Ah a gloriouz day in ze urinals or ze reich ja truly, wait who argrlgrlgrl aaah stogrlgrlgrl*shank*

>Ah a gloriouz day in ze urinals or ze reich ja truly, wait who argrlgrlgrl aaah stogrlgrlgrl*shank*

Attached: giphy.gif (320x240, 3.46M)


based, fuck nazis

>Halten! Y-you can't just brutally murder me I am ein officer of ze german reich, bitte spare me and I will tell you were ze rest of m-my men arARGRL!

Attached: ROW_Wolfenstein_II_Stealth_1496826977.0.png.jpg (1200x675, 198K)

Literally based. Nazis deserve the bullet.

>HAHA I ZE TRUE UBERMENCH WITH MEIN PANZERARMO*CHUNK* AAAAAH ein hatchet in mein skull aaaah it hurt so much I was supposed to be unvulnerable the fuhrer promised me!

Attached: wolfenstein-new-colossus-13726-1800x766.jpg (1800x766, 201K)


>NEIN NOT MEIN KOPF I NEED ZAT TO LIVE! Please nein nein nein! I dont wantz to get murdered!

Attached: 200.gif (408x200, 3.51M)

>t. didn't play TNO but use it as political bait
Fuck off faggot, actually play the game. It's great without you using it as a virtue signal.

>Acht einnother day of standing around in zis american shithole! AAAAH WAT! Nein nein nein please dont crushen mein kopf with your hatchet I am aryan spare meee*splush*

Attached: Newcolgif.gif (480x270, 2.14M)

Its the dream of every red white and blue blooded American to kill Nazis with impunity


Attached: 1183618q.jpg (920x666, 96K)

Isn't everyones dream?

>Jawhol! Time to do ze reichARGH! I AM DYING! Zis was supposed to happen to everyone but us whyyy!

Attached: TEy.gif (320x180, 1.22M)

Maybe it is, but America saved the world during WW1 and WW2

The knife fights in that game were very realistic

>Its the dream of every queer, poc and woke American to kill Nazis with impunity

>acht it iz so tiring to flammenwerfen children and helpless civ*shank*

Attached: fysDPBB.gif (480x270, 3.21M)

>*BANG* Someone juzt blew fritz unt hanz into small bitzen! Hilfe send reinforcements before I am blow into kliene bitz to aaah I dont want to die!

Attached: UntriedSereneAustraliankestrel-size_restricted.gif (447x251, 3.17M)

Why defend bad people though?

Is discord raiding again?


its those dang dirty trannies again

>It's great
It isn't. No Wolfenstein game after RTCW is any good at all.

Wait, if he turned, doesn't that mean he pissed a little on you?

Probably. That would explain these very hamfisted attempts to upset "the racists on Yea Forums"

I stand correct


Just finished the second one can't even remember the name. Dunno why but I just wanted to finish it very fast and uninstall it. Unironically the only likeable characters were the jew one

Attached: 1558114922696.png (1349x694, 126K)

Perfect kafka trap! Don't like this thread because it's low quality bait? Clearly you are an ebil nazi who should go back to >>>/bol/.

This reminds me of the time I played Metro 2 and spared every single nazi in my non lethal playthrough, freed the prisoners and all. I like games that give you a non lethal option.

Attached: Non Lethal Postal 2.jpg (1280x1024, 299K)

commie detected
go back to the gulag Ivan


Attached: 1553466105049.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

>implying queers and poc aren't americans
Fucking disgusting nazis bigots like you make me sick.

they unironically aren't

I bet you waited to post that the whole thread