Play any multiplayer game

>play any multiplayer game
>pepe/wojak avatar joins your team

Attached: 1546731840850.jpg (1700x926, 234K)

Sucks to be a poor fag

most places in the world you don't get to choose

>furry avatar joins the server

i never drop any weapons for anime fags in csgo no matter how much money i have

>You have been invaded by XxretardxX

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12K)

post your avatars

Attached: VERY_GOOD.png (309x295, 202K)

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nothing wrong with that, faggot

Waste of a fucking ethernet cable.

Attached: LONDONER INTENSIFIES.jpg (172x250, 4K)

any time i see someone posting a faceapp pic it is my god-given duty to shop out the watermark for them

Attached: 1540928325660.png (587x715, 780K)

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>game doesn't let you see avatars in case someone has something mildly offensive

Attached: 4367227602_550c22b6ab_b.jpg (640x640, 54K)

do you just post random reaction pics or are those your avatars for real?

Attached: IMG_0783.png (1080x1080, 972K)

>pepe avatar joins
>first thing over mic is "NIGGERSHITFUCK"

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Attached: waldek.jpg (625x625, 41K)

Attached: beavis.jpg (400x400, 38K)

First frame

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Based and potionpilled

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Doing God's work, user

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Eat shit dogfucker

>people with Game of Thrones names join

Attached: that_woman_reacting_to_crazy.gif (200x200, 1015K)

Attached: 1559992430445.png (250x295, 19K)

my username is despitethirteenprcnt add me woke bros

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