We are going home boys.
We are going home boys
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>remaster chad squall into anime squall
>cutscenes unmodified
fucking niggers
FFVIII is trash. Only fags like it
>that pic
It's great
I don't think whatever you think is wrong with it outweighs the fantastic ost, the beautiful visuals, the cool summon designs, and triple triad.
>Remaster the game
>Keep the slideshow framerate
Also, nice fonts, faggets
ah yes, I need 144fps for my ps1 turnbased games.
>change textures
Yes, retardo. I EXPECT a PS1 game, running on the lastest Sony console to run at least at 30fps
Always bothered me how slow and sluggish the fights feel compared to FF7. Still a great game though.
>Story is stupid
>Draw is stupid
>Junction is stupid
hey anons. i know this is going to sound crazy but... what if i told you i know a way to go to balamb garden, for real!
This guy walks up and plays "Man with the Machine Gun" and starts cramping on you.
What do you do?
FF8 is unironically amazing.
FF8 > FF7
Too bad the remaster looks terrible.
You forgot:
>Limit breaks are broken and stupid
>Leveling is stupid
>Card game is stupid
>Equipment is stupid
>Summoning is broken and stupid
I sincerely believe that FF8 is one of the worst designed JRPGs of all time, paired with some of the worst writing that the medium has ever seen.
>there are people who unironically like Rinoa
>card game is stupid
You're no fun!
So, what is it? Better textures and offered in 4K? If there's nothing new added, who gives a fuck.Playing the original seems like the best idea for nostalgia sakes.
>dat music
>dose qt unnamed female students
comfiest hub in history
ok you can now fuck right off
>Card game is stupid
no user. you are stupid.
She has more of a personality and development than half the shitty cast of 7 and 9.
>Rinoa is bad
Buy 5 copies and Squeenix gonna fully remake this god tier game
forcing her and Squall together just seems like awful writing though. She should have stayed a Seifer girl
It only feels forced if you never have her in your party.
What are some well-designed JRPGS in your opinion?
>Limit breaks are broken and stupid
only if you have aura
>Leveling is stupid
it's useless since enemies level with you, so yeah
>Card game is stupid
Nah card is good
>Equipment is stupid
It's non-existent in VIII, so yeah
>Summoning is broken and stupid
Summoning is literally for 8yo who don't know how to junction properly. I used to sit through those animations every single boss fight. It's the retard strategy.
Yeah, Squall and Rinoa's relationship feels a bit unnatural if you put her in the Missile Base team.
Given that she's out of action for half of disc 3, maybe they should've forced her into Squall's party when he returns to Balamb Garden.
not me but glad to see a kindred soul