Why does Barret bully Cloud?

Why does Barret bully Cloud?

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Because hes an alpha black man and clouds a pitiful cuck

I liked Barret's personality more on the first trailer. Here he just acts and sounds like the stereopypical black guy, which is kinda a racist move by SE, he he doesn't act like that AT ALL in the original.

Elaborate further.
Barret was an annoying loud-mouthed retard early on.

You're racist.

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nigga shut up

>he doesn't act like that AT ALL in the original.
Fuck off. You don't know shit about Barret.

>he he doesn't act like that AT ALL in the original.

Why do you stutter when typing?
Just re read what you wrote and delete the extras.

Because Cloud is the "new guy"

All he does in the original is yell and never shuts up.
That is Barret.


>ever trusting a cracka
Barret is right

Bait. Barret isn't Barret if he doesn't act like a loudmouthed retard.

Cloud's a dick at that point in the game too.

Barret doesn't believe Cloud is really into Avalanche's goals and ideals, which is actually true at first as all Cloud wants is to get paid for his services.

decent bait

No boobs no buy

I don't even know how to break down the layers of stupidity in this comment.

Yes, nothing is more stereotypically black than being an environmental extremist while taking care of your adopted white daughter.

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Until roughly the platefall, Barret thinks he's in charge. And he kind of is. Then Avalanche's rebellion against Shinra gets sidelined for the actual conflict of the game.

That's exactly how Barret acts in the original.

buy for me

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god i cant wait to see the funny frog in this game

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Will Tifa call him a retard again

I hope not, I find that very offensive.

>he he
Go back to facebook

Because A.S.A.B.

Dishonest and gay.

>t. has never seen anything involving Mr.T

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>as all Cloud wants is to act cool

Cloud is a rookie and Barret is bullying him to make him fit the group.

Inferiority complex

Here for money not the cause
On top of Cloud being ex shinra which burned down his old life

You're confusing Cloud for Squall.

That pic is racist.

Cloud for most of the game is a mishmash of Zack and what he thinks SOLDIER First Class should act like. Since he idolised them it'd be a fair bet to assume he thinks acting like SOLDIER is acting cool.

>YO white boy put on that purple dress and get ova here n suck my dick

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He deserves it. Aeris dying is unironically the wake-up call he needed.

>people thinking localized Barret is Original Barret

You people are so dumb. He's not a Mr T clone in the original

The only aspects he took from Zack are the things Zack told him about being a SOLDIER and what he remembered from the Nibelheim mission they went on. He doesn't act like Zack.

>Sephiroth just rolls up on Cloud in an alley and repeats Zack's dying words and makes him REEEEEEEEEEE

fucking chad

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He's foul mouthed and does say foo' at times.

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He doesn't actually remember who Zack is until later into the game.

That doesn't mean he doesn't act like him. Aeris didn't think he reminded her of Zack from his looks.

>hey boobs!

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Cause he is the bullet hero. Dumb government agent/Troll Factory agent

I want Barret to bully me.

The "original Barret" has most of his lines made up. In the Japanese script he's quite tame. The original translation was so bad the translator interprets double negative as negative. For Barret the translator just gives up half of the time and has him cussing.


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why did they give him a shirt

it triggers me more than it should

He wants to no homo his boipucci

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I wonder how will they handle this in the second/third episode.
The entire sequence between Costa de Sol and the Gold Saucer is weird in how is paced and the things you see and interact.