Elden Stagnation

>tfw Elden Ring will basically just be dark souls in a different setting
I'm really losing my faith in From Software to deliver something that will advance their formula.
Is it really just going to be stagnation from here on out?
I thought they made Sekiro because they wanted to create something new and different but it seems like we're going back to the old formula now.

Attached: elden-ring.jpg (900x1134, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Open world souls is going to be kino whether you like it or not

Dark souls 2 was open world, thanks for finally admitting dark souls 2 was kino

why are you lying.

How the fuck will copy pasted open world be superior when intricate and thought out level design is like half the appeal of their games?

who cares
it's going to be hard as fuck haha git gud

I think you're misunderstanding something

it's a launch day purchase for me, suck it up faggot
didn't even read your faggy little post

Why are you afraid it's going to be stagnant when Sekiro was so different ?
Idk, I kinda trust From on this

>open world
>get new powers as you kill bosses
Fuck you nigger
Also I just saw these today
My bet is these are some concepts for the new game

Attached: fromsoft-mermaid.jpg (708x398, 24K)

>I'm really losing my faith in From Software
>losing From Software
>lOsing frOm sOftware
> O O Oohhh


Attached: fromsoft-wtf.jpg (708x398, 34K)

prove he's lying


Attached: fromsoft-wyvern.jpg (1096x731, 67K)

Because From Software might feel pressured to make another game for "the souls fans" and judging by the interview with Miyazaki that seems to be his motivation. Souls fans don't like snappy and fresh combat, they like weapon and armor "variety". Gameplay is secondary for them.

>Advance their formula
Why would they need to do that in the first place?
People still play the fuck out of Souls and BB to this day, the games are good enough. They're expanding the replayability of their games with Elden Ring which is what they should be doing anyway. The games barely get old, we just need more content.

Don’t fix what ain’t broken

For all you know it could be advancing the formula. You know literally nothing about the game yet.

Haven't seen that interview, but I think you should wait for gameplay before jumping to conclusions. Pretty Sure From Soft, and esp. Miyazaki, don't like repeating themselves

Goddamn i cant fucking wait. Gameplay when?

I don't know how you can not be bored of simplistic ass basic souls gameplay after 5x the same game with minor differences between them.
Sekiro was supposed to usher in a new age of even better games... It's not fair bros...

>seething Suckiro cuck

>tfw Elden Ring will basically just be dark souls in a different setting
good? thats perfect

how can you people not be bored of the core gameplay of souls games yet?
especially rolling 8 times through some bosses combo just feels fucking silly and stupid at this point.
they need a new combat system.
it doesn't have to be complex, just not this stagnant.


they're focusing on what they do best, and what their customer base wants and enjoys. fuck off and play ubisoft games if you require change every 2 years



sekiro is a progression in a few specific aspects of game design with everything else regressing or removed completely. also learn the difference between "advancing" and "changing." you clearly want change, not advancement.


I can't get enough of it. and its not just the combat, its the leveling up, grinding, exploration and item hunting that I love and want more of. They don't need to change shit, they have a great grasp of gameplay and the only changes should just be improvements and tweaks and further better their level design. What do you want? Sims 5 x dark souls? cars? fuck off idiot

>Elden Ring will basically just be dark souls in a different setting
And that's a good thing. Sekiro proved that conventional action games are subpar.

Remains to be seen how the game will turn out but they already confirmed the games will have "Kingdoms and castles" which will probably intricately designed like their previous games. Who knows how the actual open world part will be handled though.


>I don't know how you can not be bored of simplistic ass basic souls gameplay
Have you only played video games for two years of your life? I still revisit
>Metroid Prime
>Metroid Prime 2
>Super Metroid
>Super C
>Contra III: The Alien Wars
>Contra: Hard Corps
>Metal Slug games
>Half-Life 2
>Mega Man
>Super Mario Bros.
Are you really so retarded as to ask why people don't get tired of mastering certain gameplay? Again, have you only been playing video games for two years?

>what they do best
then why do they keep building on the worst aspects of their games instead of fixing them?
the truth is that from software doesn't see a lot of problems in their games as problems. for example they got the healing mechanic right in the original Dark Souls, except maybe for being able to kindle to 15 and 20 and we have only had inferior models since then.

If you don't like it don't play it bro. There are tons of other games for you.
I have over 300h on each Souls and BB, and I still don't get tired of it.
There's beauty in the systems' simplicity.

Dark souls is not perfect. It can be approved upon and tweaked for a different and possibly better experience. A new (but similar) theme is fine as long as we're moving up

Also this, which is a lot more recent.

Attached: a_01.jpg (1080x1389, 124K)

Not really. For example the weapon arts in Dark Souls 3 were a sort of advancement... Except they completely failed at it.

Sekiro wasn't as compelling to play as any Souls, though.
The absolute lack of builds, items and shit makes exploration useless. Who really used confetti and shit like that? I just tried to beat everything with my regular tools. Using consumables isn't fun most of the time, doesn't compare to finding a new weapon with a new moveset or new armor for fashion.

cringe tier projection

The only good meme to develop from this shit hole in a long fucking time

the world of dark souls 2 is hardly open world
it's literally just different areas stitched together because the devs had no idea how to make a coherent world
if it just utilized teleports like demon's souls it would have unironically been a better game

They said it will have properly designed castles and stuff tho. Imagine exploring a huge open world, discovering unique enemies, bosses and items, and then stumbling upon a secret door that leads you into something like Sen's fortress.

If done properly, it can easily blow soulsbourne out of the water and create ripples across the industry.

>mastering r1 spam

I saw this too, but I judged it was cut DS3 stuff just by virtue of the coiled sword and he looks stunningly like Lothric

Definitely agree. Most games are just more of the same anyway regardless of which developer is doing it. A fresh coat of paint on a game that truly works for me on all its levels is all I want.


Attached: 1538974492308.png (2560x1440, 2.18M)

Well according to Miyazaki himself it's Elden Ring concept art. He said it encapsulates the themes of the game perfectly.

Ah thanks for clarifying

You have next to no information about the game and you're already assuming it won't ideally go the way Sekiro did

that's great

Nothing can be concrete until actual game footage is released but there is a lot that can be inferred with the info we have. It most likely will play similarly to souls games but from the way Miyazaki described it there will be far more versatility in how you play compared to the souls series, on top of the fact that it will be more RPG focused which probably means more NPC's and actual quests (presumably).

he said that? jesus christ. it looks no different to ds3.

I will probably get shit on for this since this thread seems to be full of rabid fanboys but here are my complaints with the souls formula's lack of advancement:

Souls games have many weapons, right?
And many weapons means varied movesets.
A lot of people seem to really buy into the illusion that different weapons and movesets in Dark Souls change how you play the game, but it's just a placebo. The problem is that there is really just a very limited amount of ways of how enemies react to your attacks or how you can react to theirs (Sekiro fixed the latter part somewhat with having you use different types of movement for different attacks)
Anyways, when it comes down to this there are really just such few ways in which enemies react to your attacks. They take some damage, possibly suffer some hitstun and that's IT. There are no interesting kinds of links or ways in which you can set up enemies for other attacks. That's something i just feel is lacking from the games at this point.

And no, that doesn't mean i want Dark Souls to be a spectacle fighter in which you can juggle hollows and have a style meter, i just want a little more intricacy. Is that really so bad?
I think the limited amounts of ways enemies react to your attacks and how you can't set up enemies for certain attacks in interesting ways is exactly the reason why magic has always been so bad in souls games from a gameplay perspective.

oh so youre just shitposting
got it

>why didn't they make my azzy wazzy mesoamerican lovecraftian lazer beam space souls that's gigeresque yet generally set in a Blame!-like universe
>boo hoo

Just let Miyazaki and GRRM do their magic. They have visions, grand concepts for original stories that don't rely exclusively on scavenging around for old tropish settings that amount to what would be little more than mexican food restauraunt, a poor imitation.

Quite like Christopher Nolan, in fact, the best current filmmaker alive, they have brains and these brains produce ideas, original characters, original concepts for them, and eventually, us, to explore and appreciate.

Attached: He thinks, so we don't have to.jpg (900x563, 77K)

I just got the Temple Arts and Sabimaru and I'm loving how offensive I can be in combat compared to any Souls game. I agree that most rewards for exploring are dogshit, but man this game just really scratches an itch. Exploration + combat with no fluff. Love it. MAJOR downside is you should be able to swap combat arts on the fly.

>fabricating a complaint no one has

Pretty much everyone except anti-from shills and GRRM haters are excited for this game and completely fine with it. Then again this post reads like pasta so I'm probably the idiot here.

>Getting used to different timings between weapons is an illusion!
>Different movesets are the same thing!
>Souls suck, everyone is having fake fun!

It's not that I dislike the designs, but it kinda looks like just a middle ground between bloodborne and dark souls

Yea it's kind of sad.

Man i really wish someone would take up the helm and craft a From Soft style fantasy action game, but instead in a setting that is more similar to that of Ico or Shadow of the Colossus or even BotW in some parts.

I call that kind of fantasy "mystery fantasy".
Overgrown ruins and mysterious carvings in the walls and such.

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 109K)

Shocking that the same studio that makes similar types of games with the same lead artist have similar traits in design between games.

tl dr

Same. I’ve sunk more hours into soulsborne games than any other franchise and it’s still one of the only series I can fire up at any time and lose an entire afternoon to. Give me some bosses, great level design, a fuckton of viable builds and weapons, and I’m good to go.

>A lot of people seem to really buy into the illusion that different weapons and movesets in Dark Souls change how you play the game
This is aktcshually 100% true in PvP.
>There are no interesting kinds of links or ways in which you can set up enemies for other attacks.
Another PvP thing that happens all the time.
>I think the limited amounts of ways enemies react to your attacks and how you can't set up enemies for certain attacks in interesting ways is exactly the reason why magic has always been so bad in souls games from a gameplay perspective.

It does honestly
Still pretty neat though

>Lords of the Rings
I will concede that Tolkien's academic works advanced the appreciation of literature greatly, and that his books literally carved out and fleshed out the modern western fantasy setting .

















Actually that's called "high fantasy".

this is true and why Sekiro felt good

I'll agree with exploration feeling unrewarding in Sekiro, and i wish they would have used Esoteric Texts as exploration rewards (unlocking single skills) instead of ceramic shards but my first playthrough of Sekiro eclipsed my first playthrough of Dark Souls in terms of how much of a sense of discovery i felt to be honest.
I won't replay Sekiro nearly as much as i did Dark Souls 1 but that's totally fine in my book.
First playthrough experience is the most important thing for me.

it's not kewl or smurt, it's incredible

Human brains are technically incapable of original thoughts.

Not really. High fantasy is very outrageous with Elfs and Dwarfs and elemental sorcery and shit. The kind of fantasy in SotC and Ico feels very subdued to me.

Well you're wrong, they're high fantasy.

Nip here, that thing on the top is NPR Tanoshii, which means NPR Fun (?)
Anyone has any idea what NPR could mean?

What makes them high fantasy as opposed to dark fantasy? Because the games have literally just as many elements of dark fantasy.

I'd fucking love if all skills were given through exploration instead of having a skill tree and experience.

All except Nolan's brain.

Truly, he is a genius.

Attached: laughs.jpg (958x1080, 165K)

>Nip here, that thing on the top is NPR Tanoshii, which means NPR Fun (?)

How popular is Souls in Japan?

Fuck yeah Dark Souls IIII

I really hope this isn't how the whole game will look.
It looks 100% like Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games.

>I really hope this isn't how the whole game will look.

It obviously won't.

>Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games

Most interesting********

It encapsulates the themes of the game perfectly. So tough luck.

>Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games.

Attached: 1538965724031.jpg (3840x1600, 2.86M)

>Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games.

Attached: The Dreg Heap.jpg (3840x2160, 765K)

>It looks 100% like Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games.

Remember when people said Dark Souls 3 looks like Bloodborne?

Orange and blue is not very interesting. Blue and black, red and black, or just pink is better.

Goodbye thread.

>Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games.
>Orange and blue is not very interesting
If that's all you're taking from these then I'm solidified in my calling you a faggot.

Attached: 2415-29.jpg (1920x1050, 561K)

DS3 was gorgeous. Especially the Ringed City.
I'm glad we'll see more of this imagery in Elden Ring.

Attached: 1560332868802.jpg (401x401, 33K)

Are you agreeing with me? Thanks i guess.
Yea but i hope when he says that he talks about the character itself and not the "X but on fire" shit the series has been plagued with for a long time.

>Are you agreeing with me? Thanks i guess.
W e w
>and not the "X but on fire" shit the series has been plagued with for a long time.
>The third game in a series about the waning of the fire that gave life to everything has a motif of flame and I am shocked by this
You're just an all around terrible poster, my god.

Attached: 1536531282881.jpg (3840x2160, 808K)

Eastern European Gothic architecture was done before in Bloodborne.

>Eastern European Gothic architecture was done before in Bloodborne

Dark souls 1****

Attached: Here+have+a+wallpaper+of+anor+londo+_fca7bd6a4eebd2e262f16ca5fd241a0f.jpg (1366x768, 171K)

Imagine making a game that (even though sharing some elements with Souls) is a step in a new direction only to immediately regress a year later, fuck From

It's not pink enough you idiot.

Gothic cathedral architecture you see in DS3 was lifted directly from DS1. Nigger.

Anybody want to discuss DS3 cut content?
With the reveal of the cut dragon boss and the God's Grave map?

yeah, it looks fucking good, but all you posted are pictures of castles, and that's the point. dark souls 3 is oversaturated with castles and swamps and the color gray. that's not very interesting.

You faggots that want gimmicks instead of QUALITY are the reason why post-N64 Nintendo exists. Every game that tries to fix what wasn't broke has ALWAYS been SHIT.


>in dark souls 3 the world is collapsing in on itself because of the darksign
i hope there's something interesting to the world of Elden Ring like this

>Remember when people said Dark Souls 3 looks like Bloodborne?
Bloodborne certainly inspired some of the monster designs in Dark Souls 3. One could even argue some of them were Bloodborne rejects.

Not to the extent of BB. Anor Londo is one of the few times I recall such architecture present in a Souls game before Bb.
>what is Irithyll?
>what is the entirety of the Ringed City?

It's not quite that simple, it is normal to have the same style, it is not normal to do the same things unless it's in the same context.

Those three models (especially the last 2) look to be riddled with small objects that won't stop moving while ingame, just like bloodborne did, it almost made sense in that game, since outworldly creatures and all, but it's something that started in ds3, was abused in bloodborne and it just seems to keep ramping up with no real reason.

Again, it is normal to have an style, but look at any long-standing franchise (and souls is 10 years old) and you will see change in order to escape staleness.

For example, ten years ago new super mario bros wii was released in an effort to go back to its roots after super mario galaxy, which came after sunshine, there is more change in those three games alone than in the entire souls franchise and that's fucking mario.

Look at any established franchise really. Devil May cry, Persona (even though these like playing with the artstyle a lot), Castlevania...

You can't keep the same designs for so long and expect people not to grow bored of them.

Bloodborne and Sekiro already looked somewhat creatively bankrupt and I'm not seeing that problem being tackled. It's worrying.

>DS3 was gorgeous. Especially the Ringed City.

Is the Dark Souls 3 DLC worth buying?

>Bloodborne certainly inspired some of the monster designs in Dark Souls 3.

No the artist did.


Then why is Sekiro the greatest From Software game of the past 8 years?

if it ain't broke, dont fix it

ps dilate tranny degenerates

>Bloodborne certainly inspired some of the monster designs in Dark Souls 3. One could even argue some of them were Bloodborne rejects.

What makes you say that?

>and the color gray
There's a decent amount of red and orange. What do you want? Rainbow colors in a dark fantasy?

That's why directors exist.
They're supposed to guide this sort of thing and prevent it from happening.

The cramped caskets from BB was found in the data mines of DaS3. Literally 1:1.

Literally every franchise you listed copy pastes shit just as much as FROM does with their games, except their art design is worse. I would argue that FROM has some of the best art design in the industry.

>ever innovating in art design fucking ever


Of course senpai.

Dark Souls III is the only game in the series that actually fucking LOOKS like the end of the world - like you can actually see how life stagnates and becomes overgrown and possessed by living pus and shit until the point where the sky is basically fucking fall down

DS1 is great and all but everyone's just chilling, nothing is really wrong except there's a lot of pink zombies

DS2 is like a fever dream and, though the lore is fucked beyond sense, as a game it's kino as fuck also zombies are green now

Everyone one loves Dark Souls and they are adding more to what we already love. I liked Sekiro but i was done after I got the 4 different ending. I still pick up Dark Souls, it just FEELS good. No one does high dark fantasy better than From, and by a long shot too. Just becuse we are going back to swords and sheilds and RPG elements does not be we are taking a step back. This shit is a staple in video game themes, everyone like feeling like your own fantasy hero/villain. Shit looks kino. Fcuk yuo lvoe Form

thread was shit anyways

Obviously there is no concrete gameplay footage yet, but from what has been said it appears like Elden Ring is going to be even more similar to the Souls formula than Sekiro was. It seems pointless to me because the Souls formula was already perfected 4 years ago by a game that isn't even Souls

it's literally the best part of the game

Go back to writing George,fucking Rowling has more dignity than you fatboy

I remember when people collectively flipped their shit when they first saw the art direction of Wind Waker.
15 years later almost everyone loves Wind Waker and change in art direction is something that has become a staple of the Zelda series and something that people even get excited about.
It's true, From Software's games have become visually stagnant. I don't expect a complete change in art style but we see the same elements again and again and again.


>everyone crying about color
look how bright sekiro was

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>DS2 is like a fever dream
I remember describing DS2 like this and it's still my favorite descriptor for its setting. It really feels like the whole universe in that game is mad and aimless due to endless cycles. It's beautiful.

Attached: reshade.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

I seriously hope you aren't talking about Bloodborne because while good it was a failed experiment, not a perfection of the formula.

>Dark Souls in a different settings

Already sounds decent enough for me.

Attached: fd2f8b349943ab95f72a05a46feacfa0.png (373x389, 352K)

brightness and color are not the same thing pea-brain

we're not doing this again

Yea Forums complains about both

Yea Sekiro was the freshness we needed.
Funnily enough Stagnation was a major theme of Sekiro and in buddhism stagnation is a theme of danger.

I thought this was as much a theme of the game as it was a comment by From Software about themselves and how they wanted to do something new.
Elden Ring seems to be a step backwards. Why?


And then they'll retread the same pitfalls like "time is convoluted" and "geography is convoluted" and whatnot again and ruin it all over again.

game isnt even out yet and Yea Forums already has their panties in a twist, elden ring and breath of the wild 2 will completely destroy this place

>haven't even seen gameplay

>Elden Ring seems to be a step backwards. Why?
It only seems that way to you since you're retarded.

Yea but we read an interview that strongly points towards regression.

>>ever innovating in art design fucking ever

From trying to stay faithful to the initial 2D design, to a focus on shadows and water, to a focus on lightning and shape, to a focus on space and color

If you want to see how it is when things barely change go ahead and look at mario kart or the olympic games

Attached: same aesthetic I swear.png (773x436, 750K)

It doesn't.

Except literally the opposite. The themes are going back to dark fantasy but gameplay-wise Miyazaki said it's the most ambitious game they've made, and they're is more variance in how you play than any game they've made.

probably a publisher's decision. i doubt from software even gives a shit about george.

>Elden Ring seems to be a step backwards

We literally know nothing about the gameplay, visual design or general game design other than for the fact that it's going to be open world, it's going to have big guys with flaming red hair, it's going to have people with armour, and it has a picture of some guy in a skin garment.

There's no reason for these assumptions, there's no reason to have an overtly negative, or overtly positive outlook yet, so what's even the point?

OOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooohhhhhhh ELDEN RING

>Yea but what Yea Forums told me from an interview that I personally didn't read strongly points towards regression.


>Team Ico games are high fantasy
Most retarded post i've read in years.
In high fantasy things like good and evil are seldom ambiguous. Nothing about Shadow of the Colossus or Ico or Last Guardian is "high fantasy".

Did you read the interview? Miyazaki is GRRM's fan. He even read GRRM's obscure shit and called it a masterpiece. Fevre Dream.

I miss you Suzy

I dunno why this shitty meme makes me so enthusiastic
I sure hope FROM aren't slaves to their publishers

But i read it?
I suppose you're just in it for the shitposting. Sad.

Look at this fucking retard. Miyazaki approached George personally.

I doubt you could even imagine it.

Then you have terrible reading comprehension my retarded friend.

Then we clearly disagree, which is fine. But for arguments sake let's say I think DS1 is the pinnacle, which it is in its own series IMO. I see no point in re-using the same formula when nothing has come close to a 2011 game, from a creative standpoint. Obviously from a business standpoint it is a strong investment. But from my view i've always valued From as a company who value creative integrity. Maybe that is beginning to change.

>FROM being slave to publisher meme again.
Have you guys been asleep? From Software is one of the most desired developers in the industry AND they have spent the past couple of years playing the fucking field in the industry collaborating with Sony and then Activision to show publishers that they can go wherever they want because people WANT them and that if you want to work with From Software you will work with them on THEIR terms and not on your own. This isn't 2011 anymore. From Software can say "we want full creative freedom" and if the publisher says "no deal" they'll says "okay bye" and go somewhere else.

>But from my view i've always valued From as a company who value creative integrity

FROMSOFT has always, and I mean literally always recycled their franchises until they can literally not beat the dead horse any longer. They have 20 armored core games, 4 Kings Field games, two shadow tower games (which is kings field reskinned), etc. And the souls series and their subsequent successors are all inspired by kings field as well.

It’s a shit meme

>But from my view i've always valued From as a company who value creative integrity. Maybe that is beginning to change.
Dude you're a Soulsbabby bitch secondary. Why are you acting like a dedicated FROM fanboy? You weren't here spamming about your hipster shit taste and "creative" bankruptcy for the 18 Armored Core games and 6 ACE games. Fuck off pretentious cunt.

Attached: 1560438780454.png (355x347, 134K)

Speaking of publishers, who's publishing Elden ring?

You are clearly also a secondary if you think ACE combat is made by From Software.

I saw this exact thread without the last sentence of your post, about Sekiro.

Another Century's Episode you dumb newfag fuck. Fuck off.

Attached: 1560272458879.gif (282x324, 3.1M)

I don't know, the focus of BB's design seems to have been aggressiveness, but after playing Sekiro i kind of feel like what they accomplished in this game is what they wanted Bloodborne to feel like but they couldn't get it quite right. Just my feeling though. I still like Bloodborne but i think it and Dark Souls 3 suffers from Sekiro's existence the most since both of those games rely on their action elements the most heavily despite being not any "deeper" than previous Souls games. The reason i think Dark Souls 1 is the best in the souls series is because while the action wasn't super-great, it also wasn't the sole focus of the game and that's what saved it.

>using the word secondary

So you value being a fan of something longer than someone else? Interesting.

he cares about souls plot. lmaoing at your life

are you fucking retarded?

High fantasy and low fantasy just denote whether the media is set (at least partially) on the Earth we live in or in an entirely fictional world. Either of the two can still be dark fantasy.

But at some point retards started thinking "if it has elves, it's high fantasy"

That's great then

>being this new and demented
Just fuck off back to Youtube comment sections with your pretentious uninformed drivel you worthless piece of shit.

>but after playing Sekiro i kind of feel like what they accomplished in this game is what they wanted Bloodborne to feel like but they couldn't get it quite right

No, not at all. Sekiro's design philosophy was to emulate the clashing of swords like in a samurai movie. BB could not achieve the same style when you're battling giant beasts and otherwordly monsters. And they're both aggressive gameplay styles, but in different ways.

what a stupid post ! well done !

because high fantasy and epic fantasy have become synonymous.

Hey buddy, read

>Just fuck off back to Youtube comment sections with your pretentious uninformed drivel you worthless piece of shit.

Nope I'll stay right here angry-autist-san.

Allow me to correct myself, since Miyazaki gained recognition. But even then I recognize that Souls is a successor to Kings Field, so my point isn't strong in general guess
Refill your ADHD prescription

thanks, I had almost not seen that one.
You're doing me a solid, keep em coming

Refill your wife with niggers' creampie.

I agree! They should innovate with something cool like an easy mode. And they should add some trans acceptance rhetoric. Oh and gender fluid options. Also less combat and more cutscenes. And Decisions That Matter(tm).

You have seen a two minute CGI teaser video for the videogame dude I don't think you can make any definitive claims about what the game part of it is going to be like

>they like weapon and armor "variety". Gameplay is secondary for them.
Are you seriously arguing against variety in movesets? Movesets are gameplay. And which "souls fans" didn't like Sekiro exactly? Everyone praised it, they just found it lacking in variety.

Their philosophy in game development from a quality standpoint has vastly improved, but their philosophy on the business side of things has completely stayed the same. They will always continue to make games in their core franchises, or derivatives as long as they sell. And they are still selling very very well.

If Elden Ring has Patches and Moonlight Greatsword in it we'll know that Miyazaki is an utter fucking hack.
Honestly i feel like the From Software fan crowd can be divided into 2 different camps.

One camp sees the Moonlight Greatsword #25 and Patches #20 and they roll their eyes and sigh.
The other camp sees Moonlight Greatsword #25 and Patches #20 and they get really hyped about the same thing being referenced yet again.

Attached: 1538636368182.jpg (251x242, 14K)

Funny how you say copy pasted there as if that's just how things work

Honest thoughts on GRRM writing the story?

Attached: 1560508330837.gif (245x235, 771K)

The third camp is people like you who think that actually has any bearing on the quality of the game itself when it factually doesn't.

Let me guess.. American?

Would be cool but he's not writing it.

MGS was a thing in both Armored Core and King's Field.
And there's nothing wrong with fanservice. Japanese animators and devs see stuff like that as a loving tradition.

You're obviously stuck in your westacucked mind.

it's not going to be open world. It will be huge hubs connected by hallways.

He's a good world builder and I think his writing style complements the stuff Miyazaki likes very nicely, so it's probably a good thing he's involved.

We're getting horses.

Nah, guarantee it will be like Ocarina of Time where it's huge hubs (kingdoms) connected by a mostly empty open world you can travel in for down time, with the odd sight to see or puzzle (or roaming enemies).

>And they're both aggressive gameplay styles, but in different ways.

Yes but not quite, Sekiro is way more successful at what it tries to do.

They designed themselves into a corner with Bloodborne's combat, being able to heal yourself up by dealing damage meant that bosses had to have relentless attacking patterns so they had a chance to kill you at all, that had to be coupled with high hp pools so you didn't just rush them mindlessly, so what was supposed to be a game that rewarded aggression actually ended up in fairly passive playstyles since you got nothing special out of being aggressive as fuck.

Sekiro deals with that forcing the player to parry constantly if he wants to be properly agressive, you can either go for a slow buildup of damage via hp or you can go for the agressive playstyle via parry, fights can go wrong really fast and they can go right fairly fast too, all while giving freedom to the player in what he does and being pretty fast-paced, which Bloodborne failed brutally at.

Imagine not liking how the moonlight greatsword is fit into all the games

It's really fucking obvious that it's going to have the same kind of levels past souls games had, only this time they're all connected to an Ocarina of Time like Hyrule Field from which you can enter all areas or almost all areas without having to go through other areas first.

>ended up in fairly passive playstyles since you got nothing out of being aggressive
You straight up played the game wrong
I don't know how you managed it but somehow you did

How similar are Team Ico games and Hidetaka Miyazaki games?

>watches a cinematic
>can deduct from the video that it will be a copy of dark souls

unironically hang yourself you mouth breathing incel

They're pretty similar in how they portray melancholic almost broken worlds with environmental storytelling.

Miyazaki games have a lot more text in them that give you a more concrete idea of the world though, Team Ico games are 100% visual with sparse dialogue so less can be inferred.

Not at all sadly.

The game is not very different from souls games in those terms as long as you didn't use a shield

Miyazaki cites Ico as direct inspiration for Demon's Souls and has said Ico was the game that made him want to become a game dev. In terms of the actual games, not much.

You mean in atmosphere, setting or gameplay?
Gameplay, not at all similar.
Setting, also not similar, but similarly melancholic at least.
In terms of atmosphere Dark Souls always felt more like an adventure to me whereas Team Ico games just feel like they're overflowing with mystery. Like you're an animal stranded in a world that has been built before you existed but it was abandoned and you can't make sense of how it might have been used by the species that inhabitated the world before you came.

not my fault that you're a retard who didn't read the interview.

>an open world dark fantasy setting bigger than all previous Souls games
>mythos and world building by GRRM, lore and plot by Miyazaki
I can't control myself. I'm getting fucking hyped.

Attached: DS2 concept art.jpg (2048x2022, 1.98M)

Not him but the interview is still not even close to enough information to make sweeping judgements about the game. Until gameplay is shown everything is speculation. It most likely will play similar to souls, but I think it will add a lot more to the formula unlike most pessimists on Yea Forums.

WTF i love stangation now

Hence why every post is worded like a speculation based on what is known so far and not a definitive statement.

And what is known so far is that Miyazaki himself has stated this game will have more variance in playstyles than any previous game, so I fail to see how it's a "copy-paste" job of souls based on speculation.

These were shown off at some art design talk and included some more scifi monsters. I wouldn't necessarily bet on them being related to Elden Ring

It's similar to souls games without a shield but it pushes you to be much faster and much more aggressive, and it accomplishes this relatively well.
The only people who really bounce off the intended playstyle are the ones who decide to take 30 minutes to kill a boss via dash in dash out single hit chipping at their life bar, and people that stubborn who don't want to rethink their approach at all are OBVIOUSLY straight up playing the game wrong.

The three posted in this thread are most likely elden ring.

I wonder if it'll have jumping. Give DEXfags a bone.
Also improved and more varied magic.

Focus is better than variety, especially when in the past Miyazaki's approach to variety has been 30 of more or less the same spell that shoots projectiles of different sizes and travel speed and different homing capabilities at enemies to lead to the exact same result.

This is an RPG focused game, variety is literally the point. And it's still likely that what you just described isn't going to be the case in this game because of the statements by Miyazaki. If you want another focused game like sekiro where the whole gameplay system is designed a specific way to achieve a specific feeling, then this just isn't going to be the game for you because that isn't the goal here.

Correction; DS2 was PLANNED to be open world when the first director was on board, but was scrapped along with most elements once they realized how unattainable that was (relative to the vision and the resources available)
This is why the areas in DS2 suck--they were initially designed as locations in a much larger world, but when they had to paste the scraps together they literally started throwing areas together, even if they didn't mack sense in the logic of the world or even clipped into each other

What is your favorite Miyazaki game?

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls

Except they have expanded their formula
Bloodborne and Sekiro took the formula in different directions and were both amazing

Armored Core 4: For Answer.

>an open world dark fantasy setting bigger than all previous Souls games

What is the biggest Souls game?

Wont finish it and will just let Myazaki put on vague item descriptions again so that the fans make up the lore

Last Raven

If you count just sheer number shit it's 2.

But in terms of quality 3.


He was heavily involved but not director of last raven. Only armored core games he directed were 4 and for answer.

I know but user didn't specify

If you count objectively the sheer number of content, it would be Bloodborne + chalices, but for a regular playthrough it's easily DS2.

Why does Dark Souls 2 get so much hate?

>Originally not his game, came in to essentially salvage it and though much was lost, he managed to pull it off with a game that is janky and broken but fundamentally fun and engaging
>More of his actual intentions and ideas as reflected in Demons, was able to accomplish much more with this title comparatively but was cut short by Bamco, creating a great experience but one clearly not in line with his initial vision
>Though there is quite a bit of cut content, it seems that unlike Dark where he was curtailed in Blood these may have been cuts he made himself. In turn, Bloodborne is perhaps the most "true" game with regards to his vision, marred only by its severe hardware limitations
>Almost more a proof of concept than a game, when you master the systems there isn't actually that much (not that many options, boss types, etc.) but as a proof of concept it definitely proves this style of gameplay can work--you're almost more excited to see what he will do next with this style of gameplay in future titles more than anything

Because the base game is absolute trash and it controls the worst of any souls game (this isn't even an opinion, it's fact).

The DLC's go a long way for making the game more tolerable but it's still the weakest game in the series by far.

Dark Souls is my favorite game ever made
Bloodborne is second
Demon's Souls is great, Sekiro and DS3 are OK, DS2 is shit

e-celebs and their redditor parrots

>Almost more a proof of concept than a game, when you master the systems there isn't actually that much (not that many options, boss types, etc

I agree with most of what you said but this is bullshit. The game is a complete and finished vision, it's just not meant to be replayed like the souls games are.

>horse ride
No thanks

>be FromSoft
>release GOTY after GOTY
>cherished games with large fanbase
>try something new and utterly BTFO the competition yet again
>want to try another new thing
>Yea Forums shits on it
Children, all of you.

>Dark Souls is my favorite game ever made


>Almost more a proof of concept than a game
Not really. It's just a different genre.

I miss you

Because he has good taste.

Great taste user.

I don't miss you, fuck off.

Demon's accomplished more than Dark in terms of engaging gameplay



Attached: 1505378470456.gif (280x358, 1.18M)

Basically Elden Ring is what Dark Souls 2 was meant to be

Way to say nothing of substance.

At this point even The Surge 2 looks more interesting.
Cyberpunk setting > boring nordic garbage

I'm not saying that's what i want but it's definitely the safer way of getting something that feels tight and good.
If they can create actual variety that matters i won't say no, but i've yet to see that in a Souls game.

I doubt thats the intention but is pretty much true. You even travel to different kingdoms and kill their rulers in the dark souls 2 DLC.

Elden Ring isn't nordic, stop repeating this garbage.

What did Demon's Souls do BETTER than Dark Souls?

Looks like the Charmed symbol. Remember that show? God I loved Prue so much.

Attached: 81js9XntbML._SY445_.jpg (310x445, 24K)

stop responding to bait.
all the setting memery is nothing but bait by idiots.

This game is only inspired by Nordic mythology from literally a mythological standpoint, visually it only is in slight ways. If your expecting a Viking Skyrim setting I can guarantee that’s not what it’s going to be.

pretty much thisi can't tell you any other explanation, i like this game a fucking lot, the best adventure i've ever experienced, the world is a masterpiece.

Came out first
Was a PS3 exclusive
Had fun tripfags and people circlejerking it when it wasn't out in the western world
"atmosphere", whatever that means

You know, all the important stuff.

Thanks god they stopped giving too much shit about lore.

It's not even Nordic mythology desu. More like Gaelic or Slavic. Then again every European pagan pantheon is pretty much the same thing with only slight differences.

Attached: svar.jpg (334x500, 37K)


>the best adventure i've ever experienced,

Did fast travel ruin the adventure in DaS2 and DaS3?

>It's not even Nordic mythology desu. More like Gaelic or Slavic

From what we've seen we can barely say anything about the mythology other than what is immediately obvious. It will likely reference many cultural mythologies including the ones you stated and Norse.

pretty much every pagan pantheon is the same

maybe, it's very possible
but it could be also because of my experience i've gained playing dark souls

they still haven't unjanked their gameplay, give them a few more iterations to implement their formula correctly

Seventh game is the charm

I'd genuinely say that Sekiro has done that.

Bloodborne still had that unusual floaty feel when you ran around and dodged, but Sekiro's generally pretty tight.


Sekiro was called NTC when its assets appeared in DS3
And Elden Ring's assets were called (N?)GR in Sekiro
I dunno

What is the title of the other two?

>The theme of the game is Dark Souls 3 scraps

Attached: 5110.gif (333x200, 725K)

Yeah it's going to be original mythos made by GRRM with some Euro pagan inspirations. Kinda like how Gwyn was similar to Zeus. It won't be the direct 1:1 mythological adaptation like God of War or whatever.

And these things will be in the background anyway since the game's setting isn't inspired by fantasy classical/archaic period of gods but rather it's once again dark medieval/Renaissance central European fantasy judging by what Miyazaki said about kingdoms, giant multi layered castles, this concept art depicting Catholic looking robes with Gothic architecture behind him and webm related that's showing a battlefield littered with knights wearing full 16th century embossed armors, partisan spears and greatswords.

Attached: DRAGOON.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I guess this webm shows the corpses and greatswords better.

The only odd ones out are obviously the two red haired warriors. An amputee girl and a giant dude. They probably belong to the same kingdom opposing these knights.

Attached: IT BURNS.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

And that's a good thing judging by the cut DS3 content.

Attached: 1541624860983.webm (652x584, 477K)

>We don't want to keep making Dark Souls
>We want creative freedom
>But we're going to keep making variations of Dark Souls

Attached: 9Q131111gam.gif (420x232, 1.24M)

gee, I wonder how much cool stuff will be cut out this time.

>Eyebrow opacity: 40%

Fuck, I want to like ds2 so much... But the gameplay... It feels so wrong

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What Key Features are you looking to most? For me its the world of ELDEN RING with Miyazaki-san and his team.

Attached: game overview.jpg (1867x767, 366K)

she forgot to draw them on

I don't think I've pre-ordered a single game but when the release date drops i'll definitely do it for this game.

good change is what fucking ruins franchises, artist , movies, you name it. People that bitch like you can go hang your self


but will there be multingplayer doe


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>Sekiro on sale for 47 buckaroo's right now

Should I buy it or will it drop in price again soon?

It's less time consuming but I feel like the world in DS3 suffered not only from the grey-effect where fucking everything looked a bit washed out but also from "Oh man I need to go back better fast travel there".
DS1 let you fast travel after you beat around 50% of the game, maybe a bit more depending on how thoroughly you explored. Because of how the game worked you visited most areas around twice by then and actually had to explore. Let's say you run into the catacombs. You can find quite a bit of stuff there only to eventually meet the giant wall that won't let you through. On your way up you can discover even more secret pathways.
DS3 gets rid of this possible surprise encounter because if you were to hit a wall and needed to go back you could warp through the entire fucking game to get back to where you had to be.
DS3 felt a lot more linear overall. DS1 has shorter pathways but more depth and complex level design. Maybe that's just me though.

Meant for

>that face when 0 dollaridoos at antilope games

why not pirate

Get Ashes of Ariandel, pick up a nice headset, play it blind. Most immersive areas of the whole franchise. When the wolves howl and you suddenly get surrounded, they have some pretty good AI that makes them feel like actual wolves. A breath of fresh air in the stupid undead everywhere.

If it DOESN'T then I'll be mad.
Patches is FROM's Cid

he is probably one of those unreasonable moralfags

>Ashes of Ariandel, pick up a nice headset, play it blind. Most immersive areas of the whole franchise

Why was AoA hated on release?

>Dark Souls 3 and that one was visually the least interesting of all the souls games.
Ds3 had A-team art direction

Attached: Ds3.jpg (5046x1080, 3.69M)

Hell, even Necron was in armoured souls. They just like referencing their other games.

>red haired warriors
On second thought that might not be their hair. I remember one user from previous threads saying that the "hair" coming out of these two's helmets is actually just plume, kinda like Nameless King's crown. The main reason I think this now is because their "hair" is really stiff looking. Barely animated. More like a synthetic plume than natural hair. This stands out since we see hair of two blonde "smiths" in this trailer and their hair is really detailed down to thin strands with natural physics and movement.

It would also make sense for them to have the same colored plumes if they're in the same faction. And they probably are in the same faction seeing just how odd their appearances are (magical prosthetic arm, weird antique looking fantasy armor, dude being a giant with a gigantic fuckoff sword and all that) in comparison to the more realistically armored and armed black knight humans(?) that oppose them.

Attached: OOHH ELDEN RING.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Beats DS2
>Hey a ruined castle
>Hey another castle
>Oh, heres a lava castle
>woah! a SWAMP castle

>reused castle assets with different skyboxes

Also her helmet's cheek pieces kinda remind me of Roman galea which did indeed have plumes.

Attached: larp roman.jpg (1178x1869, 406K)

it has too many ugly locations like carthus, demon ruins, catedral
I remember DS3 as hideous shit


Attached: ringed city.jpg (2048x1152, 200K)


What's wrong with cotd?

Attached: file.png (2048x510, 1.39M)

I think the Nexus is a better HUB, it feels strange and otherwordly, helps making generic areas feel richer. I like how you can fully explore areas in any order after the first, more similarly to DaS2 though.
I think DeS has some things that it did better than each of the Dark Souls games but collectively they all did everything DeS did but better, just not all things at once.


Because dementia ridden loreniggers didn't get their headcanon validated.

interior is soulless


The real reason is because it's pretty damn short, but I honestly don't mind because what's there is really damn good in my opinion, and I think Friede takes the cake as the best boss in any dark souls game.

Lorefags wanted Father Ariandel to be Allfather Lloyd, a character who has been mentioned in maybe two item descriptions in the entire series


Attached: 65797657_p0.jpg (900x1375, 898K)

>I think Friede takes the cake as the best boss in any dark souls game.



Attached: file.png (1517x2048, 3.88M)

I like Gael a lot, but nah I think Friede is better, from presentation to the actual fight itself.

Sekiro was really good so I have faith


Attached: moth.png (89x85, 16K)

Not feeling the hype with this one, maybe after I see some gameplay but I'm tired of souls, at least Sekiro tried something new but it was pretty average

you just like her feet bro




oh yeah i remember that shit
was father ariandel just some literal who of the painting in the end?

Attached: file.png (1000x562, 790K)


Attached: SHATTERED.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

People just think high fantasy means elves dwarves and magic now user. I was called a brainlet for saying elden ring isn't high fantasy earlier.

Not really a footfag but if I was I'd vote priscilla in that category.

>>tfw Elden Ring will basically just be dark souls in a different setting
>I'm really losing my faith in From Software to deliver something that will advance their formula.
Good. I hope you faggots get so burnt out that it sells like shit so FROM can get back to their superior franchise.

Attached: A C.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I urgently need someone to record in vocaroo crying only "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh ELDEN RING" for meme reasons.

Such a beautiful game

Attached: 1559588075109.jpg (3577x2686, 3.68M)


Thank god sekiro was just a mistake. Great having a real From game again. Can't wait.

thanks for adding nothing in your bait post

Sekiro is just the best evolution in the From Software game mechanics framework. So no.

What a strange post.

>from can only make one type of game
Why are you such a faggot?

God, are you Suckiro cucks seething this hard? Really? It took you only two minutes for your salty response in a 320+ thread? Fucking hell.

Sekiro was alright, I hope they expand upon that formula instead of soulshit again

thanks for the (You)

The colors and textures are just so fucking bad I can't enjoy these visually. Also the actual playable space versus how big the location looks is tragic. Plus they're painfully linear. Irythill is the most disappointing area in the series. Everyone expected more, don't lie and say you were satisfied with the corridor we got.

>The colors and textures are just so fucking bad

Play it on pc. It looks really great.

I play it on PC with max settings and the textures still don't look that great. Maybe at a distance but not when you get up close anyway.

I could take this argument to ds2 and it'd be 10x more guilty of this
I'm bringing this up because I know you're a ds2 fag

Is that a bad thing?

No, it's great. DaS 3 was the best looking souls / From game. Nearly every enemy had a great concept. Ignore the shitposting.

>Irythill is the most disappointing area in the series.
fuck off
Souls games always looked rough, ds3 is miles ahead of 1 and 2

Attached: file.png (1200x960, 645K)

What were the best designed levels in the Souls series?

Catacombs (DS1)
Sen's Fortress
Forest of Fallen Giants
Lost Bastille
Brume Tower
Central Yharnam
Cathedral Ward
Research Hall
Undead Settlement
Cathedral of the Deep
Irithyll Dungeon
Grand Archives
Painted World of Ariandel
The Ringed City

those are not from elden ring, you retard
they were just made by a fromsoft artist

if you werent retarded, you'd know artists make a lot of shit that is never used for anything

Sens Funhouse

Oh dear, another dogged contender

Why didn't From make levels like that after DaS1?

they don't need artificial difficulty to sell their games any more

>open world meme and highpoint being about how big it is (who cares)
>hack writer from GoT involved

It might be their biggest failure yet.

I only have it on pc
DaS2 is not my favorite
You progress through it like a corridor with a few turns. The pic means nothing to people who have actually played the game. There's little to no exploration to that area and you're guided directly to the boss.

Because I’m not a fucking faggot like (You). If it ain’t broke why the fuck would you try to do different shit unless you as the dev are burnt the fuck out. Souls/BB/Samurai Souls. I don’t care what it is just give me Souls.

Attached: 938B50CA-0725-4F16-BC05-ABE78BE7888C.jpg (433x650, 70K)

Demons Souls:
>Tower of Latria
>Boletarian Palaca

Dark Souls:
>Undead Burg/Parish
>Sens Fortress

Dark Souls 2:
>Brume Tower
>Eleum Loyce
>Lost Bastille

>Central Yharnam
>Old Yharnam
>Research Hall
>Fishing Hamlet

Dark Souls 3:
>The Ringed City
>Lothric Castle/High Wall

>Fountainhead Palace
>Ashina Castle

Sekiro was the best From game yet with the best lore, story, combat, level design, and upgrade mechanics. I'm hoping they have a team working on a sequel or other games utilizing the same kind of philosophy. The tranny dress up and open world memes are boring and for zoomers who grew up in modern gaming industry lacking creativity and full of gimmicks like open world and customization.


Yharnam is legitimately the best level they've ever created. So many layers, multiple paths, all the interconnectivity, etc. It completely ruins the rest of BB.
All DeS levels are great, especially Latria.
Blighttown is the best designed DaS level.
DaS2 dlc has some pretty good level design.
The second area in DaS3 is its best.

>Yharnam is legitimately the best level they've ever created. So many layers, multiple paths, all the interconnectivity, etc. It completely ruins the rest of BB.

What about Undead Burg?

They're becoming lazy. Sadly. Now it's mostly one corridor in disguise.


>is a fag

woooow dude

Stop being so butthurt, anglocuck

It's that but on a larger scale and better art direction.
Undead Burg is nice but Yharnam has true alternate paths and not just little side roads. Plus you can miss out on a boss.

Attached: Undead Burg.png (798x332, 2K)


>You progress through it like a corridor with a few turns
With two major branching paths, and like 5 loops/shortcuts I'd ask you to count them yourself but you clearly have a learning disability

Attached: ZbcY1gf.jpg (3840x2160, 896K)

>but it seems like we're going back to the old formula now
Based on what, exactly?

This is how you repay my pity (you)?


DS2 was the least cohesive of the souls games, why lie?

Christopher Nolan is okay but the only really amazing movie he made was Memento. Everything after that was either mediocre, okay or good. His potential is high though and there’s definitely a lot of talent there. but he keeps missing his mark in really stupid ways.

>HM: When designing the bosses, I made sure that they would be varied and exciting. I prepared different gameplay and strategies for each one so that players didn’t get tired of the same fight every time. We wanted to surprise players and encourage them to figure out different tactics, to think on their feet.

Why aren't the bosses varied and exciting anymore?

How is it a step backwards? We only have an interview and a cinematic to go off of?

>dude this one thing nearly no one has ever heard of was the only good thing from this guy
>the stuff 99 % percent of all people know ist just trash
>i'm really smart and special
>inhales vape

Because they realized they could never execute gimmick bosses well, and decided to just stick to what they were good at.

Attached: artorias_header_full.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

Memento wasn't written by Nolan
oh no no no no

>nearly no one has ever heard of Memento
Not even that guy but what the fuck are you smoking?

Not the guy you're replying to but did you really just started phoneposting to argue for yourself?

So is Nolan the most intelligently artistic or artistically intelligent film director ever to have lived?

Attached: Nolan, Christopher.jpg (296x400, 20K)

What the fuck? Just act like you’ve had a conversation with another person in the last year.

What's with this fearmongering bullshit? We know nothing about the game yet we're already claiming it's boring and stagnant.

>why aren't the bosses gimmicky and terrible anymore

He’s just trying too hard to be a more artsy Steven Spielberg.

called out and immediately begins seething

They do but people always view them as the worst bosses
Royal Rat Vanguard
Curserotted greatwood
Screen Monkies
Ancient Wyvern
One Reborn
Hemwick witch
Prowling Magus
The list goes on but i'm sure you get the point

Attached: Who did it better.jpg (1375x2550, 2.14M)

Because it's impossible to do something exciting for 5 times in a row. I'm just glad I experienced DS series when it was new and fresh.

Attached: 14136471425290.webm (640x640, 1.48M)

Called out on what exactly? I don’t even understand what you are saying. I don’t smoke. Can you clarify what it is you are trying to say?

a real life skeleton

t.real life bitter faggot

Well aren't souls games about things repeating ad infinum? Miyazaki is making an artistic statement by selling you the same game for the 5th time.

angry yellow fever virgin

Lord of Hollows

Attached: sticc.webm (376x720, 2.32M)

Chosen Unfed.

Rosaria's room is an exception, being tucked away in one of the furthest corners of the cathedral. the rest of the interior is full corridors and vast stretches of space, none of which are very geometrically complicated. at best you'll have a stairway or two. the whole place also suffers alot from orange and blue syndrome, including rosaria's chambers. now that i think of it, the whole game suffers from that. if its not an over-reliance on blue/orange contrast, its a heavy yellow filter i.e. lothric and the ringed city. thats probably why the boreal valley stuck out so much, being almost entirely ice blue



guess who did it first with better combat to boot

Attached: 1467756756756.jpg (495x778, 45K)

maybe you're just a bitch

Attached: 617.gif (391x365, 890K)

soulsfags can be a pain in the ass sometimes. bosses like micolash and rom for the stories they tell. micolash is a raving lunatic and a coward, so it stands to reason that he'd run around like a mad man and only fight when hes been cornered. Rom is a failed great one, whose "vacuousness" let her keep a speck of compassion for men so i understand why she'd be reluctant to, and even bad at, fighting you. honestly, i wish more devs tried to tell stories with gameplay like that but complaining that the bosses arent hard enough or some shit only discourages them.


Attached: duel AC.png (1024x612, 1.04M)

>We'll probably have the swimming mechanic from Sekiro in Elden Ring.

If FROM tries too do any of their spooky shit in the swimming sections I'm gonna have an aneurysm.

Attached: shmmp.jpg (722x713, 82K)

Don't blame the company, blame the dullards that want to wallow in the stagnation.

forgot i was on Yea Forums sorry

They better

there's won't be swimming in it.



Attached: 1555964127787.gif (360x360, 3.99M)

Micolash is best boss just because of his dialogue.

You don't know shit about the game, op. What the fuck are you talking about.

good. seikiro was a pice of shit

How the fuck are they going to balance open world? From's games go off the rails in balance everytime they open up. Like after lord vessel in DkS1, or when BB hits end game and you get shit like amygdala, micolash, celestial emissary, mergo, etc...

99% of the time it becomes a joke because you're easily overleveled from exploring and the bosses aren't scaled to your level.

>you're easily overleveled from exploring and the bosses aren't scaled to your level
If you're overleveled that means you went to tougher areas (unless you grinded but that can happen without open world), so you earned the right to shit on level 3 mooks.
And bosses in Dark souls were ALWAYS second to mobs/exploration.

it just works

How many people started Catacombs or New Londo Ruins?

will this be the open world souls game that DS2 was meant to be in the early stages?

ds1 painted world is yet to be matched