>Hate Jrpgs and weebs
>FFVII Remake has me hype as hell
Is this the power of FFVII?
>Hate Jrpgs and weebs
>FFVII Remake has me hype as hell
Is this the power of FFVII?
Yup. Unlike most FF games, this one's actually worth playing from start to finish.
Go play the original.
I already did, that's why I'm hype as hell for it. Even my friends who only play fifa are excited for it.
Le bump
no,you're a hype fag amazed by graphics and trailers,i bet you dont even play any games besides normalfag tier
What's a non-normalfag tier FF game?
Was the clue in the fact I said I hate Jrpgs and weebs? Why would I play that garbage? You're welcome to it, freak
A lot of 90's anime and vidya is detested by weebs. Go on Yea Forums and even ignoring the bait posts you'll find unironic reasoning like
>The plots/themes are too western
>The designs are too Disney
>It's not cute enough/It's SJW
But a lot of the time it's disliked simply for being too popular, or envy that once upon a time anime sometimes had a decent animation budget.
I have a weeb friend who hates the popular stuff, a contrarian within anime circles amazes me.
>weeb: i fucking hate weebs!
you're lower than cucks, have sex posters, incels etc. you're the lowest of the low. you're a pathetic excuse of a self-hating human. why do you even exist, still? just end you're life. you hate yourself so much apparently.
You are just a zoom zooom whos hyped for anything that have good graphics. end yourself asap.
can't be lower than a retard that's so desperate for any attention at all that he shitposts in every thread that he sees
I'm a boomer. Stay mad kiddo
Final Fantasy 2 on NES
Kill yourself OP, you're flocking to whatever looks good.
>you're flocking to whatever looks good.
Isn't that being a responsible consumer?
I meant to say that he's only hyped for it because it looks good graphically.
Nowadays the game can be complete shit but if it looks good everyone will eat it.
Go play your dating sims you fucking loser
FFX is objectively better than le meme tier VII, because the combat isn't sluggish as fuck.
>The designs are too Disney
Thats would be old anime/manga, Tezuka-style
Literally has been ported to android
>a lot of 90's anime and vidya is detested by weebs
I'm loving everything I see about it. Graphics look great, gameplay look really fun. I wish I could be playing it right now. BUT the episodic shit is really grinding my gears and killing my hype.
No different from the people that unconditionally suck the cock of any game that's more than 8 years old and defend every flaw with the word "Zoomer"
I honestly have no desire to play it again.
Why would I spend, what, three times the amount of money I'd already spent to play a game I'd already played with a battle system that's sucked in Kingdom Hearts that they then just made it worse over time?
Awful characters and story though
They do that because most of the games that are from the early 2000's are easily piratable/costs almost no money.
It's not a quality issue, it's a money issue, since these games have been out for years it's hard to land on duds since everyone and their mother already knows what's good
Can't really defend VII story though, clones and katanas and other dumb shit like the ????????? final boss out of nowhere. Didn't forget Necron from FFIX either, holy shit they all have bad stories when you think about it enough.
no boobs no buy, shill.
You're going to buy it and then hate it for being a JRPG just like you did with Persona 5
Keep funding us, cuck
But I loved the original FFVII when it launched.
Kino shot. Tifa is bae.
I never played original but i'm hyped as fuck as well.
>I like FFVII ironically lol
you are a faggot
No I like it because it is a great game, I just hate the rest of weeb shit.
You, like other westerncucks, are the target buyer.
So it's a good game then. Good to know.
Le bump for le hype
This pic is also misleading.