Why yes of course I play on Nintendo Switch. It's the best console ever. How could you tell?

Why yes of course I play on Nintendo Switch. It's the best console ever. How could you tell?

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dayum dem childbearing hips



Of course I play on my hacked PlayStation Vita. How could you tell?

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Do it again.

>why yes I only play on PC, how could you tell?

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Is this the unphotoshopped version?


Yes quite indeed, i do plan to switch exclusively to Google:tm: ' Stadia:registered: once it releases; after all streaming is the future, but how could you tell?

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Why yes I play as a female, how could you tell?

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Because you're stood on your tippy toes you manlet


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>the fuck you say to me and my bros you little cunt?

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where the hell does that go?

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because you are 200 kg fatass

Jrpg final boss.jpg

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It turns you into a GIGA chad that makes every woman you walk past wet

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I just wanna say that I love these edits, also

>Of course I never touched a videogame in my life and I visit Yea Forums. How could you tell?

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what is this referencing it looks familiar

ZettaCHAD has awakened

I could tell because you're just a disembodied head with no arms or legs.

>shitposting doesn't require limbs
a whole new level of enlightenment

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This meme is approching singularity. We will soon see more and more of those edits until it's banned.

this meme has gone too far

This meme fucking sucks.

Good, gigachad is the best thing to happen to Yea Forums in years

>I agree, this meme does suck

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/int/ does it again

Attached: 1553108657897.jpg (474x1328, 129K)
