People beg for difficulty sliders

>people beg for difficulty sliders
>Devs give them but say as politely as possible that if you use them you are not playing as intended and are a little bitch
Based. Pathologic 2 thread.

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wonder what Odongh pussy smells like


>no assheaded review crying about difficulty has been updated

>the game is DOA
>sales are shit
>chances of Changeling campaign are NEVER EVER EVER / 10
just kill me familia

>tfw Clara is cursed irl as well

>game is DOA
how does a single player game die?

Same way a miscarriage is a tragic loss.

I downloaded the game but my laptop can't run it optimally. Everytime I open a door it takes a while for it to load. I may as well just play classic HD.

Is any of the final game's days on the level with Marble Nest everything-artistry-related-wise?

Shouldn't have done the episodic shit. It was obvious this would happen.

Would you rather have no game at all?

There are people with 1080ti and the game still runs like ass

They didn't.
Officially, their budget was simply insufficient and worsened by Russia's recession, so they pushed out what they had to drum up more shekels.
Unofficially, the project was poorly managed, and it's REALLY obvious.

>difficulty sliders
It does? I never saw any.

They were added in a patch, about a week ago.

Oh. How do they work? Guessing from the plural it is more than just easy to hard.

You enable them by disabling standard difficulty. From there, there's a bunch of different sliders , all set to 100% that can be moved in either direction.
There are also a couple presets, if you don't feel like customizing. Both of the non-standard presets are easier. You can make the game harder through custom settings.
There is also a new cheevo, for playing through a full run with the sliders disabled (completely standard difficulty).

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This game is strangely comfy, in the same way that STALKER was.
Why do janky russian games always have such great atmosphere?

there's been no real indication the other characters release is contingent on sales
pre-release they mentioned they that physical backer rewards were ready to go when funds came in the make or ship them, which is the closest thing to that

>difficulty sliders
Laziest shit ever, just confirms that devs can't into balance.

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Game runs like shit. I'd refund it if I could.

What are your specs? I loved Patho 1 but if this is really shit maybe I'll stay clear

>tfw when R5 1080ti


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Why do so few people want to visit our utopia, steppebros?

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How do I get big Vlad to go to termitary?

Finished the game few days ago.

I'm already running my second playthrough. It's fucking amazing, but it has some flaws. One of them, in particular, struck me as really serious, so I wanted to ask you folk for opinion. Preferably read only if you finished the game or don't mind spoilers:

It makes absolutely NO fucking sense that your adherents do not actually play a role in the ending. Or at least - they don't as far as I could say.

I've been considering contacting the developers with a simple polite suggestion. Just make it that
Bloch will not trust Haruspex unless he gathers all of the seven children in the Town Hall to prove that the sickness can be defeated and the city has future worth saving.

I think this fairly simple change would make the ending about 250% more logical and powerful. I know the odds of devs even picking up on the suggestion are low, but I think it would be worth the effort.

If you want him to go there, stop by his son, THEN go to Fat Vlad.

Listen to little goblin tell you that Vlad jr. is considering going to termitary, go talk to Vlad jr. then go talk to fat Vlad

Go for it, the whole adherent thing is neat but kind of pointless as of right now, the opposite of what it was in the first game.

Preformance widely differs. I have RTX2060, 8gig ram, i7 8700, which I guess is a bit of an overkill, but I never had any performance issues, runs stable at 60.

I think it has pretty profound implications to how you actually percieve the experience in the end. And I really do not think the change would be technically complex.

I recall from the first game dialogue saying that your adherents behind the scenes go to the church and vouch for you. And if they aren't all alive then you aren't allowed. Same with if you save the other actor adherents they go vouch for that actor and if not all alive that actor doesn't get invited to the council.

Yes, that is how it worked in the original. But the new one... not. Which really makes no sense to me, even story-wise it is odd.

The fact that there is no council at all feels weird desu

having not gotten to the ending yet, and having finished the first game numerous times, I'm yet to see the outcome of saving and treating this or that person
If that's true about adherents working differently in the sequel, it's odd, though could be because of how much harder it is to keep people alive

I have 4690k 16gigs ddr3 1060 and ssd
Works flawlessly

i got about 4 hours in to classic HD before saving and sleeping, then the next day, my save was deleted. this is borderline experimental game design.

If you do literally none of the quests, just focus on your own survival, and never treat/immunize characters, roughly how many would probably be dead by the end?

Roughly all of them. I had to use a retarded amount of schmowders just to keep half of them alive, and all of my panaceas went out on day 10 or whenever it is that you really get your shit pushed in.

>i got about 4 hours in to classic HD before sleeping
The fuck? That's like two days in game without sleep.

Most. Some really, really fucking lucky rolls would have to happen. Provided you'd still do the absolute final quest.
Othewise, they'll be all dead and the city will be turned into rubble.

I don't mind the lack of council, but I do mind the lack of... the other thing. It basically disconnects major concideration through out the game from the end.

I'm thinking I'm gonna post an open letter about this on steam forum, hopefully it may gauge at least... a response?

Theoretically you can luckshit with zero deaths.

So then what is the goal and effect for keeping them all or just some alive then?

Not really, no. Multiple characters die unless you actually do certain quests. Even with the best of possible luck, if you don't engage the quests, a good few people WILL die.

Also: What the fuck is wrong with Peter? Why the FUCK does he ALWAYS get sick the very first fucking night regardless of how good care he gets?
He is a fucking, fucking asshole.

should I get the game?
I stopped gaming 2 years ago because I'm dead inside

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That is the question.
You do get different epilogues depending on who stays alive. And the goal - quite simply, is to not let them die.

IIRC father says only Udurgh matters and other seven are just means to get to Udurgh.
Maybe other characters care about seven more, Haruspex route is about city vs. steppe.

Except that is not true, the game constantly fucking reminds you to take care of them, and they are NOT the road to Udurgh, they literally do not actually guide you to it what so ever.
Also, Bloch's motivation makes less sense this way, and just mechanically it isn't working very well. Removes a LOT of the weight from player's actions.

I treated Peter on the first night and recall him being fine

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If the intent here is to follow a Soulsian “hard is good” philosophy and apply it to the survival genre, this is misplaced. Souls games are about reaction, movement, and practice. You can’t practice finding a piece of bread. If the intent is only to keep the player feeling oppressed, strapped for time, exhausted, hungry and weary, well, that doesn’t mean I won’t also resent having to spend so much time doing the most boring species of meter-management in what could have been a captivating mystery.

Hunger is the worst offender. You can enter abandoned houses and loot them, or even burglarise “healthy” houses. But there’s never any food in the kitchens. There are abandoned houses and free beds everywhere, but you can only sleep in some of them. Put all this together with the samey character models and the clumsy combat, and Pathologic 2 starts to feel less like an interesting failure and more like a budget Skyrim

Who dies without quests?
Notkin doesn't infected unless you do his quest I think.
Rubin survives since kin never find him.
I guess plaza gets infected that one time, but they can luckshit rolls.

Actually the game is super weird in a sense that your meddling is the thing that fucks up everything the most.