Just finished it last night cant believe how great it was

Just finished it last night cant believe how great it was
got the in the water ending played on normal difficulty
should i play sh3 too?

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The first 3 are all good games. Its when you get to 4 that the quality dips.

I like 4 enough but it's the textbook definition of "want to Replay remember that part".

Play 4 too, its great despite some flaws. Has some of the best moments in the series.

play 1 before you play 3 you animal zoomer, and you better pay attention or so help me god

2 is peak
3 is good, play hard puzzles
1 is dated
4 is weak
no one played the wii version.

i played 1 already dont worry i wouldnt just play the sequel to a game without playing the first iam too autistic about that

It isnt a "version" it is a brand new game.

It's ok. The PS2 and PSP ports suck though.

Well considering 3 is the best in the series, then you should definitely go ahead.

Unpopular opinion: even if In Water is canon, I actually think Leave is more thematically appropriate

The game at several points highlights a Rule of Three style symbolism; in the broadest sense, there are THREE killers in Silent Hill, each experiencing their own separate version of Silent Hill which in turn leads to THREE different conclusions for all of them. For Eddie, he initially denies any wrongdoing for his crimes by saying he wasn't responsible, but overtime feels he didn't do anything wrong because the people he killed "deserved it." He notes that he has killed, and he will kill again, feeling morally right to do so (Maria Ending). Angela doesn't admit to killing anyone, but doesn't deny anything either. She did kill her father, even though he had broken the parent-child trust and raped her. Even so, despite most people thinking killing such a man would be justified, Angela is unable to justify it to yourself, even thinking she was responsible for her father raping her in the first place. By placing all the blame on herself, she cannot live with what she's done, and willing walks into the flame (In Water Ending). By process of elimination, James is supposed to reveal the third choice; admit what you did, take the blame for it, but know that this is never the end, and that by respecting the wishes of those we've lost, we may hope to start on a path of self-redemption and betterment (Leave Ending).
To put it short, In Water fags are too hung up on the "It's dreary and therefore more 'appropriate'" angle than the actual idea that literally anyone could take anything from their experience in the town to arrive at wildly different conclusions

How is 3 better than 2? Its a good game but its just not as polished as 2

Actually curious about this with the PS2 version, what about the port makes it worse besides not using motion controls for the flashlight?
Been looking around actually for the PS2 versions to that and Origins, but no luck locally

i like the rebirth ending the most

i dont believe eddie killed anyone besides that dog

>should i play sh3 too?
Obviously. All the Team-Silent games are golden.

However, you really, REALLY need to play SH1 before even considering SH3.

This is all wrong. SH1 is the peak and not dated at all.

>How is 3 better than 2?
Better visuals
better controls
actually scary and somewhat challenging.

SH2 has neat themes and mood, but it fails as a horror game.

There seems to be two minds of this; I've heard some people say that 3 is more like a traditional survival horror game while 2 lacks in that department.
To be fair on that note, all the monsters in 2 (with the exception of Pyramid Head and Abstract Daddies) were programmed to be not as aggressive as the enemies in SH1, which was more to fit a thematic point, whereas 3 returns the aggressive monsters. This is what I would call a "technical preference" in that this argument is technically true, it's weight however depends on how much something like this means to you.
I've seen the argument that SH3 is visually better than 2--now, obviously 2 was made before 3 so it wont look as good, BUT to be fair SH3 is stunning for a game of its time. I would argue you could look at that game today and still be impressed by what they were able to do with that technology.
Very rarely, I've seen people argue they prefer the story to 3--I have to think they really mean they prefer the acting in 3, because while the acting is overall pretty good (minus some exceptions, like the Leonard fight) the actual story is barely anything of note. Arguably 3's biggest weakness (next to the fact it peaks at Leonard and falters in pacing immediately after) is its story, and how kind of "meh" it is given the material they had (arguably, they should've gone even MORE supernatural and occultic, visit the scenes of God's creation rather than read up about it)

playing 1 right now, just got to the school and really having a hard time getting into it

will it pick up soon? I have no problem with puzzle horror games but finding the keys (basketball court with no indication it's an area you can enter) really drained me of patience/attention span, took me 2 hours just running around...

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come on dude even as a 8 year old it didnt take me that long to get to the school part without a guide

>took me 2 hours just running around...
What the hell is wrong with you?

For what it's worth, I actually think Rebirth is the actual "canon" ending--true, the In Water ending would definitively mean that no one would hear
from James again (as mentioned in SH4) but realistically we could assume a similar situation happens in the Rebirth ending; much like Walter's ritual essentially helping to aid the power of the town and provide a surrogate host, the implications of the Rebirth
ending could suggest a similar design; a ritual meant to provide the town more power and another host while making the enacter of said ritual believe it's to their benefit
Before entering Silent Hill? Possibly. However, all the corpses in the rooms you find Eddie in are people that he has killed in the town (a reminder that with the exception of James, Eddie, and Angela, Silent Hill is a normal town for literally everyone else)

Sorry, meant to reply to you for the second point

yeah but all those people eddie killed werent real james was the first real human he wanted to kill in his head he probably saw people everywhere that called him names and couldnt take it anymore thats why he stayed in the hotel and ate pizza untill he just became angry and started killing them
he just killed people in his head untill he met james

explain how you immediately b-lined for the basketball court hidden behind nondescript fence for the keys

most streets are blocked
also i believe there is a note that tells you where to look for the key

maybe it's just being a wagecuck but I dont have 2 hours to spend mindlessly wandering, i'll keep playing but hope the rest of the game isn't just needle in a haystack bs

i mean if you really have trouble just look up a guide atleast on the outside parts but it kinda takes away from exploring the game for yourself

>get molested by monsters
>have to reload to doghouse or something

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if you are outside its best to simply avoid fighting monsters and just run away from them

>harry turns like a passenger ship

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press L1 + L2 to do a turn

could perhaps not work but it does work in sl2

Nah, you're just another ADHD faggot, who sucks at easy and very guiding. older games more than a certain non-English speaking 10-year old of the 1999.

I wish the side characters were more interesting.



they are already very interesting you just dont see them much but that makes them more interesting in my opinion also wouldnt be a real horror game if you constantly had someone running around with you

1 is just fine
Emulated it last year and it doesn't control any worse than SH2. The atmosphere is still great and arguably the best in the series.

L1 + R1*

I know how to turn AROUND, he still can't bank and cut around enemies, so you always get caught in the corridors in the school when they LURCH out at you

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HOOOLy fuck man I'm getting FUCKED up trying to get this piano to open by the locker room, i tried to run and got stuck on the stupid geometry/bench and got my legs ripped by demons

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genuinly believe iam just getting baited now

fuck Im playing this like resident evil, so you have to kill everything indoors?

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>should i play sh3 too?


i usually do that with meele weapons since monsters indoors can just run in front of you
come on man the monsters in the school arent even that strong

You can EASILY skip like 90% of ALL combat in Silent Hill games, simply by turning OFF the flashlight and moving quietly.
...or by legging it like a madman. Depends on the situation.

But yeah, in general, light and noise matter a lot in SH.

>should I play SH4?
wow, literally this.

i was fine with killing monsters indoors and running away from them outdoors

ive been sprintign everywhere full clip with the flashlight on

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Well congrats, you've made yourself into one big, bright and noisy target for the whole town to home-in towards.

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Avoiding enemies is pretty easy in any condidtion, you just get it easier if you react in certain manners, like walking slow for sh2 mannequins or turning the radio off all the time in sh3

should I turn off the radio for sh1?

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Silent Hill 2 isn't a horror game, you just blast everyone with the shotgun as soon as you pick it up
There's sooooooo much ammo in the game it's crazy