Now that the dust has settled, what went right

Now that the dust has settled, what went right

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That 'randommmm xDDD' mod, was always fucking shit. You meme spouting spergs

Can I get a quick rundown on these two?

Every DX player I know hates these models, I don't know why modders insist on adding HDTP everywhere

sneed & chuck

Modded one looks like there's a huge gravitational distortion in the face.

soul/souless, like all HD mods.

Attached: missing the point completely.jpg (800x600, 95K)

oh yeah yeah

he looks great

Attached: DdJ-7OzVwAAUKyY.jpg_large.jpg (395x494, 40K)

Attached: deusexSoon_colored_people_will_be_nothing_but_a_memory._As_will_you..png (862x228, 25K)

I don't remember him saying that but one of his passwords is Uberalles so maybe he really is based.


I would love to have HD body, but keep vanilla head.

the new vision mod sucks too. shitty repeating noise texture "dirt" overlays everywhere. hd mods sucks most of the time

its not enough that zoomers ruin current videogames, they also have to retroactively fuck up old ones.

Attached: If only you knew.jpg (1165x947, 239K)

A classic

Attached: 1.2.jpg (1920x1200, 933K)

>My face is augmented

>no nipples
what a shame

I rarely see a mod that actually improve the visuals of a game. They're mostly tasteless hack jobs.


Pretty sure that's a nipple on the left tit.

>missing the point completely.jpg
The original concept for the midwives was just a naked women with robot legs. What we got in the released games was not "soul", it was censorship. The HD model is closer to the original concept than what was in the released game.

what exactly IS the point of removing everything except the head, effectively, and then also tearing off the face, for an alien egg nurse, that was missed here?
why not just use robots? I am sure tri-optimum will have a few malfunctioning ones that do not explode on contact... .

The thing is, the original game looks literally fine. It's dated as fuck, sure, but it's perfectly playable. I'm not going to have a better time with Deus Ex because you replaced serviceable models and textures with higher detail, worse designed counterparts that STILL look dated as fuck anyway.

has no racist or nationalist-socialist meaning.
its use was literally allied propaganda, it was even intentionally mistranslated and is grammatically wrong. so even if used in that way, it would only denote his intention to rule the world.