Fire Emblem Three Houses introduces Marianne

>The latest Fire Emblem: Three Houses character to be introduced via the game’s official Twitter account is Marianne of the Golden Deer. She’s the foster daughter of Duke Edmund, the lord of a distant territory in the Leicester Alliance. She keeps to herself most of the time and doesn’t talk much – as such, there are many in the academy who’ve never even heard her voice before. She prefers the company of birds and other animals; she even talks to them and opens up to them. She’s also very religious and can be seen praying every day. She is voiced by Sawako Hata.

Say something nice about this gloomy girl.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Im going to creampie her!

I'm not picking the yellow fag house so stop putting cute girls in it


Mommy give me milkies

>Silque mixed with hints of Tharja

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Needs to be BLACKED

She looks like she self-harms

When are they going to introduce the Tharja clone for this game?

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The jacket is suppressing her tits.

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cutie but stuck in a shit game

Is that why she looks so anemic?

>She keeps to herself most of the time and doesn’t talk much – as such, there are many in the academy who’ve never even heard her voice before. She prefers the company of birds and other animals; she even talks to them and opens up to them.

I didn't know that MLP characters were going to be put in this game.

>the kind of tired sleep won't fix

After the time skip Marianne will be the opposite. Confident and will seak to anyone.

So it is.

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literally me but I have a penis

Boy am i glad this isn't Valkyria Chronicles or she'd have some retarded Pacifist personal skill that stops her fighting

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I don't think we know her skill + general stats yet so don't count your eggs before they hatch. The longarm of dog-shit units may yet come for her.

so do any of you faggots mind if they remove the combat from the game? It seems you guys just want a dating visual novel.

Oh boy they showed another generic anime girl, now I'm definitely excited for this garbage game!

Still stacked.

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>he missed E3 and still thinks the game is bad
Oh no no no no no

Sexy legs.

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So question is, will treehouse fuck this game?

timeskip marianne that gained confidence and confesses to her crush from 5 years ago

God, I want her to crush me with her thighs.

>an extremely common nature-loving shy girl trope

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Golden Chads ww@

You paranoid faggots still think that 2015 treehouse is still the same as 2019 treehouse?

There's dual audio. The names have been kept the same. The game has been properly translated. Switch game policies dictate no censorship or cut content as the games have to be the same in all regions.

Nintendo has fired a bunch of their treehouse staff and have heavily changed their localization policies.

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>Even knowing mlp character names
Go back

They are probably using 8-4 for the localization anyways

What did they show?

They're not. It's treehouse.

And 8-4 changed a bunch of names in Awakening and Echoes for no reason.

They also didn't change whole fucking characters.

Again, retard, localization happens this time alongside game development. Localization team is involved with the devs to make sure the games are all the same.
It's not like before when devs were done with the game and they handed it over to treehouse to do whatever they wanted with it.

>will treehouse fuck this game

They couldn't even if they wanted to.

>when you genuinely wanted to know if treehouse would fuck around with the game

Thanks for the answer you sperg.

Imagine giving preferential treatment to a student because you looked into the future and saw she has huge knockers. Imagine being me.

NoJ is keeping NoA/NoE and treehouse on a leash this time.
All 1st party games are worldwide releases now and localization teams travel over to Japan to chat with the devs and work on the game together.

Why do you think there hasn't been a single localization controversy with 1st party Switch games yet?


The game actually plays well, has cool gameplay features, and actually designed maps.

You're still a supreme autist for complaining about name changes

And you have your answer. No. The game will be the same.

never faggot

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>NoJ is keeping NoA/NoE
It's pretty much always NoA, not NoE.

Story trailers of the timeskip with everyone fighting each other as adults and gameplay demonstration of the academy with the various character growth mechanics and of two pretty good map.

>lol dude let's name this guy Arthur even though he has an H on his belt for Harold
>Zero? Nah let's call him Niles instead because?
>oh yeah, gaijins are too stupid to pronounce Kazahana, so let's just name her Hana

NoE localized XC2

This game still looks fucking bad, fucking GAMEFREA-I mean FUCKING IS

>using fates examples when you first complained about the name changes on Awakening/Echoes

holy shit she actually looks cute
well that's two girls in the game that look cute then, Mercedes and this girl

This isn't cute?

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There are countless name changes in Awakening to list them.
In fact almost everyone got renamed.

Flatties are never cute.

Walking corpse.


They did though. Her name is Edgelord

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Being fair, there's a difference between Awakening and 3H names.

3H is using actual foreign names that exist irl.
While most of Awakening names are made up bullshit with no real meaning.
Like, what the fuck is a Tiamo for Cordelia?

god everything but the characters looks like a ps2 game, what the fuck

"Ti amo" is Italian for "I love you". I'm glad it got changed to Cordelia (derived from the Latin cor, cordis = heart, which keeps the general meaning) since Tiamo would've sounded really stupid to me.

t. Italian

I don't know who that is but if I haven't noticed her portrait already and thought "hmm, she's cute" among the lineup of existing units, then no. It's difficult for this art style to produce cute females, it's more geared towards male characters.

Also yeah, her entire character down to her name in both languages is about being hopelessly in love with Chrom.

I still don't know how to pronounce Kjelle

Or Cherche

Anyone else upset they are turning fire emblem to be more like every other jrpg?


ISIS and Koei Tecmo don't know how to graphics.

Please understand.

something like Cherch.

It's obvious FEH translators don't even know as well. Voice lines don't even pronounce many Awakening names like Panne

Bullshit, Team Ninja and Gust can make good graphics, even Omega Force (which I suppose is the team helping with Three Houses since they mentioned working with the people who made Fire Emblem Warriors) are way better at modeling characters than what we ended up with in TH.

I want Ingrid

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She's very nice.


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>not picking Daene-I mean Edelgard to creampie

My favorite shit in video games is when the enemy attacks your hubworld and you have to defend it.

I will fucking riot if there isnt a battle in the school and classrooms

I feel like part 1 might end with the school going down in flames.

>pegasus knight doesnt have a third tier
>females have 2 fewer class options in the third tier
what is the purpose of this?

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treehouse stream

Depends on the Tier IV classes we haven't seen yet

>you get to retake the school in the final act

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She looks like a fucking dork

>That ear.

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Shoulda been an elf

So, leaks being true and Edelgard being apparently bisexual, what about Dimitri and Claude?

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Straight as arrows, so neither of them will fuck your ass, fag. Now go kill yourself

Her design is prime material for "proud princess knight gets mindbroken over the course of 27 pages excluding the covers and the print shop's page".

Supposedly males get fewer gay options, so you're probably out of luck there.

iirc on the treehouse stream there was a scroll bar on the classes that didn't go all the way down, or at least had room to move down, so we may see more classes than just those ones.

People still defend this garbage?

Man wtf has Yea Forums come to

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Noodle hair is straight.
Prince is surprisingly straight as well.

You're gonna have to find someone else fag.

Her familly is fucking broke. Ideal for marrying old fat guys for money.

I wish they would stop it whit the inferior Tharja clones especially because she is the only character whit a good excuse of being in every single fire emblem game.
She could say "I’m traveling through space and time to find my Strategist husbando" there now you can put her in every single FE game you want.

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It actually looks fucking amazing, definitely going to be at least top 3 FE games.

>Stop with inferior Tharja clones
>Theres only 1 clone, and its locked to birthright
Tharja wont be in other FEs

>Shy religious girl in touch with nature that relies on you due to her crippling lack of social skills

Literally made for sex in missionary position for the purposes of procreation after marriage. I hope she doesn't turn into a confident fedora who don't need no man after the time skip, she's a gift to be treasured right now.

People liked the gameplay they saw during the treehouse stream. Also, Pokemon looks glaringly worse and has less excuses for it.

>Edelgard becomes a powerful queen
>Spaghetti hair turns cool as shit
>Claude remains a boring ugly faggot barely having any semblance of character development
>But every character I like so far is in his house

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Character development doesn't need to be reflected with changes in physical appearance, I have a feeling Claude will turn out to be a bro tier character.

You have to remember that the leaker said he included false information.
I can't imagine that there would be more lesbian options. Usually they keep things like that pretty balanced, especially if the game is designed by a fujo.

Why are these always in Japanese, is the game not coming out in English too?

Even if you're going by the changes in his design alone he goes from flighty playboy to a chill calm dude.

You'd know if you spent two seconds with a search engine.

From the new trailer Knockoff Prince is the only one who stayed chill after the time skip.
He's probably a neutral good kinda character that stand with the people in a democratic society.

I'm hoping she goes from positive lawful good knight to a scarred lawful evil one

>eye bags


there’s absolutely more to post timeskip claude, he’s prolly fucked up in some way

sher-shay la femme

False information on purpose?
Did the leaker mention Dimitri and Claude being straight or did the leaker mention nothing at all concerning their sexuality because of not enough information?

>He will only smile when killing Edgelord
>Or when he marries FemByleth

Don't forget about the slightly messy hair at the back.

>I can't imagine that there would be more lesbian options
I find it weirdly believable. They fucked up with the progressive crowd in Fates by making the gay options the biggest degenerates in their respective armies, so I could definitely see them screwing up again by giving the women more options than the men.

Considering girls get the wyvern knight class I assume the 4th tier will have falcon/seraph. It is weird though theres no pegasi in girls 3rd tier.

Only male gay option is Linhardt. FByleth gets Edelgard, Mercedes, Dorothea, Sothis and somebody else

> leaker who hasnt been wrong yet said girls get edge, dorothea and mercie.
> only gay option is linhardt for lads
Leaker DID say some gay options were spoilers but I cant imagine who unless its one of the kaneko knights.
I see some people thinking gay options will appear in the timeskip but the blue lions support had S ranks for the girls and only A rank for dimitri/felix/ashe/dedue so Idk why they wouldnt be in support screen.

>but I cant imagine who unless its one of the kaneko knights.
Death Knight being a faggot would be pretty funny.

>he never takes off this helmet

> intsys goes the bioware route
Man cant believe S supports with guys are gonna fade to black with no dialog

This feels all kind of weird, so if I go with Claude I can't be a lesbian with anyone? I know he looks like the leader of the fag class but still. And the only gay option is in the Black Eagles as well, what's with Black Eagles and swinging different.

Oh yes that would be lovely, thats my fetish

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> he DOESNT want the helmet on during sex
Protection is no joke bro

> holy church lions has no gays
> democratic deer society has no gays
> red army imperials is gay
what did intelligent systems mean by it?

>FemByleth gets a good selection of lesbos to chase
>MaleByleth is stuck with the least interesting character shown

Would be hilarious if that's true.

They're future high-ranking officials in the autocratic empire. They can do whatever they want.

You can poach students from other schools, so you'll probably be able to get Dorothea and/or Mercedes. Hell, I'm likely going to grab Mercedes for my Black Eagles run myself since she has Live to Serve as her personal skill.

except she's not a fujo, she's an otomefag

> dedue isnt A Gay
> linhardt, a 80 pound twink is
oh no lads my raphael hopes are plummeting fast

I really hope there's Drama if you kill for someone you had a high support rank after the timeskip.

A few new characters.

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She stacked like Dorothea the other day. What's happened to her tits?

Gonna /ss/ the brown shota.

I really want to know who this Flayn is. Does Rhea have a daughter?

Im curious to which teachers/school characters actually playable.
Manuela was show as a lv5 Cleric, Seteth is a lv9 wyvern knight but we havent seen hannemann or anyone else yet

Constricted by the uniform.

>A literal child

He better not join the class or be integral to the story. Child characters are almost always annoying pieces of shit.

Kyell and Sher-she/sher-shay

The green haired girl better not be Rhea's daughter. Rhea should be pure for me to corrupt her.

Decent maps, shit graphics. Good character customization, interesting story.

She better not have.

How long do you think the tutorial section is going to last?

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It's K-Jewel actually

Since we are SMT now pick your alignment

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>this deluded
lmao FEcucks

Fire Emblem fucking sucks dude

So did they ditch romance and/or children units for Three Houses? Or do you dump your kids off into another dimensional timeskip?

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>fan art

I'll pick whichever house whose leader I feel like fucking the most at the pivotal moment.

Alright, she's my wife now.

I'm assuming Rhea has Seiros' bloodline so she must continue her lineage in order for each generation to have a voice of the goddess. Pretty much like Sanaki.


Romance is in, but no children.

No fucking kids this time thank fuck

Not likely.

There is romance but no child units
so pick your student waifu

If you want real delusion check this

She can only continue the bloodline with me.

hes gonna be the posttimeskip Shanan of this game
or the Oifey.

I like the victorian setting, I couldn't get into Fates because it looked like hokey moba shit

Cute. Guess there's a reason to pick the Golden Queers now.

Tharja is present in some of the worst games in the series. She’s never coming back in any way or form.

>Romance still in.
>With no practical supersoldier breeding.
I'd have preferred they dump the entire thing but oh well.

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will her tits be even bigger post timeskip?

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Which school is she from?

Can't you steal characters to your own faction anyway?

Many of the paralogues have the end date of 2nd month of the year. You start date is 4th month.


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Students better change after the time skip. If only the lords change, that would be pretty shitty.

you can poach any students besides the other lords retainers (hubert/dedue/lorenz)

Romance was always in Fire Emblem, started in fucking 4 as far as I know. In 4 it was super important cause child units inherited more than just stats, in the GBA games the romance only happened post-game tho.

Romance can still be done well but if they go pairing crazy it'll be shit

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>tfw Fates had better crit animations
What happened

Pretty sure they said at the Treehouse that everyone will change and to look forward to their timeskip designs.

I cant imagine theyd stay the same since they havent been in school for five years.
this is a REAL timeskip, not that shit awakening pulled.
I imagine if we'll see actual confirmation on other students in the next famitsu if we havent already, I didnt watch treehouse streams this year


I hope the DLC doesn't just bring in Marth/Lucina/Robin for the umpteenth time and does something interesting

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>tall metaknight

They confirmed everyone changes. You’re all good.


That’s good news then, excellent even.

Imagine if most of them are on the level of punished Dimitri and empress Edgelard.

they're probably in as Amiibo units, I can't imagine they'll be in regular DLC

They are probably going to do the same thing they did with the Lords, it’ll depend on how much their personality changes.

what if we get a remake of FE4 after this?

I hope they just give every unit a horse/pegasus

it would either be that or split maps up into chunks/move everyone after clearing a castle

i wish they would stop with the tharja clones because she's a shit character

neutral leaning chaos

It will be just like SoV where they don't actually address any of the issues and enhance the presentation. Look forward to nice voice acting/cutscenes along with the same god awful maps.

>It’s actually Lucina in a Metaknight mask

Probably generic female model. In Fates they had two or three female body models which resulted in goofy shit like flat characters getting busty when they promoted/ reclassed or the opposite for busty characters.

>Palutena looks exactly the same

>villager Villager
Also I want that DeDeDe to fuck me.

> hector style gdorf
S rank when

Unless they put Echoes hack director in charge again, we might actually get a good remake if someone else is put in change.

Tbhwyfamilysama I'd rather finally get a binding blade remake because im miffed Roys been in 3 smashing siblings but they havent even slapped his game on the eshop

>tfw absolutely nothing to play on this month
>have to wait for the 27th to play this fucking game

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>Nintendo has fired a bunch of their treehouse staff and have heavily changed their localization policies.
Wait seriously? Source?

It looks like it will actually be "watakushi" so that's a 10/10

Cadence of Hyrule is cute so far

>Nintendo has fired a bunch of their treehouse staff and have heavily changed their localization policies.
Big if true.
English VO still blows though.

Bloodstained is coming out for me, hopefully it will scratch my Igavania itch. That being said, holy fuck do we have a ton of good shit in the next few months.
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Seiken Densetsu collection
>Hollow Knight Silksong
>Dragon Quest Builders 2
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Astral Chain
>Daemon x Machina
>Dragon Quest XI Definitive
>as much as I hate how it looks, Link's Awakening remake

White hair and bright colored eyes scare me

I actually liked the main threes voices in the trailer at least.
Couldnt hear shit in treehouse livestreams over the presenters

i have judgement coming in like 2 weeks

Yeah, so far the only damage NoA has done is fuck up Link's Diary in Breath of the Wild.
>NoJ: I want to see Zelda's smile again
>NoE I want to see Zelda's smile again
>NoA: Go to Hyrule Castle and rescue Princess Zelda

I've never played a Fire Emblem game before.
Will any of them fill the 20 year void Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle left me with?

I suck huge cock at rhythm games
From that list, Astral, DQ11S and FE i will be getting. DxM was on the list too but if it still runs like shit on final release is gonna be a hard skip

They did that shit years ago nigga. That's why you haven't heard of any localization issues from Nintendo games in the last 2-3 years.

Play One Vision mod of Tactics Ogre. Should scratch that itch till then.

I loved
but didn't really care about the rest.
You can hear some combat barks here and they're all sorts of underwhelming, aside from maybe Blyat

DxM got a ton of gameplay improvements, haven't heard about the performance though. I agree they need to do something, the game looked really ugly at times.

It’s gonna get one sooner or later, Binding Blade too. Maybe they learned something out of Echoes.

Silksong got a release date?

Play 7/8 first. 7 is the best entry point as its the only with an actual tutorial, while 8 is probably the easiest to play thats easy to get a hold of with emulation.

If you like them, you can play 4/5 to try the old style of FE, 9 and then 10 for more of the same, or skip to Awakening and Fates for the new style.

Dont play 11/12, they are shit (12 slightly less so). 1-3 are too old to be played, but you can try Shadows of Valentia if you want to experience the jank that was 2.

No, but it was playable at the Treehouse stream and all the games they are playing are quite far into development so I'd say it should be out soon, the only game there that is coming out next year is Animal Crossing and that one was delayed.

do we know what the authority stat does?

That's fucking fantastic. Because i was very anal about the localization with conquest, ect fully ruining the transcript and deleting shit. Good fucking show

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it governs your battalion

I do hope there’s a list of the failures who got fired so they can be mocked relentlessly when this one comes out.

Guys don't forget about God Eater 3 that is also coming on week 2 of July. Demo should be releasing by the end of this month or the first week of July.

Kek, wrong thread friend.
When is that even coming out, 2020? Nasu really is trying to kill FGO.

>Will any of them fill the 20 year void Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle left me with?
Of course not. We’ll never get the remaining chapters of the saga.

leave my bf alone :(

They've upped their game by showing a few more new waifus but it's still amazing how middling the graphics look and most of the character designs are as well. What happened?

The Fates archer crit wasn't memorable in the slightest.
I've forgotten it.

People didn't actually get fired over this, it's a stupid meme. Those at Treehouse simply acted in accordance to the previous company policy (which allowed heavy localization and censorship), and now they have to act under the current policy, whether they like it or not. I'm sure some people like that Nich Maragos fag are absolutely seething about no longer having power to censor lewd anime girls, but as far as I know from checking credits of Switch games, there are no notable staff members who went missing.

>I hope the DLC doesn't just bring in Marth/Lucina/Robin for the umpteenth time and does something interesting
Fates brought Chrom, Frederick and Lissa, not Robin or Lucina.
Echoes did the before alm stuff for the deliverance.
So unless you mean amiibos then I am stumped by your complaint here.

SOMEONE probably got fired for fucking up Fates so hard they couldn't sell some of the DLC

Honestly it seems like a lot of work went into the timeskip, the timeskip portraits look so much better than the originals.

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So is it possible to pair Mercedes with Dorothea?

They also skipped some DLC in Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

I hope so, making the bi characters in Fates only Corrinsexual was kind of silly

it seems most likely the timeskip characters were designed first

You promised me she'd be stacked. Where the fuck are they?

Why's it gotta be like this, man.

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ISIS is a one step forward, three steps backwards kind of company.

Nah, I'm sure we will be getting a new Tactics Ogre soon. For mobile, after the FFTA mobile game and the upcoming FFT mobile game. For the love of god, someone please nuke Square before they actually do it.

Since I'm feeling like an asshole, here's another world spanning epic we aren't getting anymore of.

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2 kinda has it if you count being able to kill someone and cause them to get a single ending where they're alone

You can see them better here:

What caused Dimitri to go full punished?

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FFT war of the lion is alr on mobile user
the upcoming one is a FF gacha that use FFT mechanic
TO is dead, user. or just pray that Div.11 somehow take a hold of it. they at least did the music and gameplay of octopath well

>"Choose your alignment, boyo"
>"What's the alignment of the girl I want to fuck?"
Is this the famous "SMT experience" people are talking about?

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I stole Ingrid from him. Sorry, not sorry

But mana series is revived, yes?
we can still hope for more, r-right?

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Sensei was teasing him for years, but wouldn't put out because he was too young at the academy. Blue balls are a hell of a drug.

SMT boils down to that, yes.

Are people really getting hyped about alignment and choices and shit? Remember what happened to choices in Fates?

>FFT is mobileshit
>Tactics Ogre is dead
>Suikoden is dead
>Chrono is dead
>Earthbound is dead
>Bubsy is getting a Switch release in August

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

>SMT Experience
>Girl I want to fuck
Only in I and IV though, since Zelenin and Chiaki are batshit crazy, Hiroko is literally the mother of protagonist, Beth dies halfway through the game and IVA doesn't have alignments

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>they put Denam in Dissidia just to mock at us

Mana series is looking good all things considered, supposedly if the Trials of Mana remake does well there's a chance Legend of Mana gets a remake too and then we get a brand new game in the series.

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My mistake, FFT is actually dead too.

Id hope but unlikely.
I hope at least all of the teachers are bysexual.
All of these characters who could ONLY support Robin/Kamui but only S rank the opposite gender felt like huge wastes (even moreso since most of them are prepromotes with ok-tier growths and bases)

>Hiroko is literally the mother of protagonist
This makes my penis the penisdyne.

>we finally get Ramza in Dissidia
>but the game is absolute dogshit

> konami will never sell the rights
> no suikoden ps4/switch ports
> suikoden ports trapped on doa vita
It really hurts

I wish Sony didn't mismanage the Vita so hard, I love my Vita. PS1 games on the go is great, I like playing Symphony of the Night on the way to work.

well let's be fair now, no PS2 game had grass that detailed or dense

>you’re a little too young for me

>when sensei danced with Felix instead of you at graduation

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Where’s Dmitri’s manifesto?

That kind of thinking bites you in the ass in Devil Survivor

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He's pretty obviously the neutral to the Law and Chaos of the other two

isn't Felix a manlet

He has major holy blood though, which means he's the most desirable man in school.

Can anybody say what these arrows above the A rank means?

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>tfw disregard yoohoo and hang out with Naoya, Kaido and Atsuro

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That could just be a head swap.

I think it might be restricted to a timeskip, we've seen some supports that stop at B for the school period of the game.

If you don't do someone's C support in the school but do it in the post-timeskip, I'm wondering now if it'll be different?

Every aspect of this game's presentation is starting to rival Shenmue 3's shoddy production. The key exception is the gameplay seems alright for the most part, how intrusive that Japanese hard-on for anime high school day gameplay will decide the fate of the game. Also that's one of the better WEBMs for the game, it actually does look worse but this one seems alright.

Why are you using her as an example?

It probably means that the support is locked until the timeskip. Every single S rank is most likely going to have those arrows above it too.

I wonder if the C-B supports would get locked out if you don't get them done before the skip.

>falling for the cr*st memes

You guys sure like these bland characters huh?

Shut up Felix.

How is she like Tharja? Just because she's quiet?

t. edelgard

Also. Eldelgard has only C-A supports with everybody.


This is the kind of banner FeH would get if it wasn't on maintenance mode

Considering how utterly shit the XB2 translation was I don't trust anyone at NoE/NoA to handle translations anymore, that includes Treehouse. But so far it looks alright I guess, here's hoping it's good.

>We literally went from Persona to SMT with the timeskip reveal
please don't fuck this up

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Could be, but she's canon busty in her portrait and she starts as a cleric as well, which is the class she has in that webm. So it's likely that's her standard model.

The game's script is shit in Jap too, faggot

>Considering how utterly shit the XB2 translation was
What was wrong with it outside of the name changes? The only thing I remember was toning down Tora's fetishes because it included stuff like pissing and incest in the Japanese version.

XC2's translation was excellent, stop parroting eceleb bullshit.

the script is shit in Japanese, but they didn't really censor anything in the translation. They just made Tora's sex puns more oblique.

Why do you niggers keep mentioning SMT? Take that dead franchise somewhere else. All these
Comments are disgusting.

They censored religious themes, and made other nonsensical changes.

I never said it wasn't. No need to make it worse.

Everyone was suddenly british for no reason, which was reflected in the writing as well and not just the shitty dub sadly. They also just changed a bunch of things for no real reason, like Poppy dialogue randomly being replaced with her barking.

Lmao as if ecelebs would ever dare to say anything bad about a videogame they like. The translation was garbage, shill.

See above, I never said it wasn't shit. And I never claimed they censored anything either, I just said it was a bad translation. I should have said 'localisation' tho, because I counted the voice acting as 'translation'.

>XC2 localisation
British meme aside the localisation was extremely charming mate, and every changes has a proper reason for it
>Blade name change:
from generic japanese deities to literally worldwide deities, that fit to a tee. Like, the mythical inspiration is much, much better fitting than the jap "lol 4 heavenly beast". Roc is a heavenly bird who guide travelers and mercenaries, Dromarch is the divine white beast that served royalties, etc. it really add to the game if you actually know these myths
>Voice acting
they went out of the way to get a different accent for every nations (and the blades are American, lol), which really added to the immersion
practically nothing change. just rephrased to fit the characters' quirk. and that came from a guy who played undub 1st cause he prefer japanese voice

>Everyone was suddenly british for no reason, which was reflected in the writing as well
Did you not play XBC1 or something? Both XBC 1 and 2 were done by Nintendo of Europe. Nintendo of America did XBX.

Anyone that recently bought a hackable Switch from somewhere? Maybe an ebay reseller or something.

Let's hope so. I really like her.

>randomly replace her dialog with barking
cause she literally "wan" in japanese? Tora and his pop are huge perverts

>Everyone was suddenly british for no reason
that was because of XBC1's localization reaching minor meme status

Niles is supposed to be a pun on Nihil

I thought NoA did XBC2, but hired British voice actors because they thought people liked the XBC1 localisation because of "lol le funny accent xD" and not because of the excellent vocal performances.

She did official art for a bl game, togainu no chi... and Uta no Prince sama is pretty gay, even for otoge standards. So, yeah.


>excellent vocal performances
the VA wasn't that good, it literally only became a meme because people who played Smash found an anime boy speaking with a British accent hilarious. Then more people played XBC1 and found shit like NOW IT'S REYN TIME and WHAT A BUNCHA JOKAHS

>except she's not a fujo
This is an anime with Chinatsu designs.

Attached: samurai_flamenco_22_8.jpg (640x360, 38K)

But the voice acting WAS good, and well regarded way before Smash.

>it literally only became a meme because people who played Smash
Nigger what? All of us were going BORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE, AGAINST THE ODDS, WE CHOOSE TO FIGHT long before Smash secondaries came. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that others don't.

the XC2 casts aside from Rex are excellent too.
i think they just want the continuity, while cashing in deeper with each Titan's citizens having different accent of the British isles, and the blades, who are non-human, and practically "outsiders", are American
pretty fitting in hindsight tb h

XBC was very niche before Smash, don't kid yourself.

Listen, I want the original developer's creation not the western interpretation. You see those as better, I see those as arrogant western devs thinking they know what the better version is.

Are you deaf or ESL?
Pyra and Mythra sound like they just got random interns to do the voice for them. There are some exceptions, but the VA in XC2 is awful overall.

> Dat Samus
I bet she's into masochism.

People called him spaghetti hair one time to many

I hope Nintendo never hires this fujoshi ever again.

Xeno as a franchise has always been niche. And Smash secondaries aren't even the worst part of the franchise, X secondaries are way worse.

it would make no sense if they do that again

if he's really punished, he'll never smile whatsoever and only speak 3 times after the skip.

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The absolute state of Yea Forums now thinking this localization was good. How is a fucking chain smoking roastie a good cast for a fucking 14 year old cat girl? How is "blushy-crushy" a good localization of "moe"? How is the censorship acceptable?

Following Yuzu results in the death of literally everyone

You sure watched that Censored Gaming video.

>since Tiamo would've sounded really stupid to me.

How about the Fates V2 names? Asugi, Rhajat, Caeldori. Asugi sounds the dumbest in English. I am interested in how the original Awakening JP names got reworked as anagrams in Fates.

the original devs literally endorsed such changes mate, under a guideline of "easier to evoke a sense of myth, like how the japanese's name evoke their own"
and its NoE who did the localisation under supervision of MS

Nopon-speak has been a thing since XC1.

I think it was Gurei (Guire) , Syara (Sarya) and Matoi (Tiamo)

Nia is quite old actually, being a blade, then flesh-eater on the run for god know how long
and her voice capture the smugness pretty well, and she delivered the resolution to be herself, and scolding of Rex later on extremely well

They're shit-eaters.

They should've kept Matoi for the English release, Asugi is better than Gurei, and Rhajat actually sounds pretty natural as a name (Indian). But yeah, thanks for telling me about the names.

Wait really? Mind sending the screenshot? I thought it was just linhardt since he was gay.

it's been like this for 4 games now
stay or leave

heh... my gf

Treehouse: Live around 8th minute when deciding Group Tasks.

Why are depressed girls so hot?

>She’s also very religious and can be seen praying every day
Based and religion pilled

>Everybody hyping up TH as SMT: FE edition
>Deep inside already know IntSys is gonna drop the ball so hard yet you let the hype crawl inside of you
I'll blame you for everything Yea Forums

Attached: 1493404694548.png (308x326, 173K)

I'm gonna steal her from the Deerfags.

Because you think that when someone is depressed they also lower their standards and that gives you a chance.

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Hope is one hell of a drug

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>>She’s also very religious
>Will join the evil church after timeskip
>Will be forced to kill her on every route except golden deers
it's going to hurt bros

First half is Persona, second half is SMT.

>Wii Fit Dancer
Kinda works since every other dancer in the series has 0 personality.

Japanese Devs are all employees of Nintendo who answer to their own bosses with their own demands too, you will NEVER play a game that features 'untarnished jap vision'

Hell we just had Monolith Soft whining in an intevriew that NIntendo keeps saying no to their new ideas and just wants more Xeno games

I mean, it can't be worse than the last 4 games can it!?

Never engage Xenoblade 2 fans on Yea Forums, they're retarded and eat shit.


Can you even fuck girls in SMT outside of Persona?

I killed off Tharja in Awakening and I'm not afraid to do it again fi they add her in TH. She's the embodiment of NuFE

Not true

Attached: Screenshot_4772.png (418x228, 124K)

>Sawako hats
Holy shit what. She's still alive?

I thought Hilda was Claude's retainer. Lorenz is one too?

>Recruiting Lorenz

But why would you want to do that?

So you can date him after the timeskip

Attached: Lorenz_Portrait_5_years.png (1200x1200, 1014K)

Who is left that needs to be revealed? When the fuck is Ingrid dammit?


I think just Ingrid is left for the students, but most of the teachers haven't gotten profiles yet.

Attached: q2ged26s68431.png (1115x1101, 39K)

Ingrid, the new green haired student that looks like Rhea, the red haired tomboy Leonie and the four teachers we saw at E3.

Linhardt (Monday)
Ingrid (Wednesday)
Leonie (Friday)
Next week at midnight Pacific.

Is this fanart? Its hard to tell with the games artstyle


Attached: ewryw45.png (1825x671, 1.25M)

That's just Dedue's hair so yeah it's fanart.

Probs, since it looks like they just edited Lorenz's face in

it's a bunch of edited-together parts. I think it's Dedue's hair and Lonato's armor

My cute wife Beru's creamy thighs!

Attached: D7z5kx8UcAEKOmO.jpg (765x1000, 85K)

looks too much like Morgan

Speaking of which why didn't Atlus made a game with bait and switch like that yet?

Depressed Morgan

"fantasy" as opposed to "political" is a bit weird. they arent mutually exclusive . Dune (yeah, scifi, i know, but it does has that medieval feel to it) and Wheel of time are both heavily fantasy and political

do a... FLOP!

I feel like SMTIV could be considered the closest to that? Not much, but still.

Fucking based.
The cunts try to say they're not a monarchy when immediately after you see that they have a royal family with a future ruler attending the same school as the monarchies.
Fuck the Golden Deer. At least the other two are honest.

Oh shit, you're right. She has no S ranks with any of the male students in her house. Does that mean she's off-limits or just for (You)?

We don't know yet.

She's fucking house lord. Making her Bylethsexual isn't a very wise move. Probably her romantic supports unlock after the time skip.

>Everyone was suddenly british for no reason, which was reflected in the writing as well and not just the shitty dub sadly. They also just changed a bunch of things for no real reason, like Poppy dialogue randomly being replaced with her barking.
so nothing anyone who isn't a weeb would care about, got it

>Does that mean she's off-limits
Yea Forums BTFO

Still I find it weird that other students show their S support and both Edelgard and Petra don't

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I am gonna miss children characters

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SMTIV:A is a little more close to that.

Considering Byleth’s support reel shows S ranks despite not being available until after the timeskip, I doubt that.

>She's fucking house lord.
What about Claude and Dimitri? Are the locked away too?

Who is Flayn?

>Xenoblade bait war
>People not liking edgelords
Wtf stop that guys, go back to being fun and optimistic and wtf is eric doing trying to make every fan base fight with the XB2 fans

>One of the three protagonists of the game
>No romantic options except MC

kill your students, byletho

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Considering it's only a 5 year timeskip I'm glad they're gone. At least ISIS seems to have learned from the reception of the Baby dimension.

I like Laram. She has no sense of personal space.

shes an empress post time-skip, so its thematically reasonable. Empresses dont just go out and choose a Lord willy-nilly (except for the teacher's cock, apparently)
at least its over, for now
seemingly a teacher. no one really know yet

How many students' S supports have we seen? I'm only aware of Byleth's. I was starting to think that maybe Byleth is the only one who gets to S support now that there aren't any kids.

>Byleth is the only one who gets to S support now
Please no. I'm getting Cold Steel flashbacks.


Haha that's our Byleth

>can't S rank Ashe

>Empresses dont just go out and choose a Lord willy-nilly
Xander and Ryoma were kings/princes and could marry a village peasant.
Nu-Fe doesn't give a shit

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Remember when Sigurd married some random lady he met once?

Attached: Seliph.jpg (224x225, 10K)

The C B A >> supports are for Linhardt/Edelgard,not Byleth/Edelgard

Maybe only Byleth can S-Rank and you can't ship your other units anymore.

Fucking hell, remember when Chrom married a literal who dancer he just met in the desert? And the kid from that is the most canon kid for chrom aside from Lucina?

When is this supposed to come out? I hope they've not moved the date around, the timeskip sounds like an interesting hook for an otherwise mediocre looking FE

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>and you can't ship your other units anymore.
Well then, I hope we don't have to fight on any islands

>And the kid from that is the most canon kid for chrom

Inigo, you numbskull

July 26.

But isn't Sumia the most advertised wife of Chrom? She's literally in the games intro

dont remind me
>have to space every female units the fuck away from chrom aside from his healer sister (thanks god)
>rush his asses to Olivia asap and pray they gain enough support

There is no canon wife or second child for Chrom, it's whoever you want it to be.

>Marrying based Chrom off to Sumia, the most boring bitch in the game

Don't do that to him.

Yeah, but the fun bit is that Inigo fits the mold of Chrom's kid the most
>Has a brand in his eye
>Looks like chrom, even admits this in their supports
>Was a big leader in the future which makes sense if he was a prince
Meanwhile Cynthia didnt even know who chrom was and what he looked like, to the point she joined a gang of robbers who's leader was masquerading as Chrom

Just leave one dude alive and dance him for 30 turns, fun, right?

I don't think Robin is all that regardless of gender, but marrying and jumping on his dick yourself to shit out two royal kids with the blood of both dragons is an entertaining notion.

Sumia is the quarantine girl, to keep Chrom from fucking Sully
But I didnt do it fast enough and Sully sucked his dick.
But it helped me find my true love, Anna.
And it helped Anna find her true love, my wallet

I'm going to recruit Sylvain into my house and kill him off "accidentally" before he deflowers any of the cute girls

taking tips from XV-kun, clearly

>my true love, Anna.
you've lost me

I belive Chrom is 100% made for Olivia. Seeing them both drop their collective spaghetti on their support is gold.

The canon pairing is (you) getting Chrom'd

Chrom technically needs the lowest number of support points to fuck olivia, the catch is that he cant have ranked support with any other unmarried girl, and he needs to get those support points with olivia in one go

>but marrying and jumping on his dick

It's not like FemRobin has much of a choice if she gets too close.

at least marrying Lucina and making Morgan an OP lil piece of shit was enough to make up for it

Attached: FeMorgan.jpg (1067x1334, 144K)

Said no one ever

You can have support points. All you need to do to get olivia is not trigger the C support conversations and pair Chrom up with Olivia during chapter 11.

Olivia isn't in the intro video of Awakening, Sumia is

Morgan just needs to exist to be an OP little piece of shit, though.

It was a hyperbole, user.
>the outsourced movie opening is canon.
The initial japanese trailers showed Sumia marrying Robin. The official Drama CD have Chrom marrying the maiden.

Don't be a 12 year old girl trying to valiate your personal choices through the illusion of what you assume might be canon. Fact is: if the developers intended players to take a specific route Chrom wouldn't have multiple marriage options.

The one and only canon wife for Chrome is Cordelia

t. Cordelia

Crime statistics.

Generics still being faceless goons in a fuck.
But compared to your in-battle stuff for say KH2, FFX, Star Ocean, or fucking G.U. it's NOTICABLY head.

Cute, another point for Golden deers I guess.

I swear to god I'm going to pick the route with the most cute girls at this stage. I'm in a fucking deadlock between Blue lions and Golden deers.

You can just steal the cutest one so I'd be more concerned with the leader and their ideology.

>Blue hair
>Grey eyes
>Very religious
Instant S-rank pick.

Shit fetish.

>>Claude remains a boring ugly faggot barely having any semblance of character development

Oh I'm sorry user. I'll go insane and try killing a bunch of innocent people, maybe put on an eyepatch. That's "character development", right?

Attached: Claude Timeskip.png (959x960, 740K)

>Character is literally "acts easygoing but has a side you shouldn't let your guard down"
>Expecting someone like him to act openly hostile

I can't wait to kill the fence-sitting power of friendship.

Better than doing nothing and giving shitty power-of-friendship speeches.


"friendship will prevail" as his army proceeds to set people on fire

Another Micaiah, great.

>his special is pushing a cart of explosives and blow it up, leaving a field of flame (burning dot)

So do we know if bows work like in Echoes or like the rest of the series?

Surrender to the Golden Cock already. Neutralchads always win.

I'll never forgive them for Niles because I watched the Nanny way too much and I couldn't unsee pic related. There's also Benny, which is a prefect proof of Americans being retarded because in my country Benoit is a completely normal name for men and Benny is dumb as fuck.

Attached: Niles-HQ-the-nanny-16880887-2560-2539.jpg (2560x2539, 1.54M)

Like the rest of the series but archers have a class skill that increases their range and weapon skills can also increase their range further.

I'll take it. I liked how Echoes did it, so this is a good enough compromise.

They have also been shown attacking at 1 range.

Yeah for the most part name changes were justified in Awakening but not in Fates. Cherche is named "Zelcher" in French because her english name "Cherche" means "to look for" and sounds dumb as fuck and "Serge" in japanese in an old man name. Then you have Lon'qu becoming Lon'zu because "Lon'qu" would either be pronounced like the french words for "long ass" or "long neck" depending on how you pronounce the "u". Even Inigo became Iñigo with an accent on the i because that's the accurate spelling.

>She is voiced by Sawako Hata.
guess i'm buying this game now

>they renamed Skill into Dexterity
Oh fucking hell, here comes the shitty Str > Dex debacle.

Why do the Golden Chads make people so mad?

Not mad, just indifferent.

More like V has come to

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>t. no-support losers

Can't wait to dab on the other two houses with the power of friendship while your Byleths sit in their rooms alone with the pocket-dimension lolibaba.


>you will never sit in your room alone with a qt lolibaba

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>historically fujo fanbase
>they only get one gay support
>yurifags get 3 from the same company that made the abomination that was Soleil

Either that was one of the leaker's lies or they didn't implement all the gay options at the time he got the information.

you are acting like its a bad idea
>tfw spending an eternity in peace, without wars and strifes, with a cute dragon(?) loli

Attached: comfy.gif (511x288, 368K)

holiday yasumi is the artist

She's a tall girl. I want to have loving, healing and consensual sex with Marianne!

Attached: golden chads.jpg (1158x724, 136K)

>She prefers the company of birds and other animals; she even talks to them and opens up to them.
Fucking cute
Niles was absolutely Based

Attached: 5c7.jpg (324x291, 13K)

Fujos are for laughing at. I thought that was the whole point of making Nina a disgustingly obnoxious fujoshit, a joke of a character.

>Golden Deer
Ruined. Guess she'll have to die.

Soleil wasn't gay in the original release, only the localization. And Treehouse doing that is what fucked up selling the DLC, and made the entire localization process get overhauled.

Pretty sure you can steal students from other houses.

They get the golden ending.

Attached: Mercedes.webm (1280x720, 1003K)

Dropped as soon as I heard her english voice.

Naga bless you, user.

>Make Soleil gay as fuck in the localization
>Still can't marry her as FemCorrin
>Only choice is a shitty Tharja expy

I actually liked Soleil too.

He probably means the likenesses between Inigo and Chrom.


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marry, marry, fuck, fuck, kill, kill, kill, fuck

there's dual audio user
no guarantee the jap voice is any better tho

>playing in English
I've found the problem

The use the JP voices then it's dual audio.

Her name is Milkyanne von Breastmund, get it right

Attached: 190614_HP.png (1200x1200, 749K)

>either flat as a washboard, or double D huge

Now that I know we aren't stuck to shitty student uniforms I can't wait to see everybody timeskipped.

what about yuko?

I'd give her a quick grope.

Why'd you have to point that out

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Marry, Marry, Kill, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Marry, Kill

They are all great except discount Rise.

I mean, they kept "Charlotte" even though that's also a French name that native english speakers can't pronounce correctly to save their lives.

Why'd they show the worst designs first? Seeing Petra, Dorothea and the unwashed shut-in killed all my hopes for girls for a while.

I don't know which one you're talking about but it's true regardless. Best boy. But I don't want to play FE and hear Fran's laugh everytime I have a support scene with Niles.

Golden Chads > Blue Lions >> Black Eagles

Nina became one of the most popular kids in the game because it's a relatable character for the fanbase. Fujoshi call themselves that despite the fact that it was first used as an insult toward them because of their self-depreciating humor.

So who wins between her and nu-tifa

Who's going to be the conquest-like route? she best girl

I bet Hilda is just going to turn into Serra after the timeskip.

Attached: Serra.png (591x1194, 561K)

Marry Bernadetta, don’t care about the rest.

The generic class models thing is kind of weird since that seems to be Priest but it's not the same model Marianne uses in that one video, Mariannes has her with huge fucking titties while this one doesn't. This is also the one they show Lysithea in in the JP websites class section. So like how Awakening had two Berserker models for males(one regular one buff) this game might have different models for female classes based on if they're a titty monster or not. And if that's the case that might point to Mercedes not being a titty monster. Similarly, this pic of Marianne as a mage has her with big milkies and it looks different from the pic that had Dorothea as a mage


Attached: details_main15.jpg (493x274, 122K)

Attached: mods.png (854x480, 500K)

Good, the name never made sense anyway. Skilled with what?

Attached: 12 Minutes of Fire Emblem Three Houses Combat Gameplay E3 2019.mp4_snapshot_00.01_[2019.06.14_20.20. (1280x720, 194K)

Black Eagles is the safe, boring route.
Blue Lions is the route that fucks your ass.
Golden Queers is the lol everything is retarded route.