I fucked up my exams, Yea Forums.
Give me a good fucking video game to forget.
I fucked up my exams, Yea Forums
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just retake them?
Too lazy to prepare for it or are you retarded?
At least you took your exams.
I dropped out.
stop being such a lazy ass and grow some balls, in other words study you dumb zoomer now check this 5
russian roulette
lol dumb boomer
I was having sex.
I got straight As
Sucks to be you, OP
go back and do it again
Brain Age
surgery shelf exam in 15 mins
wish me luck bros
For a whole month, consecutively, without breaks? If you have time to fuck then you have time to study.
Maybe too many video games is WHY you failed your exams
I play some etrian odyssey if I ever fuck up an exam
its comfy
>implying anyone here plays video games
Good luck user.
literally me, but before I fail the exam also
Lol dumb zoomer
you have more guts than I do
>always started learning for exams only 1-2 days beforehand
>still succeed
School is easy
Repeat with renewed reason and focus. You'll build character and mature considerably.
They're already fucked, you can't fuck them up more by playing more video games.
Don't play videogames, sit your ass down and study.
Got one in 2 weeks and one to re-take in 2 months, can't let that precious time be bogged up by games.
Good luck, now get the fuck off Yea Forums and try to not fuck it up.
>going to have the biggest exam of my life tomorrow
What're some games to help me relax? Legit asking, I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack any moment.
No shit, it's just a big daycare.
>t. high schooler
Have sex
I'm getting my ass kicked by patho, pathophysio and pharma right now, good luck user.
Breathing exercises legit did wonders for me. Four seconds in, four seconds out, four seconds hold. Calms the heart.
>thinking opinions on exams matter
anonymous agony
Some puzzle games.
Alcohol always worked for me
perioperative mgmt bro. there's more medicine in that test than surgery
>have a 50 pages thesis due monday
>haven't even started
oh well NEETdom can't be that bad
Welcome to the club
It's cool for the first three months and then the thoughts of failure start seeping in.
grindy but quick games are good since they're low investment but keeps your mind from thinking too much, stuff like shmups, outrun or most arcade style games
>200 word essay due in a month and haven't started
im f*cked bros
Why do stemfags do this?
don't worry user, I did 100 pages in 3 days for mine you can do it
Alright if we all contribute one word at a time I'm sure we can make it bros
I'll start:
>20 word essay due in 6 years
I'm not even born yet and my future is fucked
P5 will get your mind off your exams
Just got a 75% from my DNA repair exam.
Games for this amazing feel?
good luck cunt
good luck
play some doom and fuck up them demons
>100 word essay due before midnight
Help me out Yea Forumsros
Spore, so you can see what happens when you fail the test
here u go bro
just change some words here and there so they don't know u copied it from me
I almost got kicked out of grad school because of a single asshole professor who decided to fuck me over. Luckily I appealed and the board was completely on my side but still it's bullshit how the stupidest thing can ruin you. If I did actually get kicked out I would have given up on life and gone full NEET.
Write about your penus wenus
Play Horatio in Endless Space 2
Splice 'em up
>pass an exam
>get the feeling that if I were to try it again I'd fail cause I don't even remember half the shit
It's fine. I failed a year of university, took a year off and then went back and finished it off. I probably wouldn't have as good job as I did if that hadn't happened.
No employer seems to ask what your overall score on your degree was anyway.
fallout 2 with 3 intelligence
literally me, I don't even remember anything from last semester. but hey I passed so I dont care enough
I hope you'll fail
>pass all finals with the least amount of points required
I am 100% efficient as a human being. Spent not an ounce of effort more than what was necessary.
finished nu-doom quite recently, probably gonna wait until eternal is out
kek, i actually had a weird craving for spore recently, might do that
4X games feel too detached for me, could never get into them or grand strategy. The closest game I ever had fun with was TWW, and I've tried several.
Do they get fun after you learn them or is this an insufficient autism issue?
Most of my core classes were useless. They were either recaps of stuff I knew, completely unrelated to my major, or both. I’m so glad I finished with those, actually learning stuff I want has changed my attitude/motivation for the better. I’ve never enjoyed working this hard in a while.
Thanks fellas, I’m gonna go to McDonald’s night tonight after class. Who wants in?
There's a surprising number of med/bio people here
I prefer KFC
I have two degrees. One in Biology and one in Business. Holy shit Business is so easy. Its true brainlet tier. I never showed up for class ever and only studied for my exams the day beforehand and never got below 80% in anything. But for my biology degree I spent fuck loads of time studying and never missed class and still got shit grades.
If you're nice to your professors they'll almost always find a way to bullshit a few more points to get you that pass if you actually should have barely failed
Yeah, there are.
I have a degree in Biomedical Science and work for Pfizer. Ask me anything.
I always find the classes where you deal with lots of numbers easier, I just cant remember shit in theory and concepts
I already have a journalism degree and am now doing computer science. I'm a walking meme
Doing pretty good at university but actually really regret my career path, what the fuck do I even do now
I did 50 page thesis in one night you can do it too
lmao, i'm got a biomed graduate
currently getting a phd in genetics
see above
Business Information Systems. I regret not just doing Software Development.
College in general boils down to the professor you have. This goes double for most Graduate programs too. It's why you should always try to find out as much as you can about what professor is teaching the class you need.
I failed out of uni for Electrical Engineering Tech then joined the navy to do cyber security and now I make 90k without a degree and I’m debt free lmao
How's Fortnite going, lil' zoom zoom?
Just fucking study. Remember mix caffeine with water, it enhances the effect. Two glasses of water for every cup of coffee. Now get back to work.
What does cyber security even entail? Do you need to be some super smart autist to do it? This is me
l e a r n t o c o d e
damn that's cool, i've always dreamt of working for an intelligence agency or sth
Reminder that college is e a s y and if you can’t hack it through at least a bachelor’s degree you’ll never hold down a good job or much less build a career
I did a boichem degree and now work as a product manager. It's pretty easy to bullshit about transferable skills when you have a degree business people don't understand.
>won't be able to finish med uni before 28 due to failed exams
Should I just neck myself now to spare myself the shame
Thank god Iran and China dont have missiles that can easily sink your ships. Oh wait...
i'm a*
fucked up the sentence
My brother waited to long to choose a major so my mom made him get a business degree. It seemed like a copout and he spent a lot of time trying to get a job related things he actually enjoys like sports. It really changed what classes I took, made me think ahead and pick something specific to what I want to do. It feels good being second son. Not to knock business degrees, I’m sure you were deliberate but many others just default to it.
They are fun after you learn them, the UI is pretty good in Endless Space 2 and I suggested Horatio because that Civilization consists of clones of one person that loves himself too much. You can then (once you acquire a high enough number of a different species) splice up other species and add their genes to your gene pool, gaining their ability but killing them in the process.
Me = I find Business people are so stupid compared to science people. You can say any dumb shit and they believe you.
The whole learn to code thing exploded like 2 months after I enrolled it was fucking surreal I tell you what
I became the president's son and get an allowance of a million dollars per year without lifting a finger, how about that?
does that mean I should just end it all now instead of prolonging my suffering
Business degrees are a meme. That said if you actually get one and don't mind lower living standards you can go to some developing country and get a job there that allows for a comfortable living.
>tfw have pathology and phisiopathology exams in 10 days
I know your pain, bro
I only did the business degree to combine it with my biology degree. My company paid for it. Business degrees are truly for brainlets though.
I start med school in a month and there is nothing to play. What did I do to deserve this?
Should I actually learn to code? I'm pretty much free this summer. How hard is it?
Cyber security is piss easy because there’s standard security practices that are followed from major antivirus companies. Just update your shit and reformat anything with a virus, then sit around 6 hours a day dabbing on wagies
I worked with the NSA for 5 years and it was pretty cool to see the stuff behind world events
Cyber niggas don’t go on boats lmao
Can I be you boipucci?
PLEASE tell me about cyber security, that’s been my plan for years. I know you slipped in with no degree but what would you think would be the most useful majors/classes to learn the skills? I haven’t met anyone with the job yet (which is part of why I want it)
What do you even do with a business degree?
>Can I be you boipucci?
Bend over, cyber-security bitch boy.
>tfw lower 2nd class bachelors in chemistry
Should I just neck myself at this point? No one is gonna want to hire my dumb ass, especially with no work experience
>people still fall for the University degree jew
>people still believe that if you want to be succesful in life you need a degree
Got Pharma/Patho/Pathophys 2 in 17 days and in 1 1/2 months Pha/Pa/PPH 1 because I fucked up the first time.
We'll get through this user.
You can start by getting entry level certs from CompTIA and work a helpdesk, then build your way up. I get ez modo since I’m a vet and have had years of hands on experience along with moderate level certs. You can do it, it’s only hard if you don’t study
I just want to sleep and game all day but these stupid exams get in the way
You need to do masters in something more specialised really. Like accounting or finance or something.
>Failed my exam
>Have to retake in 5 days
>Been studying for 11 hours
>Still have 4 more chapters
>Still not done with current chapter
Send me to bed Yea Forums
man I dont even care I just want to play video games and not die
Nobody will ask, just don't put your degree score on your CV.
get another degree, maybe try for a masters or phd
other than that it's gonna be hard
Go to sleep user. Glancing over shit while you're tired is worse than doing nothing at all.
>a Yea Forumsirgin will perform surgery on you in your lifetime
Feels weird man
Hush now user, wank yourself to sleep