Will Cyberpunk 2077 be better than The Witcher 3?
Will Cyberpunk 2077 be better than The Witcher 3?
better story worse world.
witcher 3 was shit so yeah
Witcher was great at anything you didn't control. Hopefully it CP improves in those aspects.
You did it, user! YOU DID IT!
All underage clap for this edgy contrarian faggot!
You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo.
>better than game of the decade
It wasn't shit. It was still better than any game that came out that year (including Bloodborne)
>actually putting in stat points into attributes
>classic skill point allocations for Blades, Guns, Hacking etc
That alone makes it better than Witcher, its going to be way more RPG focused than Witcher.
Agreed. Skyrim, Minecraft and Fortnite are the pinnacle of video games.
It wasn't, and you should hang yourself
>will a shitty full openworld clone of EYE/Dude sex will be better than a shitty full openworld clone of Souls
Are you saying trannypunk because Keanu dated a tranny or because the devs are trannies, or because the game lets you choose your "pronoun"?
u just mad you got proven wrong
>actor keeps walking in the office in work hours and he wants to play Cyberpunk 2077 on PC
>"Keanu doesn't understand how hard are we working, he kicks chairs and grumbles that he wanna play"
>actor grumbles very loudly that he's bored and says "someone else can walk, and I'll just shoot"
>when someone leaves the computer he sits on that place, launches CP2077 demo and says "that's a game about me", he once deleted some important files that way
What I'm worried about is that they first showed it as a "be your own character" type game with different jobs and shit, but they haven't said anything about it at all recently.
Witcher had boring gameplay and a world and characters that didn't grip me so it's not hard to be better.
I think they pretty much confirmed the narrative was too linear for that
i don't dig the setting as much as medieval fantasy but technically it will be leaps and bounds better
after i seeing the gameplay video i was sold
absolutely based
Are you trying to argue the point of "just because something is popular doesn't make it bad" with "just because something is popular doesn't make it good"? Essentially the same argument just mirrored?
How do you people function in everday life? How do you even tie your shoelaces? No wonder you dropped out of uni.
What is this meme? I enjoy it
A popular game is, by definition, objectively good.