>western humor
Western humor
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Awww come on thats funny!
That bitch is Van Graff ash on every one of my 30+ playthroughs.
Good Riddance.
found the angry dicklet
>weeb doesn't understand it
Color me surprised.
Does any game have genuinely funny humor in it?
Stick of truth
>Reddit humor The game
That's a hard YIKES my mate.
>obsidian humor.
Fallout New Vegas WAS better than Fallout 3, but still was a bad game.
Fallout 3 and NV
GTA San Andreas
this patrician joke is extremely funny, a simpleton such as you would ever understand
"I'm blind Carl not stupid"
Timsplitters FP
its the same kind of joke about that porn game with some creature called "dickwolves" and the description saying they are called like that not because they have big dicks, but because they are complete dicks towards everyone that is not one of them.
Why do people like her? I think she's annoying, veronica is much better
Borderlands 2
I was cracking up while playing kingdom hearts 3
Psychonauts, Portal, GTA, Saints Row, TF2, Sam and Max, Pajama Sam, Destroy all Humans, and Simpsons Hit and Run come to mind.
i was so happy they let you kill this whore
How much time left of summer?
>le ebik summer maymay xD
The autists of Yea Forums hate it because they want every game to be super serious and gritty
Portal. I was fucking dying when the cake was actually a lie.
That emoji looks like a gook with a runny nose
Humor is _always_ subjective, so there is nothing that's funny to everyone.
What did Obsidian mean with this?
I laughed a lot playing Portal and Portal 2.
>2012 was 7 years ago
I want to marry Cass
You mean
>female humor
I cannot even fathom how you would find Veronica less annoying than Cass. That valley girl shit got old in the first conversation with her.
a grown-ass man falling over like a toddler is universally funny
Lisa: The Painful RPG
Shut up and Jam: Gaiden
The Brotherhood are misguided retards and she can die with the rest of them since she loves them so much
everyone should know that the absolute height of humor is braps
God hand
>Nobody's dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson, and he didn't get that name on account of his conversation skills.
Why is Cass such a size queen? She has like 3 lines about dick sizes.
She's a slut. She flat out tells you she's a slut.
>Long Dick Johnson has a wiki page
>New Vegas is bas-
you are just getting this now? every ending of hers has her fucking a dude
Cass is a slut for dicks only, idiot.
god hand
Based Cass makes NCR ending the cuck ending
Egos Draconis had some funny stuff.
Nah, she says she'll fuck anyone with enough booze.
Bard's Tale had moments. Evil and neutral endings were amusing.
most are not ageist that shit if they have something to their character beyond being gay. Hell of your examples two of them you have to dig pretty deep in conversation to find out they are LGBT
Cass is pan dumb cis
I couldn't get past the first 2 minutes, felt like a game unironically written by the fat pussies who write tvtropes articles.
Unintentional humor.
Is it really still trans if you self-identify as the gender you WERE actually born as before you got forcibly mutated into a giant roid monster?
>taking that shit seriously
Granny's not a Tranny you retard
>mutated monster still see's herself as her OG gender
Trannies would throw a shit storm today at that.
Back to plebbit with you
>compares a person dump into a radioactive experimental virus to a transgender
You have lost control of your life user
She's not, she tells a male player as much. Even a female one she gives the opportunity of "someday"
But it's rape if booze is involved so it doesn't cunt
It could be funny if stops at "Long Dick Johnson."
>whore vs faggot
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
mgs3 had really goofy humor. i remember that guy grabbing raidens junk thinking he was a girl in mgs2 but not many other jokes. you couldnt have a grab her by the pussy joke these days.
>first playthrough of NV
>think Cass is pretty and fun
>she's acts loyal and is my main companion
>during ending montage she gets drunk and fucks some other guy because it was the first dick she bumped into
>realize she was fucking whore all along and stuff her ass into the white glove society's freezer next play through
>decide to romance veronica
>she's a sarcastic dyke
>next playthrough let van graffs kill cass and give veronica to white gloves
>if every girl is a whore might as well be gay with arcade
>he hates me for siding with caesar
>sell his ass to the legion
>by 10th playthrough realize that every companion is an asshole who judges and betrays you
>only the ghoul and the robot offer you unquestioning loyalty and love
That's why I only let ghouls and robots live now. Humans just want to hurt you.
Apparently Obsidian doesn't think their audience would have been smart enough to get the joke if they stopped there. That's why I hated NV so much. It's both pretentious and patronizing. They thought they were really smart and we were really dumb but the reality is they aren't nearly as smart as they think they are and we aren't nearly as dumb as they think we are.
>Nobody's pete's that easy, not even Easy Pete, and he had a fucking easy pete. Thus, the name.
Yeah you could, people literally shit themselves laughing over anything that makes fun of Trump
you deserve it for siding with the fucking legion
Neptunia and senran kagura games
>being a dicklet
You retards without any sense of humor. She's with her silly rambling is the joke, not what's she saying exactly.
There's also funny moment how she's trying to look smart while describing a fish.
based, watching her get zapped into ash was pure gold
Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, TimeSplitters 2/FP, LISA, even Planescape
Dude, the whole fucking game is full of dialogue like that. Everything is ridiculously over explained. It's not part of the joke, it's just how they write in general.
do people actually laugh at those late night shows whos only joke seems to be "fuck trump". what did they even use to fill that time while obama was president?
Earthworm Jim.
so literally any woman ever
The Secret of Monkey Island
Who would have thought?
Yakuza and South Park
WTF I hate NV now
LA Noire, Yakuza series, Deadly Premonition, Indigo Prophecy. These games come to mind as being hilarious, but a few of them are funny unintentionally.
Hey nothing wrong with a woman that likes both
I don't know, I don't really get the joke. I think I need her to explain it a little more for it to be funny.
My only friend is the robot dog
>lmao long dick xd
yeah whatever
>Thus, the name.
Undertale, despite everything