Hack. Your. Vita

Hack. Your. Vita.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Buy me one first.

Already hacked it. Still don't know what to play.


Can you not do this on 3ds or phone?

NIce game. /sarcasm

Go back to dilating.

Best gba emulator for vita? Want to try some romhacks

Buying Sony handheld to play Nintendo games. Why do Sony fags even try?

Why would you do this

Sure but that doesn't emulate ps1 or psp

I already have a PSP, sorimasen

Because I have a phone not a vita, and it's fucking pokemon not a game that requires any real kind of movement or precision.

What the fuck, you have monster size hands.

I don't think this thread was specifically made regarding pokemon

Sure tell me how

im buying a 3ds and im gonna hack it instead

I did

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But the VNs I want to play are in nipspeak REEEEE

No thanks, I have the new and improved Vita v2 already.

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Can you play the touhou pokemon on the vita?

No. I still want to use PSN.

i'm "playing" one of mine right now (visual novel shit)

Any chances of getting a hackable Switch right now?

What are you goto for emulation, Vitabros ? I still use the psp emulators through adrenaline because im lazy

>doesn't have the vita library
>can just barely run its own
it's shit

whenever i hack my consoles, i always go overboard and dont know what to play because theres too much
i have pretty much every essential vita title, some indies, and retroarch with the essentials for snes, nes, gb, gbc, gba, genesis
help me pick, anons. i havent played most of it outside of the retro stuff, jet set radio, the rayman games, and zero escape
gba and snes are better on there + you can play ds games but psp and psx emulation dont exist on 3ds (well psx does, but it's not functional at all. more of a benchmark for homebrew)
NOBODY wants to play anything made for use with a controller on a fucking touchscreen. pokemon is the only passable game.
liquid crystal, more like liquid shit. fucking godawful remake of johto.
play crystaldust if you must play gen 2 in gen 3, but really you should just do a 251 hack of crystal or polished crystal
how are the ninja gaiden Σ games? ive heard theyre just inferior versions of the originals, so are they even worth playing?
how is it improved with that godawful controller?

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you can use psn retard all three of my vitas are hacked and can go on psn

captcha- firehidrants

Adrenaline for PS1 and psp, retroarch for everything else

Are there any pokemon romhacks that make the game challenging, as in having a well-constructed team actually matters?

Still looking for a cheap one to buy.

Hack your vita to play games that you can play even in the fucking mobile with emulators

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Don't give a shit. I'm not risking it. Also the buttons on the Vita are fucking shit compared to the PSP buttons.

Finally hacked a free vita I got and it's the first time I have ever owned a Sony console in my life.

What are some ps1 and psp recs for someone like me? Besides the REALLY obvious ones like Crash and Spyro

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I did but I don’t really know what to do with it. It emulate the SNES worse than my 3DS somehow and I don’t really have any ps1/psp games I want to play.

thats an extremely common form of hack
look into drayano's hacks. his work on gen 4 and 5 kicks ass

>retroarch for everything else
I always read that retroarch isnt reliable on Vita does it actually works well ? (at least for gba and snes)

I'm no emulation guru so I don't really know what "bad" emulation looks like, but from what I can tell gba and SNES look and play exactly the same as they did when I was a kid

Yeah, used on ebay.

I hate jrpgs so I'm OK with this.
vita has no fucking games otherwise

>how is it improved with that godawful controller?
Somehow the vita's teeny baby controls and shitty thumbsticks are better? Lel

you can use it like a switch too with the right plugins.

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vita-udcd-uvc plugin and use a ds4 or ds3 plugin

i hacked my vita and PKGj won't let me download any vita games

I hacked my psp, it's pretty great.

Can I install pkgj on 3.60

This picture makes me kinda sad. A grown man, he could have his own wife and children by now and they all could enjoy some time together on a swimming pool. Instead he sits alone in the dark, with his anime figures and his Vita. Playing anime games...

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yes but you need reF00d to install newer games

Guessing I have to request the seller for the software version huh

do you still need 3.60 for it to work?

>Instead he sits alone in the dark, with his anime figures and his Vita. Playing anime games...

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Good thing not everyone wants to be tied down like that

>defending no d-pad
Switch controls are already inferior to anything Vita or older Nintendo handhelds offer. Also lose some weight amerilard.

No. Either way you can downgrade from any version now

I did it some time ago.

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Why does the sounds for snes and gba emulation sound so awful? Both on retroarch on the vita side, and their respective emulators on the adrenaline side?

can you link me a guide?

>Liquid Crystal
You may want to see a doctor



>Instead he sits alone in the dark, with his anime figures and his Vita
Ain't nothing wrong with that.

what are your gba settings user?

But mine is hacked.
I hacked it some more last night too, installing the MiniVitaTV and USB Video plugins to turn it into a Nintendo Switch type of thing. It works really well too, even got rumble in PS1 games.

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Vita is already hacked with the Homebrew browser.

What do I need to get free vita games?

Either download the games and transfer manually using Nopaystation, or go about setting up PKGj

Wanting to play Disgaea, which game should i play?

No, for a serial number. You can get that and check online to see if it's hackable, or just look for a "2016" on the back of the console. Those are also guaranteed hackable.

Did you even look at my picture, brainlet lmao. Have sex.

there's a template on gbatemp letting you know which serial numbers will lead to a hackable switch, you just need to always ask about the serial number before buying it.
have you tried that gamecube emaulator yet?

Can I play ps2 games if I do? Like godhand?

dissidia and final fantasy crisis core were pretty good psp games, also syphon filter and the star wars battlefront games if you can get over having to use the face buttons to aim.

We have a Vita general, just letting you guys know

Oh good thanks alot. I didn't think and realize you could probably play hacked handheld games on it and old coonsole games. All of a sudden I want a Switch now.

you HAVE to go back

You lied to me, I hacked my vita, I even got an sd2vita
And yet I still can't find anything fun to do with it

Play Soul Sacrifice Delta or Digimon Cyber Sluts.

NoNpDRM, ref00d and either NoPayStation or pkgj.

>Talking about piracy on vitagen

Afternoon of Darkness on the PSP. Work your way sequentially from there.

>He doesn't know about nude patches

>the vita library
I laughed

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>having to get a third party solution for a simple d-pad

Does it matter if they're refurbished by Nintendo?

as opposed to having to go third party for the consoles memory

>is weeb
>still doesn't know about the infinite weebmachine library
I laughed

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>have you tried that gamecube emaulator yet?
Nah, it's not really worthwhile just yet... You have to overclock EVERYTHING to make games run at a decent performance, excluding the "higher-end" games which are just impossible to run at full speed at this point. At that point your battery life absolutely shits itself so you have to tether to the wall or something, and changing the stock thermal paste is a requirement. You're better off playing them on your PC if you'll already be stuck against an outlet.

Best quality system that's emulate-able right now is the PSP I think. Been playing LocoRoco and Patapon "perfectly" the past couple months, it's awesome.

Yeah, it's basically the only reason I use my Switch now. Waiting for new first party games announced at E3, and Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled.

>being a brainlet with a shitty underpowered Vita that has NO GAMES

As long as you know the serial number is a hackable one, it should be fine. Just buying outright from Nintendo without checking serial numbers is a terrible idea, though. I doubt they're handing out hackable Switch consoles anymore.


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not him but that's an unknown unknown, it'd be best to stay away from retailers and try to get it directly from a person so you can be sure the one you're getting is hackable.

Why bother retaining the trademark symbol at that point?

It's an ironic weeb

A lot of those weeb games have been ported to PS4 and Switch, so I'm really not missing out on anything.

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I've asked this is every fucking Vita hacking thread, and never fucking get an answer. How's the Gameboy, Genesis and SNES emulation on the system?


Yeah problem is they only show pictures of a default box for the console so I have to contact the seller, and I wonder if Nintendo would respond kek.

Yeah guess I'll just be asking questions from ones that look like regular people.

Ask vitagen


Does anyone else know about this

Looks really promising

>Vita library

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>Implying OP is a guy

no such thing hombre

if you are seriously picky, yeah, then that's fair

Just get a Switch. Emulates all of those consoles perfectly. Even can play PS1, N64, and PSP games.

>your vita

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I only play PS1, PSP and Vita games on mine so I wouldn't know. N3DS is supposed to be a lot better for Gameboy and SNES emulation.

How much should a used Vita cost? I'm seeing $150 and that is way too much for an emulation machine.

Gameboy and Genesis are fine. SNES disappointed me a bit. It's mostly fine but some areas in Seiken Densetsu 3 lagged for me while they don't on PC and mobile emulators.

check your local craigslist postings, i'm holding out till i find one under 100.

can you emulate 3DS/DS games on the Vita? I'm not sure how it works with the 2 screens thing or if you can just get the 2nd screen to show up on a pause menu

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Alright I've been browsing Ebay for a Switch. Does the box give any info regarding hackability or do I pretty much have to only buy opened/used ones?

>vitalets hyped for playing shitty emulated Nintendo games on their dead system to the point of making this thread every day

The absolute state. BTW Switch is the superior portable emulator machine.

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No, you can't. DS emulation is only possible on modern phones, no way a Vita could handle it, let alone the 3DS.

To play what?

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I may as well. I think my memory card is corrupted. I rebuild the library or format it and a few days later the games are all busted to shit and won’t run. If I hack it I can use sd cards or something, right?

I'm still too scared to hack mine, I'm an idiot so I'd probably mess it up.

Is there an English patch

Just follow the fucking guide. It's actually idiot proof.

Want me to do it for you

>N64 emulator

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>hack vita
>only use it for gba emulators which I already have on phone and computer
>sd card too small to pirate much at the same time
Can it even run rom hacks? I put Pokemon Clover on it and it ran like complete ass.

I also don't know how I'd transfer games over

Going in to a CEX right now to get a vita.
Slim or OG?

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Can't wait for romancing saga 3. My first game was 2 on the vita, and man it was a blast.

>don't know how I'd transfer games over
you are beyond saving. look it up on youtube


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What's funny about it? That Nintendo will never ever have a virtual console and that the only way you'll ever be able to play N64 games on a Switch is with a hacked system?

DS emulation is viable on phones as far back as the galaxy S4, user. nobody's bothered with DS emulation on the vita, i'm sure rudimentary emulation for early titles and rendering shapes would be possible.

>asking weebagen


almost the perfect home console
not being able to ps2 really drags it down

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they are the people who would know the most about this kind of thing

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>"But I don't want to go among weebs," user remarked.

>Gameboy, Genesis and SNES emulation on the system?
OK, regarding SNES emulation i can tell you by experience i've been using retroarch, it has two cores based off snes9x, the games i've played are: yoshis island (it has variuos graphical issues because of the FX chip but is playable), earthbound plays nice, seiken densetsu 3 (don't try it it has a lot of issues) dragon quest 3 plays good also and some others, so my final verdict is that SNES emulator is acceptable considering how it plays some games, just dont try the ones with FX chip, i forgot to mention super mario RPG runs good too, and retroarch on the vita doesn't support shaders (filters) if you're into that.

Sorry if i messed up some words, english is not my first languaje.

not to defend his hatred of weebs, but vitagen are very anti-piracy. asking about emulators and shit will likely get you ignored, or told to fuck off.

No, you're definitely better off with /hbg/. I used to be an avid vitagen user, if you mention anything about homebrew, the autists will jump down you ass in a heartbeat.

To be fair, it is more a question for /hbg/

well then, try /hbg/ they are pretty helpful in my experience
also look at emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Emulators_on_Vita

>2K version
Mine is already hacked, faggot.

what your social security number?

As long as you overclock, its damn near perfect. I get 60fps in gunstar heroes. Chrono trigger went from 45-50 to well above 60 after OC.


I don't need one.
I have a GPD XD and it's pretty rad if I gotta be honest



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I have a psp and a vita tv. New vitas are too expensive

How is it more perfect than Switch which can run every emulator it can and better.

Why you choose a video make by a Cuck?

Chinks are gonna be chinks, what can you do

What do you use to OC?, does it work on every HB game? etc.

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it's gotta be shit. PC N64 emulators are barely past "above average" nowadays. What fucking chance does the Vita have beside chugging frames out the ass?

Only 2D games were possible on the S4. And even that was two years ahead of the Vita.

>no such thing
How new?

>Every emulator
>And better
How's PS1 and PSP emulation?


OG if you want oled screen
cheapest if you don't really care

This goes does nothing but shill the GDP, is it really as good as he says?

He's the most informed about it

>doesn't know ironic weebs are just weebs
I'll ask the same

Depends on the game. First party games it's great, some more obscure ones are ass. Name one and I'll post a video of it in action on my Switch.

>Android emulators
No. It's trash.

OG has better quality screen, Slim has slightly longer battery life.

This is the OC tool

It works on every piece of software that doesn't run on the built in PSP hardware. It does both overclocking and underclocking, so if you're menu digging for awhile, it'll actually slow down the Vita to help maintain battery.

So newfag?

It really is. It's just a android phone slapped onto a competent controller, so you get all the possibilities of android. It's got a nice form factor, nice IPS screen, and good battery life.
There's really not much more you can ask it to do for sub $150

Im trying to hack it but I keep getting error when I try to copy the files over to the vita. I asked the general for help but of course I get ignored again. Sucks because I just got my sd2vita yesterday

I use my phone for emulation and connect my dualshock 4 so youre chatting shit about having to use touchscreen.

Is sd2vita required, or can I get by with the 4gb card that comes with it?

Underclocking is a god send if you are reading a VN for example. I had 8 hours of battery life with that while reading Muv-Luv. And this was on an old fat Vita.

>some more obscure ones are ass

play Goemon's Great Adventure and go underwater

Ask hbg

yeah they only "like anime ironically". they are insecure weebs you dumbfuck newfag

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perfection is what you make of it.

vita being able to native psx, psp and vita gives it an advantage for sony fans. and if the nds emulator continues getting some love, there's another plus.

>3.70 Preparing for Trinity
Shit, do I have to rush this? Guide implies it might get fixed

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4gb is two games dude

mein negger

Thanks man, i've been using Oclock Vita Minimal but havent seen any real changes on perfomance and i wanted to test another plugin.

no reason to update if everything i need is doable on lower versions
ill stick to 3.68 or whatever the fuck im on now

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I did. I tried the gba emulator but it plays nice for a few seconds before the sound gets distorted. I moved onto emulating gba on the switch.

No I have plenty of microSDs, my problem is I live in literally bumfuck nowhere. 6 hour offroad driving to get to civilization. Much less get some chink to deliver me a sd2vita.

I am only concerned for exploits and other essentials that require sd2vita. Otherwise the 4gb that will come with it will suit me very well.

I would, but economy shipping..!!

I don't see what the point of the GPD XD is when you can just get a Vita or Switch and get all those emulators along with Vita or Switch games. Hell, even your phone with a bluetooth controller would be better cause it's the same Android emulators.

What color is that vita? Or is that a shell/case?

Try this one too then if you don't mind experimenting

The UI is more stable and it has auto over/down clocking. I had to spot because it was doing weird things to Adrenaline.

Whats the benefit of a vita over a hacked psp or a hacked wii u
Or my gaming pc with emulators
Seems like a fucking waste of money
The joysticks seem nice tho

What are you waiting for, fag?

Best controls and portability

how does the joysticks and buttons feel? does they feel cheap made?

I really don't know since I hacked my Vita when it was first pwnd, but as far as I can tell this current exploit requires a PSP demo you load on to a PC and modify before loading back? Demos are pretty small, you should be fine.

Also sd2vita are sold on amazon.

It's cheaper than a vita and a switch.
Your phone with a controller you bring with you doesn't fit in a pocket.
It plays more than a vita
If you want to emulate games, then there's no reason to buy a console and hack it. Just get one of these.
If you want to play VITA games (what hasn't already been ported to other systems, anyways), get a vita.
If you want to play switch games, get a switch.
But don't buy a vita or a switch to hack it and emulate stuff.

Can the PSP do save states?

Surprisingly no. The buttons can be a bit soft to press, but if you really want you can just mod in some DS parts and make them clicky. But they've registered all of my inputs well and don't feel like they're going to break.

The sd2vita is just an adapter to let you use microSD cards instead of proprietary Sony Vita memory cards. Functionally they don't differ from each other, except Sony's memory cards have a higher failure rate and such. Any hacks and plugins that can be used with an sd2vita adapter can be used on a Vita memory card.
You can use a 4GB memory card, but there are a lot of games around 3GB or even more after patches/updates. Depending on what kind of games you're looking to play it's possible you'll only fit a single game on that thing.

i'll try it too, thanks.

I'm not gonna play it far enough to get to the water areas. What does it normally do? If there's some screen effect, you could enable framebuffer emulation for that part only and deal with the likely performance decrease.

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I've been thinking of getting one of those, but i had my doubts, thanks user, you're a good shill.

>But don't buy a vita or a switch to hack it and emulate stuff.
Why not?

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So all of the hacking is to be done with an internet connection and/or a microUSB cable and a PC? That's good to know thanks.

Mexico boy sold me on it, bought one off leddit for $100, and have been pretty pleased. It doesn't do gamecube and PS2 though, fair warning. But you can just set up streaming from your PC if you want and that works fine.

>But don't buy a vita or a switch to hack it and emulate stuff.
>or a switch
Speak for the Vita, the Switch emulates shit fucking well.

There's better devices to do that with, such as this. Why would you pay that much more money just to emulate?
Like I said, if you want to play switch/vita games, then get their respective system because you can't play those on this device.

What's so funny about it faggots?

If you really need that extra inch for emulation while now requiring a bag or large pockets and having less battery life, then by all means get a switch.
But you'll also be paying 3x more than me for that experience.

What retroarch theme is this

It's been hacked since the first hack was released, there's still nothing to play on it.

Make sure the read the guide for your firmware version

>Why would you pay that much more money just to emulate?
Why would you buy a device for just emulation? Vita/Switch/Android does it all and has their own games. Seems like a waste of money if you already own a handheld or a phone.

Eh, if you want the first party games as well as the emulation, it's well worth the money.

The one that comes with the Switch version.

Because I don't have a vita and have no interest in the games, I have a PS4 which all their good games have been ported to.
I have a switch to play switch games, it does not fold or fit into a pocket. It's battery life isn't great and the joycons aren't either. I'm not toting an entire bag to house a switch and pro controller to set it up on a table.
The GPD is an all-in-one thing that folds and slips into your pocket with 8+ hours of battery life. When you want to play, you take it out of your pocket, flip the screen up, and go to town.
This plays the most games for the cheapest price in the best form factor.

Please buy a device that best suits your purpose, but for me this is the best device.

here, lots of gameplay-oriented stuff + non-kawaii exclusives (before Sony gave up on it)

Start off with Steamworld Dig 1 & 2 - those are a blast.

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>This plays the most games for the cheapest price in the best form factor.
Even in your case, that wouldn't have been true considering the vita is cheaper, can remote play your PS4 and has it own library of games. I understand if this is what you prefer, but don't lead others a stray.

how is Revolutions 2 with lolicon?


psp and ps1 (not sure for this one) are native on vita, emulators aren't 100% accurate when it comes to sound so if you want to play ps1, psp and vita rhythm games then Vita is a no brainer

Not him but with overclocking it is pretty playable with 30 fps locked most of the time. If your only option to play the game is a Vita, overclock it with lolicon and play that way. Otherwise use whatever platform that is available to you.

How safe is switch hacking now? Does it at least have emuNAND or something equivalent?

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Yeah i hacked mine and gave it to my sister
She played the fuck out of it till it broke
So it mustve been good

I hacked my Switch. Still got my OLED Vita for Danganronpa and Persona games

Kinda. There were save state plugins back in the day. Some people said they didn't work or need a specific cfw version to work so I never tried it. Of course Adrenaline save states work just perfectly. Plus Adrenaline can fast forward on PS1 games.

>Not CrystalDust
OP Confirmed Bad Taste.

is emulation on vita still ass? i couldnt even get ff6 to work on it on both snes and gba emus

>tfw having to import a decent case and screen protector from America because there are no good ones left in my country

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kinda stupid question but can you play on it without a battery? Like the actually battery is nonexistent. Permanently plugged in to a charger.


Play The Sims Bustin' Out

Recommend me ps1 platformers

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Croc 2

I updated my Vita so I'm fucked

Wait the vita doesn't have hardware L2/R2 buttons?
Why even reccomend this for emulation?

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>No oled switch
>Plastic instead of glass
God damn it, the only thing I like bout the vita

It does?


FF6 runs on the SNES emulator, but with audio glitches. Just play the PS1 version.

Only a handful of PS1 games need it, and even then you can map them to the right stick.

L2/R2 and L3/R3 are mapped to the touchpad. Plus it supports DS3 and DS4 controllers.

This, Klonoa is fantastic and pretty short and well paced, ignore the fuck out of the fanbase though

I'd rather not have permanent burn-in on my screen thanks.

Is minecraft vita in the same version as the others

Doesn't this run like ass? I tried the GBA emulator and the music gets glitched quite often when screens change


I did and I have fucking nothing to play on it. I thought it would be a good SNES emulator but apparently it's shit at that too and the 3DS is better for it.

Id be surprised psp ran gba gbc perfectly
And snes was ok

I am tomba the mighty

>Want to hack my Vita
>Absolutely refuse to spend more money on a bigger memory card
Honestly fuck Sony for that bullshit.

I don't like any of that shit, but what macintosh did to the plunderphonics scene was undeniable.
It's still shit though.


What the fuck did you do your Vita, user

it's very safe also

>hack your vita so you can play nintendo games you could easily emulate as well on a 3DS and also get a better library of games on top of that

Very nice. I've got an early switch but I don't want to hack it until I'm sure I won't get b&

>Nintendo Games
More like PS1, PSP, and SEGA. And even then, it's only a few SNES and GBA games that don't run perfectly on the Vita.

OP's emulating a pokemon game while also telling me me to hack the vita which implies that is the reason why i need to hack the hypothetical vita he thinks i actually own

The fact that OP assumes you already have a Vita didn't give you the idea that this thread might not be aimed at you?

youre not doing a good job on selling me the vita idea user

It takes 5 minutes
10 minutes to downgrade
and 7 to enso it (permanent hack)
Based retard

I feel a deep sadness looking at this picture.

If you don't like the Vita's library in the first place, hacking it isn't going to suddenly make it a must buy. Get a chinkshit handheld if 2d Nintendo is all you care about.

Leave it to a namefag to shill for Nintendo's shit system for emulation. If you want good emulation get a PC, if you want good pocket fit portablilty, a PSP or Vita is a much better option then the Switch. Not to mention the Vita has a much better D-Pad then the Joycon controllers.

That's because the wrong squid is in focus.

the thing is, if you dont already own a vita you probably shouldnt get one
requirements for enjoying a vita:
liking weebgames
otherwise you're gonna have a bad time

Can't we just get along?

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Now I know I didn't see DQ builders in that trash game folder. tell me user, what made you hate it?

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how is the input lag between the vita and the controller when using a DS3/4?

Not portable, already said it's the best choice earlier.
Old and shit at emulation
Also old and very shitty at emulation, only benefit is being able to play PSP mode emulators (Which I already said are shit)
-> >Portability
This is the only valid argument you stated.

Not even gonna mention that the Vita has NO GAMES, and any "good" ones (jrpgs mostly, bleh) are being ported to the Switch, or already have been. Bigger screen, MUCH better emulation (Can even emulate PSP games LOL), and is right in the middle of its prime for game releases. Vita has shit little baby joysticks, too.

If you use the new VitaTV plugin that uses official drivers, no more than a regular console.

I play this game once, and now my enso 3.60 vita keeps asking for a firmware update :(

Update Henkaku and change the version spoof according

Just go to a pawn shop

>Update Henkaku and change the version spoof according
It's spoofing 3.70, I need to update henkaku then? How? :(

Nope, gotta shitpost Vita since it didn't get shitposted enough throughout the generation.

Install ref00d.

3.69 is the spoof number you want. Might be possible with your current version.

So, 3.69 instead of 3.70???

It's already installed :(

I did. It's the ultimate retro handheld. 3ds is great for original games but vita hands down is the retro handheld king

I considered selling the Vita for some android shit back in '14 because I wanted portable PS2 emulation. I'm really glad I didn't. Instead I bought an Nvidia Shield without trading anything and I was stuck with two terrible handhelds. At least Henkaku breathed new life into my vita; meanwhile the Shield got fucked to death by a bad firmware update.
PS1 emulation is comfy as hell especially with the L2R2 grip. The HD collections aren't perfect but they're good enough. Remote Play runs surprisingly well but Moonlight gives me latency issues from time to time.

I'll hack my Switch once we get Gamecube emulation. Moonlight refuses to run Dolphin or PCSX2 so if we never ever get it I guess it'll just be an Okami emulator.

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if i hack it and play vita games, can i earn trophies safely on my main account?


Yes. No games require 3.7, going over 3.69 might be causing issues.

Yeah yeah, "literally takes less than a minute" yada yada, like someone from the outside can tell
but if it really is that uncomplicated I'll read myself into it. I hacked my 3ds twice and it took an entire day each time until everything actually worked properly

i don't know - it felt clunky and a bit too expository (+not a fan of anime in vidya as the style is too distracting from the main course, which is the gameplay). Maybe i'll come back to it.

limited map - the rest, including aquatic update, is there (the updates cause fps to dip dramatically at times, which is why one region is on the system kept at 1.00 and another is a fully updated one.

already did

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That better be P3FES because P3P is fucking shit

Thoughts on my new thumbgrips?

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Should have spent that money on am r2/l2 grip


Can you play FES on vita somehow?

They were only like £2 so nothing lost

Thanks! uwu

What's the best l2/r2 grip for the 2000?

nah p3p is better for the experience

You can using moonlight. If you can't play FES as your first playthrough don't bother with p3p

If you're a fucking retard sure

well you have to be retarded to choose "i can only play as the protag" the game, without any of the qualities of life from P4. FES is a fucking slog for fanboy faggots

You can use PS3 streaming too, though that requires a hacked fat PS3.

You're legit a fucking idiot if you can't figure out the tactics menu, Also guess what retard? There's a mod to add full party control for brainlets like you

>Pokémon rom hacks

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Well yeah, I suppose the PS2 version would take longer to get through when it's not missing most of the game.

>vita library

Damn nigga, dats a good joke!

no. you're a fucking braindead moron if you think element breakers and marin karin from your teammates for no reason is endearing. i already know about the mod, still shit.

>hur muh cutscenes i can watch on youtube and walkin around with garbage ass controls

>more content bad, old good
fesfags, ladies and gentleman

so if i hack my vita i can play P4G on my tv?

You can play it on your TV through your pc, unless you have a TV that supports USB webcams.

any chill theme do you recommend?

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>tfw i already use my tv as a monitor for my pc
how's the lag on something like that though?

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I already hacked it and I love it. I hacked my 3ds last year and I haven’t event touched it to be honest. 3ds only seems good for actual 3ds games since gba games look better on the vita.

>there are '''''people''''' on vitagen who prefer to get tucked in the ass by sonys propiratary memory cards instead of getting a adapter and a cheap sd card

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The Off The Hook theme is pretty chill.
Depends on the software you use. Potplayer is quick enough to easily play rhythm games with.

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this, the 3ds library is pretty great but man I cant stand staring at the screen

Literally no reason, as Sony don't ban people for using hacked Vitas on the store. They're just wasting money on failure prone cards and locking themselves out of neat homebrew features. No overclocking, no resolution boosts, no video out, no controllers, no anti aliasing in psp/ps1 games, etc.

I’m using this one also, it’s super nice

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>not making your own comfy themes
Lmao. It’s not that hard but it takes longer than it should.

>Marin Karin


P3P objectively has less content

I made a few PSP themes for myself way back when. But they were shit and I can't be bothered with that kind of thing now.

Namefags and Tripfags do not have valid opinions. Eat shit, you fucking pleb.

Why you put a PS Vita Slim screen protector on a PS Vita fat

Wait, does it HAVE to be a fat PS3 only to stream PS3 games to the PS Vita? I remember seeing a hack a few years back that some people were able to stream Red Dead Redemption 1 to it. Would be sick as fuck.

Fuck off shill faggot. The Switch is unironically shit for portable emulation. Not to mention your argument for "hurr Vita games coming to switch" means jack shit given that a lot of the games people do recommend on the Vita aren't actually coming to switch at all.
Let's look at the prices for both of them, shall we? PS Vita used you can find easily for 100 or less quite often, the Switch is a 300 dollar system new, not adding in the price of a D-Pad that isn't complete trash, and finding it used will only get you about 50-75 dollars off full price unless you get really lucky.
Then we get to the only reason anyone would bother with emulation on either Vita or Switch over just using a fucking budget PC with an okay CPU and GPU, portable emulation. The Vita is lighter and easier to carry around and has plenty of emulation options, making it ideal for portable emulation, where as the Switch is bigger, heavier, and just generally cumbersome for the use of portable emulation.

A what?

Is there a way to use SD2Vita and game cartridges? I still have a stack of them I haven't finished yet, and I don't want to lock myself out of them.

i bought a 64gb card back in the day so i just take out the sd2vita and put the game in, you could download the save manager, back up your saves, download the correct region games and put your saves on them

Well P3FES a PS2 game so yeah. It doesn't have to be a fat PS3 to stream PS3 games though, and all hacking it does it adds every game onto Sony's streaming whitelist.
If you're using H-encore it should be pretty easy to swap between the two, as the hack isn't permanent.

So you mean if i bought a vita, hacked it, and set up something with my slim PS3 that PS3HEN on it, could it work? PS3HEN can run homebrew and what not.

Sure. I wouldn't recommend a Vita just for PS3 streaming, but it'd work.

Use sd2vita and then download and install the games to a 256gb microSD

The one I bought said it was a 1000 screen protector but I guess not, still protects all the same

>be me
>live in a big city
>find a used one hackable for like brand new price
>feel like I made a deal
>go back to my parents who live in a rural town
>every store have hackable units

just go in smaller town to find a new one, user

yh i have, although i'm still running low on space

It just adds to one of the reasons why i am gonna get one this summer, it looks comfy as fuck, i love the aesthetics and feel of the Vita, and the fact you can play PSP games with DUAL ANALOG sticks along with PS1 games and i think some vita titles and indies look cool. Thanks for letting me know.

Can't afford that.
Yeah, that's what I'm using. I was just wondering how it'll handle the database when being switched around.

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There are plenty of indie games ported (Super meat boy, shovel knight, rogue legacy) that are infinitely better than anything worth emulating.

Furthermore you can use Moonlight to stream your PC games. I've been playing Dragon Quest XI on my vita which works well because it's turn-based so the latency isn't a problem

I would if I knew which one to buy? I haven't bought anything Sony since the PS2 so I'm clueless as to which version to get.

FES haters are fucking retarded. Only being able to directly control the protagonist is a DESIGN CHOICE to enhance the game's themes. The other party members are not just dicksuckers who do everything you tell them to, they are individuals with their own agendas. This is shown in the story, as well as the gameplay. If you want cookie cutter games that never try to break the mold in fear of alienating some audience, go ahead and play P3P, but it's your own experience you're harming.

Here's a bit from an interview with Hashino and Soejima

Hashino: There are a lot of RPGs out there where you can control every aspect of your party members, including what kind of underwear they are wearing… but because we wanted the player to relate to the Hero more than any other character in “Persona 3”, we wanted the other characters to feel like “other people”.

S: It was important to make that distinction. It helped to emphasize the concept of Social Links, and it also allowed us to show off the improved AI. It would have been extra cool if the party members had been completely free of player control, but we knew that would be pushing it a bit too far, so we gave the player control over their equipment at least.

H: It’s true that we got some feedback stating that the party system was “too difficult” to control effectively, but I’ll honestly say that I don’t regret doing what we did with it. I’m glad we stuck to our guns on that one.

Functionally they are both the same
Model 1000 is bulkier but has a nicer screen
2000 is smaller but a worse screen

Personally I feel like the 1000 build quality is preferable


Does the vita have decent battery life?
Are you still stuck with sony's retarded memsticks?
Is any firmware hack able?

You're welcome user. This one is just for you.

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FES autism, just ignore

There is this one turbosperg in vitagen who will start a whole monologue if you ask for sd2vita because the 64gb memory has a higher failure rate than the smaller ones. The ones doing that are not reasonable and no one should defend a dogshit business practice of asking 90 something bucks for 64gb that is faulty from the factory
>this is your mind on nincel trash
Meanwhile with a vita you can play botw while dabbing on switchoids

Let me sum it up. P3FES is like P4Golden or P5R. The original game, with enough new stuff to justify a rerelease. P3P is more like a New Game Plus, a new take on the game for people who have played it before. It has a whole new take on the story rather than some extras, but it also takes away a lot of stuff from the original that it assumes you've already done.

If you don't want to talk about video games get the fuck off this board

I wish I had CEX

>The Switch is unironically shit for portable emulation.
>It costs too much!
Imagine being poor, lmao!
>Blah blah muh more portable, blah blah muh weeb games
The only things vita cucks can COPE with

>Meanwhile with a vita you can play botw while dabbing on switchoids
*With an ultra powerful gaymen PC streaming to it
Switch plays it natively btw.

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I could store all the games I care about on a 32GB memory card. Although if SD2Vitas were a thing before I bought the memcard I would've just bought one of those instead.

I did. How do I install games now?

Do any of the gba emulators work natively on the vita or do I gotta load them via PSP mode?

You could try using RetroArch but you're better off just using gbpsp.

Damn Roosevelt

From what i’ve been told Gbspkai (runs off of adrenaline) is the best method of Gba emulation. just install the bubble with adrenaline bubble manager onto your livearea and you’re set

>The actual game developers stating why and how the game works is autism

P3Pfags are literally retarded