Am I the only one here who doesn't like playing as a girl?

Am I the only one here who doesn't like playing as a girl?

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While I dont dislike it unless theres some agenda or its yurishit I do prefer to play as a dude


*door opens, gas pours out*
You are now entering a reverse psychology tranny shill thread, beware bros.
*door closes behind you*

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Yea Forums is a gay board, so of course most people here prefer playing as girls.

I'm a girl in real life so when I play vidya I usually play as a guy to mix it up

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nope i never played as female protagonist in my life

based white boi

>mists of pandaria
oh no.... oh nooNononlkno HAHAHAHA

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post bulge

You're not alone mate.
I'm a man and I always play as a male character.
I don't know why I just felt that most of the time it fit the story more.

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I switch from male to female mostly on whim, for example, I just started a Prey run with a female MC, but I just picked her because I liked her better than the male model
I choose the one that's a best fit for the setting / game

same but back then i didn't mind it at all.
i wonder what went wrong?

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>laughing about the best wow expansion

dont tell me you got plebfiltered by the kung fu panda memes


First and "real" playthroughs are always with male characters
Second playthrough may be a female character just to see what might be different
That is not to say I don't have mild gender dysphoria, I wouldn't mind being a girl at all, but I'm not retarded enough to think that could be a reality or that it's worth sacrificing my penis for

I never play games with female MC only.

Implication being that Yea Forums is full of girls, of course.

homosexuals do not want to be the other sex.

Did she imply otherwise?

But trannies do

So you don't like dick Op?? What are ya gay?

god i love making lolis on dragon's dogma even if they're not really lolis just really short women

No. i think you're a sissy faggot if you do.