Would they actually get along?

Would they actually get along?

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They'd be just fine.

Just point them in the direction of Ridley and they'd have some nice bonding time.

He would get along with the SA-X

Apparently they did more than just get along.

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Is the baby Captain King?

>Ever nice to enemies
She doesn't brutally kill them like doom guy but she doesnt mind a complete genocide.

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1 genocides planets
1 genocides dimensions
They will make babies.


Samus genocided a dimension one time

Casually, it'd probably be pretty quiet but I could see them bonding over talking about guns and tech.
In battle, they'd make a killer team. Why have one genocidal human war machine when you could have two?


he seems too autistic for her desu

Both are autistic fucks.

ye but samus is the silent type. doom guy is, you know, ... the rip and tear type


He mellowed out after nth hell

other m was a long time ago user, she grew up since then
alright, i can get behind that

It’s master chief

based prime 2 player

Imagine the sexe

I'm praying for Doomguy in Smash and my idea for the reveal trailer pretty much follows that idea. Samus, Snake, and Falcon are fighting Ridley (or some other monstrous bad guy character like Bowser, but Ridley works best) and aren't winning; Samus firing off her charged shot, Snake firing missiles, Falcon doing his punch. Then after Ridley does a sweeping attack to down them all, you hear a long whining door open with a bulky silhouette approaching. A stream of plasma bolts hit Ridley in the back, he turns and leaps into the air only to be hit with rockets and then hit with a chained spike that slams him down to the ground, then as he roars in anger he gets punched by a fist covered in red aura (berserk) and falls over. The camera spins around to show Doomguy cracking his knuckles, then the title card pops in before he gives everyone else a nod and they show some positive reactions in return. Queue gameplay and me screaming in joy.
A man can dream...

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A lot of metal clanking sounds.

>They will make babies
>having doomguy mix with filthy xeno genes

>Samus gets rid of her pathetic and disgusting emotions and only keeps her blind hatred
>she becomes female doomguy

I would buy it so hard that I would have to re-mortgage my house.

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Pick one.


Also, she goes apeshit against Ridley every time he shows up, it's almost guaranteed she uses a brutal kill against him.

post it

Hes still a virgin you dolt

I dont have it
also don't know what are you talking about

now I want samus x kazooie 34

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I can get behind this.

>Would they actually get along?

I think they'd definetly 800% like each other, but I don't know if they'd fuck each other.
They've got a lot in common, but it depends on if they 'want' someone like themselves or if they want someone to save them from their extreme lifestyle.
I don't think Doomguy wants to be saved: he's extremely devoted to what he does and has a moral obligation to his line of work and his sense of justice completely supersedes his own happiness at all times.
Killing Demons and making sure what happened to him doesn't happen to anyone else is the most important thing for Doomguy and so long as there's even ONE fucking Demon left, well, he's not fucking done. Also Doomguy is a virgin- Doomguy meets the qualifications to be a pope in fact.

Samus on the other hand I don't know much about.
Why does she do anything? Money? What's her motivation? Does she even care or want to be normal? Has she had sex? I peg Samus as either having really violent casual sex or being too afraid to fuck someone.

The funniest part about this imo, even without his armor, Chief is taller than both of them.

Doomguy maybe but Samus? i dont buy it

Chief is like 6 foot 10 without armor and Samus is 6 foot 3 with it.

Chief in suit is over 2 meters. Samus in suit is almost 2 meters.

Doomman is a canon virgin.

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>doomguy convinces samus to do a shooting at nintendo offices after they refuse to reveal her new game, again

I'm happy people are around to remind me that Doom Guy goes complete ape shit at 0-300mph because some assholes killed his rabbit. Like he is the Boogeyman of hell because a rabbit happened to be the most important thing in universe to one extremely dedicated and vengeful modern day crusader.

You don’t have to be a virgin to be pope dumbass, you have to be chaste while your ordained.

She has a game that plays just like his
Also, Doom Eternal looks like it has alot more environmental puzzle solving like the Prime games
I bet Doomguy wouldn't care about Space Pirates, but would want to genocide the Ing

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Hey there

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Yes. Demons and space pirates are trying to keep them apart while Pit tries to get them close.

I got U

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Shouldn't Samus be taller?

Deepest Lore

How would you feel if Mystery Nigga 4 and 5 were Chief and Doomslayer?

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I feel nothing
I actually buy DLC this time


In this hypothetical scenario, consider the following
Argent Infused Space Pirates/X parasites
Phazon infected Demons

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unrelated but the new astartes part 4 was very cool

Doomguy would probably be super clueless and last a minute, same with Samus.

>Doomguy pulls out a photo of his bunny
>Samus nods
>Semus pulls out a photo of THE BABY
>Doomguy grunts

Yeah, but the foreplay would be kinky and amazing as fuck.


And then John Wick pulls out a photo of his dog

Do they have sex before or after Fusion?

Imagine. Human fused to her powersuit and also part bird and part metroid and part X

Only Doomguy could handle something like that.


they would probably touch each other for an hour before realizing they have to take the armor off

>That ancient Samus vs Master Chief video
>ends with Samus in Zero Suit and Master Chief undressing to revealing she's a girl too
>Fem-Chief x Doomguy x Samus

using what powerups?

doomguy never takes off his helmet

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didn't doomguy murder some super demon race with his bare hands or some shit?

stop I can only get so erect.

i like this lmao

Captain King

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>Implying Samus is nice
The only differences between Samus and Doomguy is that Samus' kills aren't as bloody and Samus is all business while Doomguy gets enjoyment out of killing. They'd get along fine, but I think Samus would find his eagerness to shed blood annoying.

yknow im surprised she isnt considered a harpy with all that chozo dna

Pure hatred for demons.

if doomguy gets in im making the sóy face.

What movie?

the counselor

How much of her DNA is Chozo though? Not enough to physically change her appearance, unless Nintendo didn't think about that part.

I always figured maybe she has hollow bones.

They're polar opposites
Doomguy is a man driven so incredibly insane with rage that he has lost his humanity and is essentially an autistic war machine
Samus is a bounty hunter. The very fact that she works for money shows that she actually has humanity left.

Nah, doomguy is in spergout 99% of the time, but he does have his human moments, like backing up the AI in D44m

How Samus hasn't been driven insane by both her families dying and her life long nemesis constantly resurrecting is beyond me.

>canonically has not killed a mortal creature with a soul No, demons do not have souls
c i n n a m o n r o l l

>revealing she's a girl too

In Doom 2016 before he receives his Praetor Suit, he kills a titan demon running around practically butt naked in Hell. You see its corpse in one of the last levels. It's skyscraper big.


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She's a bird brain.

oh damn

Pretty sure that the Spartan in Haloid was meant to be Nicole from Dead or Alive.

They'd mating press

If it gave her super strength and agility, she's definitely got a significant amount of Bird DNA.
That shit doesn't form from minor DNA changes.

She's also part Metroid now. So her DNA is all fucked up.

Amazon position obviously.

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Samus is half alien bird monster bruh I doubt she could make babby if she wanted to

He did at the end of doom

Doom slayer has such an ugly design, I hate that people use him instead of Doom guy now.

No, it's some comedy character that doesn't fit in her universe, all he does is kill shit because of a fucking bunny instead of doing to protect all in life in the galaxy. She would get along with the Master Chief though. Doomguy should stick to fucking his twin sister.

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>Other M

Take your reddit shit back to there, Metroid 5 isn't even releasing in the same year as Doom Eternal. By the time Metroid 5 releases, Doomguy will be irrelevant and Master Chief and Samus will be relevant.

everyone would
doomguy is best guy

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Chief is 7'2" in the suit, 6'10" out of the suit, Samus is 6'3" in the suit 5'10" out of the suit.

why doomguy taller, he's only 6'


Samus still cares for the Baby, Other M or not, heck, we all did back in the days of Super. And now more people do, thanks to Samus Returns.

Samus is part Metroid, she's back to being just Chozo and Human, she's just immune to X now.

Samus used to be almost 2m tall WITHOUT the armor, so with it I expect her to easily reach 2.30m (or 7.5 feet for you troglodytes). That said what's for sure is that Doomguy is the shortest but it's not like that matters to him.

She still cares for the "Hatchling" but she isn't autistic like Doomguy, she and Master Chief are very similar on the fact that they are seen as the galaxy's final hope, have a high sense of duty and always want to get the job done. Plus both characters are serious most of the time.


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Even that is open to depade, she re absorb her own DNA out of the Sa-X at the end of Fusion, and it seems that both the X parasite and the Metroid DNA kind of destroy each other by the end of the game. Maybe she still have a little of Metroid DNA on her (which I suppose will make her a target of the Feds if that storyline continues), but with the X completely destroy, there is little use to that DNA in her body now.

Has Doomguy harmed someone innocent or human that wasn't getting in his way? He doesn't seem like a nice guy but I don't remember him being evil either. The closest I can think are the scenes where he bullies somple humans in the DOOM Eternal gameplay.

Doomguy isnt the sociopath people sometimes make him to be. If anything, the little lore behind the original games hint at him being a very nice and moral person when NOT facing demons. He would be chill in smash.

Not once but he hasn't really been around people since he got sent Phobos.

Nope, she's just Human and Chozo again with X immunity and the Federation plot has long been dropped, next enemies are rogue Chozo, I can also see the X, Space Pirates, and Metroids.

Doomguy is Christian, they'd need to get married first

Though Ganon and Bayo would be fuck. Maybe Kirby if the cast can't explain to him the difference between a Demon and a Elder baby god... though who knows who wins a battle between Kirby and Doomguy to be honest.

Good stuff user. I had a similar idea last night but with Giga Bowser in place of Ridley. I hope your dream comes true.

I want these to crossover so bad, if only to watch the Space Pirates try to control Hell and get their shit pushed in for it.

I'd love to see more Doomguy interacting with the world and viceversa, he such a cool concept. But I also think it's an slippery slope where they could drive him too much into meme territory.

I'm not asking for him to be developed, but I want to see the impact he has on the world.

You mean she'd need to be underage for it to happen.

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I feel at some point Doomguy would realize Kirby isn't a threat to, well, anything good. Doesn't mean it wouldn't take him hours, even days of fighting before realizing it.

Metroids for sure, X no, the whole point of Fusion was that if a single X parasite get out of the station, the universe was fuck, no among of Metroid DNA would have been able to stop that.

Also, I would be piss if the Feds plotline is drop, fuck Other M, I was waiting to that plot to continue since Fusion (and even Corruption, which also toyed with the idea that the Feds and the pirates aren't that different), and the Rogue Chozo doesn't mean is dropped it yet, it only means that there is a bigger treat, which I am fine with that.

>Nu-Doom design
>Other M design

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Honestly I only want one of them in at a time. I'd prefer Doomslayer but I'll settle for the Chief as well. I like both games.

Back of the knee maybe

Samus would though, plus they're important to the series because of Metroids and Aeion.

Doom Guy has never had an issue with aliens, just demons

Actually brings up an interesting thought that Doomguy might be a prosocial psychopath. Highly resistant to long term stress, predilection for violence, small emotional range, and an unhealthy attachment to things normal people would not.

That, or it was a really awesome rabbit.

I rather just have Chief

So is Samus. They're perfect for each other

explains why she's so nimble
I mean the suit is probably half the reason but still

Chief is as well.

Why cant games workshop unironically hire that man

Its obvious that kirby is a benevolent entity, whatever he be. Doomguy would be able to judge that.
And Ganon isnt even a demon most of the time. I do recognize he would have some attrition with bayo

Demonic energies probably made doomguy sterile, Or maybe the other way around but whatever is coming out of the womb is barely going to be Human.

So who is Doomguy's Ridley? The closest I can think of is Cyberdemon, but every demon he fights is kind of a push-over.

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Well we just have to let them try, no?

Ganondorf's tittle is DEMON lord by the end of Ocarina, and all his powers are of demonic nature... it's also imply he is the reincarnation of a Demon god, or at least of his hatred.

Yeah, it was.

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I’d say Kirby black hole stomach has enough room for Doomguy.

They are important to the lore, that for sure, but important like Mother Brain, that she is gone and we don't expect her to come back. They are the origin of the Metroids, but by now, both the Metroids and the Chozo are far more important for the plot.

Baphomet/Icon of Sin

Who would in in a fight between chief and doomguy? Doomguy has way more feats but lore wise chief is a lot stronger physically

From what I can gather he's a friendly guy who loves cute things, but goes completely fucking medieval if anyone innocent is hurt or simply threatened to be hurt.


They are trying to make a new rival for him in Eternal. Let's see how that turns out.

Or the bits when he tosses aside the monitor when Hayden suggests they can work together in the beginning, or when he looks at the corpse in the elevator. There are a lot of touches in D44M that display Doomguy's humanity.

Two tanks humping

Just like Samus then.

The only thing I hate about the Other M design is the arm cannon having a phimosis tip. Everything else is... well it's there.

They both have no personality outside of shooting baddies so potentially

It would be quite the epic fight, but I think both in weaponry and combat trying if it's reduce to meele only, Chief still have the upper hand. Though there are plenty of scenarios where Doom Guy could win.

Mother Brain will return in some shape or form, not as in her character returning but more like several Chozo I similar to Mother Brain will probably appear since we'll be fighting rogue Chozo and there is a possibility the rogue Chozo were the ones who created Mother Brain which makes her going crazy and trying to police the galaxy make a whole lot of sense.

And they both like cute animals, don't forget that... I can't believe this is actually canon, for both of them.

Doomguy has a lot more going for him when it comes to raw offensive ability.

In the Quakecon trailer for E3 last year, when they teased Phobos, he walks through a room full of humans directly toward the one scientist who has a card, and all he does is just grab it while it's on the guy's neck and tugs it over to the reader before letting go. And then he takes a guard's weapon on his way down.


Doomguy's humanity is precisely why he's so angry all the time, and I think that's the best part of him. He's a pissed off, one-man army but he has every reason to be after the shit he's seen.

I'll just repost one from a previous thread that I found funny
>Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are rebuilding the window they smashed in Banjo's reveal
>See Ridley off in the distance running towards them
>Donkey Kong and Diddy pose themselves, ready to fight
>Ridley runs past them, through the window they were fixing, out the other side of the house
>Donkey Kong and Diddy, on each side of the screen look inside the house as Ridley disappears off in the distance and then they look towards the screen, in the direction Ridley was running from
>See Doomguy approaching
>Donkey Kong and Diddy's eye bulge again as they run away from Doomguy
>After gameplay
>Shot of Ridley running away as Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong run past him even faster
>Start hearing the sound of the BFG as a green glow lights the back of Ridley

Yeah that's what I meant with "bullies some humans in DOOM Eternal". It's kinda dickish, but he's not actively harming them, he's just wants to go kill demons and will close the door behind him.

Reminder that Doomguy would be eligible to be the Pope.

Doomslayer is justifiably pissed that Humanity has yet reduced their population to a fucking sliver due to not understanding the basic concept of "hell = bad"

>Halo, Metroid and Doom crossover where the 3 work together to take down Phazon mutated Flood demons never ever.

Probably the second

Going by the new Commander Keen game, I saw a thread where people came up with an interesting headcanon for why Daisy was so important to him.
Basically, the kids in the new game are a young Doomguy (Billy) and his sister (Billie). Daisy would be Billie's pet rabbit. Due to some event, Billie dies and Billy adopts Daisy for himself. Later on the events of Doom 1 happen and after seeing Daisy's head, there is no more Billy, only Doomguy, an Eternal™ demon killing machine.

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Maybe he was just too shy and autistic and didn't know to ask for the key card.

Aye, but he's more a guy that's mad all the time than someone who's blinded by rage. The kind of guy who if he sees you opening a portal to hell, he's sigh, slap the shit out of you and close the protal, but wouldn't outright kill you for it unless you become a demon or something worse.

Read the books.

Watching that as it was being shown for the first time was fucking hilarious.

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I rather Chief and Samus fight something from their main series like Space Pirates, Covenant, Metroids, Sentinels, X, Flood, Chozo, Forerunners.

Looks too boring and weak

Chief has hand to hand training and lore wise is stronger, while doomguy is strong too hes not as much as chief and hasnt shown any technical prowess besides rip & tear

I imagine there will probably be one or two other moments in Eternal where he interacts with humans in some way like that. He seems mad at everyone, but he doesn't seem intent to make all the humans suffer more than they already have.

All I imagine is every synapse in Doomguy's head spastically twitching as he struggles to remember how to accomplish things without murder.

remember, every WAD is canon

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Kirby and Doomguy would have no issues. But he'd definitely raise an eyebrow at borb.

who's to say the marine in every wad is the same one, though?

Most fights are decided by the person who has higher aggression, not more technically skilled. In a dojo or ring, where there are rules and etiquette, skill ends up looking much more effective than it really is, and in those it still almost always goes to the more aggressive fighter, and when it doesn't you can see how the more skilled fighter would have lost several times over if hits to the back of the head or groin were legal.

Basically, MC having more hand-to-hand training is meaningless. Stick with the strength advantage (debatable) and perhaps technological superiority.

This is seriously the shit that makes me laugh the most. It makes perfect sense in context and gives a layer of hilarity when you consider things like that at some point hell had to be changed into Gotham City and the DoomSlayer became Batman.

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You severely underestimate the 2016 brand of demons, They are capeshit levels of absolutely busted and the most advanced civilzations and space horrors stand absolutely fuck-all of a chance against them.

They're both too lone wolf and autistic

>Doesn't mean it wouldn't take him hours, even days of fighting
But the fighting would be one sided like Flats vs SpongeBob.

>Doomguy hates niggers and spics because of the /pol/ WAD

I thought of a crossover game with doomguy and Sam is but then I realize it would probably be a Nintendo switch exclusive.
Well as someone who exclusively play doom games on pc, I don't want that. It would suck for a game like that to go exclusive.
But if it's for all platforms then sheeeeeiiitt go for it.

It's actually kind hard to say how much he truly cares for mankind. In D44M, he rips a corpse's hand off because it was needed to open a door. He wasn't respectful or anything, it was just "need hand - rip hand off"
In the Eternal trailer he doesn't even really stop for a second. He just goes "need card to open door - take card" "Need weapon - take weapon"
If Doomguy actively saves someone from a demon, he's likely not going to stop to see if the person is alright, he'll just keep going.
Which I think is also what they seem to be trying to imply with the new Eternal footage. At one point someone says "They're not your people anymore", which seems to imply that despite doomguy, to some capacity caring about humanity, like the elevator scene at the start of D44M, he doesn't actively try to save it.

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>Doomguy is secretly dating that one Cacodemon girl everyone draws porn of

doomguy is dumb

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The guy was dead, didn't need his hand anymore, and Doomguy has a job to do with killing demons that are in the immediate vicinity. Why should he be "respectful" to a corpse?

I kind of imagine Doomguy poking Kirby just to understand whether or not it should be killed.

Ripping fucking demons in half > killing shitty space zombies

go doot somewhere else

Because normal people who are in touch with humanity are respectful, even to corpses, if not specially to corpses. And it's not like he was actively being shot at where he couldn't take his time, he just puts a foot on the guy's stomach and rips the hand off in a second without a moment's thought. Imagine if Doomguy needed the guy's head for an eye scanner.

I must not be normal then, because I don't see why you have an issue with it. Things are fucked, blood and guts are everywhere, demons are around the corner, these corpse does not need its hand, and being a gentle with it is a meaningless gesture that accomplishes nothing to make the situation better.

Just because he's saving the world doesn't mean he's in a good mood.

You said that, but it's an action movie trope that the "badass hero" has seen so much shit, it doesn't really cares for the corpes of the people he never knew about, not just Doom Guy, so I don't think this apply to the narrative.

A corpse should be left well alone..

Doomguy has divine blessings that made him beyond a Human, Most important of all is his unlimited stamina, A spartan would be the equivalent of those those dead UAC super-troopers whose corpses you see littering mars.

Then you best be an actual corpse you eldritch fueled bitch.

I'm not some massive doom fanatic so I don't know much about the series outside of the very first game and the 2016 reboot but I love that for as much as he just absolutely assrapes demons, he goes out of his way to not harm regular humans.

Why do they have to fight? I think the real question is how well can Chief kill demons? A second player's always nice, after all.

post the pasta

When someone dies, we don't just thrown their corpse in the trash can for the morning pickup. There's a reason why we're respectful towards the dead, even in combat situations. And Doomguy wasn't actively in a combat situations. If you put yourself in his position, you'd be more likely to try and drag his entire corpse to the control than simply ripping off the hand like a chicken wing.
True but I'm just making the argument that Doomguy might not actively want to save humanity as much as he wants humanity to be somewhere faraway. I mean, I find it difficult to really picture Doomguy going out of his way to save a person.

I rather a Halo X Metroid crossover where just Chief and Samus save the galaxy from alien races.

Also wasn't he sent to mars in the first place because he nearly beat to death a superior for ordering him to fire at civilians?

I feel like he's so focused on saving everyone as a whole that a single person is nothing to him. If he has to kick someone's ass to save everyone else, he'll do it. At least that's my interpretation, anyway.

But he was in an active combat situation. Combat situations have breaks. Mourning is for when the emergency has passed, not for when squeezing out some tears will have you buttfucked by a demon that could care less about your wanting to repose the corpse it just made.

Why do Doomkids always compare Doom to Metroid and Halo? I don't see it, I see more of a comparison between Metroid and Halo.

Armored MCs with guns

Yeah the demons don't agree with that much.

>books about video games
I guess the demons aren't really from hell now because the movie said so.
nah. Doomguy is an agent of good, sent to mars as punishment for refusing to harm the innocent, not a derivative of edgy british tabletop wargames.
some guy's headcanon will never change how he's always been, even if it's on paper

>Mourning is for when the emergency has passed
I'm saying not he had to mourn, just not rip off the hand if he does care for humanity. It's a bit of the Dr. Manhattan situation where he's so far removed from humanity that he doesn't see people, he sees not-demons. Doomguy isn't exactly going to attend a funeral or anything to mourn a lost life.
Just for fun, imagine this scenario.
Door on the left has a person about to kill another person.
Door on the right has a couple of demons just hanging out, not hurting anyone.
Which door do you think he'll take? The one where he saves a life or the one where he does what he's best at, despite no one being in danger?
Despite reading and posting in countless doomguy lore threads, I still find it hard to say he'd take the door on the left.

>Implying he wouldn't rip and tear its guts

>with his dong

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That's true, he might let the guy die in that situation. He has good intentions but he's not a perfect human being at all. He's primarily motivated by hatred and that always has its flaws.

Why do those guys have a second fake spine attached to their heads anyway?

Reminder doomguy is Catholic, so he EXCLUSIVELY fucks with the sole intent of making a baby

But he does need to rip off the hand. He needs the hand for the palm reader, and he doesn't want to carry an entire body when he can just bring the hand, especially if a demon decides it wants to ambush him.

And if the demons in the door to the right aren't hurting anyone yet, because they are waiting to pop out of the door. Don't try to pretend there is such a thing as "Demons that are just hanging out, not hurting anyone."

So he's a quick shot

Chief has better feats/stats, though I much prefer Doom to Halo

Only the film creator knows. But they look like they be part of some kind of amplifier, like a psychic hood for Librarians.

She'd be screaming as he was ripping and tearing her guts up. She's got abs to compete with his, she'd drain his balls.

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He was on the other side of a collapsed catwalk. Also, the dead body had a pentagram on his head, marking him as one of the cultists who caused this shit in there first place so he probably doesn't give a fuck about that guy.
He actually DOES need an eye to open the door to the bfg later. He takes the whole upper torso.

>Would they actually get along?
Doom guys is literally the only man who can be Samu's husband. Only he is manly enough to put Samus in her place.

anyone saying chief hasn't played 2016

>he doesn't want to carry an entire body when he can just bring the hand, especially if a demon decides it wants to ambush him.
Considering how strong he is, a corpse wouldn't even be seen as extra weight.
>Don't try to pretend there is such a thing as "Demons that are just hanging out, not hurting anyone."
That's the point of a hypothetical. I could come up with a more needlessly specific scenario but that's the basic idea. Would Doomguy go out of his way to save someone not currently being attacked by demons or would this human on human situation not even register in his head because all he can think about is "demons 24/7"

Buddy if you've seen what Doom Slayer is capable of in the newer games, he'd probably give Chief a run for his money.

Doomguy isn't part of the Empire. If anything they'd think he was a champion of Khorne. But the sex between him and Samus would make Slaanesh and Khorne each satisfied by their tribute.

Does he know why one human is killing another. As pointed out, if it is a cultist who helped bring the demons over trying to kill another person, yeah, he probably would intervene. But if he has a choice between 2 humans feuding for some unknown reason, and 2 demons are, despite what the propagandists would have you believe, an immediate and existential threat, fuck it, take out the devil you know instead of trying to play police officer and find out who is in the right.

He is sent to Mars as punishment of him not shooting innocent civvies, and in Doom64 he decides to close the gates of hell with him inside them to avoid further hordes from invading Earth, if he is a psychopath he has a good moral compass.

>marking him as one of the cultists who caused this shit in there first place so he probably doesn't give a fuck about that guy.
I didn't actually remember that detail so that does make more sense for him.
>He takes the whole upper torso.
Wasn't the body already cut in half at that point? I need to replay the game, I'm forgetting details.
I do remember that after getting the BFG and dropping a few feet, he looks at it as if to make sure his baby is safe.

And so if chief. Remember the Augmentation process pretty much kills the sex drive.

Yeah. It's called pro-social psychopathy. It is distinguished from anti-social personality disorder and sociopathy, by being an actual genetic and physiological difference that results in very low emotional empathy, high resistance to stress, some impulse control issues, etc.

Psychopaths, as the current working term is being used, can actually be seen through brain scans, skin conductivity tests, and standard psychological examination. And what they are finding is that most psychopaths are, in fact, not anti-social and criminal.

Everyone seemed to be afraid of him even before he did anything.
That's why bullys exist in High School. You walk in and there's this skinny little faggot who is afraid to even look you in the face.
It fucking pisses anyone off. A man shouldn't be like this, it's disgusting.
People like this must be bullied so that they get punished for being weak until they learn to be strong. If they don't become strong, then humanity will not lost anything of value anyway.

That's basically what I'm trying to say. How much does Doomguy truly care for humanity?
He willingly stayed in Hell to keep demons away from Earth back in Doom 64 so there's clearly a good intention there. Just that he's probably not going to go out of his way to do anything but kill demons, even if it could save human lives.

>Read fanfic
Have sex

He didn't do anything at that moment but going by the WARNING, THE SLAYER HAS ENTERED THE FACILITY
Seeing him is pretty much a sign that all hell is about to break loose.

The body was already cut in half but he took the whole thing instead of just ripping the head off.

He cares for them like a warrior would. Take out the immediate and definite threat. Go back to being more human when the threat is gone. It just turns out when one is fighting demons while dimension hopping the threat is never actually gone.

Doomguy can't play police man. Maybe after he takes out the demons hiding behind the right door, if the human situation has not resolved itself, he can grab the homicidal human and wave his finger at the guy. But on the list of triage, one is a higher priority than the other, and smart, effective people know how to follow triage.

Doomguy/DoomSlayer wants to protect humanity though. That coupled with the bunny is his drive for killing demons.

The second

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I can see that, it's just difficult for me to picture Doomguy interacting with humans in any positive capacity. In the Eternal video, he doesn't even look people in the eyes, he just looks directly at the thing he wants. The soldier at the start is basically the longest he's looked someone in the face and it was basically just an intimidation move.

Wasn't the first quarter of Doom 4 about Doomguy trying to find out the casualty number on mars? and he got really upset when he found out there were no survivors?

If I was rich I'd legit have a painting like this framed on the wall.

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He's just shy and doesnt know how to talk to people or make eye contact.

This thread reinforced my need for Doomguy getting into Smash

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how can they marry though. i never played the new doom and scarcely played the old ones but i never heart him mutter a word, only some grunts. how can he say he loves her

Protecting humanity is why doomguy kills, Daisy is why he loves it so goddamn much.

>Doomguy actually wanted to politely ask for the soldier to lend his gun but Doomguy's autism kicked in and he just took it

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Yeah, but again, in that situation the station is being attacked right that moment, and he is surrounded by a bunch of corporate and military bureaucracy. There is a job to do, and he doesn't have time to pussy foot around when the fuck huge cannon that seems to be part of the plan to stop the demons is under threat.

It's pretty obvious that everyone around is intimidated by him, and he does not have time for them to let their balls drop again while in his presence to get what he needs to get out in the fight. He doesn't have to be part of that bullshit anymore, and he's not going to be; there's demons to kill.

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fucking hot

I kind of saw that as being more about angry that humanity fucked with hell again.
I do agree with all of that, it's just an interesting line that Doomguy currently walks in, between full demon killing machine and still caring for humanity, which Eternal seems to be delving into.

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this. Reminder that Samus attacked both Crocomire and Diggernaut when they were just chilling around.

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also this

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>Arby 'n" The Chief go to Hell
>lololllol wtf is tihs pusy shit cyberdeemin?
>fucks sake Chief, Doomguy is right next to us
>RiP aNd TeAr!!!!11!1!11!

Fuckiing hell. I laughed loud enough to wake my baby.

Attached: 91.webm (640x560, 2.85M)

we need duck hunt making a silhouette shape of doomguy obviously

If that was Doomguy he'd probably grab Ridley's upper jaw and rip his entire body in two. Shooting him in the face a couple of times is a mercy killed in comparison.

>just look at the motherfucker
Get's me every time

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>Reactivate Diggernaut
>It responds by chasing her around with an instant death wall mining arm.
>And then steals the Power Bombs

Nah, that cunt had it coming. Crocomire is still a good boy though.

The Kong family is too good at reveals. I want them to do everything from now on with a different guest in their shack like K-Rool was.

that's precisely what she did in Super Metroid tho. Ridley literally falls apart at the end of the fight.

>the Doom marine invades Duck Hunt's game with the chaingun

nvm found it:

Can't you just imagine it. You slowly slip Samus' zero suit off her hips, but instead of human hairs marking her most precious place, a tiny, well groomed mound of soft feathers, brilliantly gold in color, meets your eyes.

Samus blushes, begging you not to look at her deformity, but instead of looking away, you brush you cheek ever so softly against them. The soft down tickles your skin, and Samus visibly shudders at your touch. The silky feel of them is intoxicating. After several minutes of touching, as Samus becomes hotter and wetter, you take a sudden initiative and whisper a request into her ear. Her eyes widen with shock, but she nods, and with astounding speed and dexterity, you pluck one feather out. She winces, but she's so senstive at this point a little fingering calms her back down.

You take that shining blond pubic feather and proceed to trace every inch of Samus' body with it. Along her legs and thighs, her inner arms across her neck, her eyelids, her ears, every crevice is explored. When you finally return to the feathers origin and, ever so gently, brush it across her clit, she finally can stand no more and comes all over your hand...


Doesn't he kill Spider!Olivia by shoving the BFG down her throat and firing?

Oh fuck that's a good idea

>full halfie
i can barely mach ball for early supers

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>Obligatory "but what about Maria-062?"
Also Chief AND Doomguy make babies with half-bird-alien-cyborg-woman. Those half-siblings bang and make the ultimate Space-Pirate-Incest-Abomination to fly among the stars.

>Ridley is the one making the silhouette
>He starts laughing
>Actual doomguy silhouette shows up behind him
>Ridley stops with the sound of a shotgun being cocked

It reinforces my idea that nintendo already knows that doomguy will be next and now they are trying to shill it here.

We're specifically talking about chief. Also the rest of your post is fan-fiction and you can fuck off.

Well having your son outgrow you isn’t a bad thing

Sakurai said that John Carmack is the father of FPS, and Bethesda spoke to Nintendo about Smash months ago (this got confirmed by Hines).

A Bethesda rep will happen


Yeah, all you need is to replace K Rool with someone connected to Doomguy in some way. Maybe Simon and Samus to connect with the idea of killing monsters.

>people picking Master Chief

Doomguy would obliterate him. He'd obliterate anyone, that's the entire point. He's video games One Punch Man.

>Ridley laughing
>Green lighting from an incoming BFG shot intensifies.

True but it was practically mandatory for them to do the BFG in boss' mouth at least once.

>ridley's face when

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no, he's not. Saitama is a gag character with some ridiculous feats. Doomguy isn't, and in comparison, his feats are way more credible and realistic.

its not gonna happen since pete hines broke NDA

I'm not saying he wouldn't win in a fight against Master Chief tho

What would Doomguy's Final Smash be?

I dunno, or all of them will be in eventually. Just like with Banjo and Steve. Both got leaked years ago and there was constant spamming. Turns out the leaks were right all along, all of this just shows that Yea Forums is just a big marketing place for nintendo.

>Doomguy isn't
>mythic force of destruction demigod whom even fate bends to

>everyone else in the vicinity

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>his feats are way more credible and realistic

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>Get Final Smash
>For a quick second he does the RIP AND TEAR pose from the comic
>Full berserk mode for 2 or 3 seconds
>Ends with BFG blast

>Ridley, Ganondorf, Bowser are walking along the catwalk from youtube.com/watch?v=8x0NdTsmWv8
>Ganondorf picked off
>Bowser picked off
>Ridley turns around
>show gameplay
>stinger is Doom Slayer charging headfirst at Meta Ridley, Ganon, and Giga Bowser with the BFG


how did he? you know they said the same thing about the composer from banjo's music right?

they are tho.
Saitama's whole point is that he's able to defeat literally anyone with a single punch. Then, compare it to Buggs Bunny, who became his own writer at some point. Maybe Superman, who held a book with infinite pages?
Doomguy's feats are way more realistic than any of them.

he actively said they talked to nintendo about it when nobody else said they talked to nintendo.

I actually love that lore. It's so silly to think about. This absolute brutal legend, that even the demons from hell fear more than anything only exits because of a mothefucking RABBIT

Cool and interesting scenario to see how they'd interact. Wow, shame that in this all-star cross over game there's no story mode that gives us a view into the characters' personalities and sees how they'd behave when meeting each other. Who would get along, who would be romantically interested, who would be enemies. Darn if only there was some sort of way that this game had a mode like that.

All he said is that he talked with Nintendo, which just about every big company does, specially now with the whole Switch ports situation, he didn't even try to imply anything.
If Bethesda gets Dovakyn instead of Doomguy I'm going to go fucking nuclear.

Oof, my peepee

The difference is Doomguy kills demons out of hatred, Samus isjust doing her normal job, almost completely uncaring of the mass slaughter she's committing.

like Captain Falcon's, except instead of it activating immediately it would be a targeting reticle in front of him and it moves with him while a timer counts down and once it reaches 0:00.00, BFG 10,000 with a sweet cutscene like K. Rool's.

>Doomguy will be irrelevant and Master Chief and Samus will be relevant.
MC hasn't been relevant since Halo 3
no one cares about 343 halo games


It'd be cool but I don't blame Nintendo for not trying to do that. Just getting the characters from 3rd parties must be a nightmare, let alone having every piece of dialogue dissected by every IP holder because they don't want a single grunt out of place.

someone doesn't like funposting

you WILL buy my fighter pass, right user?

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That’s wrong though.

Only if it's Doomguy. If it is I'll legitimately buy for everybody I know that owns Smash.

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t. zoomer

Last time they attempted it no one spoke a word. I imagine that was intentional

They used DK's house for the Banjo reveal since Rare also made Donkey Kong Country, so it was symbolic of Banjo coming home. For Doomguy they should do something different. I like the idea of involving Samus.

he literally just said "oh yeah", in regards bethesda having talked to nintendo about smash. he's not disclosing any key information.

That'd be pretty cool if they actually added a chaingun on the screen exactly like in Doom 1.

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>Todd wants to port Skyrim so much he'd port Dovahkin into Smash
I'll fucking murder you, you manlet fuck

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Todd, I swear to god, don't fuck me on this.

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try using that online app that transforms images into old paintings
i forgot the name now

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>way more credible and realistic

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>No dantes inferno spinoff with Doomguy running through the layers to kill the biggest bad at the bottom
>Ywn see doomguy stomp unbaptized demon babies

The BFG would be the most fitting but Nintendo would have to avoid saying what the F is for. If not that, a berserker pack beat down.

t. Early onset Alzheimers boomer
Halo Infinite was announced a while ago.

The sanitized name is Big Force Gun that Bethesda uses.

That makes Samus even scarier. Doomguy has a personal motivation, so he's driven by emotion. Samus is a machine, treating murder like paperwork.

compared to Saitama, Buggs Bunny and Superman? Yes.

You will hear e1m1 in Smash in your lifetime.


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How long before Nintendo goons come knocking on this guy's door?

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What if the demons and space pirates started mixing the two together?

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It's honestly so satisfying to see that id didn't go the serious route with Doom.
I still don't like how it leaves the first person perspective. I seriously hope that's not in the final game.

He won't. Dovakhiin is not the Main Protagonist of Skyrim, you create you own character. Same for Fallout.

I'm surprised the modding community hasn't done a 9 Circles of Hell for Doomguy.

>implying he'd date anything other than a cyberdemon
man deserves only the hugest guts for his huge dick

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He did that because those scientists are responsible for the Demons being on this dimensions Earth

You mean like Robin/Corrin?

One of the spots is Edelgard no doubt in my mind. There was a recent tweet where her voice actress said she was going in to do a voice for a "big game".

As for the other, I'd imagine it's going to be a character from Bamco considering they're the ones actually making the game. Lloyd, KOS-MOS, Jin/Heihachi, Nightmare, Wada-Don, Dig Dug, The Prince, etc.

Honestly it would be surprising to not get a Capcom character as DLC considering they and Nintendo are so close and there are dozens of potential fighters they could add. It's somewhat unlikely, but possible that Edelgard could be like Piranha Plant. She could come in between DLC fighter 4 and 5 as a bonus character for having Three Houses save data or pre-ordering it

>fem-cyberdemon will never destroy your pelvis

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Would legit throw all my money at an official three way Doom/Halo/Metroid crossover game
Shit would be so cash

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Likely to hide a loading screen since the target is suppose to be miles away and there's a limitation to the max map size?

Nothing he Chief do would feasibly hurt him.

You could say the same for Villager or Inkling.

why live

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>Doom Slayer
>No personality

Listen say what you want about Doom 16 but he's more fleshed out than most Western protagonists. And he doesn't even speak.

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Maybe but they can hide that loading screen through a first person perspective, only giving the illusion of going a very long distance and crashing through the wall.

It's gonna be like that doujin of the virgins having sex. They'll do Sumata and assume that's sex, but then it'll slip in and they both panic.

>Argent Ridley
>Phazon Revenants and Chainguys

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This. id was amazing in how they managed to actually give Doomguy a personality through small camera movements and body language alone.

Nah, Skyrim has too much characters customization compared with Splatoon and Animal Crossing. In these games, when you create your character, they still look like the original, while in Skyrim, you litteraly can change the race.


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>Doomguy: Son the day where we conceived you, the screams could be heard all over hell and the space pirate galaxy.
>John: Then why is this pictures of yours with mom has you sit down and her's standing up closer to the bathtroom?
>Samus: You see, after all of it was over, you father couldn't get up, and i couldn't even sit or even activate my armor in pain and fearing that i would cum and on the slightest contact.
>John: Dear god
>Doomguy: to make things worse, your Aunt crash who didn't liked your mother back then, blamed her for almost crippling me, and finding us inside a bathtub full of Ointment

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You are retarded, saying "we talked to Nintendo about X" is not breaking NDA unless it's an NDA that is more strict than 99% of NDA's in the industry since every company does that.

Call me a fag but I love wordless characterization and storytelling. There's a lot more left up to the imagination and there's little chance of bad voice acting or cringey writing

>Metroid Prime 4 has doom gameplay
Would it be, dare I say it, BASED?

Based. Its more difficult to give personality from a silent protagonist yet gives more impact.

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But the point is, there is an "official" character for Dovikhiin, the one in the cover, the one used in their marketing. And if, please god don't let it ever happen, if they did want him in the game, they could do the Dragon Quest thing of shifting between several of the main races you can play as. Hell, maybe just have it so the skins are the ones that change drastically to represent the different races. For Fallout it'd make more sense to be Vault Boy because he's the mascot of the series.

Doomguy can turn completely invincible via magic. All of Chief's best powers rely on technology, not magic.

>John: Dear god

Valve was literally built on it

Wouldn't any sufficiently understood magic become technology?


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>Not the cop android
Gee I wonder how the results skewed this much.

If that's the case then Master Chief and Samus Aran really have no similarities with Doomguy.

True. Ah fuck, when i think about it, they actually have some chances.... but DoomGuy still have the ''First 100% FPS character in Smash !" Being the literal icon of FPS and having more requests.

Which is funny considering they nailed both voiceless and characters with several different lines and personalities. I always thought they had some of the best writers in the industry
I miss that Valve.

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I think we've already spent our western character credits with Banjo-Kazooie. As much as I think that Doomguy deserves one of the last two slots, he probably ain't getting it.

This is true and even though 2 voice actors voicing every scientist and marine poorly are objectively bad, it adds to the camp

It's all about showing and not telling. Characters can grow through actions, not words.

For fuck sake he backed up VEGA who is an A.I. He felt bad for something that's not flesh and blood. That tells you how much he cares for not just humanity, but those who have helped him.

I think we need a Drawfag making a comic out of this.

If my memory serve's well the Vergil DMC5 comic started here at Yea Forums

John Romero, Tom Hall and the Carmack bros stated that One of the main inspirations for Doom, mainly the Doomguy's sprite and looks were based on Metroid series.

They loved the original NES game and one of id crew owned Return of Samus GB Cartridge, Hence why the original doom, as metroid carries the feeling of you being alone exploring a huge map facing enemies and discovering secrets.

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(Not my file image and was too fucking lazy to change it)

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>phazon demons

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What is with Doomfags and these dumbass images. Look I'm going to say this as clear Metroid and Halo are compared becuase they have a lot of similarities as the main series is concerned, Doom has no similarities either. Stop shoving your Doom shit into Metroid and Halo. Master Chief and Samus have a similar personality as well something they don't share with Doomguy.

Also the FAct that VEGA is now how AI Buttler
>Samus has ADAM
>Doomguy has VEGA
>Chief Got his AI Maid that is Cortana
this shit runs in the family


It gave me a mewtwo vibe

I could see Bethesda being so retarded that they want their donut steel or Vault Boy, aka character they didn't even create but like to pretend they did, instead of Doomguy.
Did you see their E3 presentation? They like to claim that they BETHESDA invented FPS. Not id, Bethesda. That's the level of retardation and self-indulgence we're dealing with, people who are more than willing to rewrite history.

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you can practically hear the gears grinding in the footage

Do you guys seriously think they're going to put the most violent character ever in a kid's game? They're not, dude. There needs to be a line drawn where we have to say that it doesn't work or belong, and that's okay.

>Expect VEGA to go berserk since it's powered by hell energy.

Benevolent AI are the best.

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>Doomguy trailer is Ridley trailer with roles reversed

>two mute virgins shyly exchanging meaningful nods and gestures between xenocides
>the furthest they ever go is hold hands

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>Ridley is too big
>Pac-Man has no moveset potential
>Joker has never been on a nintendo console
>Mega Man/Banjo/Simon/K. Rool are irrelevant
whatever you say

He stayed to avenge his bunny.

Why are you Halo Resetera niggers so assblasted at ANY slight crossover between Metroid and any other Ip that isnt Halo?

They would receive a BIG NO from Sakurai, most of the nintendo and some japanese devs used to play on DWANGO MP and do Mapping back in the 90's.
And it would be fucking jewnimax pushing it.

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>every thrust into a Lewd Elemental's pussy causes her to spit out a Lost soul

What if it's a continuation of the Ridley trailer and at a moment when Samus is weakened, out of the shadows a grappling hook grabs his tail and fucking SLAMS him against the ground? And Doom Slayer just walks out and there's a slower metal/orchestrated version of E1M1 playing during it?

>Kills an enemy by slamming their cooch down on a wooden torture horse.


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Why does huge budgets editors have to ruin people lives ? They're E3 was fucking shit and the only things people cared was the 2 new games and Doom Eternal.

But, still, be optimist and think that Doom Eternal is releasing in November, after the release of the Dlcs and could be the dlc for December or February.

>making up rules

the only line that is realistic is "only video game characters", retard. haven't you learned a damned thing over the years?

Yeah, I said this a lot. Todd can get away with a lot of things. But Sakurai would not take his shit. He'd tell him straight up "Doom Slayer or nothing, end of story"

>Sakurai says that he has one more thing
>Suddenly a green arm punches through the door
>Doomguy enters and shoots Sakurai
>Sakurai grows a huge demon arm
>Doomguy shoots the shit out of him again
>Doomguy then opens a closet door to find the real Sakurai in there tied up
>"Thanks Doomguy, if it wasn't for you, thne they would've removed every character except Ridley, Bowser, Ganondorf, and Bayonetta in the next update."

I'd say Mortal Kombat is the more violent because it's violence against humans. Anyways there's plenty of violent characters in Smash. It's not like Doomguy is going to rip Pacman's jaw open or punch Link's head off. It's cartoon violence.

Doom has always been a bit cartoony and Hugo & Marty know this. And honestly this fact alone boosts his chances.

Plus he uses some of the most unrealistic weapons ever so that doesn't go against Sakurai's realistic gun rule. A majority of them can be worked around into being actual movesets. His crucible sword being one of them.


>fighting through hell to rescue his love Elizabeth
>gets to gatekeeper
>villan prepares to monologue
>suddenly screams and flails about
>some green horror bursts from his chest clutching a small rabbit tenderly
>crawls out and face dives off cliff
>swear you hear satan screaming in the distance

This is why I don't get the "Doomguy is too violent" arguement. Doomguy at least kills his foes as quickly as possible, while Bayonetta's torture attacks are mean-spirited as fuck yet she's still in Smash.

I really hate 2016 created this idea of the Doomguy as a mute Master Chief. Good thing Eternal is rectifying it by bringing back the grunts and a more visible face.

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Needs to show more skin
So does doomguy tbqh

I refuse to believe either of them has the capacity to reproduce at this point. Doomslayer has been bathing his balls in hell energy for countless centuries, and even if you subscribe to the idea that Samus got herself all fixed up at the end of Fusion, by default she still has freaky 50% space bird DNA.


>thank you for backing me up
>well since I'm in your suit I'm going to get cozy
>hmm your suit has been recording for many years and....jesus that's alot of dead demons...

you're a faggot.

user, that alone explains why Chief survived so many shit while other spartans Died like bitches

>If were a human, I'd be defecating right now

I like both of them, its a win-win for me.

Creator said that they’re both minor nobles from a rebellion with minor psyker capabilities, but they both have implants via that spine thing to enhance their abilities to combat worthy levels though still not on par with more powerful psykers which is why they lacked lethality outside of close range.

>I kind of saw that as being more about angry that humanity fucked with hell again.
His number one priority for the first 30 minutes was finding out how many people were left alive, He keeps trying to find out but Hayden keeps stopping him, and he clearly cares about life since he saved Vega

If anything, he's takes me as the kind of guy that despises corporate greed and power.


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I think the Dragonborn could be pretty cool actually, especially if their alts are different races with different armors and stuff


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>looks foreign
gets me every damn time

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One of her favorite tactics is freezing enemies and then shattering them with a missile. I don't know about you, but pulling off a MK fatality on something and enjoying it is pretty brutal in my book. That said, you have to define what constitutes as an "enemy" to her each game, as I'm pretty sure most wildlife doesn't qualify outright.

What's this, FPS for DOOM 4?

/g/ Nvidia autists derailing the thread

look closer

>Not Doomgal.

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It gives a value based on the name. Autism.

They're both fighting each other to be on top

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>Yuri threesome between three /fit/ goddesses

Their sex would be so hot that it even the fires of hell would be as cold as ice.

But in Doom Eternal doomguy pisses off heaven so now he has to tear shit up in the sky too.
Is there a no takesies backsies rule on Blessings?

Samus is the sole survivor of a pirate raid on her home mining colony K2L after witnessing Ridley eat her parents. She gets picked up by a group of Chozo shortly after the attack who happen upon her because they don't want to leave an orphaned child to die. She is infused with Chozo DNA to survive on their planet, she joins essentially the space police, the pirates kill the Chozo who raised her, she goes freelance because her priorities don't align with the Galactic Federation.

Likes: working alone, round things, THE BABY, guns
Hates: engineering bio weapons, space pirates pirates, clones of herself

Basically, she tries to be empathetic to things and prefers not to damn something to genocide without reason (the baby metroid imprints on her, but the X kill with the intent on expanding until there is nothing left, as do the Ing). There's more to her but this is the basic backstory. Read the manga if you want to know more of the nuance.

>Heaven takes away Doomguy's armor
>Finds classic Doom armor
>Still takes on heaven without missing a beat

what's the one he's got his thumb on?

Why do you bring up this pain. I miss him more everyday.

ssg needs to be a lot bigger. looks like a musket there

sorry. there was a gachi thead up earlier, but jannies. i think there's also one up on /wsg/

Doom Eternal has established that Doomguy, with exposed flesh, can get into a rail gun, shoot himself through space into a solid bit of space station wall, and just keep going conpletely unaffected by the vaccum of space in his non-air tight armor, but also being totally unaffected by the impact.

Not only has the slayer surpassed Master Chief with that bullshit, but depending on what else he does, he may even pass the bullshit that is 40k space marines.

I see.. You deny your brush its purpose!

Maybe Kirby, not sure.

Mancubus Kraid... Mankraid

You could lock him in a room with Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, and a god damn Xenomorph and he'd get the hardest erection he's had in his life.

Reminder in Doom Eternal we finally get to see angels and kill Hell AND Heaven.

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>Doomguy isn't the Doom Slay-

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I'm really hoping the angels are manipulative cunts who give some sort of hallucination of Daisy alive only to then show her decapitated head, making Doomguy go full berserk mode.

in a scale of 1 to 100 what are the odds of doomguy getting in smash? we already learned that anyone can enter and the only factors that matter are sakurai's autism and jewmagic

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70% thanks to Bayonetta, Joker, and Banjo.

i really hope they don't mention daisy at all outside of maybe an easter egg. that sit would be mondo cringe. its already bad enough the enemies and guns in Eternal look MORE like the original doom mobs even though the new designs look good.

I don't know why they are pandering even harder to oldfags with this shit, its not like people who hate any non 2.5d doom are going to be swayed just because you made the imps spikier.

do women/faggots actually like men who look like this?

I'd say somewhere between 40 and 60. I feel like the amount of blood present in Doom is what causes the reduced chance.

even grezzo 2?

It doesn't have to be some big plot point but Daisy is very much a part of Doom. An easter egg seems like it's too little a reference. They don't have to properly "explain" Daisy, they can just show the rabbit, show the rabbit without a head, Doomguy gets angry. That's about the full extent of that.


>Daisy is very much a part of Doom

yeah in the same way that punching john romero's head is. but do you think they're going to have THAT in d44m 2?

80. He has the legacy and fan love to deserve a spot, specially now that the series regained it's well deserved respect in the spotlight.
Casltevania is no stranger to blood.

A hard 50 in my opinion. I don't think violence/guns are an issue, it's just that he's more niche than Banjo in Japan.

True, but when compared to Doom's amount of blood, it might be a bit much.

Daisy wasn't an easter in 1. John Romero's head was sort of an easter in 2 since you need noclip to actually see it. But for example, I could easily see them reuse the backwards message "To win the game you must kill me, John Romero" since that is part of the game. Assuming there wouldn't be issues with Romero since he's no longer at id.
It's not like Daisy was some community joke that was made canon, like RIP AND TEAR, which started out as a line in a terrible comic to kinda funny in how cheesy it is to something actually exciting and it goes with the character.

Doomguy and Samus both kill all their enemies. The only reason Samus has a rival is because he keeps getting resurrected.

Well, it's demon's blood. No one will miss them.

Just to clear up this Master chief vs Doomguy stuff.

Master chief is over 40 years old, and the majority of it was spent being a professional soldier.

Doomguy has WAY over one human lifetime of combat experience.
It doesnt matter how well trained chief is, hes nowhere near the combat prowess of doomguy.

Also he literally rips things in half with his bare hands.(armored demons, horns,...)
That's over a 2000+ lbs of raw strength.
It's not even close.

Kirby would still wip his ass though.

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He literally punches himself through walls now. He's a MONSTER.

Nigga's just John Wick. I like him more now.

enough with this meme

I think daisy being brought up as a plot point in the new game would wreck the atmosphere of the game. They aren't going for serious sam silliness, it has dumb over-the-top moments like shooting yourself out of a cannon but a seraphim coming up and holding some ghost rabbit like 'BEHOLD DOOMSLAYER I HAVE YOUR PET RABBIT, IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN GIVE ME THE 16 DIGITS ON YOUR CREDIT CARD!' would be marvel movie levels of tension elimination.

Doomguy would just be an annoyance to Bayo. A bug which just keeps coming back


My fucking sides have been "ripped and torn" from this sentence alone.

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kek. But anyways.
They seem to know just how far they can push the joke moments so that it doesn't lose its badass edge. I'm sure they found some way to both introduce Daisy to people who aren't familiar with the original games, those plebs without taste, and how to make a joke about Doomguy being mad at it.
>Angels say "Slayer, do you even remember a moment where you didn't fight?"
>Scene shows a more peaceful place, like at the end of Doom 1, with a bunny jumping around
>"The anger that fuels you, how did it start?"
>Show the rest of the peaceful place on fire, which I believe was his home town, plus Daisy's head on a spike.
Done. Fans will know the significance without making the new fans think OH DOOMGUY IS A PUSSY WHO LIKES BUNNIES

>Mach Rider existed before Samus and Doomguy
>Mach Rider and Doomguy have similar jobs except Mach Rider kills Aliens
>yfw Mach Rider is Doomguy's father (or mother)

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ha ha, doom guy is so extreme... ha ha.. doom is col!

Sorry, Commander Keen is Doomguy's father. The mother I think is currently implied to be his former babysitter.

Well, shit. Grandparent perhaps?

So that makes Doom Slayer a Blazkowicz. William Joseph Blazkowicz III.

Doesn't this mean he's like half Jewish?

BJ - Arthur - Keen - Doomguy. That's the direct bloodline. Arthur is the one we now least but he should be the brother from the chicks in Youngblood.
Also, that implies that the kid in the new Commander Keen game is actually Doomguy.

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...That means Doom Slayer had a sister.

>The original Keen 3 ending picture.


>That means Doom Slayer had a sister

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Yep. See
That kid is going to go through some rough shit in the future.

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Never heard of it, it gets annoying when you try to shove your series into Halo or Metroid when neither even come close to having any similarities.

Who the fuck cares. Halo took inspiration from Doom but that's where it ends for all three series, Metroid and Doom and Halo and Doom are night and day and Samus and Chief could not be further apart from Doomguy in personality, get over, inspiration means shit when the games in question isn't like the game it's inspired by.


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>Doomguy enters heaven for whatever reason
>Sees daisy up there
>wants to go to her
>Angel tells him that he has killed too much to be able to enter heaven
>Doomguy beats the shit out of the angel

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>this assblasted unfiltered seething autism

Holy shit, get treatment, therapy or whatever the shit it is.

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It's the opposite, Metroid and Doom are closer than either of them with Halo.

Just those two? They'd have fun killing their respective targets. I think Doom would lighten the fuck up if he met some of the cuter nintendo cast.

Oh please explain and explain with the 2D games, not the Prime games, also don't tell me Samus is just mindless killing machine who only kills Space Pirates and nothing else.

daily reminder the whole baby PTSD shit came from that dumb Super Metroid comic
80% of its ideas were thrown in the semi-canon manga and Other M
all its missing Chief "fat fuck who can't do anything right" Hardy

Hey, I'm just being truthful, Doom really doesn't fit with Metroid or Halo.

Why only the 2D games ? Also it's the level design, in Doom you run around searching for keycards and secrets, Metroid is similar. What's close between Halo and Metroid then ? Explain with the 2D games too you fag.

I still don't get it, what value is it exactly? The chart isn't labeled

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If anything Doom fits more with Devil May Cry.


They're the main series and they're the canon personality of Samus coming from Nintendo themselves, barring Other M and the Prime games. Samus in Other M and the Prime games might as well be part of different universe entirely, it's like trying to compared the Halo books, comics, and spin-off games to the main series. If it's not coming from the direct source, Bungie before ODST, 343's FPS team, then it doesn't matter.

How completely unintimidating.

I'm fine with this.

Demonic Chozo Ghosts

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>sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

row 3 column 3 is the cutest confused anime girl

You're dumb as fuck, the Prime games are entirely canon and Samus personality isn't modified in any way. Also you not explaining how Halo is closer to Metroid than Metroid to Doom.

didn't the original mod discontinue anyways?

Idk, those legs look retarded.

Now you need to post it user.

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This jane is pure hentai material
mainly for ahegao faces

Samus blows up fucking planets after genociding its natives

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