ITT: We post Yea Forums hypocrisies
ITT: We post Yea Forums hypocrisies
a "JAPANESE DESIGNED MANFACE" is never ugly as the same manner as the Western one is.
Yea Forums will never get married at this rate
pic not related?
Check your light receptors, dumbass shitposter.
I like a woman with a strong jaw regardless of what country designed her.
>DMC5 Lady
t. lesbian
Yea Forums was so eager to shit on the west that they fully embraced DmC2 despite it being everything the series shouldn't have been.
Good, marriage is a meme.
Whats the point of pointing out "hypocrisies", OP? Is the addressee supposed to say "geez, you are right, I guess i have to like western manfaces now hehe?"
gross. nasty manface
>chin isn't as sharp as a knife
>hurr manjaw
This one's debatable, Yea Forums and a lot of people were actually up in arms over the graphical change to DMC having a more realistic look, but I think opinions changed once more content revealed the characters still behaved more or less as before.
In Lady's case most of what little scenes she gets have her acting cutesy or caring, so like Nico I think people were willing to overlook initial impressions because they were still entertaining.
While Trish hasn't got as scathing a reception as other cases, but she's an example of the reverse. In DMC5 she starts out as high energy as Lady, but after the ordeal with Urizen she barely does much on screen outside of chiding V for venting his problems. Her fans weren't pleased with her changes and her lack of stage presence alone or banter with Dante, as even DMC4 at least gave that much, didn't help.
Also I think DMC fans are just more tolerant as a whole since they had their series almost taken from them for good and so long, so they're not going to make a fuss over what's really just frosting.
bro maybe it could have to do with that face being very attractive? almost kissed my monitor she's so cute
Dilate you fucking freak, Lady is what gorgeous women look like in the real world. Even Trish is realistic, albeit on the ugly side.
The only problem with this model is the fuckhuge nose. her nose is lopsided and bulbous.
Not a manface, but a step back from the OG version - but also a big improvement from DMC4's thot design.
Conclusion: OP is and will always be a fag.
Didn't everyone shit on Lady and Trish's design? They aren't full manface but they're pretty mannish.
Nico is best DMCV girl anyway
>Yea Forums is one person/
What was actually Yea Forums hypocrisy or actual shills, im betting it was shills was calling the dmc5 girls uggo and praising the fuck out of bl3 trannies.