
Why would you ever play a game like,wow
At least with destiny i dont have to deal with streamers
Just bungie listening to reddit over actual players


What now classicucks?


Cant imagine the clusterfuck when the game launches, servers will already be packed and then this shit on top of it, its going to be fun to watch

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>Zoomers ruin everything
Gee, what else is new

Haha. Because that worked so well for Twitter.

I’m a boomer and don’t watch streams but I legitimately don’t see a problem with any of this. People are seriously overestimating how much pull a streamer has for influencing a server, it’ll just be a circlejerk few guilds that don’t invite based on some blacklist. Wow, so just like in vanilla? And wouldn’t they be on the opposite faction, why would they help? There’s plenty of people that will do their best to get ON that list, I’m sure. And I think it’ll be great.
>someone ganks a streamer
>streamer fans move in to gank ganker
>more people join in from both sides
>large enough groups will probably push toward settlements
>suddenly, world pvp is happening
Isn’t that what everyone wants?

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Are you done playing with your internet friends, honey? Din din's ready and it's getting cold!

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it was rigged from the start
you're all idiots

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>Hes to afraid to move on

Yeah that much money for that little I wouldn't stop either. But all he really needs to do is suck it up and act happy for a couple hours a week. There are a lot worse ways to make money.


I used to do the exact same as a Hunter in Vanilla.

Some Rogue being dick around westfall? Then big dick dorf hunter shows up and now that dumbass can't run away because he isn't able to deal with a hunter who can 1v1 everyone in the game when played right.

He does

>don’t watch streams
>People are seriously overestimating
Yeah make sense

have sex

Attached: boi.gif (332x332, 440K)

That's not how WPvP ever really worked. Usually one side dramatically overpowers the other and the WPvP dies instantly.

>someone tells him not to play on a pvp server and he says FUCK NO

As someone who hasn't played WoW before and is thinking of jumping in during Classic, how do PvP servers differ to the PvE ones? Are there any benefits beyond being able to steal other people's shit, or does this guy just not want to look like a pussy?

>a fucking singularity of people just mindlessly droning around one spot

Attached: jchh.png (444x440, 117K)

>be me
>watch streamer play a game
>don't want to buy it or play it then

never understood why people would buy a story-driven game when they can just watch it on twitch for free.

>I used to camp high level gankers with my char until they left a zone, if I saw them killing lowbies in my faction.

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PvP servers mean outside of a few starter zones, you can get attacked at any time by members of the other faction.

If you want to be treated as an anonymous player, don't stream your gameplay. Simple as that.
If you don't want people to see where you are, don't put that information on the internet. Other players would have to willingly put themselves at a disadvantage to ignore it.


Excellent modernization of a classic meme.

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Now I feel very compelled to join one of those stream sniper guilds strictly to ruin these cunts.

> PvP Server: get automatically flagged for PvP in enemy / contested zones
> PvE Server: don't get automatically flagged for PvP. You need to manually enable it.

Their mindset is literally "Haha I'm on stream and I'm close to a streamer, that means I'm famous XD". It's fucking pathetic

>used to camp high level gankers if I saw them killing lowbies in my faction.

Why are you such a moral fag? Just let them have their fun, they're not camping you. You're almost as bad as you're claiming they are.

>all these memewarrs that don't know what a deadzone is
Its going to be a good time to be a rogue too.

China's social credit system IS a good thing.
Buying and playing too many videos games (like a streamer for example) gets you blacklisted
>No crime, no gays, no trannies, no degeneracy
Sounds like a paradise desu

it's like those glitched ants that just run around in circles until they die.

>Expected all the replies to be "nuh uh didn't happen faget"
>They're all calling you based

This is too inspiring, I'm with you, user, I am you

>not defending your faction's honor

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Except that was already happening in places like STV and Hillsbrad.
Except it didn't have the side effect of fanboys giving their favorite streamer gold, mats, items, gear, etc. so they can get a shout out on stream, resulting in said streamer getting so wealthy they can corner a market way ahead of anyone and thus can leverage control of parts of the economy.
Not to mention that their guilds will rule a lot of the ingame PvP and PvE simply by having a way bigger number of players to pick from.

So world PvP is great but let it happen naturally because the side effects of these big name streamers are terrible and ruin the feel that WoW classic will go for.

>taken away in a party van to a slave work camp
oh yeah... paradise

>People think Deadzones are only for Hunters
>People legit think the deadzone is worse for hunters than it is for warriors.

It being different makes it the same, because once again this is untested territory.

LOL now tell us where the ganker touched you

9/10 of the people who think systems like that would actually be good are also the people who would be the first to go if it actually happened.

Didnt Forsen build an empire out of getting streamsniper in PUBG?

It's amazing how people forgot the deadzone for Hunters only really can be exploited by a Mage.

But the Warrior deadzone can be exploited by fucking everyone.


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>Poor little gank boi can't handle the big counterganker cock

Get kited scrub.

This is porn, right? Source.

I have literally never even considered playing WoW until reading this post.

Godspeed user, and anyone else who joins you. You have power unimaginable to destroy streamfags and their basedboy/zoomer fans, and I'll be rooting for you. Do it man. Make the enforcing government of anarchy.

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How safe are RP fags going to be from streamers?

Just don't talk about politics. I know this is impossible for American millenials tho.

>doesn't know how to remote control computers
>doesn't know how to crack into a streamer ruin him without a trace
>doesn't know how to make streamers become part of a botnet permanently no matter how many times they build a new PC
Take the /g/ pill and learn to code, unironically.

Horde rps are going to be safe
Alliance rps are going to be safe unless asmongold decide to fuck them like he did on retail

>this is a middle schoolers plumpness

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Blizzard was right the whole fucking time. God damn.

If Blizzard has the balls like they did back in the day they'd actually ban that for being against Server Rules.

Hell I remember people getting forced name changes on Vanilla RP servers.

teach me the way of the hacker


Attached: at last.png (447x378, 11K)

Asmongold is known to troll and harass roleplayers, but then cries for immediate bans when people troll and harass his streamer events. Literal mongoloid brain

I havent seen that image in years.

What freaks me out is that faggot is younger than me, I thought he was like in his late 30's.

>Hell I remember people getting forced name changes on Vanilla RP servers.
Wew that sound good but I doubt they are going to do it again. Maybe to randoms but not streamers.

>"Sodapoppin, Asmongold, Dafran, and Esfand"

I don' t know who any of these guys are and I don' t give a shit. You should neither.

Streamers only stream the flavors of the month. Once their views dwindle, they and their attention-whoring asses will latch onto something else.

Was he right?

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But for real, how do you end up becoming the minion of some video game streamer?

It's kinda poetic that WoW streamers would be the death of WoW Classic

why didn't layering kick in?

sodapoppin has been streaming wow since 2008 and he's said that if classic wow ever came out he'd focus on it
asmongold is a sweaty skinny neckbeard who has done nothing but play wow since 2006
idk who dafran is either
and esfand has been dedicated to classic pservers his whole career
so basically they're probably not going away desu

We thought he was wrong, but he was right.

Quick rundown on blacklisting?
you get listed for playing poorly or for being a shitty person?

The most frustrating thing about WoW players is they only ever focus on the end result. WoW's moment to moment gameplay is fucking trash. It's not hard, there's nothing mechanically complex. The only motivation to play is because what you "will" be.
So when you have "interesting" things (PVP usually) that happen that delay that, players get fucking asspained and call it "griefing". It's absolutely fucking pathetic and demonstrates how fucking retarded WoW players are.

3 of those don't, they're wow streamers only. Enjoy the cancer NAfags.


Just zoomers and weak-willed people. I mean, if you're young and just wanna play WoW with a streamer you like, that's what you'll do. And then others just wanna feel like part of a community, even if they're not important at all

>Didn't he quit wow months ago?
Retail. Classic is a different game

>no one is ever going to read those "blacklists" or care about them lmao you're fucking delusional

Why would they need to read anything?

>sodapopping: "Hey everybody add _____ to your ignore"
>80% of server pop puts you into ignore
>you can no longer play the game

ofc we are right

or just lonely people
especially elders

you seem self aware that you're out of touch, so why would you post this? I hate boomers so damn much

BC pretty much started all that shit, which I always found odd, since it got a pass for some reason.

He purposely ruined classic to prove that he was right

Beta already has ooga gang who streamsnipes and ganks all streamers.

I'm rocking horde, you?

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back in the day if you got caught ninja looting or doing some other faggotry you'd get exposed to the whole server, especially if it was a lower-pop one
it wasn't a literal blacklist, but these streamers seem to think so. if they really do try it, only the autismal parts of their fanbases who worship them will go along with it
(read their chat, not even their fans think it's a good idea)

Low self-esteem, neglect during childhood/teens

dafran is an overwatch streamer\ex pro player turned variety
like xqc

>tfw eurochad
>no BIG streamers whatsoever
we're going home

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Only fags play Alliance in classic. Horde was true OG tier until BC came out and fucked it all up.

Just let the market sort itself out. Ten bucks this is only fearmongering to introduce unwanted changes in classic, in an attempt to make it more like nuwow so they can say "see, modern wow is what it must be! Classic wow jus can't be anymore!".

i'm going alliance myself, ironforge is too comfy to pass up
see you on the battleground.

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Many Men - 50 Cent??

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Kneel to your better.

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>Streamer rolls Druid
>Demands gear for Resto, Balance, Tanking Feral and DPS Feral
>People will not only cave to those demands but help farm gold for the respscs and all the enchants

Damnit, it really is going to happen.

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Usually it was for ninja looters, no-one wants to see all the boss drops disappear into the raid leaders pocket.

i count 3 at least, user

Imagine not bringing all the boys back to play again. Imagine having to run pugs for anything.

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what a twink

>Implying you can be an OG when you don't play Dwarf


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Dwarf is the only acceptable Alliance race.

This is so gay. God damn

>Not the only acceptable race period

Sounds like you're a pleb!

only femdorf

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>Ironforge will be alive again
I cant wait

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I wonder if femdorf will have the tiddie bounce still.

Classic was built entirely on it's community. Streamers are going to tank it.

I really dislike Dwarves. The only good Alliance race is Night Elf.

have sex

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sounds like a streamer server, just don't make a character in that server

Kanarazu saigo ni chinko katsu!

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Boy I sure am glad I stopped reading comics like 20 years ago

How do you think she's getting money to donate to streamers?

Me too.

>My friends on the Alliance or other streamers don’t play with this person.
Conspiring like this can get you punished.

>by saying that he wishes people would just treat him like an anonymous player
What a hypocritical little bitch

There will be like 3-4 servers per region with 10 layers each

Layering doesn't happen in Classic. You're basically assigned to a layer when you log in and that's it. If you join a party via /requestinvite you'll stay on that layer.
They flooded a single layer well above it's intended capacity by doing this.

Layering is different from retail's phasing.

>tfw EU so don't have to worry about streamers and their pre-pubescent armies

Attached: 37 counts of rape.jpg (272x320, 28K)

Godamn you. Now I want to play just to take part in this.
>this is some serious 4D chess marketing strategy by Blizzard here.

Looks like Tony got his daily dose from the doc

1-2 FP
3-4 LD
5-6 AC
7-8 O
9-0 wank to loli rape doujins

>I just want people to treat me like a regular player
>But if they don't I'll blacklist them and get my Legions of followers to do it as well
Um, what

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Friend simulator

Nice try shill. But you can't make me resub.

>Eu has no WoW Classic streamers
Have you just willfully ignoring the ones that exist or what

Is there a max number of people in aguild? I'm a casual but if I can get a streamer throwing a bitchfit about me I'm down

they must be literal nobodies then

20 yo are adults you fucking manchildren

Doesn't nixxiom stream on EU? He's not nearly as cancerous as NA streamers tho

Maybe it's just my boomerhood showing, but the appeal of streamers still eludes me. At first I assumed they were appreciated for skill but most are average to shit. Then I though maybe it was their social wit but I haven't really seen any that seem like terrifically insightful or fascinating people.

>Based sodapoppin

when are people going to finally acknowledge streamers are ruining vidya?

>Thinking they won't have followers and won't have blacklists regardless
Hahahaha you're adorable

It's a friend simulator.

It's the same mechanic on a bigger scale.

That's just one problem with old shitty MMO's they were always zergfests propping up personalities whether it's streamers guild leaders or attention whores. People who spout off about needing to see thousands of players on screen or want pure zergfest trash like GW world vs world are cancer

I played alliance with my handful of irl friends and I'll admit, most of alliance was utter trash in both pve and pvp.

But you know what? I believe it made me a better player. I was forced to git gud early and by the time I hit end game, my small group of friends were rolling over horde in pvp.
Horde were absolutely on average, better at pvp than alliance, but this made us get better as a group because the challenge was that much higher. Was funny to see horde players freak when they ran into a genuinely good squad.
Lots of good times back then, and I'll never not want to be alliance for that reason.

>blacklisted by some no name eu streamer and his 10 viewers
literally unplayable

Most large streamers have been grandfathered in before it exploded.
Their fans are largely socially isolated people that want to belong somewhere.
So to their fans, the facts that all those other people watch is one of the biggest draws, not the person himself. If these guys had like 10 viewers these same people wouldn't even look at them.

It isn't. Phasing actively assesses the zone population and pulls people in and out constantly to ensure that the zone isn't dead and you have a steady stream of players.
Layering doesn't do this. You are effectively assigned a layer at birth and you will stick to that layer. If you join a party from a different layer you will transport there and return to your home layer when you leave. That's it.

>That NANI moment when you actually use the human racial to find the Undead Rogue

They're like more local, attainable celebrities. You understand celebrity culture, right?

That's sounds gay and exactly the same as crossrealms

It is gay but it's different and if you can't understand that you might have brain problems.

server-wide phasing was a thing as far back as wotlk but they almost never used it and when they did you didn't notice because it only applied to you when you did specific quests that didn't allow you to leave a small area. i don't know if there's a limit to the number of phases you can have but it goes into the hundreds easily. i used to play on an rp server where everyone had limited gm powers that made extensive use of it.

so whats stopping the blacklisted dudes from forming their own blacklisted guild and unironically rising up?

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Nothing. If 80% of the server has you on ignore, the other 20% is either indifferent or fun to be around.

>the joy of seeing your character running around in view of your favorite streamer
The very notion that you are not baiting with this post fills me with boundless rage

I don't understand why these streamers are being raised up as gods of authority when it comes to how classic was. Almost all of them didn't play untill TBC like asmond or even WoTLK. And TBC was an entirely different beast from vanilla.

Spoken like a true faggot who never played vanilla but wants fake credential.

Enjoy the gulag, retard.

>not rolling as AsmongoId and tricking zoomer kids into giving you free stuff
>not rolling as 5odapoppin
>not rolling as Däfran
>not rolling as Eśfand
I’m gonna scam the fuck out of these zoomers

Do the layers fill up and then move on to the next layer or are players filtered in and equally distributed between layers. Both methods have huge issues that would be entirely solved with a single server like in vanilla.

How i become a professional WoW streamer for a personal eunuch army?

Travel back in time to when streaming was just starting to become a thing.

Not if I follow the rules. How hard is it to not be a degenerate for y'all that you have to project so much
t. Russian immigrant with ex military police immigrant

Stream 24/7 and do embarrassing things to make the front page of r/LivestreamFails.

Nobody knows exactly how they are assigned, it is a mystery, but once you are assigned a layer you do tend to stick to it even through logging out and back in.

Its same gay shit, retard. And it has no place in vanilla.

Exactly, the human racials and fear ward from our dwarf priest just felt op when we hit pvp hard.

Stream back when it was just starting up.

But tips did exactly that and failed

I don't like it. Ree

>mfw EU
>mfw RPfag who will be maining an RP server
Must suck for normalfags but the two biggest factors in the game are literally in my favor.

Who controls those who set rules?

Advocates of moral relativism need the rope.

Well shit I guess you really do need a time machine then.

>tfw entire playerbase gets blacklisted
>tfw they group up and are unstoppable

Learn japanese and make virtual youtuber avatar.
Twitch and human streaming are near the end of their life, but virtual avatar streaming their shit is reality in japan and the future in the west

Pretend to be wheelchair bound but make sure you never accidentally get up on camera.

>ctrl-f "Penny Arcade"
Does nobody remember the massive Penny Arcade and Ctrl-Alt-Delete guilds in vanilla WoW
It's the same shit, you just avoid the servers these fags are rolling on if you don't wanna deal with them

i thought vtubers hit their peak a year or two ago and declined ever since

The government obviously. Thats why they make it so any criticism of the government is a negative. Also meant ex militpol grandfathers*

I don't think I'd know a single person outside of their cock-sucker orbit that would follow such lists. None of these fags have ever been in top guilds regardless.

Attached: ohnonon.jpg (213x236, 8K)

This is it. They all have time away from "work" that they could spend playing the game like a normal person, just like the rest of us. They are as anonymous as they want to be but they love attention and twitch bux so much they have forgotten how.


Can someone explain to me what happened here?

>Spoken like a true faggot who never played vanilla but wants fake credential.
this screenshot is 5000+ days old. its from the wow test server when WSG and honor system were first added. get rekt faggot

Attached: wowpvptestserver.jpg (1280x960, 182K)

Kek. Sodapoppin' doesn't know shit. If his so called 'blacklist' grows large enough, those who are blacklisted will eventually just band together to grief him even more.
Get fucked Streamshitters.

So nobody?

dude no, that was a thing.

I'm sure plenty of dudes will want to gank and piss off those streamer for various reasons
so here's how to fix that

>blacklisted players form a guild called "blacklisted" or "TriHardListed"
>they do their own raids
>they form for ther BGs
>they get their own gear and groups together
>camp low level faggots from streamer guilds thus creating conflict within the streamers guild
>also camp those faggot streamers

In the end those streamer faggots were the ones who got black listed.

Attached: 127031728-352-k660013.jpg (352x550, 24K)

Technically it would be the citizens if they ever decide to rise up. Thats how revolutions work senpai

The streamer vs autists wars are gonna be glorious though.

extremely autistic, yet based and redpilled

Do you guys think Blizzard will have the good sense to go down a seperate content path that maintains the spirit of classic like other "classic" games have done? Or will they reach icecrown and then not know what they do and let the server die as it sits there for years with no new content?


lmao no Classic will just be a museum for zoomers to go and laugh at the dinosaurs.

Image a guild solely dedicated to sniping streamers, killing off low minions doing bitch chores, and ninja looting boss drops than dc'ing


cursed image. allies never win wsg

>good sense

They are waiting to see how successful classic is and if people stick around until and after nax.

dead game

>Worried about streamers using their fans as an in game army
>Streamer fans

Just do everything after midnight, it'll be past their bedtime

Attached: loadsamoney.jpg (450x429, 118K)

zoom zoom on little zoomer!

>cursed image. allies never win wsg

spoken like a newfag. heres a screenshot from when bg's went live and my guild group was dominating all the horde guild groups, have 100s more of these screenshots

Attached: wowpvp2.jpg (1280x960, 139K)

> He prefaced his idea by saying that he wishes people would just treat him like an anonymous player,
Then...don't stream?

If they wait untill after Nax to decide if they'll make more dungeons/raids in the style of classic people will be stuck on Naxx being the apex for years. If they ever plan on adding new content they'd have to start pretty soon after they release it

more people will be playing classic wow than they will be playing 76 BR todd.

You're right in assumption that those people will likely get banned, but not for the reason stated. Classic will be using right-click replies, which are filtered by robots, so if a mass of streamer's fans quickly send reports of the same misconduct, the player will be banned automatically.

Make sure to create a streamer kill compilation video set to Linkin Park, Papa Roach and Disturbed.

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Dark Iron, Alliance won almost all the BG's as I recall it. Horde had an advantage in AB, but even then they still lost as often as they won and got rolled anytime any of the PAA guilds showed up.

He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to stream to make fat money and be carried through Classic BUT he also wants to be treated like a normal player. SodaPoppin is either a greedy fuck and playing off as sympathetic or he's an idiot.

>and ninja looting boss drops than dc'ing
>Not /dance and /spit -ing

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lol I doubt this supposed guild would want rampant ninja looters.

>He prefaced his idea by saying that he wishes people would just treat him like an anonymous player

Corpse camp him and spam messages through the translations, then follow him through zones if he gets away?

>Not pretending your some same faction streamer zoombot only to ninja the loot at the end

Attached: db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b.jpg (960x882, 59K)

Does this look like the face of greed and entitlement?


This will be every raid with a streamer lmao. Enjoy having less gear than a blacklister


I have the right to voice my opinion. So fuck off. e-Celebs and streamer shits are NOT video games.

such a stupid name

They all live in the US, right?
The Swatting meme needs to return.

But isn't he just having fun?

I'm in. I've only played WoW for a week, but know I know I'm doing it to train for the upcoming zoomers war in classic. Those fucking twitch niggers have infested and shat up too many games that could have been good, it's time for them to go.


Nice binds

Those streamers themselves are never going to enjoy the authentic wow experience, at least not optimally. They WANT to go back to being a nobody, but their very presence as a streamer is already ruining that - it is inescapable. The only way they can enjoy wow again in a true way is when they play incognito.

what is to stop these people from banding together to create their own "blacklist" guild and then coming back to shit on them over and over again?

Back to /g/

>install gentoo amirite fellow /g/tards

no, just have sex

>Form the Blacklist guild
>Everyone's a huntard or a rogue
>Bicker over every single drop because everyone needs the same things and everyone is also an asshole
>Never progress into any raids as a result
>Can only gear through bgs because wpvp is dominated by good bois that respect the streamer
>By the time the guild has scraped together enough gear to do anything, the streamer has already cleared naxx and moved on to another server/game

Sure, these streamers have hordes of mongoloids sniffing their farts, but I feel like, if anything, anyone that is not watching their streams doesn't give two shits about these people. Will these blacklists have any effect on the people not already attached to the hip of these streamers? If anything, I think it would just encourage the rest of the server shitting on these people.

How will he "blacklist" people from the other faction? Are you a fucking moron?

>he said that if somebody is obviously stream sniping—for example, moving exactly where he’s moving while stealthed—then they’ll get added to his list."
This just makes me want to gank his ass harder
Fucking nu-wow faggots

whats the best anti-streamer guild name?
>Rise Up
Any others?

>implying people cant unify behind their general disdain for streamers and learn to coordinate
This is babby-tier Eve Online shenanigans, Im sure a guild dedicated to fucking over streamers can learn to distribute loot fairly
Hell, they could make a Streamer Killing Points system and use that.
Zoomzoom, little streamerbitchboi

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it's kind of sad how shit he is compared to the welfare brigade from private servers

naga stole my bike

>Streamer Killing Points

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