It's okay to brainwash kids with same sex attraction and gender modification agenda because it's a dystopian game

>it's okay to brainwash kids with same sex attraction and gender modification agenda because it's a dystopian game

Guess that makes it all good, right guys??

Attached: images (63).jpg (285x200, 13K)

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Kids are shitheads who gives a fuck

Shut up and put your pee pee in my butt!

>you should never show anything bad
The Church made a very vivid depiction of Hell to make people scared of it and it worked pretty well.

It’s a moral duty to put socially progressive ideas into games for the betterment of society on a whole.

Anyone stupid enough to let their kids play Cyberpunk 2077 probably shouldn't have reproduced to begin with, so it's not like their children were going to accomplish anything anyway.

isn't it 18+?

user, I know this post is ironic, but do you ever think that falseflagging and saying idiotic stuff all day might actually have implications in the real world?
I noticed often that whatever some of you idiots says it can become an article few days later, that more and more people buy games not catered to the original fans.
Just food for thoughts.

this game isnt for kids you fucking retard

Kids shouldn't play those kinds of games anyway.
Parents should stop being shit and actually be parents.

Kids play 18+ games all the time tho

It's not their problem America's age rating system was made to benefit companies instead of consumers. Probably don't even need to show papers to buy 18+ games

That's your job as a soccer mom to prevent that

So let's teach kids that being trans is ok so they can literally be shunned by 90% of the population and eventually kill themselves in their 30's?

Young trannies and fags are just a fetish for the rich and powerful.

You're the one who should stop your kids from playing 18+ games you fucktard.
Can't believe we have unironic soccer moms on Yea Forums now.

I meant this.

Maybe kids shouldn't play games rated M for mature.

>Won't somebody think of the children?
You're a decade late for that to work.

Theoretically you need an ID to buy M rated games and places like Walmart enforce it, but many people dont care enough to check. Same deal with R rated movies (the 2nd highest rating, you see it for sexually charged or graphic movies)

Fuck kids and the cultural impact of art. The quality of the game should not only come first, it should be the only variable that matters.


Attached: esrb2077.jpg (465x148, 8K)

And most of Yea Forums are grown adults who can't stop talking about the latest character in smash, a party game for children. Strange world we live in.

>And most of Yea Forums are grown adults
Excuse me?

The game will be at least rated T, most likely M. It is not for kids, your entire statement has been dismantled. The real issue is games rated below T with premium currency and micro-transactions. Encouraging gambling and/or impulse spending in young minds if fucking toxic.

>portraying homos and trannies as one of the byproducts of a decaying society riddled with crime and decadence
seems pretty cool to me

>Fuck kids

Functional mental illness is still mental illness and mutilation is not a cure

Who are you quoting?

>letting kids play a game rated M for 17+
That's on the guardians.

>church bad
>tranny good

This game is rated M you fucking idiot.

Grown adults... Heh

its not brainwashing if they're portraying it as degeneracy in a society of degenerates

If you have any doubt about your straight sexuality, you're gay

>it's okay to brainwash kids with same sex attraction and gender modification agenda because it's a dystopian game
It's all for the spanx and vaseline conglomerate that are planning to rule the world.

Quite literally the opposite of what I meant, but alright.

all entertainment is trash and our lives don't matter one bit get over yourself

Lol, typical christcuck reading comprehension

If straight people in media can't force kids who end up being gay to be straight, how could gay people in media force kids to be gay?

Attached: 1f914.png (512x512, 44K)

Fucking boomers in my Yea Forums. You also think violent videogames make kids grow up killers?

>straight people in media can't force kids who end up being gay to be straight
most people who believe you can turn gay due to media or other influences usually believe it's a choice. they might be wrong, but their beliefs are logically consistent.

Do people really still believe this?

Of you think the shit in those games will ‘brainwash’ them, then be a good parent and vet what the fuck your kid consumes.

Also grow up and stop being a crybaby faggot because there are people who are different than you.

You are a kid