I will post everyday till the game is fixed fuck nu battletoads

I will post everyday till the game is fixed fuck nu battletoads

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Other urls found in this thread:


You can't fix a pile of steaming shit

You can clean it. Fix your vocabulary

is that the new battletoads? lookin' good!

Battletoads is just dated.

Now that looks painful. Both literally and figuratively.

I wanted raw testosterone toads.
Not estrogen guzzling tumblr toads.

>say it’s just as hard
>confirmed to have checkpoints during the turbo tunnel

Fuck them

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I think it looks great

It looks like a fucking mess.

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I really hate that art style that cartoons are using now days.

Reminded that one man can do better than a whole studio of people.

Don’t forget to downvote the trailer on rates channel

i thought this was Freddi Fish from the thumbnail


I could barely see Rash around middle top screen. This is atrocious, the Toads have no distinct arstyle/design from the enemies and they just blend with everything else.

That's like the worst screenshot you can pick for that purpose. That's some classic cartoon exagerration there.

>fists only turn into harmless items like a fish, or a turtle
>washboard dark queen
>generic ass aliens
Fuck you.

reminds me of those AI generated clusterfuck images

What are with these wimpy enemy designs?

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The same reason you see them transform into harmless cartoon shapes, no boots with cleats, no anvils, no drills... it's being made for toddlers.

The only good Battletoads is Arcade, the rest of the series is just average to bad, nobody should care anymore about this shitty game besides retrobitches.


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>go on artists twitter
>it's just her getting praised for shit work by white knights
>even people just generalizing everyone as trolls and calling them nazis to avoid addressing any issues people have

Why even be an Artist if you can't even handle when people call out a bad design?

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>it's being made for toddlers.
Out of all the Rare properties they chose Battletoads

>all that soi screaming

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Actually each one has a theme it’s just retarded themes

Rash is gross out humor
Zits is tech and sci fi
Pimple is tough stuff it should be construction equipment but these retards probably never seen any

I blame Yea Forums they literally focused on the evil queen now the devs are using sexism as an excuse for the hate

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They saw the success Cuphead had. There’s no denying that

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looks slow as fuck

It's not even Yea Forums exclusively, all the comments on every official submission get bombarded with people calling the Queen shit. This particular video has 11K dislikes and 5.5k likes, but yeah everyone complaining is a nazi and not a disatisfied fan.

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Will MS ever stop leeching off someone elses success?

I did not know everyone was complaining but yeah it really hurt the other problems with this game cause now the devs can just go they are just mad she is not sexy

Think about if no one mentioned the dark queen the devs would have no defense

Even their discord has people hating on the art style

I don't get how hard this is to do a game that is so 90s inspired in look and rawness to be given to people that know and love Battletoads.
As the old saying goes. "You either die a hero or...

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The fall of a dark queen

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Honestly, now I'm glad they didn't touched this

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Do they consider that “hate speech”? I looked in there, and that was one of the server rules. To me it just looked like “no criticism allowed”
I’ll totally go in there and shit on the game, if they’re actually letting it stick, rather than deleting and pretending it’s not an issue

So is this a sequel?

This game is still going to do well

>body fat, wrinkles
>but she draws herself pretty

"dated" is an empty meaning word, just like "fun".


If you go to their discord and the question for the dev section people are asking why the art style

To be honest. None of this would've mattered to them or us in the first place if MS/Rare would've just been handed to a Vet game maker that was capable and competent in understanding the 90's BattleToads IP. Obviously this was too hard to get even a simple beat-em-up for art. tone and gameplay right.

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The problem is hyping battletoads content for like 3 E3 in a row, then delivering an indie game that never took more than 6 months to be made.

OG turbo tunnel had checkpoints too

The only positive thing I can say is that they aren’t just making it a straight beat em up with a turbo tunnel it’s going to be multiple genres

But when that’s the only positive it’s not a good thing.

What the fuck does a dead fish head have to do with Rash? The guy was a general composite of the transformations that occurred in the games prior to the arcade game. Zitz never transformed into a robot and whatever the fuck Pimple's supposed to be. You can tell this team grew up with Adventure Time and all those other shitty 2009-era cartoons. I heard rumors a fourth toad may appear, and I can already tell it won't stick to the theme the original three established based on another situation with an established trio.

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They said in this game they want rash them to be unique so rash is now the gross out one, as you know cool characters are gross

Looking good. My 10 year old nephew is going to love it.

I BET you. If you were to do a comparison with the toads from the left and the right with fans and normal people alike. It's night and day who'd they'd pick on the left to kick ass with in their game.

>the devs are using sexism as an excuse for the hate
they always do, it's part of the "o wee meee the gloopergrate is after my work" virtue signaling tactic.
In a week they'll come back there telling you "the new design is WAY sexiser anyway, she's my new strong waifu and I want to smell her farts" but you'll still be the rapist that wanted to masturbate to the character in a nazi evil manner anyway.


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>ethnic features
>overly competent
>loved by millions
wouldn't an ethnic toad just be pepe?

This art style is so bad and the game moves so fucking slow. What a dumpster fire.

Nope, this one's going to be female, everyone will love her and she'll be a mixmash of the other three. I can't imagine her name, but I bet they'll miss the point with that too.

that last screen

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"mouche" aka beauty mark in French. Because she's a Frog, get it?

This Dlala company has never released a trailer for any game that wasn’t massively down liked. Microsoft hired the cheapest fucks they could have possibly found. Every single one of their games is non-existent or total shit.

At least they're self-aware that this game is shit. If there is more of that, I might actually bother to pirate it.

But if you IGNORED THE DARK QUEEN they would have no ammo, if no one said anything and still used the dark queen everyone would be against them

Shut the fuck up

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Bingo, screencap this thread.

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I like it. I know its different as hell, but I respect them for doing good looking hand drawn instead of ugly 3d models. All they need to do is fix the animation.

absolutely based game, hope they won't remake it for the modern day audience of comics

How could a few muscle bound, ass kicking frogs beating people to death ever be dated? There was no need for this cartoon network art style unless they're trying to alienate their (small) boomer fan base in order to desperately bring in new fans.

A quarter of a century later. This, is what we get of our childhood with the toads...
Bravo, Nu-Rare. Bravo!

Meant for:

I feel bad for kids whom childhoods was the cheap bootleg of the ninja turtles. How poor can your family be at the time to not be able to afford the turtle toys?

>good looking hand drawn models

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The game looks like it's playing in super slow motion.

I even set the video to double speed and it STILL seems too slow.

It's worse than the Biker Mice reboot.

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I liked them both along with Street Sharks and Biker Mice From Mars. If they made a fucking Street Sharks game and turned them into some Teen Titans Go shit, I'd be pissed off, too.

>Biker Mice reboot.
wait what?

It's not even NuRare. They farmed it out to some indie studio.

cuz "muh toxic masculinity"

Why why whywhy why why why did they follow-suit to that shittty TMNT artstyle?
Holy fuck this looks so bad. I'm in so much dismay. How the fuck do you mess up Battletoads this badly?

Better you not know.

Because Battletoads has always been an extremely transparent ripoff of TMNT and that's not going to change now.

Meanwhile, in a better game...

Because animation is hard, and this literally who indie studio wants the 2D animated aesthetic, but don't want to stay true to the source material, so they animate it like a shitty modern digitally flat shaded cartoon instead.

It doesn't make any sense to revive an old beat-em-up/platformer that hasn't seen in sequel in 20+ years if you aren't going to follow the old art style. TMNT is different because it has had plenty of re-boots and the television series is still going, I believe. TMNT is obviously intended for kids (since that's the primary audience) while the only people that remember Battletoads are adults in their 30s. Treating them like toddlers with this Teen Titan's Go shit is an insult. They shouldn't have brought the series back in the first place if they aren't going for nostalgiabux.

The nu-artstyle basically says, "Vidya is for kids only, neckbeard. Remember these guys? Well, we're bringing them back just to shit on them as a big fuck you. Don't like it? Tough shit, boomer."

>Teen Titan's Go shit
It's actually imitating the current turtle cartoon style.

No, the artstyle says "hey remember this TMNT ripoff from the 90s? it's still a TMNT ripoff!"

>TMNT is obviously intended for kids
Have you read the original comics?

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you are trowing you pleas to an uncaring god if Micrsoft cared a little aboutthe old fans this would not have looked like this after a year in development

>teen titans go
>teen titans go
>teen titans go
Nigga, it looks NOTHING like Teen Titans Go. It looks like modern ninja turtles. Which is the entire fucking point.

Attached: TMNT-Rise00_Acvr.jpg (1135x1722, 2.19M)

which was also intended for kids?

The first Battletoads played nothing like TMNT. It was a brutally difficult platformer only the most autistic of the autistic could master. The only thing it "rips off" is the fact that the main characters are badass toads instead of badass turtles.

>b-but it has fluid animation

>It was a brutally difficult platformer
Yeah, just like the shitty turtle games on the NES.
try that shit on the original system instead of your savestate computer.

Looks like Teen Titans Go to me, zoomer.

So that's a no, then.

Who the fuck is talking about gameplay? The CONCEPT is a ripoff of TMNT, unless you think Battletoads totally happened in a vacuum.

Let's just say there's a reason the foot clan were all robots in the cartoon.

Damn, even Guru Larry calls them for not not being able to draw for shit.

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>juggles and wall bounces
Not sure how to feel on this.
>blaze player refuses to pick up any knives except once at about 7 minutes in
>immediately throws it

>The CONCEPT is a ripoff of TMNT,

So just because toads are punching people instead of turtles and the games played radically different, the new art style should be shitty just like nu-turtles. Gotcha.

>radically different
it played the same though. not sure what sort of deformed history you learned to defend your remake, but it's ridiculous.

I don't think it can be "fixed". You either give it to another studio where devs have higher testosterone levels and start from scratch or you will have the same garbage you have now.

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I'm glad there's backlash. I remember feeling pretty excited when I saw the logo and heard the music.... then I saw this shit. It doesn't even look fun. Soulless like that power rangers game that came out a few years back.

Which looks like every other shitty cartoon like Teen Titans go. You can't even differentiate them at all. It's like the same 10 faggots are emulating each other in every children's cartoon.


>Which looks like every other shitty cartoon like Teen Titans go
no. Just no.

>Ripping on Rise of the TMNT because Microsoft doesn't care about Rare properties and handed it off to some amateurs

That sounds like a "You" problem.

It doesn't look a damn thing like Teen Titans Go to me.

this art stile is dirt cheap to animate and you would imagine how little they care when they use Cal arts stile

I'm not defending the remake, you fucking retard. I hate it. And name a level in TMNT that was like turbo tunnel or rat race.

Yeah, just yeah zoom zoom.

it looks like some ugly new cartoon you'd find on cartoon network made by a bunch of koreans and robots

they should've gotten yacht club or something

A remake would be
>no health loss for breaking the environment
>triple the amount of items but 90% of them are niche as fuck puzzle solvers only
>lives bring you back on the spot
>infinite continues
>stupidly long because making a short game that is worth replaying is no longer a thing
>alternate endings based on a choice instead of player performance
Be glad no one wants to touch comix zone dude.

Have you ever played Battletoads? This is unlike any past entry into the series. It looks so slow and clunky. It looks like a bad beatem up, and the games were more than just beatem up to begin with (well, many of them were)


What the fuck am I even looking at

Ohh, they are still the culprits of this degeneration of the franchise. And for the fact that Mircosoft and Rare just tossed it to an inexperienced Indie studio at that that claims to know 'hip, cool and rad' from the modern day rubbish we have now is completely disrespectful to the main source.

They all look like the same general shit, key word being shit. Pic related was a decent looking cartoon in the early 90s before you zoomer, notice it’s not fairly odd parents shit tier garbage.

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Nigger who uploads fake information videos, comments on every video known to man and paid youtube for views and subs.

With the amount of artists that have been drawing great renditions of the toads around the net for the last 10 years, Microsoft managed to find the only studio where the toads would get massacred, most probably by a diversity hire.

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Don't worry boys I'll keep you updated

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ok got it

The new art looks great, though. Excellent even. It's just like the TMNT reboot which Battletoads is ripping off like it always has. Toadlets have bad taste.

I don't understand why you keep trying to bring this back to being exclusively about the games. Stop moving the fucking goalposts, m8. Battletoads AS A FRANCHISE is a ripoff of Ninja Turtles AS A FRANCHISE, in the same way that Monster Rancher and other monster collecting games were ripoffs of Pokemon AS A FRANCHISE.

fuck you

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>He doesn't like pre seasonal rot FoP
Next you're gonna say you hate Ed Edd n Eddy

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>not wanting rash and pimple to be in a loving relationship where their arms turn to massive dicks


A BLOO BLOO. Cry more, faggot. The new art style is shit. I don't give a fuck if fighting amphibians was inspired by TMNT 170 years ago. The games played different and I was more of a fan of Battletoads. The argument that nu-toads should look like nu-turtles because one was rebooted with shitty Teen Titans Go graphics first is retarded. Go kill yourself.

Poor example...

As a kid, I thought Gundam was BORING AS FUCK.

I expected a show involving giant robots fighting in space to have more of a focus on action. What I got instead was a bunch of talking and wartime politics.

>fake information videos
He includes some fake info in each video to guard against his content being stolen, which has actually happened.

Are you're retarded because you don't understand that I FUCKING AGREE WITH YOU DIPSHIT.

yeah go watch literally any other robot show from the 70s

>Toads skipping leg day

>Implying they would change anything
>Implying they wouldn't falseflag with fake accounts anyway
>Implying you should blame anyone but the talentless faggots squeezing out this turd

Nothing would change

The example is the animation moron

Then why in the fuck are you autistically arguing with me, you shit-sucking fucking retard? No one cares that your stupid fucking furry turtles were first at being furry turtles. Do you want a fucking trophy?

You are just a fucking clown at this point, literally starting to make clown noises because you can't even argument your choices.

I don't think Microsoft is good at this Rare IP revival thing.

Your shitty turtles cartoon looks like a cartoon network shitpile drawn up in some Chinese kid's basement. Sorry that this crashes your entire world, faggot.

Calm down, idiot.

>why does it look like teen titans go reeee
>because it doesn't look like teen titans go it looks like Ninja turtles because battletoads was always a ripoff of ninja turtles
>the developers clearly
Basically you're being very silly because someone pointed out you're a fucking retard.

Killer Instinct was fantastic.

It's funny because he has a big head

>doing good looking hand drawn


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They botched Perfect Dark with Zero though.

>because it doesn't look like teen titans go it looks like Ninja turtles because battletoads was always a ripoff of ninja turtles

They both look like Teen Titans Go now, zoomer. You just can't tell because you've been fed this onions bullshit "animation" your entire life.

It hurts but We both know it wont get fixed without mods

>shit shit shit shit shit
>I said word a lot, I am RIGHT, dad!
sinking further.

no it wont lol

zoomies dont give a fuck about battletoads and a large majority of the people who actually care to buy it are pissed at the lame artstyle, its going to bomb, which is a shame considering its been hyped up for 2 fucking years

>unironically defending this shitty artstyle that every single cartoon now has
>actually happy that games are starting to look like this now, too

Zoom zoom.

>t. Dlala

>banned from the server for asking if any of the frogs will be gay
Jesus fucking christ the absolute state of it

That's what the studio did. They told the artists to just rip off nu-TMNT's artstyle which looks like every other shitty cartoon network show.

Is this being played by legit söyboys?

Microsoft had one of the guys from the original Battletoads team to work on Killer Instinct 2013. Where is he now? What would he think of this cheapjob? They literally gave the IP to a company with only one mediocre game developed.

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It's the "CalArts" style, originating from an "art school" of the same name. It's fucking garbage.

They have one of the guys who worked on the original battletoads work on this though “to give his blessing”

It's probably the devs themselves playing it. No one else would want to. So yes.

I hope Sketch Turner shows up in the next Sanic All Stars Racing with a cel shaded look.

That looks like some shitty shovelware. BRAVO DILATE STUDIOS!

>People talking shit about Rise

t. never watched the show

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>>unironically defending this shitty artstyle
you fucking lost it, clown.

Sorry to say but it’s the casuals who are saying it’s super hard playing it, this is what they meant battletoads won a few e3 awards and journalist are already calling it the original dark souls

it's unwatchable garbage unless you are on meds for hyperactivity. It's plotless and lolrandumb for the sake of it. Makes Johnny test sound like a masterpiece of writing. LITERALLY.

I'm sure that guy spends his time giving fake smiles to everyone before going back to his house to drink heavily and cry about what these fags have done to his baby.

Oh, no--I'm losing le epic Internet argument because I pointed out how gay your stupid show looks. How will I sleep at night?

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The difference between that and this? One is meant to be watched, the other is meant to be played.

Looks like shit but still doesn't look like nu-toads. is retarded.

And this man has every right to call them out on their half-assed mess of an IP in the 90s that's supposed to be over the top about game programmers, in the guise of toads, warped into the DQ's world to beat the tar out of a brutal-sexy, galaxy tyrant and her evil-ugly forces with a old-buzzard.
I say again. Is it too late to just redo this game all over again from scratch with a new dev team who understands the IP and give it the Metroid Prime 4 treatment because of the in-house failing to meet the demands of the consumer?

Attached: DarkQueenFace.png (412x664, 124K)

Donatello for Smash when?

Observe the much adored and venerated character from the Rayman series, introduced in Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Polokus, in his original incarnation on the left of this image.

He just oozes soul, with a hat clearly tailored for some sort of magician despite the character not having any other magician like aesthetic traits, an atmospheric set of pants and a charming lack of a t-shirt, indicating to us, the mesmerised audience that he, the dreaming, powerful thing in Rayman, is often in scenario's that don't require a T-Shirt, like being in a bed and going to sleep, It's pragmatic, functional and tells us clearly, exactly what sort of being Polokus is supposed to be, and exactly what sort of role he has to play.

Look at his long arms, those are the long arms of an entity that reaches beyond the means of lesser creatures, us, the mortals. We are dealing with a beast that can physically alter reality through its own dreams, and that straight line mouth and eccentric choice for pupils just adds to that "dream" like quality.

Now observe "Polokus" as he is seen in Rayman Origins, a game I think rudely abandons the enduring classic visual identity of the Rayman series.

Firstly, he has a great long, creepy beard that has no place on a clean shaven dreaming entity, as that manner of facial hair would cause at least some minor irritation whilst sleeping, then look at his eyes, those are the typical "Soulless", "Beady", black eyes, it's as if they were actually trying to make him look this way. Look at the top of his head, look at his lips, there's no magician's hat, there's just a tuft of orange hair, we didn't even know if Polokus had hair in Rayman 2, he was just that mysterious and ethereal, and those lips are stretched into the most simian gormless spread I've ever witnessed. Fuck. And then there's the extraneous details, oh what, an umbrella, a pipe, some pillows? A pedestal?

The point is, the original Polokus didn't need those, and he did just fine.

Attached: Polokus.png (1790x896, 1.32M)

It's a real shame. This game seems proud of it's animated fluidity. So proud in fact that it wants the player to see every single bit of it.

This doesn't seem like a problem until you realize that the animations are moving SO slowly that the player does not feel any weight behind it.

Why are they always the same person? The hair, glasses, massive chip on the shoulder. You could swap her out with any of the millions of other “artists” on twitter and get the same result. Even the art style and techniques is identical among them. Art school doesn’t know how to teach people anymore so Tumblr filled the void I guess.

And she'll also be (((body positive))) obebse

Attached: rip carrotbro.png (400x266, 29K)

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>CalArts invading video games now
Oh no no no

Does NuDark Queen have a cape or not?


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

What's wrong with it? The original is """popular""" because of nostalgia.

Apparently it's politics to ask if frogs with fish arms might be gay

>Yea Forums is one person

What circa 2005 Newgrounds flash game is this?

>shut up I am offended! you DON'T KNOW (I know but mom says I shouldn't explain myself lol)
Fuck off, twitter slave.

Man I'd definitely rather have a New TMNT game than let the BattleToads suffer like this.

NuQueen has a cape that jotaro hats in with her tailcoat.

Don't stare at the art trying to figure it out too long or you might realize how bad their concept of art truly is

Look at the history of cancelled games. You will find stuff which looked way more interesting than this shit Microsoft (probably half-reluctantly) greenlighted. A cancelled Golden Axe remake made by some Australian studio comes to mind.

They did that with Nuts & Bolts and look where that got them.

The point is that you are a fart sniffing retard that lost its way on a website his thin skin can't handle.


Why bring back a retro IP if you're going to ruin it.
Not like kids even care about Battletoads

>Years of asking gamestop has finally come back to bite everyone in the ass

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Based and polokuspilled

Maybe the point is to ruin it. YASSSS CRUSH EVERYTHING MASCULINE!

They literally pulled a Reverse Betilla on her

Attached: Betilla.png (912x864, 674K)

Not my fault you wasted a gorillion dollars on art school just to learn how to draw bean heads, CalArtsfag.

This, Yea Forums bitching about it is a good indication.

why don't you faggots just secede already and stop embarrassing your nation

If it does half as well as the new Megaman (which had very lack luster sales) did, I'll legitimately be shocked.

It tries to be good but you can see the onions oozing from it, why are sjw so ... easy to identify?

>Make a game that only boomers will care about
>Fuck up the artstyle and speed of the game, pissing off boomers
>"The game will still sell."


I don't need to embarrass you.

You do a fine job embarrassing yourself.

Everyone should just mass preorder battletoads and then cancel the week before it launches

At gamestop

>shitty tv/arcade filter
Fuck this meme

Not that user, but I owned and played the shit out of both on my NES back in the day. Battletoads was definitely harder and more unforgiving, especially comparing co-op modes. In Battletoads co-op is basically hard mode.

Why is everyone so surprised? By the first announcement you could tell they were going for this artstyle

Might pick it up for cheap