I'm glad they're hated more than ever, but they've been my most hated publisher for a decade now. Now people will think it's just because I'm anti-EGS but they've done worse than this.
I hated Deep Silver before it was cool
What did they do in relation to the Epic store?
What did they do previously to make you hate them?
Why should I care about your opinion?
These are the questions you should have asked youself before posting this thread
Literally nobody hates Deep Silver except anti-EGS autists.
It started with Dead Island so more like eight years ago. It was one of the worst games I ever played in my entire life. Then Techland goes solo and releases a fantastic game.
All the reasons I hated Dead Island screamed publisher issues too, mostly the bugs likely caused by rushing it out the door.
They also attach themselves to shitty games like MN9, it doesn't help.
Techland didn't go solo, though. Dying Light was published by Warner Bros. Also, how many Techland games have you played?
How are the in business anyway? They didn't publish a single good game ever
Shit like Ride to Hell was from Deep Silver I think
>They also attach themselves to shitty games like MN9, it doesn't help.
I hope you realise that Deep Silver publish/distribute basically every goddamn thing in Europe.
WB only published the console versions. They had about as much influence over Dying Light as EA did over the Orange Box.
Persona 5
>They had about as much influence over Dying Light as EA did over the Orange Box.
EA's programmers are partially the reason modern Half-Life 2 on PC is fucked beyond all belief.
>Then Techland goes solo and releases a fantastic game.
Explain why 2016's Dead Island Definitive Edition by Techland is a raging dumpster fire infinitely worse than the original version, then.
They only ported the PS3 version
>Publisher: Deep Silver
Are you missing the point, here?
They've always been pretty shit, they just had Saint's Row pretty much save their image. Looking through their library I'd say only Metro really does its job properly. Everything else is either shovelware, broken shit like MN9, or just average like Saint's Row.
Are you also blaming Ubisoft for Call of Juarez: The Cartel? Techland have produced some shocking stinkers across different publishers. My point is that contrary to popular belief, Techland are STILL making shit games.
>What did they do previously to make you hate them?
made the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night
It's just interesting that all the bad Techland games are owned by Deep Silver, and all the good ones aren't.
Deep Silver didn't publish Call of Juarez: The Cartel, which is one of the worst FPS games ever made. Dead Island has fans. A lot of people prefer Dead Island to Dying Light. Nobody likes The Cartel.
>Another "I'm a valvecuck and I'm mad about Epic Store" thread
A random ass game being shit has nothing to do with this conversation. Deep Silver didn't publish ET for Atari either, guess it's never their fault a game is bad, huh? And the overwhelming majority think Dying Light is better than Dead Island. It's why Dead Island 2 is cancelled and Dying Light 2 is moving forward.
Tencent shills getting desperate because they know the general public hates them. Besides the journos they have no one.
>A random ass game being shit has nothing to do with this conversation.
It's not a random ass game. It's an entry in the beloved Call of Juarez series that was absolute dogshit, thus proving that Techland are an extremely hit and miss developer.
>And the overwhelming majority think Dying Light is better than Dead Island. It's why Dead Island 2 is cancelled
Dead Island 2 isn't cancelled, though. The new version is in development right now.
Reminder that the general public things Fortnite is the best game ever.
They publish basically everything no questions asked. They do shit like MN9 but also are able to publish hits like Persona 5.
>hits like persona5
that's a bit random user
Reminer that the general public hates Epic bribery.
Only journos and shills still try to defend it, so they can maintain that failure of a store afloat.
The general public knows fuck all about this sort of thing.
only in Europe because they kiked they way around it and able to publish it.
is the only way they know to do business, perfect partners for Tencent.
>The general public knows fuck all about this sort of thing
>Shenmue 3 scam news everywhere
>Devs pulling games out at the last minute
>n.....nobody cares or k....knows about this!
keep telling yourself that to sleep better at night
but muh Koch Media and muh based THQ Nordic tho
Go into walmart and ask random people what they think of shenmue 3 being an epic game store exclusive.
>Go into walmart and ask random people that don't play games what they think of shenmue 3 being an epic game store exclusive
are epic shills this stupid? You think ignoring the fact that 100% of Shenmue backers don't want Epic will make the problem go away?
you dont even know who they are, dont you?
I didn't say anything positive about epic, all I said is that the average person isn't as immersed in this sort of stuff as you are. Even the average gamer doesn't really care that much about it. People who follow this sort of news, post on message boards, or donate to kickstarters are a pretty small fraction of the gaming community which is a small fraction of the general public.
Just pirate games like any non-retarded person.
how does sample selection bias towards people who do not know what your question even means constitute an argument against people who do know what it means being mostly pissed?
>100% of Shenmue backers
Oh, wow 5 people are so scary.
the average person you talk about only plays fifa and mobile games
That was the point retard, the general public doesn't give a fuck about epic or their shitty business practices because they aren't even aware of them. They play casual garbage, the most popular of which being fortnite, which is on epic's game store.
the GENERAL public that plays real games hates Epic.
Why do you think they refuse to give refunds? Because they KNOW nobody that backed that games will or wants to install that shit store. You get it brainlet? More and more shitty practices come from Epic, more and more the public dislikes them.