This thread is for people who believe in the remake. People who don't believe in the remake can fuck off.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hate that they put this dumb kingdom hearts combat in the game.

0% hype

It looks so good bros

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You must be fun at parties

I’m more worried about what comes after Midgar. There is so much to get wrong tonally, aesthetically, and character development wise.

Such as?

If they werent using the same combat as 15 id be a bit more keen dood

What is it with you people and the combat?

no oppai no buy

This thread is for retards then. The gameplay changes don't look bad, but they are going to rape the story on star wars level.

I believe it will be a good game, or at least the 2030 complete edition on PS6X will be.

ff15 combat sucked, press a button, flashy combo and not much more, and the fact that ff15's combat lacked depth and anything more than "move from attack" was lackluster. It was a cakewalk through most of 15 and I cant remember much more than that for the most of it

>source: my ass

From what I've seen it's going to be faithful and fantastic
I like that they changed the gameplay, since it wasn't terribly compelling to begin with.

My only concerns are meta - when/what are the other parts, will I still be excited when they come out, and will it be fun to play through a story where I know exactly what happens?

My source is the trailers they have shown and episodic nature of the game.

>episodic garbage

>going to be faithful
>Aerith asking for help
>Sephiroth appearing in Midgar

is it ps4 exclusive

No, it'll be out on Steam.

what the fuck will there be to do in Midgar for 40+ hours

No. It will be pc and xbawks as well. Only PC players won't have to buy a new PC to play part 2.

>remake every character while staying true to the original
>change tifa for no fucking reason

I'm not even complaining about her tits. I just don't like the thigh highs and the sports bra. I wish they would include an option to disable those and have the original outfit.

how much do you think epic will try to bribe them with to come be an exclusive at the egs?

How are you PS4fags going to import your save to part 2 on ps5?
Fetch quests.

i'm interested now

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I'm complaining about the tits the "thighhighs" "sportsbra" red shoes instead of gloves, anorexic frame.
All of it.
The trailer is otherwise 10/10 to me but i ain't going to buy it because I like Tifa and they ruined her.

>tfw listening to all the details about the behind closed doors demo and how fucking good it sounds

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Already preordered and going to beat off to Tifa porn everyday til release

Yeah, the ghosts or whatever whirling about after she grabs him has me worried. That and stuffing 40-60 of stuff in a city without advancing the plot beyond "Shinra is the antagonist" will be interesting.

I understand. It's weird how much it bothers me. Wouldn't have expected that at all. She is one of my favourite FF chars though.

This is your final boss for Final Fantasy VII: Remake: Episode 1™
Say something nice about him

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Is this comment just a universal “I’m a retard” flag?

Cautiously optimistic. A thousand things vould go wrong, but if it goes right it will be magical.

>40+ hours
You're severely overestimating corporate's definition of "full game". It give it 15-20 hours max.

lmao get fucked, she looks great

Everyone, please buy it so they can make a new Ivalice game.

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Don't worry I'll get over it. It's just a video game.

People who played the demo at e3 are really fucking hyped,
>combat seems to be a great fucking mix of action and turnbased
>music seems to be elder god tier
>secondary characters more fleshed out, jesse is openly hitting on cloud
Honestly i'm hyped and i want to believe they're going to flesh it out as much as they can.

The director for that series already left. Let it die in peace.

He literally said in an interview that he wants to make at least another FFT game before he dies.

Maximilian Dood got into behind the door event that shows the entirety of the Bombing Mission. Skip to 8:30
Video of his first impression of the combat from the showfloor demo.
>inb4 shill, e-celeb
Well, so far he's the only one that I know off that actually goes really deep into the things that he plays and see about the remake.

who the fuck cares about 15's combat? this has nothing to do with it.

Yeah I don't like turn based games because FF2 sucks. I mean who the fuck thinks that attacking your teammate are a good way to level up? Fuck that shit.

>get's over it
>when he's the one that get's all rile up about minor visual character changes despite the fact that they still kept her actual character quite in tact


Kitase just confirmed the escape from midgar. So no. The final boss will be the motor ball.

>The final boss will be the motor ball.

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I just noticed his hair is not as spiky.

it's shit. Mash attack, use atb, mash mash attack, use atb and that's all there is to it. Completely braindead.

How is that any different from any turn based FFs?

I really like how Aeris looks

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t. bug chaser

can't wait to see how yuffie looks

>$60 for 1/10 of the game
>part 2 ends at Gold Saucer


She looked really good in this shot. Isn't she kneeling in this shot? mmmmmmm...

It's the least important thing in an FF game, or most RPGs actually. People who think FF stands tall on its combat are brain dead.
And the remake demo seemed fun.

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It's been that way since Advent Children. Last Order seems to have gotten it right, shorter towards the bottom and sides instead of a layered shag hair cut. Sort of like Goku.


Not in Smash Bros.

she is so beautiful

can't wait to see how her pits look

Yeah, his hair in the remake resembled his AC hair a lot. It is combed backwards a lot more than I imagined.

The remake looks somewhat promising I just hate the episodic structure shit. Are they really going to make each disc it's "own game"?

exploring Midgar sounds fun in theory, but I have concerns about the pacing as well as the length of time it will take to actually complete the story

it's Aerith

I honestly don't care. Even my image is called Aerith.jpg. I alternate.

They’re retards. FF games have never had actual good combat . Especially not 7

Im actually glad magic costs atb and mp now.
ff7psx is piss easy to begin with but if you used any elemental materia+All or enemy skill materia skills like Matra Magic, Beta, Trine, or Aqua Breath you just had nukes ready for every fight bar a few bosses. I think the combat in ff7re looks really good and Im hype for kh+dissidia type shit.
Im UNhype about the first part being midgar only I get that its inarguably the most important town in ff7 but I didnt really care if it was that expanded. Im hoping part two will at least get us to Aeriths death but considering Midgar Only is alleged to be a full length ff (30~40 hours) Im fearful we might not make it past Junon in part two.

I hate
>blind casuals who can't tell the difference between XV's and 7R's combat
>turn based purists
>retards who still meme about "episodic" releases despite the 2 BD announcement
>retards who don't realize how massive of a task this remake is
>autists who hate based Nomura
Yeah, that's right. Fuck every single one of you faggots, VIIR will be fucking amazing.

pic related it's mfw i saw the live demo and trailer at E3.

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turn based combat is boomer trash grandpa

Can you point out the main parts he said?

I want to Barret to hold me in his strong gun arms

>Are they really going to make each disc it's "own game"?
Would you prefer to wait til 2025 for the whole thing?

Oh boy you really told him.

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If anything this shows they blew their load and the rest of the game after Midgar will shit the bed

Bold of you to assume I am ever invited to parties.

>B-but there was NO such thing in the original as Aerith shouting for help in the "barrel" sequence in the church, no, no, no! Such a thing totally didn't exist! She also totally didn't ask for a bodyguard, since she is a girl that can deal with everything herself!
>N-no one in the world knows Sephiroth! People would be like, totally surprised to see him and his appearence for the first time because he is totally NOT one of the most iconic Final Fantasy characters!

Pretty much everything they have shown so far looks disappointing as fuck. Zero hype here.

It just needs to be more otaku in general. How come fighting titles are able to pull it off while still retaining a degree of realism?

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You either never played XV or didn't watch gameplay for VIIR.

you game is turn based, you just now have to mash X to white hit untile it's your turn instead of waiting 2 second for the ATB to make your choice. All this shit to inflate the duration of a small arc into a "whole game" DVD, and allow gigs of avengers small talk the whole time since you capeshit eaters can't get enough of that crap.

You'd be surprised at how many shitters exist who judge gameplay based on superficial similarities.

Tales of games, Nier Automata, FFXV and KH3 all play the same to them, characters move and hit shit in real time and that's all their brain needs to make the connection.

There's a lot to write user. Just watch it. Quite long tho. He even specified what was added, by comparing each scenes he saw with the OG game that he boot up near the end of his FF7R impression. Just skip about 30 minutes or something. Or just look at the bottom image when you move your cursor down there. Look for the part where he starts playing the OG game.

Probably. I can't imagine how the hell are they going to make the rest of Midgar work. A lot of the locations in the game is fucking useless like Kalm and the Chocobo Farm (for early game), Fort Condor. Imagine making all those assets only to just use it for a single cutscene.

Not that user, but to summarize what Dood said:
>The Demo didn't actually start off at the beginning of the bombing run, but instead far into the bombing run when they are already inside the reactor
>Climbing ladders sequence, with the "run" button it's possible to slide down the ladder
>Mako Reactor theme remake that sounds (intentionally) creepier than the original
>Casual banters between Cloud and Barret are very in-character and natural, appearently much, much better than the banter in FFXV
>Jessie inquires Cloud about his relationship with Tifa
>Normal attacks that don't cost ATB are very weak, but you can do combos depending on the timing of pressing the square button that can potentially be linked with ATB attacks to send enemies flying across to the other side of the reactor
>Cloud's punisher mode consists of slower, heavier attacks, while his default operator mode is lighter, but also faster
>Game's in-game main menue (for settings, materia, etc.) wasn't accessible yet (instead shows a tutorial)

>try to remember FF7
>disc 2 and 4 are just massive blank spots

"Disc 4" is just an FF8 Demo though.

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That's the problem. You believe. And then happens what happened with FFXV.

I didn't really believe in XV though

He actually saw the full bombing mission on a behind the door event earlier today. He even specified which scenes were altered, areas were added and etc. For example, during the swooping shot of Midgar, the camera didn't zoom back in, into the train, but flashes of the train was shown, and it quickly cuts into Cloud crouching on the train. Right after the 2 guards attack Cloud, when the player enter the end of the station, there's an extra scene and battle where the avalanche members are using Cloud as a distraction to fight some guards, while the gang, sneak pass them. At that time, Jessie says "have fun". There's a lot more stuff. I'm too lazy to type everything.

Remember what they stole from us.
I wont buy this game.

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They still look hot and juicy. Most of you fags complaining should be so lucky to touch a pair like this irl.

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The most beautiful girl in the game.

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>The most beautiful girl in the game.
So Sephiroth?

Is still turn based turbo retard

Anyone else has unreasonable amounts of love for Wedge, Biggs and Jesse?

>That's the problem. You believe. And then happens what happened with FFXV.
Not the OP, but the problem was just believing that the Tabata B-Team of SE would deliver. FFVIIR is made by SE's A-Team and Nomura no longer has to handle a "mixed IP" or listen to Disney's demands about the game and the Disney IP characters anymore. Also the scriptwriter for the remake, Nijima, was one of the scriptwriters for the original FFVII.

I remember playing FF8 back when it came out and thinking "I wish FF7 was made with these graphics"
This is a thousand times better, I'm very hype.

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>avengers small talk the whole time
You don't want good character banter? You want more sterile, compilation shit? Cloud an Barret are sassing each other in the boss demo and it's great.

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I wonder if those niggas will announce her Original costume as DLC

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they'd be dumb not to

Looks spoofy, but Crisis Core Sephiroth is better. The remake one looks Gollum-ish.

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Why do they make everyone look like kpop stars whenever they go for realism?


Because you're retarded.

>played it a few years ago
>can't remember most of the shit in game now
>want to replay it but don't have nostalgia goggles to outweigh the tedious gameplay

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I haven't read any players' impressions. What else is in the player's kit besides
>Light Attack
>Heavy Attack
>Limit Breaks
>Materia spells/summons
Is there dodging, blocking, perfect blocking, or KH-style parrying?

I hope they don't reveal Sephiroth early. The trailer gave me the impression that whenever Cloud gets those seizure-like attacks, he'll be talking to Sephiroth face to face in his imagination or something.. instead of it just being a mysterious voice in his head.

moaahhhmmnn mommy milky please!!!

Marlene looks deformed

yeah man, they're some nice milkers, just not freakish big like they used to be.

Obviously there is dodging and blocking. Have you not seen the gameplay presentation at E3? if so you should watch it:

Imagine if they turn Sephiorth into a recurring 1-on-1 rival fight akin to Vergil. That'd be really fan-wanky but mite b cool.

I suppose I was too busy having heart attacks to actually pay attention to the details.

still as big as the CG model.

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How is Cait Sith pronounced, and why? Is the name Gaelic?

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This just looks silly come on user.

>I feel censored
What did she mean by this?

is the original worth playing putting the nostalgia aside
t. never played it

This is pure fanart territory, she never showed that much cleavage in the game.

Oh, I know. I posted it to taunt the other guy. I'm totally down with Tifa's new look.

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Tifa and Marlene's faces look unfinished compared to Cloud and the others. It feels like they rushed them because people have been asking it for the longest time especially Tifa.

It never showed leggings and an undertop either.

Like "Cat (animal) She (pronoun)"
Cat she.
I don't remember the origin, but yeah it's some scottish bullshit.

Yeah, one of my friends discovered it recently and it was the FF he liked the most (he only played 6 and 10)

This has been brought up in other threads, and is still stupid.
Cloud and Aerith have both changed since we saw them. Tifa and Marlene haven't, and they likely will in the future. That's why there's a difference. You've seen two characters change and improve, and the others you are seeing for the first time. But they certainly haven't been rushed.

Never implied it did.

>Sephiroth just repeats Zack"s dying words

I like it.

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According to Dood, whenever the staff needs more motivation to work on the project they show off a compilation video of all the E3 2015 remake announcement reactions.

>t. someone who isn't big on FF and played it for the first time last year



But you appear to overlook the greater faithfulness to the original of the earlier version.

He repeats his original lines from 7.

>"What are you still doing here ? The reactor is down there, why don't you go blow HER mind instead ?"

Ok, looks like the expanded dialog for these characters is actually going to be fun.

Attached: final_fantasy_7_remake_04.jpg (697x390, 31K)

If there's anything Cloud needs more of its fucking. Mindfucking from Seph and several other flavors of fucking from Tifa and Yuffie.

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finally a like-minded user. all these complaint-fags rather want to complain about their shitty lifes, but instead choose to pick on a game for their existence to be dull and lame. This game is gonna be awesome to the max. I'll love every dripping second out of it. I'll be real slow about it. Take my time to ingest. And It'll be the most pleasure I ever had since I first played the original. Haters fuck off and cry to your moms. We're not your moms.

But in all seriousness. Can't wait to explore. The game will be a new way to climax.

The combat looks great for team action but 1v1 would just be subpar DMC/KH

whoa that's hot

Yeah but it still could use some work.

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How can you tell? Looking at games like Furi, I think having dead simple core mechanics doesn't mean a game can't have good one-on-one fights if bosses are designed well and those core mechanics are tuned right.

Baby I know it

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Based retard

The dialogue is way more natural sounding then the trailers had me believe, it actually feels faithful to the old game. The characters still have fun banter and rib each other.

did ya'll even watch the damn conference? You literally have the exact same system as the old games, except you can run around and auto attack, pretty damn simple. It's like positioning in Chrono Trigger


Wouldn't it be Cloud just spamming Light Combo + Heavy and the occasional skill once the ATB is full? Kind of braindead, just like AC Oddyssey's combat

Because OG FF7 wasn't mashing attack command for the entire midgar segment, maybe popping a potion and using thunder once in a blue moon right?

I believe in the remake, it looks amazing. Thats my issue, they will either fuck up with the other parts, or it will take so long that I will lose interest/die

oh my god yes I can't wait to do fetch quests in midgar, totally what ff7 was missing on ps1.

Fuck pacing
Fuck the fact the real story doesn't begin till you leave that shitty city
and fuck Tifa's shitty outfit

also a dumb reason
they're obviously not rushed though, this game has been being made for years, they just revealed her later, that's all

and you think mashing the button 10x as much is better why?

Yeah AC Tifa is a good benchmark.

Because now you have more interactivity by having movement options, can choose whether to attack or stop and block and can potentially dodge attacks.

What if bosses interrupt his combos? What if bosses play footsies? What if bosses can punish him for mistiming his ATB?

I can't recall that. When does it happen? Is it right before he jobs to the Shinra infantry?

I can do all of those except move in the original, only battles were shorter and didn't involve tedious button mashing.

>shill thread
no boobs no buy

Can't believe it's actually happening. Fleshed out FF7 with modern graphics is something I've always dreamed about but didn't think would ever actually happen. There's so much potential to FF7 world that couldn't be properly explored in the original due to limitations of the technology. Midgar is something I've always wanted to see more of, hopefully more areas will be accessible. I wonder what Gold Saucer is going to be like. It think it would be cool if the minigames had an online leaderboards and maybe even a possibility to coop with 2-4 friends.

>exact same system
>you can run around and auto attack
based retard.

This is what's frustrating, this shows the OG outfit could work with more detailed graphics, they just chose to add pointless fluff to it.

I really really don't mind the new outfit, the issue is it's not the original one, while everybody else got to keep theirs save for very small details.

It's not even about it being less skimpy, it's not the outfit that defined the character. Like, Superman's OG outfit might look silly nowadays because of the red thong, but if you remove it, sure, it will still look like Supes, but it feels off cause it lacks the flair from the original design.

Really hoping by the time release comes, they either go back on their decision or at least make the OG available as a toggle.

No, you can't react block in the OG, not the same as the defend command which lasts for the entire duration of the ATB refill. And again, movement = interactivity. If you think interactivity is bad in a video game then you need to get out.

Yeah it's when Cloud crawls up to him after the troops leave his bitch-ass for death. It doesn't last long at all.

>scorpion boss takes less than five minutes to kill in PS1 FF7
>scorpion boss took more than 5 minutes to kill in FF7R trailer, and it cut out parts of the part

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They took an already existing game and censored and dumbed it down, why would I even want it?
The only thing that got better is the models, and I'm not paying $60 just to see better models on a worse game.

Actually you can do basic attacks by just holding Square (same as the original game where you could just hold circle to quickly select "Attack" and target an enemy all throughout the battle). The difference is that in remake you can make some neat combos appearently that requires timing the button press and can be used as a set-up for an ATB attack that launches the enemy across the battlefied.

>and it cut out parts of the part
what gets cut out?

>Actually you can do basic attacks by just holding Square

I don't care about doing pointless combos. The "basic attacks" in FF7R are meaningless insigficant damage and is just you button mashing to fill your ATB to do real attacks. You need to be tricked into thinking you are playing an action game. Aren't you ashamed of being this dumb? The developers think you are an idiot.

This has to be in CC, right ?
Cause in the OG game that sequence barely has dialog

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I'm hype as fuck, OP.
I just hope that chocobo breeding survives and chocobo racing is in GS.
My biggest hope is that the "episodes" don't prevent us from having an overworld map to fly around in.
For example, if Midgar is exclusively on disc 1, then that might mean that each episode is insular from the other discs.

why is she so cute bros

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We'll see

This sounds actually sweet, thanks for the info.

>The "basic attacks" in FF7R are meaningless insigficant damage
Against the stronger enemies, yes. But it's been shown it's more than enough to get through regular enemies like the Shinra grunts during the Bombing Run

They also have a long version of it in CC. Honestly, of all compilations shit I'm okay with them adding is anyway Zack related.

I don't think people mind how long a fight is if it's interesting and well-paced.

Who is to say the different combos are pointless? You have a pea brain from only playing JRPGs user if you think the only thing that matters on an attack is how much mana it costs and how much damage it deals.

Fuck. The FGC is going to be intolerable.


Ok but I'm asking if that line was in the OG game or if it's something they only had in CC.
It's quite important, cause if it's the latter, it's the first proof the Remake is taking stuff from the Compilation

>that might mean that each episode is insular from the other discs
I'm a retard. Of course each episode is insular from the other discs. I meant each LOCATION is insular from the other discs.

They want us to feel worse this time when they kill her off.

I'm very hyped and will buy day one but I am concerned about the other episodes (if made) taking forever to release

You mean absolutely based.

>I don't think people mind how long a fight is if it's interesting and well-paced.
Ah yes, because annoying chatter/commentary, hit the glowing part, and multiple phases is interesting and not textbook Western AAA garbage.

The two aren't mutually exclusive, you know.

Look I'm not getting my hopes up for exploring as anyone else, but can we AT LEAST take Cloud out of the party please? I love the guy, but I like the option to have all kinds of party composition

Tifa's outfit is a generic white top and black mini-skirt. Give me a fucking break, you idiots. I literally don't give a shit what she wears because her outfit was never anything unique or noteworthy. The only thing that matters is that she's cute and acts like Tifa.

She's not cute, she's an ugly gook.

You still haven't answered Homer, what parts get cut out?

Tifa's combat looks top tier.
Fashionistas can go get fucked.

That line of dialog of Zack asking Cloud to keep on living etc definitely wasn't in the original game, you can check it for yourself :


So it's something they're taking straight from CC, which means Remake will acknowledge stuff from the Compilation, it seems.

>why can't i live my cuck fantasies with barret/tifa/aeris party abloobloo
im onto you cuckie

They skipped ahead in the fight retard. You probably didn't notice because you are braindead.

No that doesn't happen. So much for and youtu.be/WPR_XT_DJ0E

>ugly gook

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He's talking about the totally essential and iconic "attack while its tail is up" part which was only noteworthy in the US anyway

>which means Remake will acknowledge stuff from the Compilation, it seems.
Of course it will. The remake is aimed at fans of Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children. Not FF7 fans.


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Yeah man, I'm actually really fucking interested how that shit's gonna turn out.

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you faggots better don't spoile me


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No I'm not you fucking moron. That line was in the trailer. Shit, this place really is populated by subhumans.

During the presentation, they were quite obvious cuts each time a character was about to take heavy damage from the boss, feel free to look at it again, you can't miss it.

Seems they wanted to keep it going and reduce down time as much as possible

uhh, yes? what you said describes hundreds of really good boss fights. you're literally bitching about
>multiple phases
like, what the fuck? I guess that means the following describe your ideal boss fight:
>characters act soulless and silent as if there's no difference between this and a regular mook fight
>it makes no difference if you hit an enemy in their head, or climb inside them and cut them from inside, or if you attack their legs to knock them down. just hit them anywhere, positioning has little importance
>the boss uses the same pool of attacks for the whole fight from start to finish. it can't build meter and consume it for super attacks, it can't pull fast ones, it just goes in a routine
play more action games you dumbass

>the issue is it's not the original one
Exactly . but retards cant understand this and will use any kind of mental gimnastic to try and prove you wrong . Im pretty sure non of those people gave a damn about FF7 till the E3 trailer and thats why they dont see the problem .

>characters act soulless and silent as if there's no difference between this and a regular mook fight
Jesus Christ, have you never played a game without voice acting before or something?

Now they have to add the reaction to tifa and when she fights
Everyone was drooling

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>they replace his lines with "OONGA BOONGA" and the like in the remake
How did Raimi get away with it in a game he barely worked on, boys?

But what then? Nothing else is missing

And I know it's still there but some retards say it's not if it doesn't have the exact same phrasing as the original

Stop projecting

>Pyaing for a uncomplete game
>Paying for parts
>changing the combat
>ruining the dialogue
>turning 7 into a modern pile of trash

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you can have unvoiced dialogue appear in boss fights you retard, especially in turn based games. play more RPGs while you're at it.

>turning 7 into a modern pile of trash
7 still exists though.

>Final Fantasy VII Remake director Yoshinori Kitase could not say how many games the remake project will consist of “because we don’t know ourselves.”
>Game Informer reports Kitase saying that he does not believe development on further entries in the remake project will be much shorter than development of the first game.
I want to be hyped, but at (just) 3 episodes long (which I doubt they will reduce it to) it won't be finished until 2030 AD at best.

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I'm glad SE will force this stupid cucks to buy a second console to play part 2. I hope they delay part 3 long enough so they have to buy a third console.

Dumb people deserve to be fleeced of every cent they have.

I don't even care about the size of her tits, I'm quite fine with the way they look now, it was much more important keep the original look of her clothing, to me.

I would complain if they did it to any other character, like if all of a sudden they had Aeristh wear a long sleeved jacket for instance.
Why mess with the original clothing ? That's my only complaint.

If Tifa's OG outfit was problematic cause of panty shots, sure give her spats, but the black top and leggings mess too much with the overall feel of the original clothing, and that's the real issue.

I want my Superman to wear to have his red thong over blue spandex, cause that's what defined the look of the character to begin with. I don't care if removing the thong and adding red lines over his arms looks more modern, it's not the original fucking design.

>ruining the dialogue

Yep, looks like you're retarded.

Oh, those skips. So in the end you're assuming every fight will be longer because the boss fight is longer?


how dare you crop it

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Hope you remembered to upvote.

Also, why are you on this sub if you don't enjoy the content?

If you haven't play New Threat, your opinion is moot. This remake looks better than anything SE has shit out in years, outside of some XIV updates.

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>mfw someone defending the episodic release of the remake will die before part 2 is out

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They were just big. A lot of women out there have big breasts.
I just wonder what are they going to do with poor yuffie. If Tifa got reduced to Yuffie, Yuffie is going to be a fucking washboard.

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That's something I'm curious about as well. Theoretically we should have a fully explorable world after we acquire the flying ship, but how are they going to go about the overworld in remake?

It's shills. This is the designed shill thread.

I watched the nip trailer and the dialogue is different to the english version

I would be excited if it weren't episodic. Play 10 hours please wait another year for the next 10 hour chunk then another year for the next and so on and so on. I'm so excited to pay 240 dollars for a 40 hour game.

t. roastie

It has me a bit worried.
Overworld is core to the experience.


I wish I knew Japanese.
Currently learning, but it's frustrating being as retarded as I am and not being able to pick it up easily.

>Implying i won't wait for a steam release with everything

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Why don't you just wait till they're all released, get the complete collection and then play the whole thing that way?
Is there any rush?

Can someone translate? Or give the gist

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Kate Sith


>Remake Yuffie

Well first of all you can be sure her shorts will be buttoned up cause the last time her OG outfit got the high res treatment they totally did it.

Rest is up in the air

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the pleasure of being cummed inside


the pleasure of being rubbed inside

I was completely against it until the Scorpion Guard boss battle. I'm still bummed it's not turn based, and i wish it was a full game, but i'll definitely get it now.

Switch version will be true uncensored one.

>People who don't believe in the remake can fuck off.
thanks for inviting me to your thread. Your remake looks like garbage faggot.

nerds are going to complain about her shorts button, aren't they?

Soulless - Soul

Don't care.
We don't give a fuck about consoles.

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Why don't you tell us what's different, then?

It usually is, but more or less they're saying the same thing. Some lines were surprisingly better in english like Tifa's
>My turn
That shit made internally squeal like a balding numale.

I went into E3 pretty indifferent and apathetic as hell. I never played any FF game before. But I gotta say, the 20 minute presentation was enough to get my attention. Seems fun.

Btdubs, doesn't Tifa have a move called "Dolphin Blow"?

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My point is I need more information before I jump in. if it is as I fear Midgar is only 10 hours long and they're changing 60 bucks for chapter 1. Yeah not touching the game until its complete.

People literally cannot resist the urge to draw Tifa thicker than she is in the new game.
Countless fan-art images and doujins and she's never ever portrayed as a string bean.

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>"It's not censorship, it's a localization/redesign"

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The remake will be shit and you know it.

I have as much hype as fucking 1000 whores laced with aids cancer and Hepatitis C.

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honestly the most disappointing thing at E3, FF7R seems like just a flashy dumbed down Xenoblade2 with button mashing. Keyword here is SEEMS, I hope that they unveil more about the combat because what I see now isn't impressive in the slightest and looks to cater to spectacle way more than it should. Looks like materia will be simplified and support(blue) materia will not exist at all or heavily gutted.

When will demo hit PS+?

>FF7R seems like just a flashy dumbed down Xenoblade2 with button mashing

I cant understand much of the kanji but more or less is the boss explaining why they have to add the sports bra ( jiggles and tifa will be moving a lot) at the end is the designer ( ? ) saying to tifa "im sorry but this parson also thinks like that "

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It's more like a faster XC, as opposed to XC2.


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>FF7R seems like just a flashy dumbed down Xenoblade2 with button mashing

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No you're not you fucking imbecile. I've actually played the demo twice, and it plays nothing like XC2. Only thing it shares with the first XC is your character being toppled.

FF7R's combat feels like a refined Type 0.

Each character than their own unique fighting style.

>I've actually played the demo twice
proof that you have played a FF7R demo?

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shit bait

>author died
it still hurts

I was at E3. My second time in queue was over 2.5 hours long. Worth it. My only complaint is the game's fire looks shit.

Shit taste

So is the loli cpr minigame gone?
I can’t seem them doing this to Tifa and leaving that in

I don't have any current gen consoles but will still probably cave and buy it because FF7 is still one of my favourite and most cherished gaming experiences.
I think the combat looks like shit but my biggest fear is that I'll actually enjoy it and then be stuck waiting for it to get completed which will never, ever happen.

that makes no sense

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stop giving him (You)s

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It looks great, and I don't care if it never gets finished. 2 blurays of just exploring Midgar is more than my dick could ever ask for.

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it's Square Enix, so we don't know how more dumb they can be

>It looks great, and I don't care if it never gets finished. 2 blurays of just exploring Midgar is more than my dick could ever ask for.
>I don't care if it never gets finished
You are the cancer with video games

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nice grammar retard

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Astrologists gtfo my Yea Forums

sauce? my searches are turning up with nothing.

>Nice grammar, retard
Fixed that for you.

> my dad works at E3 and he told me its not like what it seems like
user I said seems like I could be wrong but I'm not taking anybody's word for it until I play it myself and what I've seen still looks like Xeno combat with none of the complexity xenobladee2 has.

unfortunately the shit with Tifa's overdone new design is the tip of the iceberg I guarantee you half the status ailments especially the transformations are gone same with the silly scenes that happen because that's "japanese humor" and you cant have that in you jrpgs now.

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>cancer for caring about a remake
>cancer for not caring about a remake

which is it

The first part is going to be a full game though.




what kind of retard are you, even KH fans called out the shit in III. Is this the garbage dragged in by XIII and XV

Not being jews and waiting a few more years to have it complete.

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The only thing wrong with 3 is that it was too easy, which is fixed now.

When you remember that people excited for FF7 Remake weren't even born when the original was out you understand why they have such shit taste.


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>nothing but lazy reaction images ITT

I'll consider getting it when they release the whole game and it's priced reasonably. I'm not paying $30-$60 several times for one game.

Fuck episodic releases.

It's Yea Forums we don't give a fuck.

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What does an industrious reaction image look like?

in Xbc2 positioning matters due to some attacks getting bonuses based on whether you attack them from the side behind or even the front. Enemies can knock you off of whatever you are standing on so you do not want to be just standing on the edge of a cliff depending on the enemy.You can also do the same to enemies if you can bait them near a pit/hole. I'm almost certain FF7R thought about none of this but I'd love to be wrong.

haven't played it yet but certainly wanted to start since I've heard about Critical Mode


This is fake news. They have an internal schedule but can't guarantee that they don't suddenly change their mind about the episode struction at some point. Also they did say that it was "more efficient" with the second part onwards.

If you like FF7's combat you're going to like the combat when it releases, guaranteed.

>Part 1 confirmed end at escape from Midgar

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I'm so excited for it. Even playing a little FF7 on my vita in anticipation

You are wrong.
The game literally has a topple status, and enemies do have other weak spots.

>"more efficient" with the second part onwards.
>Not releasing it as a full game
*internal laughing*

Definitely, as would everyone else

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I know, he need more brainless menu selection gameplay.

It has stagger from FF13 you retard, but I'm sure you will pretend that's a good thing now

You're going to be waiting until 2025 for just part 2 kek

I'm actually really hyped for it, despite having a few issues with what we've seen or heard so far. As someone who wanted turn-based battles initially, I like how they've implemented the ATB. They honestly couldn't have done it any better while still giving action fans what they wanted. Tifa's redesign is so-so to me, the black sports bra under the white sports bra is a little much but I don't mind the stockings. One thing I am really curious about is how they're going to space out the limit breaks and summons throughout the different releases. I just don't see how Midgar alone is going to be a full fledged game unless they're willing to give us things like final limit breaks and some of our favorite summons, but then what's left for the later releases? I don't know, we'll see I guess, but I really like what they have so far and I'm very hyped.

lol this

>Looks like materia will be simplified and support(blue) materia will not exist at all or heavily gutted.
source: MUH FEELIN'

Yes, it has a stagger and topple. You see it in the trailer when Aps knocks Cloud over. P0

Hello fellow consumers, I too am hyped for this computer game and will buy it at release with all the dlc.

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>It has stagger from FF13
>playing 13 in any shape or form

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It also has a topple/knockdown status. At least watch videos by people who've played it before making an ass of yourself.

Isn't there supposedly an issue about the TV screens for the demos being too sharp or something?

>he doesn't play FFXIII for the /ss/
Nigga you gay

>OP asks serious question
>user gives serious answer
>user makes fun of user because he's not jumping on the meme bandwagon

Never change, Yea Forums.

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>Tutorial Demo battles

Knew you would.

yes I watched Max too

The sports bra looks cool, why do people hate it? Black looks good. She looks readier for action

god you're so fucking stupid

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literally nothing wrong with stagger in the demo

was he being all "cootchie cootchie" or was he just having an aneurism?

Because it's shitposting.

It's a direct quote, how is it fake news?

>can literally see the guy playing the demo just mashing buttons and succeeding

Pls no

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>under the white sports bra
That's just a shirt



Just baby talk. He has a daughter after all. A soft spot.

It's literally a muscle compression top.

she looks dull now due to the lack of red in her color scheme now, stockings and added sports bra add nothing to her character design not to mention no dolphin tail at the end of her hair.

Are there still random battles? How do you grind without random battle?

>leave room
>reenter room
>enemies respawn
holy shit, it's every videogame ever


All red.

eh, once they have the engine and a bunch of the assets finalized for part 1, creating the next two or three parts shouldn't take as long. The bigger problem is the total price. I can't imagine they'll make every game 30+ hours to justify $60 for each of them

>no dolphin tail at the end of her hair

Are you blind?

rad af

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Didn't the developer literally say that despite the fact that the engine and models are finished, they don't expect it to make that much difference in the overall development time because everything else requires so much work?

This post is somewhat true though. FF7R combat actually is like Xenoblade 2. You can even topple enemies and do combos by chaining different moves together. Where’s this user is wrong is his implication the XB2 has some kind of complex battle system. I actually think FF7R has more engaging combat by the looks of it since you have more control over your actions.

They'll find a way to shoehorn Sephiroth or Jenova in.

You can't be excited for something if you didn't play it the instant it released?

Red XIII is in for sure, right? There's no way they'd cut him, but he joins so late in Midgar he'd only be around for the tail end.

It's nowhere near as slow or boring as XB2. People are just saying this because of faggot youtuber made the comparison.

XB2 took so fucking long to get good holy shit..

see and that's just positioning in a fight

you either never played XBC2 or somehow never ran into more than 3 enemies in a single fight before

Agreed that was my main concern about the remake. Like, say that Barrett's lines would be too "steretypical black talk" but after seeing the trailers, I was pretty relieved.
Now I hope they keep the small random comedy bits, like when the people stepped out of the train in the beginning and a random fat husband got hugged by his wife and spun around instead of the other way around. Or doing squats att the gym to get a wig etc. Not fully edgy and serious all the time so to speak


oh please, side and back attacks do not make a combat system complex

Button mashing doesn't make FF7R good.

They way Cloud flips into the train carriage and 50 rotations per second let's me know they'll be keeping goofy shit in.

I've only ever seen twitter mouthbreathers who get excited at everything excited about it. Reasonable people are concerned about the episodic nature and the final pricing.

You've never even played it.
Fuck off back to your Pyra wank thread.

>PS4 Midgar game
>2 PS5 World map games

I've played action rpgs by SE, they were terrible.
>fuck off back to a better game
oh no, you got me good there.

FF7 was not even that good.

>retards who still meme about "episodic" releases despite the 2 BD announcement
It is still episodic though

How is that complex? The first Xenoblade game has the same shit and you can actually move while your character is doing basic attacks in that game. I wouldn’t be surprised if FF7R has something to take positioning into account considering it encourages the player to switch between party members by temporarily disabling them if you get grabbed or something, as well as placing enemies in positions that are unreachable (I.e. Barret needing to shoot flying enemies that Cloud cannot normally reach). Did you forget Square Enix has a game called a Chrono Trigger that came out many years before XB2 where enemy positions play a role in how effective your attacks are?

Id fuck her

It's funny you saying that was it automatically makes it good. It's funny you think that is good at all.

fuck are you even babbling about bro
that's just how I think they'll handle it

Don't bother, he's just being a complete faggot. He's probably never even played XC1.

>Barret needing to shoot flying enemies that Cloud cannot normally reach).
oh yes, I love scripted shit and forced party members. Really helps to save money on voice acting too!

That lighting is ass.

I have to buy this fucking game. I told my friend that if it came out in 2019 or 2020 I would have to buy it.

That post wasn't defending anything, user.

how are useful party members a fucking bad thing
I swear you shitposters don't even think anymore

see I'm saying XBC2 is more complex than what weve seen of FF7R and you just made me realize a 16 bit game has more complexity than FF7

why should I use xbc1 over 2 if they have the same battle system/mechanics or does it sting more because of the "japanese humor" in 2

She's a shit character anyway.

This. The changes done to it are so minimal that it makes me wonder why they even bothered to fuck with the original design. If it isn't broke, which the image clearly shows it works well in high poly counts, then dont fucking fix it.

They aren't useful, you are forced to use them and do segments a specific way. You don't like video games, you like Simon Says.

>leggings near her ass
>not an improvement

fags not welcome


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You're an absolute fucking idiot.
The biggest complaint with 7 is characters not being very unique outside their limits. They were just blank slates for materia. Oh, but you'd know that if you weren't underage.

My biggest complaint with FF7 was the story being subpar and half the cast being pure garbage. But good job avoiding the fact you can't recognize shit game design when you see it.

>not a single squat yet

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Real time ARPG combat will never have the depth or freedom of turn based. They have to take too many shortcuts to keep zoomers engaged, like teleporting around or mindless attack spam until you build a gauge high enough to make a tactical decision. It's essentially the same system anyway, but less fun and more janky, I don't understand why so many people defend or advocate it. Specifically in games or genres that don't need it - like Final Fantasy.

We don’t actually know that for sure yet. Besides, having a few moments that push the player to ease off of Cloud for a bit are fine in my opinion.
Of course it is more complex than what we’ve seen. The full game is released whereas the FF7R is intentionally withholding more information about the core gameplay for the time being. My point is that XC2 is really not a very deep game in itself. I found the combat to be repetitive but I guess it should be somewhat expected of the genre.
>16 bit game more complex
This doesn’t really upset me because I think CT is god tier.

FF7 has one of the best stories and casts in JRPG history.
You just keep digging that hole, zoomer.

I hope you aren’t the guy who’s championing Xenoblade 2 right now because you’re hardly in a position to talk about a good story/cast

By that logic:
>complaining that I dont see her thighhighs as an improvement, to the point where im a faggot for such a transgression
>two shirts instead of just one
Changes so minimal that it borders on unnecessary. But let's just we dont catch HIV from replying to each other, you shitdrip.

FF7's story is it's strongest suit, though.

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>FF7 has one of the best stories and casts in JRPG history.

Protip, the reason fags are shitting their pants over Tifa's tits is because she has no fucking personality. She's a piece of shit character.
I can throw a dart at a board of jrpgs and hit a game with better characters than Tifa, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Yuffie and Cuckcent.

you guys should just compare the first bosses to each other or something fuck just stop spamming this thread with xenoblade shit

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I just don’t know why people say this. What inhibits real time combat from being as “in depth” as a turn based game? As someone who actually enjoys turn based games I just don’t see it. As a matter of fact, I think that the active mechanical layer of real time combat can actually add layers of depth if done correctly. Overall, I don’t even think a lot of these RPGs are very deep to begin with.

Giving her a muscle compression top and leggings to match her arms is a good thing. Stay mad you brainless, drooling virgin.

Nah, the pre-rendered backgrounds were.


That's not even from the right game, zoomer retard.

>thinks that was a Tidus reference
Jesus you are stupid. FFX has a much better story than 7 btw.

Stop fucking replying to him.

>Half the cast is shit
>not just Cait sith
ehhh this is how I know your basically shit

>FFX has a much better story than 7 btw

Ahh, your bait was doing decently until now.

this looks so silly today, i love it

You can fuck off.
That is all.
I will now fuck off as requested and leave you with your shitty ruined tifa.

Reeve is based, though

Thought so too, but the camera was weird there.

Keanu as Reeve when?

Retarded thing to say. It's nowhere near the same system, much less exactly. Dumb cunt.

Oh look at the retard. FFX actually has decent world building, there are distinct cultures, lore justification of typical jrpg shit like monsters disappearing when they die in battle,etc. It's far above FF7.


What purpose does it serve? Sure you could just parrot the whole "its practical because she's a martial artist shtick" and I'd see where you're coming from, but there's nothing special reflected anywhere but visually. Why a compression top, and leggings, but take off the padding that her gloves had for metal plating that might do more damage for her than what she hits? Square did so little that it might as well be nothing at all. Just adding on fluff for the sake of doing so. But happy Pride month, you cum receptacle.

Honestly I like the freedom you have in this department, complaints about a lack of fixed abilities is personal preference rather than legit criticism.

Zoomers gonna zoom.

The episode thing is going to be okay. Think of it like seasons of Game of Thrones, everyone will get hyped and theorize about the upcoming parts

>FFX has a much better story than 7 btw.
Also has better combat.

>What purpose does it serve?

Her leggings are a literal improvement, and the muscle top changes literally nothing. She never had visible cleavage.

>Jessie inquires Cloud about his relationship with Tifa
Oh man she wants the D bad.

>Think of it like seasons of Game of Thrones
like royally fucking up the original material, trust me its exactly looking like that

>decent world building, there are distinct cultures
Just like 7, except the crux of FFX is that religion is bad. Original.

>lore justification for something that doesn't natter
whoa amazing

apparently she has a line where says something like "I hope he's as great to work with as he's to look at"

>retard thinks utter mess of FF7's setting is well done and thinks well written reasoning that makes video game mechanics actually fit the world is meaningless
Hardly surprising.

you gotta be pretty stupid to not see how different the combat is from 15.

thirsty af

You have to be even dumber to like either of them.

I wouldn't give two shit about continue playing FF if I didn't care about the combat. fuck off.

what if they set up Jessie to be his love interest instead of Aerith so Jessie's death is more painful and Aerith's is just an afterthought

When it comes out on PC

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>XC2 is really not a very deep game in itself.
as a big fan of the game I agree its just that from what we've seen FF7R looks less complex and I hope when they reveal more that itsnot trading complexity in for spectacle.

>This doesn’t really upset me because I think CT is god tier.
now that you mentioned CT is Lost Sphere any good. Because I've heard its a spiritual successor to CT but nobody really talks about it or at least not here.

>they literally officially linked X/X-2's world to VII
>hurr one is better

You're both retards. Both have a mess of themes, but both share the afterlife bs.

>Her leggings are a literal improvement
You keep saying this, but you're not telling me how its an improvement other than "its great".
>and the muscle top changes literally nothing. She never had visible cleavage.
If it changes nothing, then why even bother to add it? It's not about her tits, her thighs, or anything that can be tied to my fucking libido and attraction to the female body. I'm just wondering whats the point of adding this minimal shit when the original outfit works well without being anything special. There's no need for bells and whistles like compression tops and bottoms, and plating over padding for gloves. The OG design is fine as it was, but keep outing yourself and your artic-region temperature for an IQ by assuming that this has anything to do with sex appeal or just MUH TITCOW TIFA. If its not broke, dont fix it.

There's legitimately a chance this happens considering how hard this irrelevant character from the original is being pushed

Wasn't that quote from some random "gaming journalist site"?
This is from the official FFVII Twitter:

cloud finally looks great. had been a bit off in appearance for every trailer besides the new one. also, zack better be in the next fucking game and the should add him in smash as a clone or alt for cloud.

>You keep saying this, but you're not telling me how its an improvement other than "its great".

It makes at so the only exposed skin is, very high thighs. How and why does this need explanation? The bit in the trailer where she jumps back nearly broke my dick. Completely exposed legs are boring.

Topple mechanic is from FFXIII thought.

>we are continuing to plan and outline the overall volume of content for the second.

Because it looks better than the original outfit, shut the fuck up already.

>why don't you like the story in movie A
>the story in movie B sucked
FF15's combat has nothing to do with 7's combat.

well yeah one is turn based and came out in 1997

FFX was fucking garbage

I can't understand how anyone who played the original can complain about the remake, it must be shitposters.
FF7R looks fantastic.

I agree because if the post-credits scene, and X-2.

Neil Pabon pls go


>not getting excited seeying kicking and punching the shit out of enemies
>not getting excited at tifa somersaulting apps
Pls get real bruh

>even complaining about the metal on her gloves

jesus christ seek fucking actual help

before I click on this tell me what % of this video is about gameplay

It's just a video about her design.

>has command materia

didn't even notice this

What does it mean guys?

Attached: Not a coincidence.png (1469x630, 232K)

call me when someone actually breaks down the gameplay

There is also talk about her limits.

The question is: Will Part 2 continue to be made in Unreal Engine 4 or will Nomura finally has his hands on the Luminous Engine after being thwarted in FF Versus 13 and KH3? Because most likely the next part will be in open world and first half of FFXV was basically how a classic Final Fantasy map looks like in HD anyway.

>people give you reasons to prefer the original design
>"god, why do you care? Seek help"
why have this discussion if whenever someone gives you a reason you tell them it doesn't matter

Maybe Nomura is the reincarnation of Albert Pike, the famous freemason?

what's there to break down
she is basically her dissidia self

The steel gloves are a weapon of her's, fuck off you autistic cunt.


Even Fucking lighting returns had a jump button what the hell were they thinking

>hotwheels Cloud

yeah and it was fucking pointless

If I'm autistic what does that make you for arguing with me

> they updated her design
> they modernized her design
okay how do you modernize a design that's not outdated and has been used in a very recent games and renders

>Oh no, how dare the TUTORIAL not grant me absolute open-world sandbox freedom!? REEEEE!

>was fucking pointless
It made her boobs jiggle




Imagine being this fucking stupid. The combat has ZERO similarities with XV.

They weighed their options. Final Fantasy VII's maps were not made with platforming in mind. They'd either have to redesign a lot of it or they'd have to put invisible walls everywhere (see: Kingdom Hearts 3D). So instead they went with no jumping. God of War 2018 proved that ground-only 3D action can sell.

>Cloud is completely rigid in a sitting position as he falls
Fucking hell I forgot how goofy the cutscenes in 7 looked.

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The original FF7 has zero depth. You literally just spam your strongest attack every turn until your HP gets low. Then you heal and start from the top.

>people are actually excited for this game

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they're still huge, just being compressed and held in place by the sports bra. don't see a problem


Sounds like every single game with HP in existence.

its for those people who want to "experience" FF7 but hate the original game

looks like it has plenty of soul

>There are people who believe the original FFVII was a masterpiece despite it's garbage combat, grindy nature and abysmal story line.

It's a game elevated completely on it's graphics and it aged like milk.

It looks teal.

Everyone changed

the battle system was like the only other thing besides graphics that FFXIII was praised for retard.

The collective screams when Tifa was first shown was pretty moving. Its crazy how much attachment people have to these characters.

who else 1st Class here??

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Wish i had money

this still holds up today

It does look better than I'd have expected.

It’s two discs, two fucking discs. God I hate you retards and your schizophrenic mind-gymnastics so much

>file size equals gameplay hours

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for me, it's FFIX