People are pre-ordering a game to be released in ten months where even the minimum requirements aren't out

>people are pre-ordering a game to be released in ten months where even the minimum requirements aren't out

Attached: cyberpunk.png (1043x993, 896K)


>Australian prices
No wonder your ancestors were criminals.

>buying a CDPR game on steam over GOG

Attached: 1513076820317.png (351x351, 256K)


>being poor enough to care

holy shit it is real

Attached: 1516287886270.gif (340x340, 137K)


Attached: 10xh45i.gif (350x350, 182K)

>75% off
>still has to play 21 bucks
How do you even have internet?


It costs a lot of money to ship video games to Australia.

Imagine having A$s as your currency.

>its an americans think the aud is equal to usd thread

>where even the minimum requirements aren't out
What are you poor?

imagine being a dumb seppo who had to give his tip to the rabbi when he was born

Computers cost $10000 in Upsidedownland don't blame them

this, we also get paid more than burgerland plebs do

whats wrong with analdollar?

why use gog at all
>can't get Achievements
>can't post screenshots

why not just pirate it brehs

grow up baby

you can

You're way out of the loop brotha, gog even have cloud saving nowadays.

>preorder the game now
>can't refund it when it's released and you actually played it because it's too late
Preorderfags are the biggest cocksuckers of vidya industry, on par with gachashitters.

>Being proud of retarded minimum wage laws that makes my $26 an hour worth less than the $20 an hour I was making 5 years ago.

People are preordering CP2077 because we're rewarding a developer who treats gamers like gamers instead of criminals, toxicbois and NEETfags with their parents credit card (hello, EA!).

Attached: AUSSIESHITPOSTER.jpg (225x225, 15K)

Reeks of fucking Reddit, I even agree with you but you niggers glow in the dark.

Attached: back to reddit.jpg (500x614, 123K)

Now this is irony

>cloud saving
so it has a launcher?... which is drm?...

>so close

Yeah na mate. I was going to tell you that I'm an oldcunt but who really gives a shit?

Nah you still don't have to use the launcher and its features if you don't want to.

Hi user

ik quite drunk. I'd kust like you to know I appreciatye your thrread

Good days to you.


>Digital Rights Management
>Does not require client to be installed to play it
Are you retarded?


>rewarding a developer

How cucked do you have to be.

>>can't refund it when it's released and you actually played it because it's too late
everywhere except in burgerland you can refund games even if you pre-ordered it.

Nice question mark, spastic.

I haven't preordered it but there is certainly more reason to show faith in CP2077 than Dildoball 2020 that's just a reskinned version of Dildoball 2019.

No thanks. I only shop from GOG.

Attached: always buy on GOG.jpg (1092x528, 122K)

It's not DRM nor is GoG DRM. I would say nice try but you're just a fucking retard.

>why, yes I DO let my wife suck Tyrone's dick, how could you tell?

>Preordering at Steam
>Not preordering at GoG

Imagine being retarded

>seething Epic/Steam retard

actually I pirate all my games, but nice try defending your shit store

Low IQ post

>buying DRM free games
This truly is next level retardation worthy of a namefagging faggot.

>paying for games you could have for free and saving money somehow is low iq

it's funny how replying with a meme is always a declaration of "hurr I'm too dumb for a real argument"

Capitalism's fundamental flaw is assuming consumers are rational actors and not unhinged blithering idiots

Try harder kiddo.

he is right tho when company doing fantastic job i gladly support them

>tag: Masterpiece

I already won, you're just too stupid to realize it. or in your words: cope, have sex etc

deal with it agendafag

Apply yourself.