What went wrong with this game?
I just never found it to be any fun to play. It LOOKS like it should be fun. Opposite of Factorio which looks full yet is like vidya heroin.
>copy game that is about heavily investing time into a single map
>make changing maps the main feature
It's like they're completely retarded.
lazy devs
Define "like vidya heroin".
The chucklefucks behind it.
it'll kill ya and your hopes for future games
Lazy devs and puppykilling devs too.
They should have downsized like Outer Wilds keeping it to one Solar System instead of precedural generated shit.
no content lawl
this, the game emphasized a style where you basically land on a planet and raid it for everything it's worth then leave. there's no point building any bases either when you can have all the useful shit just on your ship
It was honestly pretty good, but when Terraria is the reference I guess you're just fucked.
This is a legit issue. Multiple planets in a genre like this is a mistake. Maybe it could work if they limited them to a very specific amount and if they managed to keep every planet you visit relevant in some way.
Story? I'm guessing they accidentally killed their dog somehow?
Terraria's not a hard format to copy at all. You just not have to be retarded with it such as Chucklefucks and the dumbasses who made Edge of Space.
Yes, they were testing a new build of Starbound and didn't realize the dog was looking at the monitor, it got so bored it croaked.
Plenty went wrong.
>Jumping was floaty as fuck, super easy to fall down
>Consequently massive fall damage
>The entire storyline shifted before 1.0, removing key parts of the lore in favor of some cthulhu monster bullshit (I'm still pissed about Kluex and Big Ape)
>After 1.0 the dev team barely did anything
>Lack of content
Basically the Frackin' Universe mod is the only thing keeping this game still alive, and even that's on life support.
Apparently it is, since it's still the best game in this particular genre.
it tried to be terraria but forgot that terraria isn't a good game in the first place
Stupid bitch Molly, Tiys dicksucking gf convinces him after a suckie suckie session to use donation money to buy a 600 dollar labrador puppy named rosie, stupid bitch then posts a picture of it on Starbound forum sleeping in a box on top of an electric blanket next to an electrical cord. If you don't have nigger iq or the least bit common sense you know you don't put any electrical cables next to puppies or small children until they're out of their teething phase. Suspiciously the dog is never posted again until some time where it's now a white Terrier instead of a lab.
Everything after the last Koala version
What a terrifying way to die.
Planet Centauri could have been the one but thanks to the first two shit games nobody gave it the chance it deserved.
rigid story, sidetracking bounty hunter update for xbox port noone bought or wanted
I tolerated it until they changed the entire setting and put that dumbass plot in
What fucking retards
It's the sort of garbage you get when majority of your dev team is idea guys and artfags.
general incompetence plus they were more interesting in blowing the donation money to become a third rate publisher instead of making the fucking game
never played it.
IIRC instead of having specialized collecting tools (hammer, pickaxe, axe, etc) it just had one, like some kind of scifi super-sucker or something.
I'm curious. Did that make the game less enjoyable? More? Didn't matter?
That plasma cutter super tool is the equivalent to fists in Minecraft. It's fucking shit and your suppose to make regular tools for faster mining time.
It's overpowered as shit once you finish upgrading it.
It has a huge range, can destroy anything in two seconds tops and has a huge area of effect
Unless I completely missed something that's not how that works anymore. Your plasma cutter thingy is your one tool and you upgrade it with modules or whatever they're called. Pickaxes still exist but you can't make them yourself, you have to find them and they're breakable. They're not that good anyway. FrackinUniverse has mining lasers though, as much as I hate the bloat in this mod that's one this I like about it.
There always were drills and pickaxes in the game, and at the time you get them usually they were stronger than the omni-tool (Matter Manipulator) you had only that their durability was trash and broke after a while. While the omnitool worked on a 2x2 scale, drills worked on a 1x2 scale with insane speed, and Pickaxes worked on 4x4 scale with midling speed.
Then later when you got enough Manipulator Module you could up the omni-tool to be the most broken fucking thing ever with a 5x5 900% mining rate super-beam that destroys planets.
There were a few screenshots of how a dev wanted to implement actual gun mechanics but was shot down, had made better mechs than we got but was told to change it or they would give the job to a fan, and a few other things I'm forgetting.
Why would these faggots not want better gun mechanics?
Multiple planets are fine. They just fucked up with one thing - they should let you rebuild your ship and turn it from a small shitty space-plane into a star behemoth. This is what makes games like starmade fun.
"Because guns are stupid" or something to that effect by the "lead designer." It should have been painfully obvious that he was a massive ass from what he did when he split from the Terraria staff, but this game really showed how fucking aweful he is.
>game is sci-fi
>guns are stoopid
If you think that's bad, the whole combat overhaul was fucking stupid too. I distincively recall the game not being so laggy, and collission with the enemy was also a thing.
Lazy incompetent overambitious devs listened to 7 IQ Redditors and autistic minecraft forum-regulars with fucking retarded ideas, then they put the SJW gun in their mouth and pulled the trigger.
The game is too big for its own good. The only thing that’s different between planets is the surface biome, once you go underground every planet has the same underground biomes, also the progression system is fucked. It doesn’t feel satisfying to get better gear
did they fix it yet?
if by fix, you mean remove more content and spend all their time making a visual novel arcade game, then yes.
crazy how they figured a couple of pixels was too sexual and toned down the fucking character sprites
then the forum bullshit with the boob horse having them change the nocakid ship AI to just a normal fucking horse, how boring
what happened? They seemd ok with it at first, was it really just forum shit that made them suddenly so prudish?
It's not like there was anything really sexual about any of it, females just HAD boobs, that was it.
Ohhhhh! I'm-a Chucklefish! Ohhhh! I forgot to put content in-a my game!
People actually go underground in this game? You can just as easily collect top tier equipment from the surface, especially when crafting would force you to end up with the ugliest shit in the game if you play as something like a novakid.
Some people actually think looking at tits in any way is childish and beneath them, but hiding their eyes like actual children who aren't allowed to see tits is adult behavior.
Same thing as what happens to guilds when they get destroyed: they let a woman decide things
>crafting/building game
>no actual incentive to build anything
why would you make a terraria style game and omit the very thing that made it successful
Fuck them. Alien tits especially of the plant variety were the only saving grace of this shit game.
Never played this genre. What purpose does building serve? I thought it was more like a Castlevania where you could make houses in the vein of Minecraft if so you desired.
good thing social slots exist, ugh...Not only that but you don't even have to go to the surface to get any substantial gear, you can just fucking buy the metal you need for crafting at the outpost for pixels. Literally just do the first quest to get enough pixels to get some home deeds, plop down 3 houses and wait for them to pay rent, bam you're done with the game.
It's not terraria.
Terraria has you make houses if you want NPCs to spawn. The NPCs aren't just useless characters moving around, they're extremely important, so it incentivizes making yourself a nice base. In Starbound it doesn't matter, the only reason you'd want to make a base is to satisfy your building autism. It's 100% useless otherwise.
It's fine. Terraria niggers are still mad you can actually build complex shit instead of the usual house shit
>He thinks you can't build complex structures in Terraria
Stupid faggot.
Its so poorly optimized activating ONE smoke machine will lag high end PCs and crash servers within 60 seconds.
There is zero content, NPCs do nothing, you can't build anything without using admin/mods to unlock all the locked tiles, character movement is like a grease ball.
But it has a fully functional sex mod thats more feature complete then the base game
I pledged $150 on kickstarter, my real name is in the credits, and I never even downloaded it lmao
When did it launch? was it good?
>sex mod
Any futa?
>this entire post
Big yikes.
This could have been fixed with few but bigger planets.
If you had to stay on a planet for 2 hours at least then there would be a reason to build a small base.
Instead, you just run around the surface for 15 minutes scanning shit until you've seen the same copy paste structures 10 times and leave.
You can hire solider NPCs in starbound by building military themed houses but the ai is so dumb they will get stuck on a tile and not protect your shit. Just use the defense turret mod that lets you attach your own fire arms to crafted turrets.
Go back and play your shitty bing bing wahoo trash you niggers. Terraria doesn't even have water physics lmao
You can probably beat the last boss without technically building anything, so you're not wrong.
You build houses so NPC's will come, whom you can buy from. Enemies won't spawn near them, so it also makes for a safe haven. The building of arenas for boss battles also helps a ton.
Building cool bases is my shit, so it's right down my alley. And also why starbound failed to keep my interest
Except it does, retard.
>wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle game design philosophy
>armor tiers are just straight upgrades, never have to make actual choices about stats, can use any weapon your find any time with no punishment or benifit over others
>you will probably pick movement tech that suits you then never change it.
>tons of side mechanics that don't matter (the whole pokemon-thing)
>overworked lore turned into something too simplistic to be interesting
>races aren't different enough to make replaying them fun, as you really only get a new ship layout and different inspection text, a replay can't be carried on these things alone
>main questline is repetitive and uninspired. "go scan this shit. Now go to a dungeon" x5
>even with all the planets, your ship is the best base
The game isn't inherantly flawed, I think some effort or mods could fix all of these problems.
They were already trying to copy terraria, all they really had to do was copy it MORE and it would have been better.
It unironically does, and it even has top of the line lighting. Please consider killing yourself Chucklefuck cuck.
There's nothing really inside structures that you find.
In terms of exploration, it's pretty good, because even though you have to go to different planets and explore around, you have an idea of what's going to be in what biomes and what biomes will be on what planet archetypes, so you're not just flying around blind. The problem is that you go there, and you look for swamp villages, floran enclaves, craggy glitch castles, ancient pyramids, and all that good shit, you find them pretty easily, and all you encounter is basic enemies and all you loot cosmetic items. What's the fukken point of exploring when there's nothing inside what you explore.
Like it's not even a problem with there being so many planets and it being randomly generated. They could easily set it so that any pyramid you go to has a "sacrificing chamber" or a "pharaoh's tomb" that you could go to that would then teleport you to a boss arena or some shit, which is what modpacks like Frackin Universe did to a certain degree, and it made the game a shitton better.
It's a shame because the combats serviceable, the colony and base building is top tier, and otherwise it's all rather decent, but what's the fukken point of playing at all when it's all an aimless sandbox. Even Minecraft gave you better goals with the Nether and The End.
>he was too big brained to build a teleporter hub
its not even difficult to link a dozen planets together and connect it to your ship/starbase, the problem is you have no reason to do that because the NPCs you recruit dont do anything and theres no specific planet bonuses for them other than 50-500 coins in rent.
>What went wrong with this game?
The devs.
Factorio has as much for it as against it.
I loved it initially, until I figured out what the main goal was... there isn't one.
Then I found Frostpunk.
Its not like that problem couldn't have been designed away.
It needed a significantly more advanced "outpost" system, that is, bases that operate while the player is out exploring other areas. Recruiting NPCs to do work for the player, like mining, research, crafting, etc. More than the silly landlord rent system that is in place right now.
It would be sweet if you could do planet-scale megaconstructions, like adjusting the gravity or wildlife of a planet.
Plants shouldn't be able to be grown on a ship, outside of a very small subset, maybe once you unlock a hydroponics system.
Your settlements should come under attack and alert you so you might have to cut exploration short to defend your homes.
Literally endless amounts of shit they could've done, but the essence of the issue is there is little reason to care about planets once you have left them. Better persistance in general.
>>tons of side mechanics that don't matter (the whole pokemon-thing)
Don't forget you have to get pretty far in the game to make use of the pet system to craft the healing station or be able to make more pokeballs, despite the fact that the system as a whole fucking sucks and the pets are worthless.
Since it's 2D it doesn't even get the benefit of minecrafts wide exploration.
Why even bother with the teleports? You can just as easily link dozens of planets with the flags you plant, and the flags are prohibitively expensive.
The planets are not very wide but thousands of blocks deep
The teleport back to base option DISABLES when you go a few blocks deep
This kills your exploration game. You need mods to use the fucking teleport option.
That's pretty good. It could've worked with 6-7 core planets representing each race with the occasional moon or death world. Tentacled Earth is endgame. I'd toss random generated worlds to MP.
ANother small but big thing
nowhere near enough enemies in the game
you can go minutes while exploring seein nothing hostile
this makes exploring extremely bland
In terraria, you just about have to deal with a few things every screenspace you travel, this keeps the experience engaging and potentially tense
Chucklefuck was swimming in early access profit and quickly abandoned the game for a long time, only returning every now and then to give it some content updates. The game is interesting for the first 1 hour until you realize that the remainder of the game is going to be the same, just different tiers of shit. The random generation doesn't mean anything when all the worlds use a common pool of prefab dungeons and other shit. The generated quests are as bland and uninspiring as radiant quests from Skyrim, and the main quest is some stupid shit about collecting gem stones . The mods didn't help either, Fracking Universe doesn't even fix it right, it just adds all this meaningless filler that makes the game overwhelming with useless content. Also, fuck furries.
>engaging and potentially tense
More like annoying
Quantity over quality is shit in vidya every time
>this kills your exploration game
Except Minecraft doesn't give you a teleport-to-surface option, and you can play through a lot of Terraria without ever getting one of the mirrors, so it's not like this is a real problem. If you don't want to commit to exploring a planet, then play a character with the difficulty set to casual instead.
In terraria you can summon a pet to protect you
In starbound theres no point since ore is so scattered you'll never be in one place long enough to encounter a hostile.
Everyone wanted terraria in space but only got space and just that.
in terraria you get shit loads of rope from random pots so you can ALWAYS escape a cave, in mineycrafta you can dig diagonally up at any location and always reach the surface quickly. fall damage isnt really an issue in either.
in starbound you have to dump dirt at your feet because there are always fucking huge gaps of nothingness underground and fall damage from these massive air gaps will just instantly kill you.
You can always craft ropes to easily climb inside caves
>in Starbound you have to dump dirt at your feet
How far did you get into the game? You're given as much access to rope as you do in Terraria, it's just that you craft it more often than you nab it from random containers. You also get a grappling hook gun once you hit Durasteel, which doesn't take too long at all. Alternatively, you can just buy the Spike Sphere tech and climb back up walls, though that's slower than grappling.
>huge caves that cause you to fall and take damage
Both Terraria and Minecraft have caves that you can easily fall into. Complaining about digging straight down and falling into a cavern is like complaining about digging straight down and hitting lava. You do it once and you learn not to do it again.
Traveling between planets could be a little more organic.
>go to red planet kill purple monster to collect green ore
>progress to blue planet to kill orange monster to collect yellow ore
>progress to gray planet to kill pink monster to collect brown ore
>repeat a few more times 'exploring' those worlds
That's the entire game up until they didn't do shit for 2 years in early access then tied in story and some lackluster bosses into that.
Actually in Minecraft you can teleport with Nether Portals because they move through block distance by 8× compared to the Overworld.
the only good thing starbound brought is the porn
Imagine playing a game where you're stuck in one map. That'd be suffering.
Yes, too bad autistic furfags drowned out the good stuff.
The game has zero structure or consistency in what they wanted it to be. I'm convinced Starbound's development just amounted to a bunch of stuff the devs thought were cool rather than stuff that would work well together. So you have a lot of features but they are all shallow and fully explored within a few minutes.
It's the equivalent to a restaurant that has a menu that has cuban, mexican, japanese, chinese, and italian food in it, at the same time. There's a lot, but it's all mediocre.
There's two main issues with that
1) It's still not a teleport-to-surface sort of deal where you instantly warp back out. There's also the difficulty of climbing the Nether safely, which is why Nether travel is more of a horizontal sort of deal.
2) Properly using the Nether for travel takes quite a bit of work and coordination, and you still have to have enough materials to create the portals in and out. For an equivalent in Starbound, you could just buy and place teleporters for checkpoints to and from places under the surface. Again, it goes back to being a quick, easy, and free teleport back to the surface, to which Minecraft's Nether Travel and Starbound's placed-teleporters are not
>want to build a comfy acid planet sea lab base
>can't use the building material i want because its not in the crafting menu and you cant harvest it because devs are retards
>install mod so i can make it
>want to make automated doors and air locks and lighting systems
>need a gorillion microchips from space battles and they don't even drop regularly
>cant make lights i want because devs locked it
>/admin spawnitem 9999
>finally have a deep sea fuel factory
>no reason to mass produce anything because game has no content to produce anything for.
>remember terraria has a such a fucking great lighting system and i can farm useful shit like chloro bullets
>go back to playing that
How do you fuck up this much?
Beta was fucking great and had an amazing soundtrack and a good lore potential that was retconned to become shitty space jesus shit, most bosses from beta became shit and had new shitty lore and the game felt like the addition of a storyline removed the progression system and the exploration part of the game. In my opinion the game should have stayed in beta with a simple "story" about a guy who gets lost in space and starts his adventure while discovering mysteries and cool stuff, instead of the shitty overused space jesus attacks big monster and now he save everything shit
I can't play the game because of the insane stuttering every 2 seconds and during any combat
You have to build Nether Portals upwards near roof bedrock to not teleport into caves, that way it will always spawn on the surface. And having an efficiency 3-5 and Unbreaking 3 enchanted pickaxe isn't a whole lot of work and coordination because Netherrack is so easily breakable.
Theres a 16 core solution coming for this issue.
Since Terraria now also has waifus there is no point in playing Starbound anymore
Annoyed and engaged is better than bored
Besides, terraria gives you options to handle mobs, so it also becomes fulfilling when you get there.
Starbound never reaches even this basic sort of progression.
Anyone have the video this reaction image is from
The problem is once you leave your first planet you already played 95% of the game. The rest of it is just a treadmill to repeat the same. There's no rhyme or reason to biome generation. They cut the game down after the fact to be lazy and focus on furniture. There's no reason to ever settle a planet. They removed creature generation. They got flush with money from other projects and still left this game a hollow shell. It's really too bad because it could have been so much more.
Starbound has sex mods
Doesn't redeem your shitty game
If you care about exploration
>progression is too linear (go to planet A to gather ressource A, use it to craft gear A to go to planet B, repeat)
>planets are not that important
>if you play a lot you'll eventually run into the same things over and over
>planets are seriously not important at all, fuel is easy to gather so you can always move anywhere you want to, you can't fuck up
>you don't have to make yourself fit for X type of planet you'll encounter, just equip a backpiece and you'll be fine
All of this can be fixed with mods if you're willing to
If you don't give a shit about exploration and want to build good looking stuff then the game's perfect
I know but it makes it fun for a few minutes, then its shit again
Isnt the game about building a staship and going around?
Go be a furry some place else.
I played this game forever ago and saw some porn of it back then. I'm too embarrassed to play the game anymore because I keep remembering the lewd.
The game was shit, so there wasn't enough floran porn.
>Your settlements should come under attack and alert you so you might have to cut exploration short to defend your homes.
I remember a Bethesda game where this was an issue when it happens every 10 minutes late into the game.
There's another settlement that needs our help!
Ehh, I still think Starbound has the better waifu aliens. Plus that isn't official.
Robot fucking is not furry user
>we let these types of people vote
Should've never let them out of the kitchen desu.
Not him but I do have an issue with the character being incredibly slippery in Starbound, trying to do small movement, even when walking, often result in tossing your character off the edge, making platforming bit of a chore.
Imagine instead having 6 bagillions planets but they all look the same.
Why do space game can't into doing a few interesting planets rather than the usual procedural generation that make everything look exactly the same?
Are there any other games like this that aren't Terraria or meme asset flips?
I'm really interested in making a starbound type of game that isn't trash, but I have no clue how the terraria/starbound type of game works.
Then go play Terraria, you dumb nigger.
The sameness in Starbound is particularly bad, you can go into a floran dungeon on one of the earlier planets and then encounter the EXACT same dungeon with the same layout on an endgame planet, with the only difference being increased stats on the guards and different rng loot
Finish your science based dragon mmo first
There's literally a gorillion of terraria/starbound games around, even if you managed to make something good it'd most likely drown unnoticed in the sea of mediocrity that is Steam's indie tag.
Try taking the good aspects (like custom spaceships and waifus) and making a non-sandbox game instead.
jesus christ
List two that are not Terraria/Starbound/Minecraft
Also you're right. A decent plot > soulless open world sandbox
Did they ever fix the lag?
Also, Frackin Universe sucks.
Oh yeah, I'm more interested in the actual planet/crew exploration than a sandbox game.
launching a single rocket is the main goal
who told you there wasn't one?
Nope its worse than ever
You have to change the games config file to utilize more than 2 cpu cores, or use the multi core mod if you are a fucking retard.
>Frackin Universe sucks
The game is unplayable without it.
Did they ever fix the lag?
You mean that fucking lag in Starbound making you feel like you have 300 ping in a fucking singleplayer game? They never fixed it, it's just an issue with the game handling way too many things at the same time so it puts them on hold.
the most infuriating part is that it fucking worked
they probably recouped their investment from stardew valley alone, and they've managed to fuck that up bad enough that the dev had to ditch them for the most part
>base matter manipulator is like minecraft fists
>picks and drills exist but wear out incredibly fast
>if you can rush the upgrades to your MM it's better than anything else
no axes, shovels, or anything for trees/dirt, they all use the MM or pick/drill
Tiy got fired from the terraria team for a reason.
He's a plagiarist and a hack, so I'm not sure why people thought a project led by him would amount to anything.
>then the forum bullshit with the boob horse having them change the nocakid ship AI to just a normal fucking horse, how boring
and then they just removed unique ship AI altogether and made it the same
I ended up building my base on the first planet and just Chairman Drekked the other planets and took their shit to add to my own.
There isn't a point in using any of the tools, 30 minutes into the game you'll have upgraded the main tool so it's much better and doesn't break.
well at least they give you the option to just not fucking play
Planet Centauri, Portal Knights, Pixark, Realms of Magic, and I remember some others that were really terrible but I can't seem to find them anymore.
>more than three sprite entities on screen
>frames go to the 20's and even the 9's
What kind of coding enigma is that?
It was probably at the same point where the racial quests where removed and the human quest become the main quest.
Planet Centauri was not terrible at all, Portal Knights was boring as shit ans Pixark is a chinese scam.
Imagine playing a game with 5 trillion planets but they're all equally empty.
What the fuck does Frackin Universe even do?
Inject the game with mountains of autism and purpose, but you have to be autistic to see the purpose.
Unskippable "cutscenes", tedious main storyline you need to upgrade gear, low amount of gameplay content, devs hating weapons that feel good to use, devs reducing the lore...
Most updates sucked the soul out of it.
One of the tings I loved about Terraria and Starbound was the adventuring. However, Terraria has much more to discover.
Forgot to mention, but they removed features to be more egalitarian; all species were different initially, but evolution is no longer the case in Sci-Fi.
game released with less content than it had during beta
No, really. Literally everything.
more armor, more things to craft, it gives planet specific gravity and stuff, it's just a big fat package of content and it does fix a lot of stuff with the base game, don't listen to butthurt user who couldn't figure how to build his own ship
That's because their one coder couldn't go to their 5000 dollar donation money bought office space in London and the new one coder had no fucking idea how to make out with it so majority of everything in Beta had to be scrapped.
Tried to imitate perfection and failed at it.
Playing this game is literally pointless. Why should I build a space station for NPC if they're no different from those on planets? Why do I have billions of planets to explore, when all of them just have random biomes, 1-2 dungeons and a random village? Why would I even do those dungeons requiring key to enter to upgrade my weapons, if there's no an actual challenge later on? Why should I invest my time in building something, while it will serve me no purpose?
Also why the hell all races are just the same, but reskinned? Why couldn't they have unique passives, weapons, abilities, etc.? Why is there so few weapons? Like, 2 swords, 2 staves, and maybe 1 crossbow? Where is the variety in this game? Hell, Terraria gives me much less choice, yet each playthrough might be different.
try a search for big brother irl costanza or something
>competent developers left before release, replaced by cucked visionless brainlets
>primitive combat "system"
>fucked tier progression
>repetitive exploration with zero interesting shit to discover
>shitty child-friendly changes to decrease age restrictions
>absolutely repugnant story with soulless "characters" forced down your throat
oh FUCK, my game doesnt have WATER PHYSICS. how could I put in 1k hours without water physics. how could I ever enjoy all those engaging and challenging boss fights and the joy of discovering something completely new and exciting after a long exploration trip when my game doesn't have WATER PHYSICS. how could i be so dumb?
all those fucking pixel artists making little houses and campsites and science labs but god forbid they go the extra mile and make a few 100% handcrafted planets to actually make this impressive