With my infinite hatred. I give you this gift.
With my infinite hatred. I give you this gift
Other urls found in this thread:
ew wtf is that
wait so is he the actual Santa or just some random meaty abomination?
how do i get gud in this game?
Both, off of memory I think his Abnormality story is essentially about some guy that hated Santa so fucking much that he straight up killed, butchered and sew'd Santa back up as a cruel joke.
it's just a random homeless person
unlock managerial tips first and assess it very carefully
Trust and love your secretary
are there any penalties for retrying repeatedly?
ANGELA please...
kill clerks
Here to remind you who best girl is.
Memory leak will eventually crash the game
Restarting the game can circumvent it
Required reading for this course includes the Manual!
>sticker (8)
where are these from?
No, the game is meant to be played that way. The only penalty I can really think of is losing a day's worth of energy or an E.G.O gift, but if you're just poking new abbos with sticks then you shouldn't have much to lose anyway.
It seems your memory is failing in your old age, user.
Back to the basement, granny
>SCP Secret Lab moved to /vg/ because one mod has hateboner for anything SCP related because his SCP entry got rejected
>now Lobotomy Corp threads get the same treatment
Man, being a mod really sucks
Sending the senile goth back to the basement!
Rudolta gift is lame.
A LINE(?) sticker set. I'm too lazy to find the original MEGA so I just zipped them up for you
It's one mod and it usually happens around the same time, so just avoid having threads open for that time period. If he really wants to scrub Yea Forums clean of his shame he'll need 24/7 vigilance and die of sleep deprivation like he's supposed to.
And the thing is, these are strictly not SCP garbage, it's a separate thing that has a similar "inspired" premise to it and many other series. Has no actual ties to SCP.
Mods here are equivalent to Angela in the game so MODS=ANGELA,
by that logic we can say fuck Angela,
To be fair the people who continue to discuss Secret Lab are fucking insufferable
I always thought the perfect female design was impossible until i played LobCorp, how did Project moon do it?
>Fuck Angela
Don't fuck angela user, let the bitch thirst.
Yeah it's pretty crazy huh.
The gift, THE GIFT! Give it to me NOW
thanks for the dolphin porn
They copied ZUN
Busty pale girls with yellow eyes are hot as fuck
Huh? I thought that was my Dreaming Current collection, I really need to name my rars better
>mods are clerks
Like clockwork
"Repeated format threads." Fo' real.
Look around this fucking board and tell me 95% of it isn't repeated format threads.
Become proficient. Don't be afraid to meme repo. Spend lobster on everything but moralfagging. Train that thing above manually to save lobsters.
Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you refuse to be an idiot anymore. Then stick to it.
Remind me again why an actual game discussion thread gets the stink eye while the multitude of borderline shitposting to actual shitposting ones are ok?
I mean sure some topics are discussion several times and the usual cute posting but jfc
I think he was refering to Hod and Gerbura...
Yea Forums isn't a video game board
Not gonna lie, its gonna be harder to join the threads now since I cant just search the term lob and find the thread.
Stay safe fellow clerks
>daily Crash Team Racing threads
>multiple threads same time about FF7 remake
>Smash, Devil May Cry and so on threads
>threads about niche games with no marketing budget
Not ok.
Can we get moot back?
Don't you dare to insult their "buy her game" porndumps or their confirmed for smash threads, they are sacred for mods.
Even if it's just a non-canon good end I hope LoR has a scene where the sephirah unite to end Angela. And Binah.
moot picked dick-for-brains mods all the time too. Hiroshimoot is neither better nor worse than late stage moot leadership.
Nonsense, user
search Angela it usually get mentioned several times in any of this treads
By reading the manual, which I will remind you every thread to do.
LobCorp devs aren't throwing breadcrumbs to chink moot for him to allow threads on Yea Forums.
Even shitposts about smush are technically publicity for smush so those are fine.
OP here who also made the Laetitia thread that got purged and got a WARNING from the tranny mods
I made this thread with that title specifically to middle finger the MODS dilating asshole
were not going anywhere so FUCK YOU
They knew what people want.
>finally found an active community for Lobotomy Corporation
>mods ruin it
I want to read books with Angela!
>not manual
So, someone give me a quick rundown on the Manager, who is this person?
his name is Yea Forums
Which department is the mod at. Punishing bird has a present for him
Just get to day 46 and do suppressions
It gives you pretty good idea of what sort of person Manager is
Reminder that its okay to lewd abnomalites especially Laetitia
scarecrow duty
Angela's husband, of course
post [CENSORED] lewds
Fuck this nigger.
He's based on a Yea Forums mod called Abib who has hateboner for anything slightly SCP related because his SCP entry got rejected. All the sephirahs and employees are jannies destined to keep vidya threads contained and SCP-free. The procedure causes strong emotions to erupt from anons and they are used to power the site. Abib's/Manager's job is never-ending cycle and Angela represents the asian moot who makes Abib do the job FOR NO MONETARY COMPENSATION until he learns to let go of his ego.
Holy shit my guy got Da Capo (the gift) on his third assignment to orchestra.
imagine being so deranged that you force abnos to put on lingerie and make suggestive poses, i can't be the only one, right? ha ha
jesus christ user spoiler that shit
this sounds odd because LC isn't affiliated with SCP at all, it just lists it among several series that inspired the creation of the game
The only things that relate it to it are fans comparing them
I imagine doing that to Nothing There disguised as a cute girl sometimes
Would you have preferred if they swapped the gender of the Sephiras?
So whats the safe word fellow managers
I picked up the game because it has SCPish premise and devs themselves know and admitted they drew a lot from SCP.
well to be fair you guys have a hell of a good job at promoting this game, you guys not only make me want to play it, you guys also made want to tell nearly as many friend I have to try it just to see their faces when everything goes to shit.
>girl Netzach
>boy Gebura
>girl Hokma
>boy Binah
>the others
they are fine just the way they are
tranny janny
They said they were inspired by "SCP, Warehouse 13, and Cabin in the Woods" among other series.
The difference is SCP is garbage now but this is good. I probably wouldn't have touched this with a 10 foot pole if it was actually an SCP game instead of original monsters with a similar premise. It certainly wasn't the first to do such a premise either.
>Cute boy traitor
>Overeager and incompetent ditz
>Cute girl with mental issues related to body
>Girl hating her current existence
>Tired girl drowing in guilt
>Cool warrior dude
>Nice and loyal old woman
>Old asshole with no redeeming qualities
Only thing that really changes is Hod being liked a bit less
Keep the good fight, staff. We're not going belly up and letting our facility be exiled.
>pesky male malcunt
>user female yesod
>super friendly and helpful male Hod
>lazy female Nutsack
>low blood pressure caffine woman chesed
>dependable male superior geburah
>THAT granny hokma
>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor bucket bro
Oh yes
I would never.
Binah is the best wife and she's perfect as is.
I just realized their outfits wouldn't even need to be changed
It's vague, but I think it's a combination of all those
>Homeless person too poor to see "Santa"
>Always sees other people, even shitty ones, get presents
>Eventually gets sick of this and decides to become Santa himself
>Somehow manages to make Rudolta out of his own body
>Visits everyone just like the actual Santa would if he were real, such as the other homeless guy that narrates its Final Observation in legacy
What is this chart trying to convey
I play SCP SL and it has nothing to do with the SCP wiki community and it only has classic skips from 049 to 939. The problem with idiots is that they don't understand that SCP is under creative commons so anyone can do what they want with it as long as they dont make money out of it. Meaning, the devs and the games are not same thing as the cringy wiki community about the setting used for both games and world.
I dunno, it could be cool but I'm kinda attached to the ones we have now. The fact that Netzach and Geburah's namesakes have the Venus and Mars symbols respectively is neat given the whole reversal theme the Sephirahs have going on compared to the original Tree of Life and their original selves.
Wanna betray the corporation with me?
Just kidding, I already killed Angela and shoved the manager in the drawer.
Pics like these makes me sad that they canonically can't stand each other.
It's not just that, the whole thing has just declined in quality overall ever since /x/ was kicked out and it became widely known and isn't worth even touching outside of maybe 50 or so entries. Regardless, I just wanted to communicate that it would be better for these threads if the mod who hates it was aware that this is a totally independent project that doesn't use any SCP creations, storylines, worldbases, or even motivations for their facility. It's a completely separate entity that happens to share an audience because of premise so it shouldn't get struck down like SCP gets struck down. LC is also better and has more consistent quality but that's just my view there.
>Carmen brought back as Angelus and A hates him because not only is he a shady dick, but because he's not a cute girl
I rescind my previous statement, fund it.
It really hurts. Then again, I can't think of many series where the fanart chemistry isn't better than the in-game.
Whoops shit wrong thread
Not sure I get what you're saying, but I like it.
perfect women don't exist though, stop being delusional.
>months later, binahfag is still publicly masturbating
>blue haired coffee nerd girl
... go on
The only reason for the surge of the LC threads originally is /scp/ community and SCP is originated from /x/. Trying to whitewash Lobotomy Corporation for mods' acceptance is fucking disgraceful.
Be ashamed.
I am dedicated to the cause.
Battletech(tabletop)stuff, just accidently posted in Yea Forums instead of /tg/
Not much relation to this game
That's where you're wrong
>doesn't even get the spoiler right
go to sleep
>even tiphereth cant stand tiphereth
mfw girl tiphereth just gave up on boy tiphereth from hoping that he will come back to his old self but knows he cant cause he was programmed to be that and Angela will just reset him if he deviates from his programming
I just came here to pet cute abnos, fuck I didnt come here for feels
I'm not ashamed in the slightest. This game sharing an audience with it doesn't make it an SCP game. I'm not whitewashing anything, it's flat out fact that this is not an SCP game even if it was inspired in part by it. SCP was not the first thing that came up with this premise. Enough with this tomfoolery, it's derailing the thread and making it more prone to being noticed by the janitor.
I will
Yeah man, totally
All these guys learning of it from SCP related sources is really big majority of 5% compared to minority of everyone else
>tfw the weapon has the same satisfying "pwfshht" sound effect
And Laetitia is evil!
it's just a prank bro
Anyone got the picture of punishing bird breaking through a white screen?
Exploding in a bloody mess for being used as a summoning sacrifice is not what i would call a prank.
It's what she calls a prank
Which one, the heard you were talking shit one?
He cute
Damnit, I want to get Long Bird's gear but I already have punishing borb and big borb.
even better, that means you can get the gigabird's gear too
What's the problem Manager? You are not an irredeemable pussy, are you?
What the fuck is this game even about, I've read these threads three times now and I still have no idea how it plays
Monster management simulator
Im doing these draw requests from last night so keep the thread up
clerk killing simulator
I'm just not sure if I can clear it. I only have 4 sets of aleph gear in my team.
I don't understand this, I had all three Birbs in my Facility all the way to Day 50. What's the issue? After killing birb megazord, the issue of it ever coming back is basically non-existent, unless your bird gear chad employee dies but in that case you probably fucked up insanely hard, and even then you can spread the gear over two employees to double cockblock it. Also big bird and long bird are excellent PE box generators, trainers and EGO providers.
despair but also despair simulator
Just move them out of the rooms he teleports to and beat down the eggs. The meltdowns are harder to manage than the boss itself.
I still cant believe people liked my drawing and repost it on the threads.
secretary loving simulator
I know there was a second one, I wanna animate it and saw it in another thread a couple days ago. If I can't find it anytime soon I'll animate this one and the other one.
Excitedly waiting user
It's a side effect of me getting spoiled by these threads The fearmongering is getting to me even though I get pleasantly surprised by how my gigachads handle abnorms with ease whenever I actually try the potentially scary shit. I only knew the alephs as abnos I should avoid early onI didn't know what I was getting into when I finally manned up and picked Alephs I knew the name of but the only Aleph I haven't been able to handle was Legs for Days. Legitimately left me with just 5 employees at day 45 because I left someone in the shelter for too long.
I would suggest to ask someone to make a better version first, even tho i like mine, its kinda crude to be honest.
Obey the (((AI))) simulator
Need a WaW for Gerbura suppression and my only WaW that breaks out is fucking black fish whose room is right next to white fish. I would want an Aleph if there was an easy way to take out Yin.
None of these are WAW. Pick 1 for FUN, 2 for good training shit reward and 3 for tall german boy
Request #1 done
i have the others I just have to crop and post them
Request #2
Request #3
the one on the right is the best
Damn you draw real fast.
The moot before asian moot
>not wellcheers gun
Im flattered that you were overjoyed listening to my music manager. Its only natural that I perform beyond perfection, unfortunately it comes at a price....
money you say?... oh no no no NO, tsk tsk...
No monetary value is ever enough to pay such an overwordly spectacular performance.
Im sure we can compensate with something else...
>when somebody puts a spoiler
Let me compensate you with all these ALEPH weapons to your ugly ass face
this better?
Will my two Justitia agents listening VERY closely to your performance suffice? I'll even throw a CENSORED one too if you're not satisfied.
Ah, Legacy... They don't make abos like that anymore I tell you...
Keep trying until it sticks, then keep on trying as you manage more and more shit. Dont be afraid to retry, and also memory repo will still give you the abs' gear, so do it when you got a really shitty abs that you cant handle.
I can give you my WAW and ALEPH guns,
but only in small amounts in bullet form
Here's your fixer, bro
This would be better if the arm holding the gun was attached to Laetitia or something, little hard to tell what's going on without prior knowledge.
>Pick nameless fetus not knowing what it is
>Slightly glance in the general direction of it
>Get ear raped
This but Nothing There
I dont know what the hell you guys on about fetus. Hes literally the best way for you to train agents to EX. Just have a dude on fetus duty at all times, and youll be getting all stars squad pretty soon. It doesnt even want to break out that often.
It's too fucking loud
Manager is asleep
Dreaming of shooting clerks and watching people get Obelisk'd
It's only a HE, but if you mess up you're guranteed to either lose an agent or release every nearby Abnormality. That's acceptable for a WAW or ALEPH because you're expected to use your strong guys on them but for a measly HE it's just annoying.
The only guys I purposely repo'd are this guy, the Meat Lantern, and the Button.
>day 1-20
>feel sad when clerks die to ordeals, always try to save them
>day 25-45
>rejoice when I get a triple shot, begin each day mass murdering cl*rks
So, this is what becoming good means...
That is the true face of Lobotomy Corporation.
Trying to brutforce her while 0.1 resist to everything was a mistake but somehow funnier than Rabbit cheese.
Which track is the one at the start? I remember hearing it in the OST playlist I think.
One of a few instant-memrepo abnormals, including things like parasyte tree, train, meat lantern
I made the mistake of trying to do my first run with the retarded baby and Nothing There in the same department.
why would i pick fetus over anything else for training? the only good work to use on him trains fortitude and i can use red shoe for that, which doesn't make an unholy noise and won't kill an agent even if it meltsdown
Is it actually possible to do meltdown-heavy suppressions with the meat lantern present?
the only problem in that lineup is the retarded baby
How powerful is God's Delusion compared to the other ALEPH level enemies?
You try to make it fast for them without them seeing their colleagues getting executed in front of their eyes.
Probably not, Meat Lantern's conditions are just mega retarded. Not only do you need someone with level 1 temperance, but the agent with work success that low will just let it out anyway half the time and it requires you to look for it quickly before you move anyone else to do work.
Rudolta is cute!
Someone explain to me black swan's counter dropping mechanics because the wiki is more or less unhelpful for this.
What's the big fucken deal with parasyte tree? I don't babysit all my agents 24/7 if we're way off from a meltdown. I've got my tree right above dont watch me box in disciplinary and I typically work on both at the same time without problem.
There are 5 different things that can bring it's counter down, but they only bring it down the first time those conditions are met.
I have Meat Lantern on Training and I'm doing fine. Granted, Having to keep some 1 Temperance around is annoying, but it never really bothers much except for Binah.
Tools like Crazed Notes or Bracelet are ten times more annoying.
So if I'm reading this right, one of the conditions is 5 employees dying and another is 5 panicking, which almost never happens, yet I had this thing breach on me on a regular old normal day. I didn't even have any counter-dropping assholes like retard baby other than the swan itself in the entire goddamn facility.
god delusion is very strong die to being immune to all but 1 damage type on its attackable points and i've watched it slice through HEs like paper
Clerks are considered employees, we apologize for this bug.
Wouldn't five employees include clerks?
You've got to be kidding me.
Timed abbos become a HUGE pain in the ass once you get to lower floor sephieah meltdowns. Train is nice because of the heals so you can just spam it but Parasyte tree is fucking annoying because she is never pleased and loves eating clerks.
Clerks are fucking subhumans.
I have actually, legitimately never considered them to be employees even before hearing about all the memes about clerks.
A agent convinced the manager that convinced Angela that having sex with the abomalites will generate a bigger amount of PE-boxes
The manager is ordering you to a fuck on but you can choose
So which one will be?
They are, though. The game makes an obvious distinction between agents and clerks, but they're both employees.
La Luna
And fuck posession-type anomalies as well.
Time to teach Child of the Galaxy a fun new game!
I realise that, it just never occurred to me.
Butterfly Man/Der Frankfurten/Moaning Orchestra.
So threads will not have the title in them anymore?
Maybe the problem is that we were having multiple threads in a day almost immediately one after the other, as well as that Previous thread falseflagger. Unless I missed something I'm sure these threads will not be touched if they aren't so frequent.
The manager can just delete the clerks while the deed is done.
And that's why you must shoot every clerk you see
I would go on a strike and rush to the shelter until such project gets discarded.
Funfact: You can execute clerks blessed by parasyte tree to remove one of it's fruits
Should we have a "safe word" like Manual? Majsoul threads have it easier cause they can just talk about Mahjong, but LC...
Maybe it'd just be better to put Project Moon in the OP, dunno.
They were getting deleted/moved in past too
Just stop remaking them with game name and just use quotes with portrait
That's nothing new.
I dont know, i like the current format, about the abnormality profile image and its box message for the threads, but the sad part is that its not very newbie friendly, so defeats the purpose of getting new people into the game.
Man this shit reminds me of the buyfag thread on Yea Forums where they have to put the guide in a reply and not in the OP to stay untouched. I don't understand mod's thought process. I guess manual can work or having "lob" or in the image name and writing whatever you want in the body.
You could just make EYE thread with Binah fanart as OP
All Midnight Ordeals are more dangerous than most ALEPH abnormalities you work with, aside from WN and maybe Blue Star. You're always going to lose pretty much every clerk which can suck in a few circumstances.
Aside from that, it's not extremely difficult if you use the right units and deathball. The white stone is the most dangerous and should be burned down first, with second being the purple stone. Just micro away as soon as you see the tentacles and keep the units close to each other, but don't use weapons on stones of the same color.
post threads undercover for a few weeks and then post very sporadically with the game name in the OP, that's better than nothing.
>I don't understand mod's thought process.
It's not that hard to understand. If a game is being talked about a lot and isn't new or popular, it gets sent to the /vg/ death camps.
In their mind it's okay to have 15 Smash/Pokemon/Death Stranding/whatever threads up at all times because they're hyped games, but having a single LoboCo thread means you're ruining the board.
I wonder if Binah collects brouzouf in her bucket
Sounds like a plan.
Great idea, let's piss off the EYE fanbase on Yea Forums by using EYE threads to talk about other games. That'll surely fix everything.
Just send the Rabbits to Pale and White then finish those off. Red and Purple are super easy to take care of and avoid.
Late, but I really doubt the reasons the threads are getting nuked is due to the SCP general drama because in threads from a few weeks ago, any talk about SCP crap by the retards from /vg/ trying to shill their game in a Lobocorp thread was deleted and the thread was allowed to stay up. Maybe we've just overstayed our welcome on Yea Forums, it's been months now.
So? Lobotomy Corporation is as much of a videogame as Cyberpunk 2077 and FF7, and I'm willing to bet we talk about the game in one thread more than those do in the 10 that are up at any given time. There's no reason why LC threads shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums.
to the managers that bitch about parasyte tree are you aware that you if you click a possesed agent/clerk multiple tume you can wake them up,
if that still doesnt solve the problem I dont think its the trees fault
>a quote for defeating Binah with rabbits
I wonder if someone has managed to see the quote for the Red Mist with Rabbit Team.
t. parasyte tree
I don't want your blessing retard.
dude have you seen this place? there are fucking gacha game treads in here! and I refuse to call those things videogames
So, what are the managerial tips for the Janny?
I haven’t done a single suppression yet and I’m at day 37. Am I boned or is there still time to do them?
>day 37
>no suppression
get ready to memrepo tons
meme repo
unless you dont want to get 100%
and make your next playthrough easier
If you want to talk about a game, talk about it and don't hide the name of the game. You are giving in to mods way too much. If you think mods do shitty job, voice it out. We can clearly see they have their heads in their asses so gather proof of their misdeeds and post it around. Mods are as scary and strong as you allow them to be.
You arent supposed to clear the game on your initial run so no. If you hit a wall, don't be shy with restarting. You will need to do the suppressions eventually and less departments and abs you have while doing them, easier they will be.
no fuck off, that's not going to help, posting sparsely will do, i don't want all the threads to get nuked or autosaged because we wanted to play as "rebels".
I know that conversing with them repeatedly wakes them up, but it's just really irritating having to spam click on them while I'm trying to keep my dudes alive against the fixer bitch. It sometimes cancels the instructions I gave my agents, and even if I do work on it sometimes she will kick them out midway just to possess a clerk. I don't feel like repoing her because I'm too far in the game but goddamnit. She's just so annoying. At least the Train can heal your dudes.
How do I suppress this faggot without everybody running away screaming their pants off as their brains melt from the sight? Does Portrait from Another World transfer SP damage as well? Can I get one guy to tank all the black damage while sitting in the comfort of a regenerator?
Also whose defenses does the Portrait use? The transferrer or transferree?
>gebura's supression.
>fighting her with solo employees after some retries and understanding what i'm supposed to do.
>conglomerated all my employees on the top corner of training.
>she reaches stage 4, the one i wasn't expecting.
>starts rushing to somewhere, cuts my employee that was soloing her, the employee ends up dead but he was pretty alive last i saw him.
>realize she's rushing towards my conglomerate.
>she's way faster than them, i manage to move them towards one of the downwards ducts but at this point i was just going to watch the massacre and retry.
>then the unexpected happens.
>game lags
>i only get 4 frames of what was happening.
>i get the end of the day notification, 4 employees died including the one that was soloing her on stage 3, i realized she only managed to kill two of them on the conglomerate because one was murdered by mountain of bodies and only because he reached stage 3.
i would retry because one of the employees was one of my five veterans that never died since i hired them around before day 10 but i don't think its really worth it since the reward for the supression outweights him by far.
The person technically receiving the damage has their own armor used for damage calculation
As for how to deal with it, either Big Birb's /comfy/ coat or Mountain's armor.
>Managerial Tip 1
When post about non-mainstream videogames, Qliphoth Counter decreases with a normal probablity.
>Managerial Tip 2
When Thread bumps a nintendo thread to archive status, Qliphoth Counter decreases with a high probablity.
>Managerial Tip 3
When Qliphoth Counter reaches 0, thread gets [redacted] immediately.
>Managerial Tip 4
When employee Anonymous did a New Thread work while wearing "Game Title", Qliphoth Counter instantly became 0, resulting in the [redacted] of the thread and the employee's [redacted].
The Yea Forums is board for vidya discussion. If OP wants to talk about vidya, he posts about it and if there are others who want to talk about it, they start discussing it.
Ta-dah, that's how Yea Forums works. There's no compulsory that a game needs to have a thread 24/7 but if there are people willing to discuss a game, why shouldn't they. No need to dance around mods or hiding the name of the game.
I only have the beginning and half wiped out messages for Red Mist
Mods are as scary and strong as admins lets them and Hiro gives zero fucks
This, we don't even need a thread up constantly. Try playing the game in between threads. It's breaking rules if we spam threads no matter how unfair it is, no matter how many other pseudogenerals are up, you can rebel all you want it will just make us show up on mods radar more and we can't do anything about it. If you're really tilted about it you can talk them out of it in IIRC but I doubt you'll be fruitful.
I have Mountain's armor but the chad fighting it still goes insane rapidly. I don't know what's causing all that SP damage since he's taking fuck all black damage.
>You arent supposed to clear the game on your initial run so no
>You will need to do the suppressions eventually
Wait a minute... are you telling me that we bite the dust at the end if you botch completing everything?
On second thought, never mind. I’m gonna find out myself
What’s the gift it drops?
>you bite the dust at the end if you don't do all of the suppressions
Yeah, the game has a few endings relating to which set of suppressions you didn't complete.
Worst one is probably the bad end for not doing the upper floors, it just tells you to fuck off and play the game again properly and boots you to day 1
>Yea Forumsirgin admitting being a pussy and bending over for authority
Started browsing 2004 and this is the most self-loathing shit I've read on this board. It's as if you take pride in being a coward and spineless.
kinda reminds me of the guardian from petscop
Remember his name is I_AM_ABIB
He's the most faggiest mod out there. He's responsible for deletion of SCP threads, Sakurafish ban on Yea Forums and so on.
>avatar's pass.
you may now use a name and a tripcode even though you are a irrelevant nobody. doesn't matter if you get mass reported daily for you signature use, we won't ban you.
Yea Forums has a lot of those.
>bite the dust
Not necessarily but there are consequences (aka bad endings) if you don't suppress all the sephirat before Day 46
The restart from day 1 and MemRep are tied into the story for a reason. Don't be afraid to use them.
You've been playing the game on hardmode if you didn't do suppressions and missions immediately. Try doing the upper level core suppressions and restarting, it makes early game fly by incredibly fast and lessens the need to grind.
I’ve been doing the missions for the most part. The entire top floor is ready but I haven’t done the ordeal of dusk yet. I figured that I’d need good gear before I tackle it and start them, but it looks like I fucked myself
It would be pretty neat if as a challenge mode they let you try and beat days 46+ with no Sephirah rewards. I'd imagine being unable to heal in hallways would make things tough, and reinforcements being sucky is scary.
Gift: For free
Drop Chance: 6%
(Brooch 1)
Hp-1 Thread Success -10 Thread Speed -10,
Thread Speed + 20 and Thread Success +20 if posting in a Smash Thread.
You really don't. I've done it with HE and WAW gear. Just gather EVERYONE to fight it very, very slow if you're scared. To me, Green Dusk is the easiest.
What sort of fucking post-apocalyptic shithole is this world
Uh, I just got this abnormally called 0-05-76 and it wrecked my entire Information Team and half of my control team. I'm on day 8, what do?
>being this much of a clerk
He's just scared user. He is more afraid of you than you are of him.
What the fuck do I do
Oh god I fucked up
Are your employees chad enough for this HE ?
Try doing repression work while looking at One Sin then get managerial tips first
Holy fuck it's a HE?! Shit man I'm fucked
So you can't look at it at all? I just wanna finish my missions. I'm a total newbie at this
Send someone to work on it, ignore it, and hope for the best. I find it kind of bullshit that the game doesn't really hint at the gimmick outside of just how detailed his animations are compared to everything else in the game.
How's the amount of lobster you get calculated?
And it's killing all of my clerks right now oh god there's only one employee left and they're weak as shit
I'm sorry, but you're clearly not going to get it until it's spelled out for you and you're not even going to get enough boxes for the first managerial tip.
Go do something else and it'll sort itself out.
Just grind up stats bro
I'm sure some TETHs should be enough to reach III or IV
What is her problem?
>and its killing all my clerks now
Don't listen to just keep looking at it until ALL the clerks are dead then pause, order whatever employees you have to supress it and look somewhere else while they beat it like a pinata.
Just please make sure all the clerks are dead all right?
Alright thank you guys, sorry for freaking out! This game is surprisingly fun
She's evil.
Perhaps she sees something we don't
she's a witch
I'm gonna be restarting from Day 1 soon and I thought I heard someone say that suppression bonuses are disabled until you get the relevant department again. How does that work with Gebura? Will I keep my extra ego copies? Lose them forever? Will they come back?
Suppression bonuses are kept, so if you do Hod and Gebura, their bonuses will stay. They probably meant department boosts like Hod's clerks making your agents level up 5% faster if they're all alive.
is QoH nopan
You keep all the gear, bonuses and investigation you get, but you lose all your employees.
Meltdown inmunity stays as well.
She's lonely. I'm not sure whether she's malicious or just a schizo like the tf2 Pyro.
Obviously. What use does a snek have for panties?
Someone this cute cannot be malicious.
Clothing disappears when she transforms, it would be dumb to think only that piece of clothing matters.
thisplus sneks need to be ready for breeding all the time
I would love to see this but with QoH and Laetitia
Well, its obvious that she uses her absurd cuteness to bait people into becoming sacrifices for her friend to get out, so yeah shes beyond malicious.
>"If I hide my friends in a box and give it as a gift, everyone will be surprised!
>And they will laugh together over my prank!
>Oh, there goes the secret of the gift!"
I don't think she's using them as sacrifices or anything, it really is just about the pranks.
What is the sauce of this? I've never seen it before. Maybe later today I can try my hand at it, though I don't think I have the artistic fidelity to make it any good.
Shes feigning innocence for people to not go hostile towards her, she fears the favorite ancient technique of Justitia to the face.
Also i think that gif comes from a touhou song about being happy for being flat chested.
>fantastic V to EX Temperance training
>never breaks out
>shields your chad from non-pale attacks
>cute girl
How can any other abnormalities even compete?
You're really missing out.
i wish she did something besides stand in one place and look sad
You you have any art with her happily talking with an employee? Just looking at her whenever she’s in containment makes me sad
How do you suppress big bird with no casualties.
The way he works just makes it so anyone you send at him just gets eaten
Have yet to get her, but is the chad forbidden from working on her as well? Like, do they get the buff and still get to work exclusively on her or are they just fucked?
kill your agent that has her buff
They are just fucked. No more work for the day is the cost for the godlike buff.
Shoot him with guns if you can't micromanage the melees away from him when he telegraphs
They can't work on anything at all including her and tools, you'll need to either sac someone to sit somewhere and be useless, or put it on a chad whose sole role is non-pale combat duty.
I wish she would break out, she seems fun to fight, but I don't feel like sacking an employee to do so.
Clearly I've missed out on some high quality content.
Cheese elevators, maybe?
I really dont know because the only time he escaped on my run i sent over 15 LvEX emplyees who almost insta-wrecked him.
Say that again bitch, I dare you, I double dare you.
>you will never order your waifu agent to do attachment work in the manager's office
wouldn't he just hypnotize the gunners and kill them?
What a smug little cunt
What’s she about to do that’s making her so smug?
>not even level V
>smug as sin
She's the chosen one!
He will only eat people IN FRONT of him and he does not turn around. Send all your fighters behind him and pull them out when they start to get hypnotized because obviously they will just run to his front.
hypnosis has a delay before suicide
if it's still a yellow circle on top of your agent then you can order them to get out of the department to an area which bird hasn't been blacked out to cancel the hypnosis
you're fucked if the mark turns orange/red
Repression on one sin
Looks like someone fitting to work on we can change anything.
since abnormalities are just born from human psyches, it's just brought to life from someone who hated christmas.
Which WAWs did you surpress for Gebura's mission? I just killed snow white's apple 4 times because it was the only one I could let out easily, and red hood once for obvious reasons, it was super annoying already and fucked half my corp with the plants.
Now I have the suppress 3 alephs and I only have two, thanks game.
why are you namefagging? fuck off.
At the time I had that mission, I think I had Monk, Big Bird, Red Riding, and someone else so the mission kind of naturally completed itself.
Nigga don't expect to be able to complete every mission as soon as you get it.
monk cause his counter was easy to bring down with repression without the need to kill clerks and trigger borb and army of zayin
For your ALEPH mission, if you're able to trigger the big black forest event that is one way to do it.
I killed the king of greed, same thing as amber dusk, hit from behind and youre totally safe.
Easiest to suppress are Mountain, Blue Star (rabbits), and probably Nothing There.
As soon as he rings the bell move everyone away from him, because if he puts an orb on someone in melee range they will instantly die. Then attack with everyone except the orb'd guy and move him into a hallway near another department. Kill orb'd clerks, he's invulnerable while biting their heads off. Worst case just stay away from his darkened rooms because he's slow as balls.
I just did King of Greed 4 times, she's super easy but annoying to do. I wanted to do La Luna but suppressing her didn't count for some reason.
>started playing LC in hopes of satisfying my craving for Ninja Warz
>craving has only gotten stronger
I just like the challenge honestly, I did amber dusk at day 20 for example, it required an unholy amount of time.
Hod suppression was pure cancer however, I spent the entire lv V meltdown working on one sin because any other work would kill/panic the employee.
Had someone beat the crap out of whiny little bitch murderer to make him escape while a chad would drop kick hood in the face the second the stepped outside containment. Had to do it a few times since only hood is waw but fuck murderer and fuck his constant whining in my headphones.
>Banned for complaining about smash threads
I hate this god damn site so much
>hag suppression
I had no choice but to evacuate all my agents to upper layer and let Nothing there breach and do whatever it wants in Central and pray he doesnt go up
I've been wondering what it was that made Binah decide to remain on the managers side after her defeat
She doesn't seem to respect him all that much more than before
>I seriously hope you clerks don't do that
Wouldn’t the rabbits just chain panic?
KoG i think
AiB as a bonus
Oddly enough the rabbits don't mind seeing the hentai monster. I assume their masks have a filter on the same level as the manager, so they don't go mental seeing something dangerous.
Gimme console commands
I wanna fuck around
>Implying she had a choice
Oh you
Just suppressed Hokma with three deaths, two 1 Lob fodders who died to God Delusion because for some reason the Midnight skip didn't work, and the brave gigachad in pic related who had been with me since Training as a sacrifice for the pause.
What do I do now? I have yet to suppress Binah and I've heard you can't get to day 50 without doing all, and it's day 46. Is it Day 1 time?
I don't think the Rabbits are even capable of panicking in the first place.
Side note, apparently Rabbits take absolutely no damage from agents at all, even if you were able to get them to attack: youtube.com
>day 46
Yeah, if you saw the new stuff already, means it's too late to memrep and you won't be able to reach the ending anyway if you tried to keep going.
>sakurafish ban
actually worst than hitler
What do you mean new stuff? I've just seen the new department and the cutscene that accompanies it.
>day 49
>use clock after clearing phase one
>wait for the way too long animation to finish
>90% of my hit squad immediately dies
What in the fuck. I thought this shit was supposed to stun Binah] and yet I still get demolished by that bullshit attack.
what are you talking about, this game has console commands? wasn't aware of that
It's possible to kill them with the agent, I think the guy in the video encountered one of many bugs that happens if you're in one session for too long
Yeah if you unlocked the new department, you can either keep going to see what happens or Day 1
any tips in suppressing censored?
im doing the 3 aleph mission and I only have nothing there and AiB, did some test run with them and comfortably manage the other 2 but im still having trouble with censored because some of my agents panic quickly
The rabbits can deal with him perfectly. Otherwise you'll just have to send level 5 gigachads and spam SP bullets
Aib counts for the mission? It's just a zayin...
The Dreaming Current is super easy to suppress. The only thing I had to watch out for was the Mountain of Smiling Bodies breaking out a few times as clerks got eaten. But just a few agents can easily handle the Current.
So I only have 3 abnormalities left to collect for my 100% run.
>The Doctor of Good Health
>You are Bald, Good sir
Is there certain days when each have a higher chance of showing up? I know Yang shows up after Yin, but finding Yin again is a bitch
my nigga the coffeelord better be in the sequel or I'm rioting
Lobotomy Corp sucks ass. I thought I was going to play an SCP Simulator but it's actually a shitty management game with tons of boring visual novel bullshit and garbage waifus.
For the sake of just finding them, you can do what I did and do a new run, rush to Central, then rush the next few days and memrep after you get the final abnorm+tool
Should save the friendly Zayin for the final memrep though so you can bring him along for the ride.
I guess I can move the rabbit from nothing there to censored since with nothing there I only have to worry about my tank
yes I tried and defeated it, it counts
i keep saying its a puzzle game because of this
what kind of birds are these three?
I’ll bet
>SCP Simulator but it's actually a shitty management game
ya, so an SCP simualtor.
whats your definition of "SCP simulator"?
hes prolly thinking on the unity engine
But is it actually worth it to keep ze doktar around once you figured out his shit. The equipment is nice and all but what's to stop me from mem repping him out once I got it?
I need an Aleph I only have 2 and I'm already at the two bottom side departments.
Remember to ignore SCPposters.
Leftmost is the best option here.
>pretends to be all morally superior and comes out to punish you when it deems you evil enough to deserve such punishment
>thinks clerks are humans
what the fuck was his problem?
Is nothing there the easiest aleph to contain?
He's colorblind.
left is an aleph
>garbage waifus
You're garbage.
ah I see...
so its the "stale slenderman run away overused cheap jumpscare just reskinned with SCP theme" genre
that makes sense.
Round boxes are backer-made abbos, right?
>thinking my daughteru is a waifu
no, YOU are garbage
Easiest to work on (assuming you aren't a scarecrow fuck) would be Leggy McStarface. Easiest to Suppress would be Tarface, rivaled only by Slime-san
>banning SakuraFish
How many days?
How many core suppressions done?
>execution bullet
>some kind of black effect appears and swallows the target
>doesn't alert death sensitive abnormalities
maybe the execution bullets were the real opened can of wellcheers all along
>Sakurafish ban
Why are people like that allowed to exist?
if you mean mountain, fucking how. No one can fucking touch him because he moves too fucking fast so he can just freely eat everyone who was fucking SLAMMED BY PURPLE NOON
considering all the tecnology i woudnt be surprised they are either teleporter or a actual black damage teleporting explosive
whoa take it easy there familia, pull your wet panties back up. just because your self-insert circlejerk forums are now being overrun by dilating trannies, theres no need for you to be salty and lash out on us
If you didnt get wrecked by the purple noon on the first time you dealt with it you either spoiled yourself(wiki/video/thread) or are simply lying.
The first time, sure. But after it happened to you once, you're literally clerk material if you ever let it happen again. You're acting like this is a common occurance.
He stops to chomp things in his path, so I always just have a bunch of people unloading on him and manage one guy to *blocks your path* constantly.
Im starting to think that our passage of right for new comers to become a true manager is to be SLAMMED BY PURPLE NOON
dont think im retarded, i haven't lost anyone besides one dude who left work in a bad place since the first time it happened. Its the god damn clerks who fucking gather in the main rooms the moment purple noon happens.
Well, he never specified that his employees were the ones getting slammed, clerk corpse buffet is a common thing on most ordeals.
Te gift!
It's because Hod taught them to be brave and fight those ordeals
Even if literally all of them die, they did so bravely.
And the Mountain and Big Bird will remember that.
i went with these three alephs:
mountain (set your chads in its hallway, trigger any ordeal that's not red and ignore it, bully him when he gets out)
CENSORED (send a new employee in, chads with 100+ sp in hallway, do not let any clerk get in the hallway or you'll get mass panics)
nothing there (send a new employee in with chads in the hallway and entire facilty in the side ready to get in if he turns into the cocoon)
post that one meatbag employee who just refuses to die
Nothing there is too risky if you cant win the dps race against the cocoon the final form is way too strong, not recommended for newish managers.
Why would you want to kill them? They look very cute!
damn hiro fire that faggot.
Fat fuck.
>just got bird of judgement
>big bird had escaped so I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have
>getting close to big bird when suddenly judgement bird breach
>someone must be watching BIRDS because right after punishing bird who has been my nigger and never once gave me trouble breaches
>suddenly story time
>suddenly big fuckoff monster time
you what the fuck, is this random or did I not pay attention to something
Is this even salvageable?
that's illegal
Welp gotta commit mass genocide on all clerk subhumans now.
Aha ahahahaha!
big bird is aleph class so if you beaten an aleph before you can beat this thing GL
Surviving story time gives you some dope wings.
So long as you've been doing okay with your facility so far, this should unironically be one of the easier challenges in the game.
I really like that event.
Why is she so fat?
every time 2 birbs breach, the 3rd will
so you are pretty much fucked until you kill the birb
After grinding stats now to grinding gifts.
For 19 agents.
All day long.
her mana is stored in the belly
>>someone must be watching BIRDS because right after punishing bird who has been my nigger and never once gave me trouble breaches
If two of the three (non Firey) birds breach, the third automatically breaches
>Midnight skip
Don't bully Butterfly-kun, he's a good boy!
someone has to clean the mirror of diminishing returns and touch the bracelet of neck snapping and talk to grandma when I need to prep for an ordeal
>farming silent orchestra
>army of black and mountain of smiles breach at the same time
>blood red breaches immediately afterward
>sweep employee wearing smile's gear over dead clerks
and that's how I got de capo
>dealing with melting down non-escapables/tools
don't be a hod, you can make back the energy you lose by sending someone to 1 waw
No thanks, I already have infinite hatred.
I literally having him do nothing else and I know I can use him to hard test killing stuff later. His time will come don't worry