How do you rate this E3?

How do you rate this E3?

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Worst one yet until next year/10

JRPGbros won

>tfw no gf

I want to cum in Maxi's sister

I wanna suck Sue's dick

Max is getting fat and also balding wow is he even married?

He succumb'd to a terminal case of yellow fever so yeah hes married

>Is he even married
Most Reddit shit I read all day


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I want to suck her dick/10


What's the point in transitioning if you keep your penis?

Counterpoint: What's the point in being female if you don't get to have a dick?

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probably enjoying cumming

best of both worlds

>Sue had sex with Harada san

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He did it for fetish reasons. That's why he did porn immediately after becoming a tranny, he's just satisfying his autistic fetish.
Don't believe then when they say "this is how I really feel" or some bullshit

wait is that Sue Lightning, the famous tranny porn star who fucked Anthony Cumia

Who dat next to Max?

Gimme reich

An ugly drag queen.

They get to experience the pleasure of pseudo vaginal sex. If only you could have both a vagina and a dick like a hermaphrodite through surgery.

He's pretty cute for a guy then.

nigga looks mr burns

No, he isn't. You just have abysmally low standards.

I rate it one neovagina out of 10 dilations

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Probably because the other option is a gaping meat hole.

They know that the best they can achieve is being a megatwink artificially fucked by hormones and cosmetic surgeries. A effeminate failed man with a broken penis.

This is what it means to be peak transgender. Most do not reach this and just look like a bloke in a skirt.

Nigga you can't tell me what I like or don't like. That's not how that shit works.

a sex change operation leaves you unfuckable, unsightly, and uncomfortable. it also leaks and requires maintenance. it also leaves to you having problems when you pee, as your urethra gets lost in the jumble down there.

I'm not telling what you like, I'm just making a factual observation that you have low standards.
Liking trannies is the most beta shit ever, literally admitting you're not good enough for a woman.

kys faggot


Kill me yourself you fucking coward.

We got a city to burr

wtf when did max transition? is he an otherguy now

>you like what I don't like so you have low standards and are also an x and a y

Great post, you could put this in literally any thread on Yea Forums and it wouldn't be out of place, glad to have you here shitposter-chan

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The only thing I really cared about was FFVII Remake and that looks awesome.

Didn't watch anything about Cyberpunk intentionally because I want to go into the game knowing as little about it as possible
I like Banjo-Kazooie but whatever. They got into Smash. I'm not gonna play as them but I liked that game when I was a kid. Dragon Quest kid is there to placate Japan and I guess that's fine.
Don't care about Breath of the Wild 2.

did literally anything else notable happen at E3

This isn't about something normal, like short vs long hair or ass vs tits. You literally are attracted to an ugly man. Seek mental help.

99% of the games are cashgrab shooters. E3 ladies and gentlemen...

Don't know what to tell you, man.
I started transitioning when I was a teen, have been living as ''female'' for more than 6 years and I wouldn't drop my dick for anything.
I mean, if there was a way to have the real thing, sure, but otherwise is +20k $ for an incredibly aggressive cosmetic surgery.
Pretty much, from what I've heard. Even the best case scenario is disgusting.

A while now.

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Not the worst. For once in years Nintendo showed something more than their dicks (I mean granted they were about smash, zelda and pokemon all the same, but at least they had some worthy announcements for the first two). Microsoft showed new gaylo so that must be neat for those people, and the PC pass ain't a bad deal for now. Bethesda was terrible as expected, weaker than last year too. EA shouldn't even have fucking bothered. Devolver same old same old. Ubisoft shat the bed much more than other years, deserves a lower score than Bethesda for being unexpectedly shittier.


>something normal
Not that user, but who the fuck are you to decide what is normal or not. Who made you god?

Name of the qt on the right?

>I started transitioning when I was a teen
So you already started male puberty, lmao
You'll never pass as a woman


>who the fuck are you to decide what is normal or not
It's commonly accepted in most societies throughout history that homosexuality isn't normal, and neither is men insisting that they're women and getting butthurt if you say otherwise

Plenty enough games. Sony's youtube channel was somehow the best E3 showcase without any of the cringe
Disappointing that Bayonetta 3 wasnt shown

James Lightning


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Fuck (You)

>It's commonly accepted
In case you haven't noticed group mentality makes people stupid.

New Contrapoints character?

>says the seething trannyfucker


I'd unironically fuck sue and I never thought I'd say that about a transvestite.

Liking dicks isnt normal user, make your parents happy and just stick to girls. There's no shortage of pretty girls on the internet, you don't have shill for degenerate trannies

are you retarded?

>baloon tits

>Yea Forums likes traps
>hates trannies
They're the same thing, Yea Forumseddit.

Big roll

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Where's her penis?

>thread deleted about an e-celeb WOMAN dying
>tranny e-celeb thread stays up
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

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who died

Aren't e-celeb threads just banned in the first place? Why does the fucking tranny shit get a free pass?

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Let's do it

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These don't stay up long, usually because either a mod doesn't like them or some Yea Forums tranny starts spamming the thread with loli to get the thread deleted.

Know the difference, it could save your life.

Pretty boring and full of hypocritical shit.

Goddamn that's bad


I've been in a Sue thread where they deleted all posts making fun of trannies and left the thread up.

Yeah, suck my cum, Darth Gayder.

Damn that's some stupid death. What the hell.

>teleports to a different angle

>using tranny as an insult in a tranny shill thread
How many layers of irony are you on?

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so these cute looking trannies fuck girls on cam/video? why is it so rare to find of videos of cute looking trannies/traps fucking girls? they have good enough penises but all videos in which trannies are fucking girls, in them trannies look fucking hideous.
it would be really hot to watch a video in which the one on top is also a sexy looking almost girl

Believe or not I don't use tranny as an insult, I simply use it as short hand.

Oh man. I slipped in the shower just yesteday

really gets your gnoggin joggin

Anywhere but China

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but why would a tranny want a tranny shill thread to get deleted?

No sympathy towards those who get punished by the systems they create on their own

when did sue start hormones? why did she quit porn.

my dick is confused bros

Didn't he pay for Sue's tits

any games where you can play as a girls dick?

>My minds tellin me no~!

Traps without dicks are useless. No guy wants to fuck a nasty puss-filled dilation hole. That's why they usually just kill themselves after.

jew get

one of the worst e3 i did seen

feed nana

3.6 not good, not bad

>we could've saved her

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Do people here not hang out with other humans or something?

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cope trannyfucker

Nigger dagger

What's the point in fucking a literal oozing wound. Pussies are made for fucking and ass is fine too but dilation holes are disgusting.

>raises the angle
>cranks the brightness
every time

My mom talks to me when she brings me dinner every day.

ayy lmao

based and comfypilled

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The angle is higher in the chair picture though

Haha :)

>poker Twitch streamer
>vidya in any way, shape or form
why do you do this, user?

the tranny eceleb OP posted isn't vidya either

That's why I saged and reported it.


>muh flattering angles and photoshop editing

Here's how your tranny looks in motion and without photoshop. Enjoy a literal jew nosed dude trying his hardest to look feminine and failing.

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I don't spend all day watching tranny porn like you though.


47 and 72 are the same 7:^]