Thoughts on Quake II?

Thoughts on Quake II?

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Boring tedious monotonous shit. As a Quakefag, I'd rather play certain CoD campaigns than Quake II.

You'd have a better discussion on That said, I only ever played the demo when it came out and never had an opportunity to go through the retail game, but I remember being super fucking impressed with it at time.

I should revisit it, so thanks for bringing it up OP.

It's not very fun and I never managed to finish it despite Quake being one of my favorite games and me loving FPS in general. Best thing that came from it is the rail gun.

It's good

go back to Fortnite, you pathetic fuck.

Kino. Great gunplay, world way more interesting and consistent than one in Q1. Pretty good expansions. Fun multiplayer. I wish they would make Q5 instead of Eternal, as good as recent DOOM was and still is.

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It takes twenty thousand years to switch weapons.

Consistently boring maybe. Why do people get triggered so badly by Quake 1 mixing fantasy and sci-fi?

really dialed-in single player campaign that dragged on and on and on

Great engine.
Awesome soundtrack.
Decent game.

why would you want to switch Super Shotgun?

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I like it better than the first game from a purely mechanical standpoint except for one thing, which is that dying enemies are still able to bodyblock you which completely ruins your momentum a lot of the time, it's not as bad as the stairs in Quake 1 but boy does it fuck me off.

>Q2fag thinks Painkiller: Doom edition is any good

Your taste for encounter design is in your ass.

>Thoughts on Quake II?
A lot worse than Quake and Quake 4.

Don't compare Painkiller to a fucking game that can only show 12 max enemies on screen.

idea is great, execution is pretty bad, at least unimpressive for it's potential. They could try this again. Maybe put more time than one afternoon.

Technofuturistic world and stroggs left way better impression, leaving novelty of Q1 gameplay aside.

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its was good for online multiplayer at the time, transitioning out of 56k modems and into early broadband, when only PCs could do online play; plus all the modding such as Action quake 2. Not to mention openGL.

It makes me cringe when people think quake 2 is - or was ever - about campaign. the single player mode was always considered a tacked on, shallow thing. This new wave of RTX quakers is even worse. Trying to find something in the game that was never there.

It's a zoomer's favorite quake because of the SP campaign while the gameplay is all over the place.
There's a reason why it's the least played in MP

Badass soundtrack. Doom clone gameplay.

I like the actual gameplay, but I found most, if not all, of the levels exceedingly boring for some reason.

Not as iconic as Quake and not a refined as Quake III but it has its perks, namely the RG which is one of my favourite weapon ever.

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Yeah, people being fucking too poor to buy and videly adapt graphics accelerators when MP was hot.

inferior to Unreal

Hyperblaster best weapon ever

Summer's here bois.

>Great engine.
Meh. Even back then I didn't really like how the character's polygons would always seem flabby. Probably a Z-buffer issue but it looked silly.

Good game, but nowhere near Quake 1.
The expansions are terrible, I absolutely hated them.

Ascended taste, I love you brother

Quake 2 is objectively a landmark FPS game and only revisionist Q1 hipsters shilling their banal rushed Doom clone with a disastrous and infamous development claim otherwise.

Unreal is literally a tech demo. No thought put into game design, just make some cool-looking levels and put some enemies here and there.

I must agree with the expansions, the one by Rogue is really obnoxious with the fucking turrets everywhere and the other one is kinda boring that only gets really annoying near the end with the reskinned "new" enemies

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>a landmark FPS game


>muh critical acclaim

Quake 2's weapon and monster design is way more derivative of Doom. The only thing it does that distinguishes it from Doom is having hub-based level design which was implemented so fucking badly it gave me a renewed appreciation of Hexen.

great game, the fags talking shit didnt even play the game and have opinions based on what other people said on the internet

are you quoting this board?

pretty much since everyone here seems to have a obsession with being accepted or some other gay shit

The Quake 2 super shotgun is overrated, people just like it because it resembles the Doom 2 version on a superficial level. It's not as fast as the Quake 1 version, not as strong as the Doom 2 version and it doesn't even look cool because of vertex swimming making the weapon look like it's made of jello.

Why are you even bothering to use a gun besides the railgun in Q2's campaign anyways? 150 damage a shot, ammo is everywhere, and none of the monsters have an answer to it.

I agree. It also gets better as you progress so any impressions based on the first couple of maps are wrong.

Quake 2's campaign has a grand total of one cool map and it's the nazi space castle near the end.

>as a quakefag
more like zoomy zoomy quake champions fag

I had fun finishing Quake in one sitting but Quake 2 was dreadfully boring.

I played this and the expansion but the game felt a little too padded and long

Badass soundtrack, the guns are a lot of fun and the theme to this day seems pretty cool. I almost wished the Quake singleplayer world expanded on this theme. Quake 4 was utter dogshit, too much story and less upright fragging, basically a Doom 3 copycat.

vertex swimming just means that it's so full of soul that the game can barely contain it.

It's more HUUH but with more brown and a OST almost as good as Quake

I just wish that id tech 6 and 7 (doom eternal) would be open source, i fucking love id tech 3 just like how i love GSRC/source engine, i would kill for a Wolfenstein enemy territory remake, if id tech 7 network capabilities can work with it

>Love the look and music
>Incredible fun multiplayer, fantastic mods
>boring singleplayer, never finished it

Weaker than Quake 1 and 3 but they are god tier, so still really good

But id tech 5 isn't even open source despite being. Unlikely that new engines will be open source especially in a post-carmack zenimax controlled id.