Remind me how can ANYONE be excited for a new Dragon Age after this fiasco? It's going to be fucking trash.
Remind me how can ANYONE be excited for a new Dragon Age after this fiasco? It's going to be fucking trash
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I'm more upset they cancled the first incarnation of DA4. I've been excited to go to Tivinter since the end of DAI
incel alex jones
Based Jeremy
Who is this incel? Who cares about Dragon Age after Origin? Why do you act exactly like the twitter trannies and look for shit to cry about?
Reminder: this faggot is such a beta he's suing someone because he got punched in the face
is this the guy who humiliated that mister metacritic guy and made him say he swims in his own shit and is proud of it lmao
>lefty memes
This pretty much applies to everything he covers
Why does he even do gaming news? Faggot knows nothing about games and mostly talks about political shit
>wanting to associate yourself with that cancerous community after being a victim of one of their pathetic which hunts (and they have them all the time, pic related) is honestly beneath him. I'm glad he moved on.
e-celebs are not video games
No he's gone guy who got punched in the face and is such a pussy he's suing the guy who punched him
They can put all the politics they want into their game if THEY JUST MADE IT GOOD. But its going to be the same garbage as 3
The left really can't meme
reminder it's discord trannies who are pushing this "incel" campaign because they want you to be as degenerate and deranged as they are.
Saved and will repost
>They can put all the politics they want
>if you don't let someone who assaulted you roam free, you're a pussy
What is this zoomer logic?
>not being a virgin is now degenerate
At least /pol/tards are getting consistent now.
Better consistently pathetic than incredibly pathetic with doublethink and denial.
What are fucking Lie . MK11 is 100% desexualized and DoA6 still have no bikinis no zack island and only 1 Lewd costume not to mention what they did to the girls . Kill yourself user.
Who gives a shit I haven’t bought a bioware game since the garbage fire that was DA2
That's right, there's a secret cabal full of transgender people conspiring to manipulate your mind. Unironically have sex.
/incel/ - internet celebrities when
cope harder
>people that grew on alr+ctrl+del comics are now trying to make memes
It's a topic related to videogames, calm your tits. So is Keanu Reeves being in CP videogames?
>Why does he even do gaming news? Faggot knows nothing about games and mostly talks about political shit
I haven't bought a Bioware game since DA2 and not a EA game since BF3
>n-no w-we're not raiding you a-at all
dilate and join the 40%
Fuck off hamburger helper nobody gives a shit about your gay opinions.
Horseshoe theory
man nu/v/ sure gets miffed whenever this guy's mentioned doesn't it, almost like they disagree with him not wanting politics in vidya
Based reactionary jewing youtube clicks.
>words + i am silly
>muh /pol/ bogayman
stop shilling your useless channel, fucking tranny punchingbag lol
But he's fixing the industry problems and fights against politics in gaming. More than you ever did.
it's automatically shit, you don't need contrived reasons to know it will be subpar shit. the anthem team sat around for YEARS jacking off and making a cinematic trailer before actually doing any work. The entirety of EA is overpaid, overstaffed and under worked. They produce garbage because there is no incentive to do anything, not even the bare minimum anymore.
That's right.
I want cheeto man parodies, BLM manifestations, equal number of women and men in games, everyone being bisexual, single-payer healthcare, open borders, strong characters of all skin colors and a strict ban on sexualization of minors.
You mad? I bet you mad.
serious question, has the slang for woke changed? It use to be when you were knowledgeable about some non-pc things like crime statistics and bashing forced diversity inclusion. Yet when I think of Dragon Age I think of them doing the exact opposite. I seriously want to know because I have been seeing this word buzz all over much more frequently on Yea Forums and other boards.
you are right but normalfags are braindead and outnumber sane people to the point where voting with your wallet has a negligible effect
Nah, fuck off. Everyone and their mother knew DA4 was fucked. It's a modern Bioware game AND a Dragon Age game, both bad signs.
I want trannyncels out of this board
user you're being a little too obvious but i'm going to give you a (you) anyway so have a nice day
that's right, show them who's boss by not having sex.
Wait, do people watch this fat retard? Isn't this the sperg that freaked out because they put alternate pronouns on Magic cards?
>implying putting fake fairytale gender pronouns in anything isn't absolute cancer
It's the most inoffensive thing in the world and he had a gigantic, multi-video meltdown over it. If he wants things that align with his politics, why doesn't he just go and make his own card game? :)
>It's the most inoffensive thing in the world
it really isn't though it's dumb bullshit that shouldn't be anywhere and is just there because of politics
but yeah he's definitely a grifter
Ok, I can read Team Ninja, but what's the other one?
When did "woke" because a sjw term and not just a ironic way to make fun of conspiracy theorists?
>a strict ban on sexualization of minors
Youve gone too far leftypol
During BLM.
>it really isn't though
It's a single word that most people wouldn't notice buried in the middle of flavor text.
>and is just there because of politics
This isn't a bad thing.
>Fake fairytale pronouns
>In a fucking fairytale card game
Please just kill yourself, who the fuck even plays card games
Fuck that 10 minute stretched noise.
Do they have to steal and ruin EVERYTHING?
>get punched
>realworld politically informed pronouns
>in universe fantasy lore
they're not the same you oozing faggot actually kill yourself
>posting the cringering
Why do you want them to have sex so bad?
why? what a boring thing to care about
I don't give a fuck about politics nor do i let it sop me from having fun.
It's gonna be trash because it's nu-bioware
This i thought about getting back in but i'll pass and just collect for lulz.
Why do mods allow these fucking threads? Didn't they say eceleb shit has to go to Yea Forums?
>incel means virgin
You could ask the same question for most """gaming"""" channels. Making a video about actual politics requires more effort than to simply talk about pseudo-political crap in a video game context. Video games are also popular, so your shit videos are seen by more people.
The funny thing is black people demand they invented it
Imagine caring about pieces of cardboard this much
I keep seeing this ewok shilled here time after time
Being excellent to people, including women, browns and homos, isn't "politics". It's just being a decent human being.
Because the jannies are newfag redditors and have no idea whats going on besides the primary directive of deleting cunny
>people, including women
Should I tell xem?
Imagine letting words get in the way of having fun
Cringe and redpilled
Yea Forums cant think straight for 2 minutes.
quarter pounder with sleaze
So, keep your head down, be a good little drone that spouts any politically correct message that media want you to spout, don't think for yourself, otherwise you can be no longer considered a decent human for any reason - and then it's downward spiral from there. And they will find a reason to bring you down eventually. Identity politics comes from a dark place.
Ummm being nice to women, blacks and gays is destructive to our way of life.
Now if you don't mind I gotta go discuss the jewish question and ways to incite racial hatred.
I don't know if I should be excellent to non excellent people.
Fuck off Quarterilard
That's a shitpost image from reddits anti-gaming sub
If you aren't, then you can't expect anyone to be excellent to you, ever.