>tfw bf buys 2 copies of divinity original sin 2 so we can co-op together
Gamer femanon feels thread
>tfw bf buys 2 copies of divinity original sin 2 so we can co-op together
Gamer femanon feels thread
my bf doesn't game i let him rub my back and feet when i do though. he likes it. i tried getting him to play guild wars 2 but he says its too gay.
>not taking turns on the same computer while sitting in the same chair cuddling
I had shiitake mushrooms as part of dinner tonight, and now my urine and shit smells so fucking foul.
>thread about females
>gay user posts
Are there women who aren't literally brainwashed by news sites? Every time I talk to a woman about something she has to go and google what The Huffington Post or FeministConnect or whatever bullshit thinks about it.
everyone in this thread is trans
t. tranny
im bored of all my vidya :/
>thread about females
>on Yea Forums
You're not very smart, are you?
thats a femwojak i would fuck
good work man
>Another fucking wojak edit
Drown yourself in a cesspit you bellend
i farted btw
back to r9k
Blessed gif.
chopping your dick off doesn't make you a female.
You can play it in splitscreen, your boyfriend has too much disposable income or is a dumbass. I'll go with the latter since he's dating a wojakposter.
>No girl on the internets.
That applies to most people in general. Most people are afraid of voicing their own opinion and just regurgitate what they hear/read on the news. People pay to go to expensive collages for the privileged of learning to disregard critical thought and self analysis.
All these frogs are giving me a headache.
Also applies to other websites, just look around at the amount of people reposting the same shite day in day out on Yea Forums. Fucking hell.
>gamer gurl
I don't have a bf because I pretend to be a guy and none of my friends are gay.
I enjoy my free time and hate having to lose it to interact with others but at the same time I would like a boyfriend.
Anyone else pretend to be a girl to get free games?
a friend of mine did that she's better than him at this game though
>tfw bf beats and rapes me for spending his money a videogames or as he calls it "children's toys"
>tfw you actually hoped he would do that
Are you cute?
Smelly fujoshi neets don't deserve boyfriends.
Sure faggot, i bet you are pretending to be a woman right now
Go dilate.
Just get a GF