Is barett black?
Is barett black?
no, he's green
Why sunglasses?
It's certainly tricky to tell.
Let's give him an ancestry test. If he's more than 24% european, he's not black.
what the fuck is that tumorous bicep
No, just tanned.
I honestly always thought he was just a really dirty coal miner
Like tom jones.
that would ruin the lore
his personality is mr. t, but lore wise he could just be a southern nip
Look at this fucking political "muh representation" bullshit. Square would never put a black character in their game back in the day. SJWs really have infested everything
No he's a burnt marshmellow
>barret black
He's anime black which is basically just Ainu with browner skin. The majority of Japanese people haven't ever seen a nigger in real life.
He is indian
Lucky bastards.
looks more arabian to me
Not only that, but they made him an eco-terrorist, and an adoptive father of a white daughter. Its a shame they fell for the sjw bullshit in this remake
But they consume a lot of unitedstatenese movies and whatnot, which is full of negroes
Atticus, are we niggers?
just a tanned, muscled Japanese dude
Japanese have always been eco-nuts despite the hypocrisy of hunting whales.
Isn't he from a dirty coal miner town?
Jewsa movies are not real life.
His vision is augmented.
baretts black in the original. they made this nigga puerto rican in the remake
Yeah and they also operate their entertainment industry on analyzation of patterns rather than directing consumers through herding psychology.
People don't like black features but we want a non-white character = dark skin Caucasian features because they're the most visually appealing to the majority audience.
>cares for the environment
>lives in rough part of the city
He is high
dont you know they censor black people in movies
yep. I actually believe he was intended to be the same race as the townfolk. He was made tan to emphasis his working class miner look.
Then americans just interpreted it as a black.
Blacks come in a multitude of shades dumbfuck. You bring up a point that annoys the shit out of me though, I'm lightskin and whenever a game has character customization you jump right from hispanic to african, fucking annoying.
I'm fine with the sunglasses. But why does he have those tacticool ammopockets for? He doesn't have an assault rifle and they definitely won't go to his handcannon. I mean it's magic anyways but they're still a weird addition.
he has to those Niggar lips
thats because you are bleached
With what? Black censor bars?
He isnt "african black", but come on, they went full Mr T with him
I wish they'd just gone full Okinawan instead. Fuck niggers.
Looks like you'll have to kill yourself now
He's clearly chocolate, Not black.
Honestly, when I was younger I didn't care that Barret was black. But nowadays I'm getting really tired of niggers and niggerlovers
Latin > Default > Black = Albino > Ginger
If you haven't accomplished shit in your life you basically are, and let's face it, someone who gets that worked up over a video game character from the 90's hasn't got shit going for them. You've already said it yourself.
No hes obviously south asian
Those are all dark skinned
Everyone's asian in FF7
>The sperg deleted his own post
>If you haven't accomplished shit in your life you basically are
Stop projecting sambo, just because you work at McDonalds doesn't mean you're white now. Who's really getting worked up here sickle cell?
Cloud is an asian man
Not big enough, just like tifa's ass
No i didn't. Niggerfaggot reported me.
chill out my man. sorry i hurt your feelings
Barret is actually a caucasian, mostly german and some polish roots, muscled man who regularly hits the tan.
I bet you retards don't think Jet Black is of subsaharan african descent either.
Yeah. His English voice acting in the remake is kino too.
Then why is he white?
He's not black, he's a black dog, with black blood. But that doesn't mean nigger, take weeb 101 some time and learn the difference.
>take weeb 101 some time
Not him but is that even a sentence?
Not him but is that the sound of butthurt?
It might have been if I understood you
Are you referring to something called Weeb 101?
How does Barret reload his minigun?
By putting bullets in it
Simply attach a new one, which is loaded.
Nigger, have you seriously never heard the phrase x 101?
its a toy.
To keep track of visions in his eyes
Are you that dumb nigger? Or are you just being a grammar nazi?
Okay I understand now
Probably doesn't help that I'm not american
He's 0% European and 0% African. Do you see Europe or Africa on this map?
I found Europe
only good reply in this thread
Blocks harmful UV rays, needs his eyesight in top condition to aim his gun arm
no, he's a nigger
general terrorism stuff. my question is how the fuck does he get stuff out of the pocket on his right side?
That's his decoy pocket.
the northern continent kind of looks like upside down africa
>it's gotten to the point that even black characters are now white
/vpol/ is a mess.