Cadence of Hyrule

it's actually pretty fun

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The boss themes are great, especially the swamp boss.


Can I play this on Yuzu?

it's not just pretty fun it's far superior to Turd In The Litterbox

So far I've gone through story mode, and the single character mode with Cadence, it's been pretty fun

Wish the Link's Awakening remake looked like this

How much content is there? Not sure about paying 25$ for it.

How long is it?

If you want more content or want to see if the game will be any good try out the first game it's on sale for 3.99 right now.

Who would've thought that people other than the incompetent Nintendo would make a good Zelda game.

looks pretty good, does the game have a good replayability outside of random dungeons? allso, about how long is the game?

cool mixed genre idea


Necrodancer was $6 so I grabbed that. Will try it out on the weekend.

>Turd In The Litterbox

Do I even want to know what you're trying to refer to?

I've never played that game and I can tell that you're wrong

For a spin-off it's fucking excellent. It's leagues better than Hyrule Warriors.

should I get this or wait for bloodstained?

I got too many games this past week and a half, somehow I got a backlog on my switch. Will probably get this one at the beginning of July (and struggle to finish with DQB and FE in the same month) or when it gets a sale (never ever).

Okay but real talk

When is it set in the timeline?


Now, do you want more Necrodancer featuring other franchises or more LoZ being featured in other indie games?

necrodancer. I don't really give a shit about zelda.

I'd like to see more Necrodancer and more Nintendo properties in general in indie games, not just Zelda.

I want necrodancer featured in metroid and touhou

I don't like randomly generated content and i'm not really into rythm games so what's in it for me as a zelda basedboy?

You guys realize that ZQuest is still a thing, and you can make your own LOZ-style games for free. There's even shitloads of tilesets available, and the game editor has in-engine tile creation.

I've fucked around with ZQuest since 2007.



a short 2D zelda comparable to zelda 1 or ALTTP except you move to the beat of the music. Or you can turn it completely turn based if you are a rhythmically challenged scrub.
The overworld stays the same during a run so the only thing randomly generated are the regular combat dungeon floors.
You probably get like 4 up to 10 hours out of your first run. Depending on if you are going for collecting everything and how fast you can grasp the combat.
There also seem to be more little puzzle caves than there are in the overworld so that adds some replayability seeing shit you haven't before.

>when it switches to Great Sea
my actual dick

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No. The memes finally fried his brain. Just move on


im the same as you and have been playing overhead zeldas for a long time. i couldnt get into the gameplay at all. great music and visuals but the core mechanic is too hectic, i died constantly and couldnt get the swing of things even on baby retard mode.

Sounds good but $25 to try out seems a little bit steep.
will probably wait for a sale.

I hope they add more dungeons and stuff over time for randomisation purposes
More bosses unlocking and stuff would really incentivise playing the game over and over again.
Great game from what I've played though, I've been having a bit of trouble with wizzroboe

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Holy shit looks comfy as hell I miss 2D zelda

i'm great at many rhythm games and i love roguelites but the combination didn't work for me at all.

yeah, same here man, it's a major bummer for me as i was so excited.

I finished one playthrough with every item/heart piece in about 8 hours. Not worth $25 but it was fun. Can't imagine it being too replayable aside
from speedrunning.

The flail is so OP, I think they should nerf the one that makes you have it permanently
I don't know how you'd do it though, maybe a negative damage multiplier or making it unable to hit enemies directly in front of you?

>have 700 hours in necrodancer
>mfw it stops getting updates because of a sequel that I can't fucking play because it went to a different platform

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Necrodancer already has enough content dude

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You would never get that much time out of Cadence of Hyrule. It's more Zelda than it is Necrodancer.

yoooo lmaoo deadass close to trips

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Bit pricey for a glorified soundtrack. I'll have to think about it.

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Check out this 2

Is it true that there's other characters? Somebody talked about that in the thread yesterday

sorry little guy but i had to take that 2

Sorry, I took it.

There's link and zelda, cadence is unlocked near the end in the story.
So far there is one secret character a deku scrub who stays at one heart max and can't use any weapons and most items. but hey, he can bury into the ground and shoot projectiles.
people speculate there's a fifth since the 4 characters on the save file are kind of offcentered with space for another.

dont use dollars when you are clearly using a 3rd world country thats money is worth shit.

this is the one puzzle my brain just cant fucking wrap my head around


Attached: cadenceofhyrule.jpg (960x540, 39K)

people in this thread be like "yo check out my 2" when im over here like haha what

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You see the thing is
Baba is you

Hover boots?

Can't you just push one into the water and another one on top of it?

nope once a block is in water is becomes fixed and you just jump onto it

Link's awakening is coming out in a few months

I remember i also had that one but can't remember how I beat it. It's was probably hover boots. they cheese a lot of stuff.
if you have ice rod you can freeze part of the water and quickly push a block over it. You could also throw one in position if you have the power gloves

You would think so with 2 rocks being there but nah, doesn't work. it's stupid.

Where is that room?

one of the random caves in the overworld. There are more possible caves than accessible in a run so it's possible you never saw it because your world simply didn't have it..

thanks i forgot i even had the powerglove.

I would like to see a Castlevania Necrodancer

Looking for THIS?


I bought it and my cousin haven't been able to put it down since then, he slept like 4 hours. His only complain is that it's too easy and he hopes that as soon as he beats it he will unlock a hard mode.

You dropped this

Oh thank you, Im happy 2 take it back.

>Try the daily challenge
>Get stuck with Zelda
>go to windwill
>get the tower shield
>go to the zora prince
>get the mirror shield

I guess daily mode is where real randomization takes place and you have to actually explore. I found powergloves and downthrust in random overworld caves. The two Cadence caves have been proper items so far (lute and dins fire).


cringe and ESLpilled

Can confirm, i'm currently trying too get through a single character run with the scrub and my bet is once I do that and get 20 seeds for tingle in that run i can play full retard hard mode. Also this run is already insane because you don't get weapons at all, nor do you have the abilityear too use sjields, and the ability too shoot shit is an unlocked crap shoot in a dungeon.

I'm almost done with the story mode (right before the final boss with the boss key) but I'm still missing some stuff. Specifically I'm missing the item that sits between the Hookshot and the Rito Feather on the inventory screen, and I'm missing whatever passive item is to the left of the deku seeds on the inventory screen.

Any hints?

Have you gotten 20 seeds to tingle yet?, if not go fucking do it.

It's 25 US dollars. What third world shithole do you live in?

>fan of pixelshit
>love roguelites
>disposable income
>absolutely sick of hearing the same Zelda songs for the 620th time

This is a really bizarre case of "absolute no-buy" for me.

Yes. I got the upgraded stamina bar and unlocked Yves.

Wait is it randomly generated?

I felt like that when I first played the original game (a couple of days ago). I just kept at it and after a while it clicked. The learning curve is just pretty steep at the beginning. Like anything, it's a skill you can practice. When you get the hang of it you will wonder why you struggled with it in the first place.

The remixes are literally if you fuse zelda songs with necrodancer music, shits great

Cadence is mostly a sequel in name. The game is very different from Necrodancer and has more Zelda themes and mechanics than it does Necrodancer's.
Plus just buy a Switch already. PC + Switch is the best combination this gen.

they're pretty good remixes

Must be a Canadian.

Seething snoy

Permadeath actually seems like it'd be easy for any character but Yves. You get infinite rupees(bomb the jars in shops that respawn), infinite diamonds(bushes with bees respawn), and have 4 lifebars if you buy red potion.

>the ability too shoot shit is an unlocked crap shoot in a dungeon
Isn't that his L ability? You get it from one of the Cadence caves outside dungeons.

Did you get all the over world map charms? There's like 3 of them and they make finding what you missed easier.

Yes I have all the charms. I've cleared all the purple chests on the overworld map.

Yes but God knows when you get that, also it auto unlocks if you pick the bow in a dungeon since it's the single one of that lot of choices she can't use.

As a followup, this is what my inventory looks like

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Go too the desert, you clearly haven't killed all the bosses.
Not an option for me

This might be the first Zelda spin off I'll actually play. I never really could get in to Dynasty Warriors games.

Too add too that how in the hell did did you get the guitar and not have gears, literally what the actual fuck?

you can push the blocks over more than 1 tile of water if you freeze it with the ice rod first.

kinda unrelated but I bought necrodancer on a whim and I love it, I've never been much of a fan of roguelikes but the rhythm aspect makes this game so much better

Problem is I fucking suck at it, how do I get good? I can't get past 2-3

I don't really like rhythm games, but I like 2-D Zelda games. Will I like Cadence?

I've killed all four champions. The gears are removed from your inventory when you give them to the Gerudo woman to lower the bridge, right?

Man your doing it the hard way, just use the power glove and Chuck those rocks where you want them.

Range is OP. Go for a spear or longsword as often as you can.
Farm the levels, clear them fully to get all the gold you can
Having a spell or item that lets you farm barrels is a great way to get hearts

Just practice, really. You can even practice bosses in the lobby which will make it much easier to beat them in your runs.
Did anyone else get dizzy from the dance floor effect in Necrodancer by the way? I had to disable it because after hours of playing it made my head feel really weird.

>Not liking the COH remixes

Idk it never did for me, also there are 4 gears, there's the three in that area and a spare gear off in fuck knows where with a shitty platforming puzzle too get it.

There's a 4th gear, or at least there was in my playthrough. Though from what I could tell it didn't unlock anything. Also the item you're missing is the dash bracelet thing

How do I break barrels and boxes? I've been using bombs but that's obviously very inefficient

I'm actually having a ton of trouble with the red dragon, I've practiced it and know how to kill it but in runs I get fucked over by the other mobs
I'll probably get fucked by the boss once I get there too

I've been using cadence, should I switch?

for some reason i still have all 4 even though i gave them to her to repair the bridge.
Though you can also get in with flippers and the pendant that makes you immune to lava.

I found the fourth gear just a sec ago. I grabbed the one from the platforming puzzle so I didn't grab all three from the area around the dungeon.

Where do I find the dash bracelet? Is it in one of the dungeons?

>Single platform niggy


Spike traps work, trapdoors also work they just put the item in the next level. Fireball spell also works, infernal torch lets you farm the barrels by digging torches. War drum, you can just boost your attack for a ton of beats and 1shot the barrel, and gold weapons also get max attack 1 beat after picking up gold so you can open the barrels that way.

bracelet for me was just in the overworld somewhere, but I'm pretty sure it's location is completely random like most things in the game. It's also entirely useless and doesn't help you solve any puzzles or really do much of anything at all really

Fuck it, I want a Necrodancer Zelda sequel. This collab is too perfect for the Zelda series' roots not to give it another game IMO.

same desu

is it on wii u? Does bingtendo release new games on that console still?
btw PCchads can emulate if its on Wii U

So question for you guys, where the hell does impa spawn, I hundo'd the seed and could not find her at all.

It isn't and no they don't.

No matter yuzu seems to be improving.

if you like roguelikes you can enjoy it. you can turn off the rhythm and just make it turn based

Does anyone know what the 4th gear in the desert is for? I stumbled upon it a few minutes ago and considering how far away it was from the other 3 needed to enter the dungeon, I feel like it's meant for something else, but maybe I'm wrong.

same thing the 21st nut is for. so your inventory doesn't look incomplete. Probably.

Zelda's room is in the top-right corner of hyrule castle, you have to enter the screen from the right.

I am at hyrule castle and just woke up the king, wtf am I supposed to do on the next room? I killed all the baddies and nothing, can't go through

hookshot across the gap works

Asking the important questions.

Thanks! I didn't know you can pull items with that

Are there any items that can help you get up cliffs other than using the cane to build a staircase with normal blocks?

Come back when you've finished Gerudo Valley

i'm struggling to git gud at it too and i love mystery dungeon games. i started with zelda instead of link, though. maybe link's supposed to be easier?

>proper stylized 3D graphics
>indie pixelshit phone game graphics

Weird. I mean, even once you give her the gears, the 3 still show up in your inventory, so I difured that 4th one was for something. Oh well, glad to know now before I wandered around trying to find some use for it.

is it a roguelike or is it structured like a zelda game? what is the penalty for dying? do you lose all of your shit?

>funko pops
>blurry ass edges

I’m sorry that you simply cannot appreciate the ingenious art style that the Links(tm) Awakening Remake has implemented

I think that might be a glitch, because in my game the three gears disappeared.


You only really lose your rupees. i guess it turns more into a roguelike if you turn on permadeath.
But normally it plays more like a zelda game. Zelda 1 to be precise with the grid based map.

>is it a roguelike or is it structured like a zelda game?
Both. It's a Zelda game, but the item locations and dungeons are randomized.
>what is the penalty for dying? do you lose all of your shit?
You lose all your rupees, keys, torch, ring, boots, and any breakable weapons you might have (there are special glass weapons that are more powerful than your normal gear). You keep your diamonds, which can be spent at a game over shop to give you some items on respawn. Diamonds can also be used to enchant your weapons at fairy fountains.

Crypt of the Necrodancer is a good game from what I hear. Are the devs obnoxious SJWs or something?

They're Canadian, so probably. The game itself doesn't have any SJW shit though.

>just got to 2nd dungeon
>time: 17 hours
Well I guess the game keeps track of time when the system is on sleep mode then

The art style is fucking perfect for a 2D Zelda. Link's Awakening looks so much worse than this