WoW Classic Home Thread


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

Blizzard: *remakes the best MMO of all time and singlehandedly revitalizes the genre*

Is there anything more based than this?

Remember: Be gay, do crimes, play WoW Classic, but don't shitpost or feed the trolls.

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Stop with this twitter meme faggot

lol this game is dead as fuk

>getting excited for a game that's memed to death and who's economy will die when twitch streamers invade every server

Seething retailchuds.

Bro... this is cringe... bro...

>be gay do crimes
fuck off tranny


Im amazed that normalfags could invent even more pathetic, unfunny meme than "me right now" under random pictures.

WHERE MY Server 4, Layer 19, Shard 3 NIGGAS AT?

Right here bro, you in asmongold group 4 or sodapoppin group 7?

Feels good to not be an ameriburger.
I won't have to share a server with streamer cucks.

watching asmongold act like sunken temple was hard made me realize i'm truly surrounded by zoomers. if i could do it as a 14 year old moron with a pug its not that fuckin hard
get these kids off my lawn

If by Nobody, you mean millions of players sperging on YouTube and online forums you are correct. Epib post! Upboated and gilded friend!

Getting hyped about a solved game with only a lifespan of 2 years that will die after naxx because of autistic no changes faggots which will be replaced by shitty tbc and wrath.

Sometimes I wish I was burger so I could level a rogue and gank streamer faggots for a change. Too bad I am not one and don't have time anymore to level throwaway characters.

I don't like asmongoloid but they are doing it underleveled you autistic nigger.

Someone explain this shitty meme.

These threads have to be fucking shills, because there can’t be this many people excited for a 15 year old game. I’ve played on and off since vanilla, every expansion, at times very hardcore. WoW is easily my most played game ever and I sacrificed real life priorities to play that shit. Not even I’m that psyched for Classic. Who gives a fuck, the time came and went. I might give it a go but I’ll never play it like I used to, and it’ll never feel the same. You retards think you’re going to live in some type of nostalgic heaven, replaying your memories and experiencing the same feelings. You’re not. You’re going to be playing with zoomers and Twitch faggots, things that didn’t exist at the time. It might be a fun distraction and you might enjoy it for a while, but it’ll never be the same.

whats underleveled faggot 20? if you're above 40 you dont need to coordinate it on discord like a mythic pull. guess you wouldnt know though

kys you stupid fucking American nigger

>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
God you're fucking both annoying and stupid, the vanilla WoW scene has been going on for years and years and it was only after the best one, Nostalrius, went under due to a petty C&D that they finally caved to the momentous pressure and made them official.

They're 10 levels below the mobs you retarded nigger, they can't do shit because glancing blows/miss/resist

>he doesent remember MC'ing mobs from ubers to give fire res buff to his raid to beat Vaelastrasz.

what asmongold tried to do was done nearly 20 years ago with worse gear no voice comms and 17 inch crts with half the resolution

XIV trannies